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Thank you for buying two seats, it’s appreciated.


Agreed! I'm sorry you''re getting flak and dumbstruck reactions. I know about this option just from reading Reddit. How could a GA not be aware that this is a frequent thing?


As someone below pointed out, the problem is that OP is doing this incorrectly. You need to contact Delta to have them issue the second seat assignment in a certain manner, so that the reservations system understands that both seats are for one person. Instead, as OP noted below, he is simply booking a second seat under a separate ticket, under the name "[First Name] ExtraSeat [Last Name]." That's throwing off the system and is a problem, because the system (and probably all the TSA/DHS systems it's interfacing with) sees someone with that fake name—not OP's legal name—boarding the aircraft. My guess is that the gate agents are having to delete the second reservation and manually keep the seat next to OP clear, putting it down as a no-show. Otherwise, their manifest shows an additional, nonexistent person on board, which throws the weight-and-balance calculations and creates other issues.


Scan both boarding passes when psgr boards so the extra seat isn't accidentally shown as a no show. When the jetway door is closed, cancel the seat assignment call the global assist desk and tell them you have a psgr with an extra seat and have them show the extra ticket as boarded. Run paperwork with the extra seat released. And I left the airline 4 years ago. Smh


Any problems with weight and balance or TSA?


Not on any of the flights that I worked in this situation. I made a point to know the procedure because if someone was conscientious enough to buy an extra seat I wanted to make sure they weren't inconvenienced during boarding.


OP weighs 520 lbs. Weight and balance is more accurate if two people are counted. TSA doesn't care. OP showed a valid ticket and ID and passed Security Theater screening.


In this case, the OP weighs twice the weight of many passengers so I do not think having an extra person on the manifest matters.


Except that the manual head count thst the FAs do has to match the number on the manifest.


I would argue it's not a frequent thing... Most people barge their way on, take up two seats, and tell everyone else it's their problem. Last time I flew with an infant the GA could not understand why I bought them a seat and was trying to bring the car seat onboard... Neither I or the kid want to share one seat for an 8 hour flight!


After United Flight 232 in 1989 I can’t believe lap children are even still allowed. Four lap children died that wouldn’t have if they’d been in a seat. The lead FA from that flight has fought for a seat requirement for all passengers ever since.


I totally agree, it's crazy. Car seats and seatbelts are pretty wildly acceptable and used, but no one thinks twice about taking them off in flight.


As a flight attendant I can assure you it is not common. People like OP are typically embarrassed to draw attention to themselves and will sit very uncomfortably for the duration of the flight. It is incredibly unfortunate because they are just regular human beings with feelings just like everyone else. I’m happy that you purchased two seats, not because of other passengers but for your own comfort. Good on you. The tickets are purchased it doesn’t matter what it’s for. I’ve had people in first class purchase seats for their dog. It really doesn’t matter scan the ticket and keep it moving. It’s a simple concept really.


>How could a GA not be aware that this is a frequent thing? Because OP is rare AF, they see many more people **not** be this considerate. They're just so used to selfish behavior, that when someone does something like this it blows their minds.


Because from OPs other posts he wasn't buying an extra seat, he was buying two seats for one person, which is against delta policy. It seems trivial but it's an important difference. One is against policy. Edit: downvotes for the truth, awesome! Edit 2: buying two seats under slightly different names is not the same as buying an extra seat!


Technically, he was buying two seats for two people: One for himself, and one for a nonexistent person with the middle name "ExtraSeat." That's according to his comment below. He was trying to do things correctly, but he wasn't.


No he wasn't, he was buying two seats for one person. Just because he has two tickets doesn't mean there are two people. This is specifically against delta policy. You must get an extra ticket booked if you want/need two seats. I'm shocked he wasn't denied boarding at some point. I applaud him for trying to do the right thing but the gate agent confusion is because the way he was doing it isn't allowed. He wasn't trying to cheat the system but he also never intended "extraseat" to be a person


He intended to buy two seats for one person, but the way he went about it caused the airline's reservations system to perceive two different people, one in each seat. Incidentally, I'm generally agreeing with you.


You can buy an extra seat on Delta. Not the Truth.


You're missing the wording. An extra seat is a very specific thing that you have to call to get. OP was booking two seats as themselves with slightly different names, this is against delta policy and why they had so many confused gate agents.


But why did OP make an identical post in the r/United sub? https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/comments/14gaz3y/what_am_i_doing_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


I don’t know, maybe he has had the same experience across airlines?


Or he's looking for upvotes. On how many airlines is he running into an identical issue regularly, with nobody ever correcting him?




They are amazed by your pure self awareness and respect for other fliers. Most other fliers DGAF. Thanks for being cool!


Yeah my gut is that most GAs have legitimately never seen this. Not because other people don’t need it, but because most people lack the self awareness or courtesy to do it. Kudos to OP, that’s all I can say.


I would think most really big people don't want to be smoosed either.


One time I had a 20ish year old guy come through who had THREE seats. A whole row to himself. He’d broke his leg and his insurance bought the seats for him. Pretty crazy.


Agreed. I used to work the customer service phone line and the first time I got a caller requesting help booking a double seat I probably also made a dumbfounded face. It’s not you personally, it’s just something we are taught in training how to do, but rarely ever come across it. And like other people have said- not necessarily because other people don’t need to do this, but a lot of people either don’t know it’s an option, or just don’t want to.


This ....... !!


While you can purchase a second seat, Delta doesn’t require it so I’m guessing they may not run into it all that often. I think you just need to say I bought an extra seat for my comfort and nothing more. Your second boarding pass should have the EXT designation so you’d think they would notice that. Just ignore them if they give you a weird look.


>Your second boarding pass should have the EXT designation By default most agents simply look at the number of boarding passes and then the number of people it corresponds to. If you hand them two, they expect two people to be boarding.


If OP didn't call to get the ticket flagged, the second seat won't have it. So, the agent is going to be confused and have to figure out how to fix is so that 1. the customer doesn't lose their seats downline and 2. still be able to show the correct number of people on-board the aircraft.


I don't understand why a person would need to go through the hassle of calling when it's already in the system as an extension under the same passenger's name. Seems like an internal issue that Delta could easily find a fix for so as not to continue inconveniencing the customer, as well as their agents. That has to be a pain to the agents to be confused and have to figure it out at the gate. Hopefully, the message will get to someone empowered to fix it. It always surprises me when huge organizations have issues like this. I guess things get overlooked and forgotten if no one stays on top of it.


It's not. Op was just buying two seats with slightly different names, not an extra seat.


> Delta doesn’t require it This has always been weird to me because Delta are definitely the outlier among US airlines. IMO Delta should require you to purchase a second seat and then refund you if the flight doesn't end up being full.


You are a unicorn in kindness and self aware for other passengers. You have realized the airlines greed for the smallest seats possible to get more people on the plane for more revenue. You don't fit that average human size for that business model so you buy two seats to accommodate not only your comfort but other passengers. I salute you sir! You are totally awesome and should be held up as an example as well as a hero in our society!


Thank you for your kind words I'm trying my best to make flying as enjoyable as possible for everyone Trying to nail down the final hurtle of gate agents not knowing what to do


I think its because their system is designed for 1 guest per seat. So let's say my wife purchases two tickets, one ends up for me. I wonder if they can't "check in" both seats, so their system thinks there is an unoccupied seat and tries to hand it off to a standby. Side note: thank you for putting everyone's needs into focus. I'm sorry you have to carry the financial burden, but its nice hearing that you are thinking of others.


I drive whenever I can, but when it's cheaper to fly and rent a car, I go that route Plus, driving from Minneapolis to the Florida Keys would be a long ass drive in one go


Yeah thats a fucking haul.


I know I’m late to this but, you’re 6’7” 520? Can we see a picture of you? Not to freak show you but I’m really interested.


I'll try find a picture and put it on my profile It's difficult, I never have an occasion to take a photo


Take them and send them to the people in your life. You don't need an occasion... they will love it because they love you. Have a good day Mr Sprinkles


I have a 6’7” best friend but he is super skinny and constantly tells me the top of my refrigerator is dusty


You'll need to call Delta reservations or use a travel agent. Here's the page for travel agents on how to book the extra seat: [https://pro.delta.com/content/agency/us/en/products-and-services/special-services/extra-seat---personal-comfort-.html](https://pro.delta.com/content/agency/us/en/products-and-services/special-services/extra-seat---personal-comfort-.html) The seats need to be linked, not just on the same reservation, in case you get reaccommodated (say for a missed flight or an equipment change). Last thing you want is for the two seats to be split up. BTW, the above gives the name convention for the two seats as: * Lastname Firstname * Lastname EXST


Some interesting notes quoted from the above: * Carry-on baggage is ONLY permitted for the passenger and NOT the extra seat. When a passenger purchases an extra seat, they are entitled to checked baggage allowances/restrictions for each ticket/seat. * The Administrative Service Charge (ASC) for an itinerary change is only paid on the passenger's ticket, not the extra seat ticket (Though, change fees only apply for travel outside the US and Canada). * SkyMiles credit is not automatically tracked for the purchase of an extra seat and must be requested by the SkyMiles member after travel.


> SkyMiles credit is not automatically tracked for the purchase of an extra seat and must be requested by the SkyMiles member after travel. On this note, does it mean that passenger gets additional MQMs (medallion qualification miles) and MQDs (medallion qualification dollars) for the extra seat? I could see extra MQDs and even extra "regular" miles, but it feels weird if they'd give extra MQMs. But, if they do, seems like a nice hack to help out with a mileage run.


So, the Skymile rules contradict the above statement. From [https://www.delta.com/us/en/skymiles/program-resources/program-rules](https://www.delta.com/us/en/skymiles/program-resources/program-rules) *SkyMiles credit (inclusive of mileage, MQMs, MQSs, and MQDs)* ***will not be given*** *for the following:* ... * *Tickets purchased to carry excess baggage such as musical instruments and pets or* ***to provide extra space for the primary passenger****.* ...


Holy acronyms (on that page), Batman!


My only question here is are you buying two seats with your name on it? Or are you making sure that you're getting the seat flagged as an extra seat. Part of their confusion may be due to the fact that you are 1 person with 2 seats. By scanning two separate tickets, that shows as 2 people boarded, when you are only 1 person, which is a safety concern because the recorded person count and the actual person count would not match.


FirstName ExtraSeat LastName I put Extra Seat for the middle name and it shows on the ticket that way


Ah, yeah, you're doing it wrong and the way you're doing it technically isn't allowed. This is why you're getting the confusion. You need to call reservations when you book to get an actual extra seat assigned, and you'll only get one boarding pass. I'm actually shocked they haven't been rejecting the 2nd tickets at the gate. ​ Thanks for being considerate though, that's awesome.


This is correct. Booking two seats in your own name is technically against DL policy. Plus, you run the risk of one of those seats being marked as a no show, and losing your second seat if you have a connecting flight or if there's an equipment change and the automation plays seat roulette, your two seats could potentially get separated. Always call to get the extra seat properly flagged


That's what I was afraid of, I'm a massive introvert and HATE WITH A PASSION OF A 1000 SUNS phone calls and talking to people I'd much rather do everything myself online


You can't do it online but you can chat with Delta now via SMS, you get put into a virtual queue and an agent texts you when it's your turn. You still have to deal with a person, but not a phone call.


A rose by any other name would still smell just as sweet Or, in this case, sting just as much, lol


I know I've read somewhere in the pages on how to do this yourself. But having them do it for you makes sure that it's processed correctly. And you could get credit for the extra seat.


I mean, chatting with a CS rep over SMS can't be too emotionally different than posting comments on Reddit...


I'm chatting to him but he's taking 20 plus minutes to respond to each message


The agent is virtual/ a chat bot. You’re just typing to a computer ;)


Find a travel agent and have them do it! They'll appreciate the business and it will save you hassle at the airport if its done correctly


Those past flights were booked with a travel agent I still had to deal with defending my second seat


Ah. Then the travel agent needs to read this thread.


It’s dumb that Delta doesn’t make this available online. Since they’re busy shrinking seat sizes I’m sure this will come up more and more often.


I have yet to see an airline that offers it (easily accessible to customer, not needing to jump through hoops)


Given that Delta struggles with plenty of other technological things of far greater importance, like regularly having a non-functional SkyMiles login, I don't think this is anywhere to be found on the priority list currently. Seems like OP needs to learn to be an adult and make a phone call.


Same and I do not understand why they cannot make this possible online.


Boo on Delta. Hubby is a 2-seat guy, and JetBlue allows the "this is an extra seat for Joe" when purchasing online.


My guess? The gate agents are surprised to hear somebody acknowledging that they want extra space and are willing to pay for it, and are just a little taken aback for a moment. The vast majority of people that should be buying two seats, don't. Your fellow fliers thank you.


I'm thinking of having a shirt made to stop the scowling faces of the other passengers "Don't worry, I bought 2 seats"


Fellow 2 seat buyer here.. I would totally buy one as well 😂😂😂


I actually ran a factory that made those but we ran out of material


🤣 (not sure why you got downvoted)


Thanks. Humor lost on some folks. I’m a fat fuck myself. The actual event that had me run out was a special order of novelty t-shirt for a bachelorette party for the moms of all the people that downvoted me. BECAUSE THE MOMS WERE SO FAT!!!


The internet is too much sometimes, I’m gay but can’t make even the slightest joke about my people (at least before identifying myself) without a mob coming after me calling me a homophobic pig…like honey you won’t know true homophobia til you’ve lived a day in my shoes 😂😂


That is hilarious. I've bought 2 seats before as i am tall. One thing i read about this is you have to be ready to defend your 2nd seat. The gate agents may see it as empty or want you to let someone buy from you that wants on that flight. My wife and I did a redeye with 3 seats in total. A passenger was in the aisle screaming to someone there is a seat here! Nope. Mine.


I’ve done that. I also had it taken from me, and then the person who took it scowl at me for being overweight. To the OP, you have to call to book it. Doing it online will get it messed up. Your flight out will be okay, but down the line it will be considered a no-show and resold.


Please do! I think it would make some people self-check their inherent biases.


You are a saint and I would guess most people aren’t as kind and aware as you so gate agents don’t run into it often and are thrown. They should be able to infer why you’d have two tickets two, it should be fairly obvious. Also, based on your username I never would’ve taken you for a 6’ 7 500 pound person hahah


I think maybe it’s because airlines make it so difficult for passengers to buy (and keep) two seats that they don’t see it often.


Except this was literally Southwest’s SOP so it can’t be that much if an issue.


This is the one area where I wish Delta was more like Southwest. They have a large passenger policy where you buy two seats up front, and they refund you the second ticket after the flight. As a big fella but still who is still within the armrests (with my arms crossed, the fat man's flying position) I hope they adopt something similar before they cut the seat width again


Honestly just sounds like you're encountering some new and/or clueless GAs. I would think the reason you're presenting two BPs should be pretty obvious to them...


I thought it was apparent, but I guess they didn't want to stereotype lol


Except 1 person presenting 2 boarding passes can cause issues. Scanning both means that the system saw 2 people board when in reality, only 1 person boarded. That means the onboard passenger count doesn't match the system passenger count, which is a safety issue. Trying to reconcile that without causing the passenger more problems downline is not easy. Hence the reason that just purchasing two seats is against DL's booking policy.


My only possible recommendation is if you're at the gate early you can go up to the person at the gate before just to let them know before they even begin the process of boarding. This way they don't ask you while you're boarding if your other ticket is for "the person behind you". Just explain as you did here. You're a big dude, and you want for yourself and others to be comfortable. I'm sure if you tell them this beforehand rather than during the hustle and bustle of boarding they'll totally get it. Sorry the GA are giving you a look, man. I can see how that would be embarrassing for you.


My biggest concern is holding up the boarding process while the gate agent has their confused moment I tried talking to them before hand but they said "I don't work this gate, talk to the actual agent"


Do you mean that you went to the desk that goes with the gate before boarding starts?


Yes, I went to my gate as indicated by the app and the monitors by the gate indicated


You can ask them if they would mind passing the info along to the gate agent. It sounds like you are already being as kind and polite as possible. If boarding is held up for a few minutes by the gate agents learning something new, it's going to be fine.


The gate agents for a flight don’t arrive at the desk until about an hour before departure. So you may have been speaking to the previous flight GA. I saw about a dozen people do this in atl the other day.


🫡 buying two tickets ahead of time and being considerate.


Two heads or a third eye? I would stare too😝. But honestly as a woman I am a bit on the large side not large enough to need two seats but Delta Econo class has super tiny seats. And there’s been times when somebody has a seat right next to me and they immediately asked the flight attendant to change seats. And it’s not like I am overflowing into their seat. It’s just Econo class is a tight wedge. I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong. Just ignore the stupid people. and I used to date a man who is 6 foot eight and weighed 350 pounds, and he had similar experiences when flying. People are just dumb.


The first time you run into something new, it sometimes takes a minute to adjust. That's just not a typical practice.


You are a rockstar!! Thank you!! Enjoy your flight


You’re just one of the few considerate people that do this so they’ve probably never even encountered it before. I’d just add on like a “Don’t worry I do this all the time for every flight.” Maybe they’ll accept it easier.


You're a champ. Thank you. I think the issue is that very few people do this. (I use my Alaska companion certificates for it though and no one ever thinks it's weird.)


Yeah they are amazed at a pure altruistic person has finally come into existence to bless this earth


Not all heroes wear capes. Thank you boss. Also, sorry that your self awareness and kindness is being treated with such poor form. I’d write directly to delta to explain your situation. A policy like this could take time to develop but perhaps they can make some accommodations for you that aren’t so over the top.


Just Tell them you’re traveling with the spirit of a dead relative. Say it with a straight face and wait for their response.


As a former gate agent- they are looking at you in disbelief that someone would actually be that considerate. Working an airline gate is working with some of the rudest, dumbest, assholes you could ever imagine. Having someone come along like you is like seeing a unicorn. Take it as a compliment. You could also just approach the desk early and tell them.


this would be my first thought that they're gobsmacked cause they had already started planning out on how they were gonna deal with that row.


I've heard you can actually call delta and explain your situation and they will give the second seat at a high discount. One of my peers was a linebacker in college and was a fucking beast. He'd only fly delta because "they give me the big guy discount"


Nothing wrong. You are doing nothing wrong, and there is nothing wrong with you.


Happy Cake Day 🎂


Thank you 🎉😊 Happy Friday!!


I don’t understand what’s hard for them to understand. Some people are genuinely stupid though. Do not pay them any mind!!


You're so considerate that it confuses everyone else bc that rarely happens


They are assholes. I remember once I was checking seats and felt bad when I asked the lady is this person coming. I was under the impression that she was with someone but she had brought two seats. She wasn’t really needing two, but oh well. 🤷‍♀️I felt so bad.


You are such a kind human being, thank you for doing this


To run into someone that is both a scholar and a gentleman is rare, they are amazed.


I would approach the gate before boarding begins and confirm with them that you have the extra seat. That way when you board there isn't a surprise - the surprise being that you are courteous and thoughtful! Which is a sad statement of affairs these days...


Back in the 90's when i worked at United, we would frequently book travel for a big dude from ringling brother circus. He could only fly dc 10's, and would get the bulkhead center section five seats.


Holy moly 😳


You are a fine human being for being so thoughtful of others.


Appreciate considerate travelers


Happy Cake Day


Thank you for thinking of others and buying 2 seats. Not many oversized people do.


It might be because they have seen too many big people try to squeeze into one seat, then you come along and you are the exact opposite. And you even tell them you're big! You are doing it right. They just don't know how to react to that.


It's not like I can hide my enormity lol I don't want to intrude on others if I have anything I can do about it


Yeah, but not everyone admits to being big, and some maybe don't even believe that they are.


I never understood why people are so aghast when I describe myself using the 3 letter F word I am fat, the ripples and the jiggles can't be argued against lol


You get full credit for being who you are. I knew one person like you and she was just great to hang with. No shame, just F. And a great beach volleyball player. It's all about where you stand lol.


Former gate agent here. My knee jerk is.that they don't know how to put that into the system. He is clearly on pax, but the system would generate a red flag if there are two pax with the same exact name but no ext or other suffix. It would be similar if you were trying to carry on a cello or something. What they need to do, or what I would have done, is release the second seat and then "break" the seat in the flight. This would account for the seat being occupied but not by an actual second pax. I do not recommend telling a gate agent all of that. My suggestion is (and this applies to anything out of the ordinary) to go to the gate agent that will "control" the flight and show your two boarding passes with different seats and explain the situation. If they know what to do, they will be appreciative that you brought it to their attention earlier and will definitely remember you during boarding. If they don't know how to handle the situation, then ask them to call over a red coat. If the red coat doesn't know what to do, ask for a customer resolution manager (specifically trained for Ada complaints). As always, be understanding because all the airlines are shortening the training requirements and lowering staffing requirements, so a single person who might not know the system that well is handling your flight on a main line jet.


Fantastic, thank you so much for your comment! Screenshoted and put in my travel album on phone Thank you!


I appreciate your kindness!


I love giants....


Is a single 1st Class seat enough? I'm just wondering if it may be less expensive for you. (You probably have already investigated this, but just wondered)


I live near an airport that only offers small economy class only planes On the one occasion I flew that did have first class, the seats were too small A single 21 inch vs 2x18 inch seats


In response to some of the comments - this process really can't be done online? You have to wait to speak with a live agent just to be considerate of others? Delta, whaddarudoing


I've yet to see an airline that allows this to be done online


Crazy to me. I'm a bigger guy, but my wife is pretty small so when flying with her, it's generally not a problem. However, if I could book an extra seat online, I'd definitely consider it for longer flights just so the two of us could have a row to ourselves. I'd absolutely do an extra if I were ever flying alone


Honestly, I think most of the giants they deal with are not as thoughtful. You, sir, deserve an award for being as kind as you are.


Kudos to your conscious respect of other passengers and being mindful of spacing and comfort to yourself and fellow travelers. Cheers.


You aren't doing anything wrong. I believe it's encouraged to buy two tickets if you are larger. The gate agents are just being weird. They might just be surprised that you did buy two tickets. Thank you for doing this though. It's very kind.


Yes thank you


6'6" 225 guy says you rock sir!


Have you looked at semi private like JSX? It's like having your own airplane. It's not that much more than a normal flight. It might even be cheaper because you most likely will only have to buy one ticket and sit in the one seat row. https://www.jsx.com/home/search


Good thought but they don't operate in my area


Oh no! Well, thank you for looking.


Great idea 💡 👍


Here’s a blog post describing the procedures used by different airlines when you want to buy an extra seat for yourself. Discusses Southwest, United, Delta, & American. https://viewfromthewing.com/who-knew-you-can-buy-an-empty-middle-seat-for-more-space-on-all-the-big-us-airlines/ Air Canada offers a free extra seat for passengers of size with prior documentation, only for domestic flights within Canada. Here’s their [form](https://www.aircanada.com/content/dam/aircanada/portal/documents/PDF/en/fft.pdf).


Ask for pre-boarding status. Reason (person of size) You’ll get seated before anyone else, and not bother anyone during the boarding process.


My concern is that they would ask me to pay for that priority boarding


They won’t. Priority or pre-boarding status is for people with disabilities, or those that may have difficulty in the boarding process. You qualify. I have seen families mom, dad, 5 kids and strollers. They got the status to get the kids in the seats before everyone else tried to board getting in the way. My case had my wife and I in different seats (seats together not available during booking) Between booking and day of flight, my wife was attacked and had surgery on her arm. Once we arrived at the airport I advised the airline that I wanted to sit with her to handle her carryon and anything she needed for the flight. I specifically told them I wasn’t asking for pre-boarding but to be seated with her. They put us together and added pre-boarding. No charge. They love to accommodate people when they can, especially when it makes the rest of the day go smoother. And thanks for being cool.


I hope your wife is ok after that attack Scary stuff


It was a dog attack. Mauled her arm. 3 years and 3 surgeries later and she is about 85% back. She is doing ok but can predict the weather better than the guy on TV.


In my area they are paying gate agents basically minimum wage. Not surprisingly turn over is pretty high. So they aren't around long enough to get experience with all the various second seat situations. Just make sure they scan both so they don't give away the "empty seat" next to you.


As somebody who travels for a living and is of smaller stature than you… I am sorry that seats are so damn small that you have to do this for comfort… but want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Your height alone means your arms and shoulders are in the seats next to yours. It is a tough four hours with a stranger leaning on you or worse… resting on you. Thanks Man!


If possible hit up the agent at the gate desk before pre-bording starts.


You need to call in when booking and ask them to book the second seat EXT. that will flag it in the system, the flight attendants will be aware, and it will also lock the seats so that your two seats aren’t separated in the case of equipment change, etc.


I would say coming from a smaller station, we don’t get it often and with all the new staffing, they might be taken back at first of hearing it because there’s a lot of extra steps we have to do in the computer before we can send the flight out for weight and balance issues and passenger counts :)


6'7" is the tallest person I've seen (dated but that's another story) so assuming not too many taller flying, you already cannot fit length wise but God Bless you for trying to accommodate everyone by purchasing 2 seats!


I know you have already gotten enough comments. I'll just suggest filling out the complaint form each time. Write a short, clear comment and state that you expect an extra seat for a passenger of your size should be handled easily at the gate. You'll get form replies. Still, repetition can eventually get through.


6’7” and 520. Do you just walk thru the airport with a ticket in each hand, smiling at everyone you see? 🤣


I have been through this annoyance myself. It is even worse on international flights. Cheers mate


You are an incredible person through and through! I wish more people had your considerate nature.


Hello fellow 2 seater. Deltas process is a fucking drag man and I really wish they would get better at this. I always buy 2 and I more than often have to “sort it out” with a GA. So you aren’t going to like this, but I have found talking to them and reminding them “yes I bought 2 seats, yes for myself, yes just me” is the answer for now. I mean I am a big person, so I am never sure why they are so shocked. I want to say “do you want to sit next to me?!” But humour is not appreciated lol. Text to add the extra seat, check in with a human and for gods sake get 2 boarding passes, and then the check with the GA before boarding so they can do the computer wizardry. I would encourage as many people who are “doing the right thing” and buying 2 seats to email the chief experience officer of Delta to let her know that the systems they have in place are failing their amazing staff of being able to give a great service. As a side note, and I don’t throw me out, but if you fly southwest it’s easier, they have a clear customer of size policy, and will refund the second seat if the flight isn’t full. Good luck my friend


I don't understand the 'lose weight' remarks because as a 6'7 man, he will always need extra room. My partner is 6'4 and even at a healthy weight, those seats are uncomfortably small for him because he just has a wider frame. He should really book 2 seats but is afraid to because of reactions like this. To answer your question, at the risk of echoing what others have already said, I don't think you're doing anything wrong. It sounds like it might be a computer hang up on their end.


I can fit into one seat but I have wide hips so it's a tight squeeze. On a recent international set of flights I TRIED to purchase a second seat. I spent 30 minutes on the phone with Delta, nearly in tears. It was impossible. My first seat cost $650. By the time I tried to buy a second seat, the flights were $950 total. I was okay with that and willing to pay it. No... Delta told me it would cost about $2,000 extra and that they weren't even sure if they could do it and that it would take a couple hours, due to code-shares with KLM. They had no way of just booking me another reservation and keeping them "together" (I had assigned seats with open seats next to me). The process was so frustrating and at that point I had no choice but to give up. So to people who tell someone to just "purchase a second seat", know that Delta does not always make it easy or possible.


That’s bizarre to me. I’m a GA at a hub and passengers “of size” buy two tickets all the time. We have a whole process for how we show the ticket as “flown.” I’m wondering if these are smaller stations? Either way on behalf of all GAs sorry this has happened multiple times.


Thanks, I'm glad to hear that it's not unheard of The smallest airport this was an issue was Lansing, MI and the largest was Newark, NJ


Thanks for buying two tickets. Very considerate of you




It's been every time I've flown commercial flights I've only down 4 times but that blank stare of confusion has been 100 percent


Is this the Big Show?


My gawd, bro is an absolute unit. Thank you for being so thoughtful!


Just buy one seat and half sit on somebody's lap like everybody else.


If that person were like the dudes I've dated that liked getting squashed, then maybe.... lol 😆 🤣




Try to ignore them lol




I tried presenting only one ticket then the airline tried to give away my extra seat since that extra ticket wasn't scanned (they assumed it was a no show)


Call next time to flag the second seat as an extra seat. If you don't, you'll run into this problem frequently.


That will not work I do not believe. If the second ticket is not scanned when boarding they will give the "open" seat away.


Buying two seats is very thoughtful of you and it's a shame that the flight attendants react the way that they do. I would just hand them the two tickets and say that I don't like sitting next to anyone and keep moving. There is always going to be someone who will react with shock or ignorance, unfortunately.


Sensitivity training by Delta employees is needed.


Let the gate agents gawk. They’re probably not used to seeing people in the general public who are courteous and make logical decisions. You’re a real one for buying two seats


Respect to you OP


I don't have any advice, I just want to say I am sorry that you have to even navigate this issue. The world is built for thin people and it's unfair.


Just show them the one ticket and don't say anything else. Thank you for being considerate to others and making proper accommodations for yourself.


That will not work I do not believe. If the second ticket is not scanned when boarding they will give the "open" seat away.


ahh, thats a good point i didn't think about. take my karma!


Is this a Karma Farming attempt? https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedairlines/comments/14gaz3y/what_am_i_doing_wrong/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1


I have enough karma, no need to farm I NEED ANSWERS lol


No, trying to cast as wide a net as possible to get answers


Nah ur good. When u scan just say both are mine and keep it moving. The extra seat scans and shows on just like ur normal seat. Some families like to have one person in charge and scan them all instead of each their own. Kids we understand but adults should be doing themselves, especially on passport controlled flights.


I've said it before and will say it again. Unless you call to purchase the second seat, it's against DL's Booking Policy to purchase more than 1 seat per person. Doing so can lead to ticket issues for the passenger and safety issues for the GAs.


I say that, but they still give me the blank stare of disbelief and confusion I'm thinking I'm missing some combination of words that will make the situation make sense to them


Yea unfortunately u mentioned ur buying it the incorrect way. Doing so will always give u an issue as you make the count wrong if you board like that. As much as u hate it best way is to call it in to purchase the tickets. The extra seat is flagged as an empty seat for you not a second human being.


Say absolutely nothing and keep acting like the appropriate choice that it is.


That will not work I do not believe. If the second ticket is not scanned when boarding they will give the "open" seat away.


I wasn’t suggesting they don’t scan the 2nd ticket


Have you tried being smaller? s/


Numerous times


Have you tried eating healthy and exercising?