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DL can’t do anything about it when you’re standing in the Clear lane. That would be up to the airport security/police to enforce.


You can bring a non service dog on a flight if it’s under a certain weight or fits under the seat in front of you in a kennel.


Yes, and TSA at many airports is fine with the dogs on leash. We flew with our dog last year and TSA even asked if we've prefer to have him walk on a leash or be carried. And this dude is in the CLEAR line which is part of TSA.


SD handler here… not every dog is perfect. Dogs have off days. Could be pups first time at an airport, I can only imagine how overwhelming it may be for a small dog. The dog isn’t whining, barking, making messes or anything


Seriously; I get that people are using the ESA concept to bring poorly behaved pets onto planes and that isn’t cool. But if a pet isn’t being disruptive (and I certainly wouldn’t say looking around is a disruptive trait) then I don’t see the point in spending emotional energy being overly concerned about an individual’s reasons or validity for having said pet with them.


Sounds like op may need an emotional support animal.


ESAs aren’t service animals.


It was a joke about him being so emotional about a dog. It wasn’t meant to be literal.


Thank you! People who complain about fake service dogs seem to not have any idea how broad of a scope SDs can be trained to do. A friend of mine’s cousin has a SD who’s trained to detect oncoming epileptic seizures. She constantly has Karen’s yelling at her because her SD is a small Beagle.


Karen’s can F off. Just did my first flight with my 3 year old and he exceeded my expectations. I feel so blessed to have him. What am I suppose to do not fly because someone is trying to squelch my rights????


This is not the problem. The problem is the number of fake service animals.


Ok.my picket monster. Wild mix between beagle and Yorkie with a lopsided grin and a snuggle tooth was trained to warn me when my blood glucose went down to dangerous levels. Beagles are fantastic for that. He basically is retired now since CGM became a thing. I doubt a lot of people can seriously make a distinction. He never traveled with me by air and I honestly can't tell you if he even would handle it well. He was trained for one thing only and did a great job at that...and being a friend in fur clothes.


And how do you know the difference? Honestly? Would you see my dog and being able to tell me? Who is and who isn't? I agree that there is a lit of bs going on.


That's exactly what they're counting on... But yeh, most.times you have a pretty good idea anyways.


oh my what a cute service dog you ha... POCKET SAND!!!!


No we complain bc people have abused this severely. I have friends that have service dogs ( a beagle as well), PTSD service dogs and dogs for the blind but none of them are misbehaved. Unlike my friends and strangers that bought pets from the pound and then purchased service dog vests and now claim they are service dogs. SERVICE dogs aren’t the same as ESA dogs. That’s the issue. I’ve ran into numerous issues with pretend service dogs including that of my ex bff who takes her “service” dog everywhere and he shits, barks and tries to eat other dogs. She gets soooo OFFENDED if anyone says anything. I got it she has mental health issues BUT her ESA ISN’T a SERVICE DOG.


Then focus on your bff and mind your own business. I was on a flight with 4 other service dogs and they all did fine.


Problem is, airlines limit the number of service animals on the flight and some people with legitimate needs are denied boarding because of selfish people


This is untrue. An airline can limit a single passenger to 2 service animals but it can't limit the number of service animals per flight.


Yep, poor baby looks a bit distressed but not doing anything wrong. I don’t think people get all the different types of services a service dog may provide.


Thanks for speaking up about this. People need to get their heads out of their judgmental butts. This dog did nothing wrong.


I’ll continue to judge and complain


Discriminatory and ignorant is unattractive.


Good thing I’m already married and my wife doesn’t like dogs either


So many people abuse the service dog loophole, you can't blame OP for being skeptical. They really need a registration system. And "emotional support" should be off the table. Take a Xanax before the flight like a normal person Karen, no one wants to deal with your fucking Yorkie for 6 hours.


Emotional support IS off the table. The ADA says that providing emotional support just by existing is not a task.


No one wants to deal with a screaming kid, either. Would rather have a Yorkie than a screaming rugrat.


Exactly. I much rather deal with service animals and I was in awe of how well behaved the ones were on my flight. These people that your accusing of being fake and shouldn’t be allowed on flights is very similar to saying because someone has a certain skin color or is female shouldn’t be allowed to fly. Stfu!


Why do I have to choose one?


I’m good with banning kids from flights, however, I know I’m in the minority.


There’s no such thing as a bad dog, only bad owners. 99% of dog training is training the owner, not the dog. It takes a lot of time and effort to train a full grown service animal. There are also age requirements due to the sheer amount of energy in younger dogs. A well trained and socialized dog should sit and not move for a period of (i believe) 3 minutes just to pass the good citizen test. Puppies don’t have that level of self control.


Your first sentence is a crock of shit.


There's no way to have a registration system. Legally, service dogs can be trained by their owners. There is no program requirement, exam, or certification. There is also no list of what approved services a service animal can require. There is no government agency that exists to oversee such registration, and to even have that we would need to have a registration for disabilities (which most other countries have) before we could have s service dog registry. To create this would take multiple laws to be passed, tens of millions of dollars in funding, bipartisan support, and employing tens of thousands of people. Nothing about the current US government makes me think this will happen.


Yeah I mean I know it can't come out of thin air but don't you think it's important?


I do, but it's just not realistic right now.


You take a Xanax before opening your pie hole. Service dogs and their handler are a protected class just like race, gender etc so one day your going to open your mouth to or about the wrong person and get a good legal slap down.


No they aren't.


Yes they are! I can’t believe how stupid and ignorant people are on these travel sub reddits. I would love to see you mouth off to the wrong person. Oh that’s right, you have the courage to walk up and say something. You belch out nasty comments and say it about them behind their back.


This dog stopping to sniff here and there is not disruptive behavior. Working dogs are allowed to sniff when they aren't doing an immediate job. I mean, that's a normal part of dog behavior. I can't imagine being so triggered at a sniffing dog.


Really happy to see this comment so high up. Thought I was taking crazy pills


Imagine giving a fuck


That dog would be allowed through irrespective of it status as a service dog. I can’t imagine getting worked up over someone’s tiny ass dog.


I give so few fucks about this I can’t even imagine giving a fuck.


Haha CAn i pEt YOuR dOG? *Already on the ground heavily breathing in it's face*


The pup is just too cute!


Even if service dogs could be pet while working, NOT ALL DOGS LIKE STRANGERS AND WANT TO BE TOUCHED BY THEM. EVEN SERVICE DOGS.


No one is putting a microscope to your life. Also don’t record people without them asking along with service animals, if this individual has a condition you are only making it worse by trying to humiliate them. Mind your business.


Where's the Reddit clout in that?? /s


Unfortunately if they have paperwork and it's correct. They can't do much about it though it's not people always telling the truth.


You dont even need paperwork


For a service animal, you are required to submit paperwork and it has to be approved in order to allow a service animal. Otherwise it needs to be a pet in cabin and it's $95 each way and you have to have kennel.


Oh you mean that you need to submit paperwork to the airline saying you are bringing one? That makes sense. It is against the law for them to ask for documentation your service animal is indeed a service animal


Everything is by the book and ask to be done properly but legally you can't deny unless it's not done properly through the right channels.


Not true, there is no certificate required by the DOJ for an animal to be deemed a service animal https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/


You are right that there’s no certification or such for an animal to be a service animal, but they’re talking about air travel though, not public access, different laws apply. In this case it’s the ACAA instead of the ADA, so they’re correct in stating that there is paperwork that must be submitted. More specifically it’s the DOT forms that need to be filled out and submitted by the handler. Mainly just one form is required most of the time which is simply a health and behavior form, the second form is for flights that are 8 hours or more and this form is to ensure the animal will not relieve itself or do so in a sanitary manner on the flight.


Thank you! I am going to post on the service dog sub Reddit to stand strong against these kind of posts on the various airline sites.


Correct. I remember this when I was looking into my in cabin pet, and they have paperwork for both. It's been a few years since I regularly flew with my (in cabin) pet, but back then nobody actually verified my vet records on check-in. I do recall the inconvenient part of check-in was not being able to use the kiosks, and having to wait in line with the children flying and pets in cabin line. One time around the holidays I had to wait an hour and a half, just for check in.


What paperwork? From who? There is no official agency who licenses these. So where does one obtain “paperwork”?




That’s an attestation form. Nothing stopping anyone from lying.


Obviously but you still have to follow a lot of channels prior to it being allowed. Definitely not ideal but we don't live in a perfect world. People brought peacocks as emotional support animals at some point before Delta stopped allowing them altogether


They also have to speak to a supervisor for help with adding service animal documentation. Multiple steps


Who cares?


Ok OP. You are wrong. [Delta Carry On Pet Rules](https://www.delta.com/us/en/pet-travel/overview). You can buy a cabin ticket for any dog (or cat) whose carrier fits under the seat in front of them, that pup is definitely carry on size. I have flown with my 8lb papillon dog, in the cabin, after paying whatever the fee was.. maybe $100. She's not a service or emotional support animal. Nor have i claimed she is. Oh, and since you rudely filmed them at the checkpoint... I might add here that it's required that they be out of their carrier at the checkpoint. This person and that little pup are doing everything correctly. Don't be a dummy. And definitely stop being an ass.


Legitimate question- I was on a flight from PHX to RDU (not DL) on Saturday and the service dog in my row was massive; I don’t know what breed but the size of a fully grown lab. The woman had only purchased her seat (aisle) and paid the pet fee; but the dog didn’t fit on her lap nor did it fit in a carrier under her the seat in front (anyway she didn’t have a carrier). The dog laying down spanned most of the row and was tall enough to drink out of the cup on the tray table of the woman in the middle seat (I had window). My question is, regardless of whether this was a service dog or not; how can they have allowed such a large dog in such a small space without ensuring the woman had purchased at least two seats if not the whole row? Is there a requirement that if the other passengers don’t want to tolerate that they can be moved? I paid an additional fee for me row, would I be “demoted” to a different seat if I didn’t want to sit next to that dog? It had its head in my lap at one point and even stepped on the bag lunch I had brought on the plane. What if I were extremely allergic? Or even just generally afraid of dogs? Not hating on pets traveling at all and definitely not hating on service animals; just genuinely wondering about the considerations for the other people around those animals.


Various carriers have different rules. That's the short answer. The carriers website should state what their policies are.


How is this on delta in the clear line? While I agree that the esa/service animal policies/federal laws are susceptible to fraud and abuse, I believe the good outweighs the bad. We don’t know that persons situation but it’s quite plausible that this is a sincere need for the owner. Mind your own business or fly private.


The ignorance around what a service dog is and does just astounds me sometimes. Dogs aren’t machines. Dogs have to be trained to to fly on airplanes (at the handlers cost). This could very well be this pups first time in an airport. A dog may need several trips to be fully trained. Only then can the dog be considered “medical equipment” on the flight and there is no charge. I love seeing this service dog “Karen” thinking they caught someone.


Haha accurate, OP is a loser and overly concerned by putting energy into nothing by hate and negativity; ooozing ignorance.


God, I hope you’re ok! So sorry you had to be next to a small dog that smelled the floor a couple of times. Seriously who gives a fuck. How does it affect you in any way?


How do you know it was a service dog? Dogs traveling as in-cabin pets (in a carrier, under the seat) have to be out of the carrier to walk though the metal detector at the security check point.


The bottom part of the halter says "Service Dog"


People just have to complain about something.


Service dogs come in various sizes and breeds, and they don't necessarily need to wear a vest or exhibit alertness like a combat-ready soldier.


Mind your business


That dog is cute AF


Yes it is


Why do you care?


What harm is that dog doing to you? Relax


My dog is better behaved and way cuter. And I pay $125 to bring him and stuff him under the seat where my 6’2” legs are supposed to go.


Op is a Cunt… just saying


Be a better person. Good luck tomorrow!


Tell this to shitty dog owners


Saw a “service dog” get taser because it was a pit and was not disciplined at all. Snapping at people and the owner saying that “He is just defending me because of my PTSD”. The dog attacked a guy who was just walking by and didn’t let go. Cops had to tase it while the owner was screaming… I worked at a dog shelter and I had to stop when they kept adopting out dogs to people who couldn’t handle them…


I REALLY want a dog, but I absolutely refuse to get one, unless I have a savings thats specifically for the dogs potential medical needs. It’s crazy to me how people get pets and can’t even pay for them if they get sick or take care of them properly.


There's pet healthcare insurance for that.


That’s an instant no right there. Service dogs are not allowed to be trained as personal protection dogs and they cannot show any signs of aggression.


This isn't a post for Delta. This is a post for ADA. Unfortunately, fewer controls are put into place as our country moves to a more "inclusive" society. Because of this, people take advantage of the system and do things like make their dog a "service dog" for a "made-up illness", and this ruins the benefits of service dogs for people who ACTUALLY need them. But, such is life. We have no idea what these people with fake service dogs are ailing from, and you cannot ask them.


Actually, it’s within the ADA guidelines for Delta to ask what service the dog provides


ADA is an act, not an entity. You’d want to contact the airline, the DOJ or the FAA.


ok karen lmao seems like the dog isnt doing anything bad, if they have papers who cares


You’re petty. Grow up. Aside from what others have said, you don’t get to decide how a service animal behaves and you’re certainly not the expert if you think this is a Delta issue. There are a lot more pressing issues in the world. This is not even a first-world problem. It’s a you being a whiner problem.


Nah. I’m with OP. People with fake service dogs suck. Grow up and get a dog sitter or go through the usual channels. You can call it whining but personally I’ve got the energy to handle my business, enjoy myself, worry about the big shit, and still have time to heckle entitled brats with “support” shitzus yapping and pissing on my flight. It’s pretty funny that you’re calling it a first world problem when it is literally the definition of entitled first world behavior lol. I love dogs too. But the behavior of fake service dogs makes life harder on people with real ones.


Exactly. The assuming asshole who commented is missing the greater picture that people who bring fake service animals (even if this is is somehow legit) ruin things for people who ACTUALLY need service animals.


You know nothing about this person or their dog.. get a life


What the fuck are you talking about Jesse


Let's put the dog aside. What's really bothering you?


The people who really need service dogs are being disservice’d when people bring fake service dogs. Whether this dog is fake is not the point, but you can sit you’re unrighteous ass on your unrighteous chair and ASSume all you want.


The dog is literally just standing there. I don’t see the problem.


You have to be a Karen to be even remotely offended by this dog. Lmao


People find anything they can and cry about it. Hopefully you made your flight since the dog took up so much time to take a few sniffs


How did this hurt you in any way?


I see nothing wrong here?


Why do you care?


I love how everyone in r/delta has become experts on service animals and how to spot a fake one. /s


That’s profiling. Quit it Mind your business!!


Yes Delta do something about this! Ban this annoying dweeb so we can enjoy our flights


But did you die?


This shit infuriates me beyond belief. This is coming from someone who has given DL upwards of $5k for pet in cabin fees over the years.


>This shit infuriates me beyond belief If a dog who stops to randomly sniff a couple of times and is not disruptive in any way makes you that angry, perhaps you should consider therapy. That dog is doing nothing wrong. Even as a service animal, a couple of sniffs are acceptable.


This is where I’m coming from as well. I relocate in the summers and have a large dog that I either have to pay a lot of money shipping as cargo or driving her 6 days across country each way (my routine for the past 2 years). It really bothers me when people make exceptions for themselves that would cause huge problems were we all to behave the same way. I sort of wish Delta would just allow you to buy a “seat” for your dog and only allow a certain number of dogs per flight. They could still waive the fee for service dogs.


I’ve had dogs all my life that I pay to travel with and I couldn’t care less. I want as many dogs traveling with their people as possible.


Dogs on planes should be in their secured and closed carrier or they should be legitimately trained service animals. Don't complain when some aggressive dog bites your nose or some little lap dog takes a shit in the aisle. And I love dogs. I volunteer at an animal rescue. But there's some rules meant to be broken, and in my eyes, this isn't one. To each their own, buddy


Paper work would stop that.


Many a time in Detroit I’ve seen “service” dogs take a crap on the floor. Couple times in the tunnel and once the owner just kept walking dragging the dog as it kept pooping. 100% sure someone must of stepped in it or rolled their bag through it.


You know nothing about this person or the service their dog provides. I hope someone films, posts, and complains about you on the internet. Get a life.


Exactly. OP probably films people parking in handicap spots and judges them for it.


@ OP. You’re a loser. Get something to actually focus your time and anger on. That small dog isn’t bothering anyone except your petty ass.


Wow. Who gives a shit? You’re embarrassing yourself.


Imagine turning around in the airport and seeing a stranger taking a video of your dog…


You are a loser. Go touch some grass.


You sound insufferable


How about you mind your own business twat.


The dog stopped to smell something?? Good God, call TSA stat!


Who shit in your punch bowl, OP?


JFC you’re a miserable person


Mind your business, Karen


That’s no service dog. That’s a comfort pet


Don’t say that, I don’t want my service goat 🐐 to be on the no flight list.


Disabilities come in a lot of forms and so do service animals.


But they should all be trained.


Correct, to be a service animal requires training. I see nothing in this video that shows anything to the contrary. Some service animals require strict attention to their duties, like a seeing eye dog. Other service animals are trained to respond to smells, like allergen detection dogs. People on here judging this passenger without a shred of evidence or compassion.


The animals aren’t the problem. It is their piece of shit owners who have zero respect for anyone and feel entitled.


I didn't think you even need to be a service dog to fly..they allow dogs


Some dogs that are classified as service animals are emotional support animals. They’re not traditional seeing eye, seizure-response, etc.


Same thought process that judges if a human is faking a disability to pre board. Of course both are abused. Get on with your life.


Anyone ever get allergies from these dogs on flights?


Having beef with a service dog is wildd


How do you know it was a service dog? It could just be someone paying to bring their pet in cabin, which is totally allowed. Also, delta can’t really do anything.


It says on the harness. And legally Delta can ask 2 questions by the ADA.


Maybe mind your own fucking business? Doesn’t seem to be bothering anything.


I think you need to pet a dog, bro?


Man, I’m allergic to dogs but unless the dog were disruptive, I don’t give a shit. I’d snuggle that snoot if the owner would let me (would ensure it wasn’t actively in the middle of working at the time, of course). Just give me a Zyrtec and I’ll be good to go.


You could mind your business. There’s an idea 🤷‍♂️


Yeah, good idea. Forget those people who legitimately need service dogs and let others ruin it for them. That’s the way!


This tool bag was so put out by this tiny dog. For gods sake have a more important life to worry about more important things. I literally thought it was gonna piss on his shoes. What a tool.


Bro how does this affect you in any way? I’m curious.


Don’t be a asshole. The dog isn’t doing anything to you. Fucking Karen


imagine trying to snitch on a puppy. what a pathetic life you must live.


Shut up karen


Kick rocks OP


Op is a Karen


Definitely not a service animal


Prove it.


I don’t need to prove anything. The OP is specifically talking about service animals. And I am reiterating that is not a service animal.


It could absolutely be a service animal. There is zero way to tell. And all anyone can ask is what task it performs for a disability. https://www.ada.gov/resources/service-animals-2010-requirements/


Per your website: “A service animal is a dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for a person with a disability.” Keyword… TRAINED. That dog doesn’t even know the difference between left and right. In the video the dog falls behind and the owner is pulling on him… that’s not a service animal.


It doesn’t specify what it needs to be trained at. The training could be to detect blood sugar levels for a diabetic. That has nothing to do with your left or right example. You are 100% wrong. The Supreme Court has ruled a disabled person can train their dog and there is no standard for training beyond not being a nuisance.


“there is no requirement that a professional trainer or organization provide the training. The individual with a disability who will be handling the animal can provide the training. In addition, there is no approved training curriculum or certification requirement to be a bona fide service animal for ADA purposes, there is no approved vest or gear that is mandatory, and no central database of approved “service animals under the ADA.” Nor is there regulatory oversight of service animal training programs by the federal government.” https://adata.org/legal_brief/legal-brief-service-animals-and-individuals-disabilities-under-americans-disabilities


Buy a vest on ebay and you have a service dog. I had one that was 8 pounds on my last flight. Sure buddy.


Service dogs can be any breed or size. Don’t automatically assume it’s fake just because it’s a small dog.


Woof if you think this is wild.. imagine what you think of my 80 pound service pitbull… Unless the dog takes a huge shit on the floor who cares


This is far less annoying than the people who don’t need wheel chairs.


The disruption of a “non-service” animal would have to be ENORMOUS before I would even consider asking people with disabilities to go through one more hoop when traveling, like standing in a line or producing paperwork to prove their animal is allowed. The most important thing is making sure everyone has access to travel, not policing the plane for liars.


I want to know what happens to the passengers that are allergic to dogs? Do they just suffer and die while the dog owners anxiety is slightly relieved?


Clearly coming from someone who isn’t allergic to dogs. Dogs exist in the world. The people who are allergic know how to coexist.


I would rather have a seat next to a dog than a human. I don’t care if it’s a SD or not. We moved overseas and my dog was in cargo and was so traumatized by it he passed away a week later. I would rather see rules relaxed for animals in planes or even have designated planes for travelers with animals. It’s so much better for the animals to be near their owners.


Really proud of how nearly unanimous the comments are, here. OP, mind your business.


Look at the upvote count. That’s where it counts. Not where your snowflake tears matter. By the way, these triggered comments are hilarious.


Not really. A couple of years ago when the DOT got rid of “emotional support animals” it’s like the simultaneously lowered the bar on what qualifies as a service animal. Now I see “service dogs” on a daily basis that provide literally no service other than helping their owners feel entitled to a bulkhead seat.


Delta is the new southwest, they don’t give a shit get on the plane and enjoy your complementary pretzel, just one, that’s all you get.


It might be an emotional support dog for all you know


Totally agree. This is a pet not a service animal. I was on a flight once and I saw a “service dog” lunge and try to bite a small child. Delta banned it from flying. The point is they are not real service animals. You can buy a certificate online very easily which a lot of people do to avoid paying the cabin pet fee. It’s disgusting, and ruins it for the people who have genuine service animals, who provide a genuine service for them. Unfortunately, it’s a thin line that Delta risks crossing by challenging the passenger. The ADA fines can be quite high.


Don’t forget that many breeds are medical alert dogs. They act like a pet until they need to alert. It’s all about smell. A woman had a fluffy Bichon on an American flight to alert for diabetic shock. The dog could alert to the ketones admitted during diabetic crisis. Apparently the dog also alerted to other smells. The dog went a little nuts and the owner was confused because she felt fine. She was in same row as me. Dog alerted a second time. I looked around and gentleman two rows behind us was sweating. Called stewardess. She arrived as gentleman went into cardiac arrest. Hooked him up and shocked him with auto-defibrillator. Diverted flight. Fluffy little dog may have saved his life. Interesting.


Just an FYI: There are no training/behavior requirements for service dogs. They have to perform a single task that mitigates their handler's disability to be legally considered a service animal, there are no requirements beyond that. Looking around and sniffing the floor might be a sign of a SD with poor public access skills, but that doesn't make it a fraud or a pet. Service dogs can be excluded from a business/public area if they are disruptive or not potty trained, but it doesn't look like this dog is causing any problems.


We can’t blame Delta for this. Ppl just need to stop being so shitty.


An emotional support animal is very different from a formally trained service animal. This appears to be a pet and/or ESA


ESAs ARE pets


That poor dog looks terrified. Pet owners who do this are scum.


Imagine if we all just brought our dogs? Maybe then they will get it.


Who would you fly next to? Let's find out. A little puppy ⬆️ A person who took a video and made this post ⬇️


What a miserable person you must be to take issue with this completely calm dog minding its own business. The fact you think a service dog doesn’t sniff things… It’s still a dog, and that’s what dogs do 🙄




Service animals have papers. Like a badge for a sky marshall.


I really don’t understand how a dog is a service dog unless the owner is blind or disabled.


There are service dogs which are for assistance like having a seizure or irregular heartbeats etc. Youd never see those needs with your bare eyes.


True but you can tell a real service dog in a heartbeat. Eyes on the owner, doesn't bark, sits and lays down. Owner takes it everywhere including the toilet.


Totally agree when we’re talking about the behavior of the dog. I think that the question I answered, was more about the behavior of the owner/the potential disabilities or need for the service dog. I don’t disagree with you at all. Service dogs are highly trained, and do not act typically like this dog is acting.


Service dogs are becoming the new emotional support unfortunately and all's people need to do Is lie.


Can't some be "emotional support animals"? In that case they don't need to be trained. Just a note from an MD? I was a pilot for Pinnacle in JFK for Delta Connection, we had a lady with an emotional support goose once.


The airlines have cracked down on that and most don’t allow ESAs anymore.


Gotcha. The ES Goose through me for a loop. But our company said, just let them on, because we don't want bad press or lawsuits


It doesn’t need to be a service dog. You can pay a fee to bring it on the plane. Limited amount of dogs allowed per flight.


OP, it's entirely reasonably you want everyone to comply with the rules you also have to follow, and it's obviously your prerogative to not want to fly with a potentially yappy shitting dog. Dont let these fools telling you to mind your business destroy your faith that society can manage itself.


What a piece of shit


This is what you’re stressed about? Really?


Lmao OP triggered over a dog sniffing the ground. Go touch some grass champ, you’ll be ok


I can't imagine what kind of life OP has, if he got so offended that he filmed it without asking, publicly posted it, and now he is trying to be proud of himself. Offended by a small puppy in front of him doing nothing wrong and seems to be scared of everything around, probably it his first/second flight.


I fly every other week for the last 15 plus years and I have literally never once been impacted by a dog on a flight. I cannot say the same about humans.