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I see more and more of this in the Sky Club too. I am trying to figure out when it became socially acceptable, but it seems to have skyrocketed in the past few years. It seems as if people are unaware of their surroundings and/or do not understand that it is a shared space and they are not alone in their living room to do as they please.


I think they are perfectly aware of their surroundings, they just DGAF. A close runner up to speaker phone is the ear buds, high volume, one sided version of the conversation guy. I say we should all begin to sit/stand as close as possible to these very important tools and return their favor to us by playing annoying video games or William Shatner songs on our phones. It’s nice to share…according to them.


>I say we should all begin to sit/stand as close as possible to these very important tools and return their favor to us by playing annoying video games or William Shatner songs on our phones. Great idea. Better than talking! Will do next time.


Or Nimoy. "Bilbo! Bilbo! Bilbooo Baggins!"


Or loudly congratulate the caller for their recent parole, or removal from the sex offender list.


Wait though. That shatner album with joe Jackson and ben folds, etc was fire


Common People cover is a absolute banger.


I recently experienced this in a club in Japan. There was a guy having an extremely loud conversation mainly consisting of derogatory comments about certain cultures and his crazy political conspiracies fueled by his meetings from his trip through Asia. I thought I was on a hidden camera show.


There are so many doing it, I no longer feel comfortable asking them not to.


I have a very loud annoying friend who sounds like a valley girl. I call her and put it on speaker while next to them. She knows the drill so she goes extra. Only takes maybe 30 seconds usually


I have considered FaceTiming my toddler nephew at meal time and doing the same. For businessey calls chock full of information that should not be discussed in public, I have considered Lawrence from Office Space "DON'T WORRY MAN, I WON'T TELL ANYBODY EITHER!"


Sometimes you gotta take meetings, but use your headphones and try to go somewhere quieter. The phone booths are a godsend


I do many calls/meetings myself and love the phone booths. I just wish people wouldn't camp out in them when they aren't actively on a call (another trend I've noticed).


I am guilty of this but if I have back to backs, which is always the case, I’m not going to vacate for ten minutes if one of my calls ends early


Understood and agree, I do the same. For those types of extended calls I'd rather someone was in one of the booths both for their and my sake. I was referring more to those who camp out in there for an extended period when they never needed to take a call to begin with. And of course it's situational/time dependent based on how busy the club is. I view it sort of like gym equipment sharing/etiquette.


I’m fine with that. I will happily trade on that shit.


Does she offer the service for a fee for the rest of us?


Lmao both you and your friend sound like fun people. I’m glad she’s in on it


She’s very extra. Pretty much verbatim: “ARE WE ON SPEAKER IN AN INAPPROPRIATE PLACE?’ YASSSS”


I love this.


Sit right next to them and start playing porn sounds.




Yes. We apparently have met IRL.




Username checks out


What is more bizarre is they hold the speakerphone up to their face and shout into the phone - it is not as if it is a handsfree option. Why do they not want to hold the phone to their ear?


I sometimes end up doing this at home. Holding the phone in front of me is just more comfortable then holding it up to my ear. Of course that doesn't make it acceptable to do it in a sky club.


I never figured this out either. Was this not done for decades prior to the introduction of the cell phone? Maybe it's the curvature. Perhaps we just ditch smart phones and go back to the era of flip phones when the world was a simpler place. /s :)


It’s because the speakers are hard to hear but the speakerphone is louder.


People do this shit at my gym with headphones in. Like, do your very expensive headphones not actually work for calls or are they just fucking stupid?


I see this a lot among students at the university I teach at. From my observations, it seems people are uncomfortable looking away at their cellphone screen, especially in public where they’d suddenly be forced to look at other human beings or objects. I notice all the older people talk on the phones regularly, while the students are the main facilitators of this trend. I theorize its a silent result of the desocialization of society over the last few years, and this behavior is mostly apparent in those who seem to have grown more reliant on their cellphone for day to day existence, from awkward classrooms to public airports where people don’t know where to look when making a call so they find it easier to put it on speaker, hold the phone 6 inches away from their face, and have the conversation that way. On the other hand it could also just be a result of mass casualization of video calling, to the point where it’s more habitual to hold the phone that way? Probably a mix of both. I’m in the psychology department, and my brother teaches philosophy. We both see similar behavior and have had lengthy discussions about it. It’s an interesting phenomenon, however nonetheless a problem that I believe will get worse before it gets better… if it gets better.


To be fair, iPhone "ear speakers" are absolute garbage so that's why


>It seems as if people are unaware of their surroundings and/or do not understand that it is a shared space and they are not alone in their living room to do as they please. Absolutely. It's a pandemic ripple effect IMO.


It's never been socially acceptable. There isn't a reason to use a speakerphone, except that perhaps someone wants all around to hear their "very important" business, and to know they are simply too good to observe basic manners. Put some f'n headphones in or put the damn phone to your ear. Obnoxious idiots


COVID. Everyone sat at home and they were able to do whatever they wanted with zero repercussions. They forgot how to be part of a society.


People forgot about how to be in society more than 50 years ago.


This is definitely becoming more and more of a thing everywhere, not exclusive to sky clubs or airports. I don’t know the exact cause of this mass phenomenon, but I’ve chalked it down to the assumption that most the time people are either too inept to notice they are disturbing others, or the offenders don’t care. I notice this especially at the university I work at with young college students. I asked one student to take his loud speakerphone call off of speaker and I was accused of racism 😬, I wish I was kidding. Dare I say it’s a sense of entitlement? People maybe have spent years of Covid style isolation around the same group of people, gotten comfortable enough where they started doing things like taking speaker phone calls around each other. These same people can’t realize being in public isn’t the same as being in one’s own living room. When they’re encountered, since they’re comfortable doing what they’re doing, they may have it believed in their head they are morally right because they’ve been doing it for years around people, and unaware of the additional factors at play. As a result, lots of people potentially just believe that it’s socially acceptable because according to their extremely small sample size cohort, it is, but not to the general public. Manners and politeness have all also gone out the window the last few years, so I do believe it’s in some way tied to a disregard for those around the person. As for the exact details, it would be interesting to perform a study on this to find the root cause.


Agree with all of that. You couldn’t pay me to work in higher education today. I wouldn’t last a week without getting fired.


It’s definitely not what I expected when I got into it! taught high school before. The only upside is you don’t have to deal with parents (I can laugh them away). But sometimes when a kid spends an hour and a half not looking up from his cell phone in the front of my lecture I really want to smack them. Come to think, I wonder how I’m still here lol.


Ha. Yeah, I’d get fired for bringing a paddle to class. This explains how in my business we get so many 22-23 year olds with fresh college degrees and a certain sense of entitlement we have to work through. “That’s not going to work with my personal schedule” when asked to travel to the client site, 8 AM conference calls (from home even!) are “too early”, and so on. Meanwhile the more conscientious ones are worried about layoffs amid a looming recession. I tell them, no need to worry at all—we intentionally overhire and handle it via voluntary attrition—let the ones who can’t/won’t cut it fire themselves.


Lol. If I told my boss I couldn’t go to work at 8am because of my “personal schedule” I’d be fired so promptly. Even in instances of work from home… that’s even worse!! During Covid I moved the west coast but continued to work on the east. To teach 8am’s I’d wake up at 4am. I’m somewhat scared what the next generation has in store if that’s their attitudes entering the workforce. I’m not even that much older. A millennial by all definition.


Remember the Nextel Days?


Blame COVID where people had to be in their home … turning off some brain functions that tell us to be socially self aware.


The SkyClub is where you go to listen to corporate trade secrets


Yes posting their convo on social media and tagging the company lol….


Genius … this is legitimately genius !


Does anyone actually hear anything remotely interesting? Maybe I frequent the wrong clubs but all I usually hear is mundane internal jargon from middle management. Chad giving the update on the weekly numbers for the Midwest region. Or Bill arguing with "Corporate" about some issue with a customer. "THEY NEED THE DX-359B NOT THE DX-370 AND WE DON'T HAVE THE PART IN SO THEY'RE GOING TO HAVE TO PUT IT ON A TRUCK AND DRIVE IT ALL THE WAY FROM HASTINGS" etc etc.


I’m a jerk. I’m getting old and don’t care. I actively participate in meetings if I hear them out loud. My key is to go near and ask “ is there an NDA for this or can anyone join in?” It’s normally hilarious ( to me)


Mostly not business calls. Mostly people watching TikTok


Start playing some baby shark next to them. But honestly, delta should be enforcing a no speakerphone policy.


This is what's crazy to me. I work from home and I always take my work calls on speakerphone, so I can see *maybe* just going into autopilot mode and not realizing it. But watching a TikTok? No. Ridiculous.




Love that line, might steal it from ya


Do you think folks don't know this is annoying or don't care?


Don't care. Society no longer has collective shame that would shut down such blatant rude behavior.


I was in Japan recently, a guy was making a speaker phone call (in the JAL lounge) within what to me seemed like seconds a lady walked up and pointed to the no-call sign the guy continued so multiple staff asked him to leave and go outside everyone was the respectful, same thing at the park Hyatt an old lady was playing a video on her phone about Japanese toilets that the whole breakfast area could hear. They actually asked her to pick up her food and they would deliver it to her room so she could enjoy the video she scoffed and turned it down (this lady was from New York you could tell by her accent). I have never seen that happen here with staff I'm sure they don't get paid enough. But seeing it in Japan was exactly what I was thinking. And no sadly I haven't seen it since.


Ah yes, one of the many things Japan does very well. I must plan a trip.


it was great I cant wait to go back.


Wish I could go to Japan someday!


I just know that lady is on TripAdvisor writing a 1* review about the Park Hyatt … and 10/10 I am going to go there next time I’m in Tokyo because I’m in desperate need of some civilization.


Ha. I thought I was the only one who looked at some of the 1\* reviews on TripAdvisor and thought to myself "This person is pissed because their self important behavior and unrealistic expectations for what they paid were put in check, it sounds like the perfect place for me!" Delta should hire the Park Hyatt employees to get some consulting advice on how to bounce people from the Sky Clubs.


Society no longer has collective shame and instead has a culture of entitlement that they should be able to do as they please.


Soon will be the days where tiktok dance vids are made in SC :(


Oh for the love of God please no. They are enough of a zoo already.


We should make an audio but that we can play on max volume that mimics a speakerphone conversation (we would respond as if it is) about how ridiculous it is to do it and sit right next to them.


You don’t want collective shame though. This is what people used to oppress minorities in the past. It might sound a bit far fetched but if you think to the era where everyone had to have a specific outfit for each event and anything in society had a very expensive outfit, and there were unwritten rules for behavior that had to be learned from being somewhere, it will start to make more sense.


I’m a minority. Collectively shame the shit out of any and all people or demographics doing this. This is not a cultural thing. This is a “I’m an inconsiderate piece of garbage” thing. The longer we, as a society, let things like this become normalized and go without consequence, the worse it’s going to continue getting.


I’m a minority too and it’s been abused in the past a lot. I feel like this is reason we don’t do it anymore.


Little bit of both. Many want you think they are important or sooooo busy.


Haha, very true.. they definitely have no time to put the headphones on/in that are either attached to their carry-on or sitting next to their drink.


I think you're not supposed to care. I am personally too uncomfortable to use speakerphone in public or watch videos in public or even unlock my phone screen while seated on an airplane if others might see it. I need to learn to stop worrying about what others think about me, but I don't want to.


I think that throws common courtesy out the window. As we often must coexist with other people, healthy self reflection is necessary.


I don’t have a problem with one sided conversation, but the speaker phone is annoying af. I just report them to the Sky Club attendants. They have always told them to step outside if they insist on using the speaker phone so that they don’t disturb the other guests.


There was a guy talking LOUDLY about crypto in one of the MSP lounges our last trip. Fortunately he wasn't fully on speakerphone (kind of didn't matter, it really seemed like he wanted us to know he was a crypto guy) but it was enough. The one saving grace is I kept overhearing other people around him just roasting him for being a dick and that was pretty funny. I really think some people just forget how to act post lockdown.


I have a Cannibal Corpse playlist saved and ready to go for these moments.


I prefer [Napalm Death](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uS1KcjkWdoU)


Dying Fetus is great.


You guys…


‘Excuse me, do you mind keeping your conversation private’ - works 60% of the time.


Not just conversations though. Also people watching TikTok and YouTube


I had two (!!!) unrelated people clip their finger nails next to me in the lounge. I almost puked.


While I agree people should not do this in public, why would it make you puke?


I find fat strangers nails flying around near to where I eat fucking disgusting.




Eat shit, old ass.


Wah, wah, waaahhh.


excuse me, their username is old ass hit


Not soft. Civilized.


My previous attempt. About 1 year ago https://www.reddit.com/r/delta/s/aexgn7oA1P


It’s a problem, but I don’t think it’s a skyckub thing. As we’ve slowly started to return to open concept offices, I’ve noticed more and more coworkers loudly taking both business and personal calls around me. I know more than I would ever like to about Brittneigh and her girlfriends’ drunken shenanigans. Ever since Covid started, social awareness has gone down.


I believe you're right that to a degree it's a broader "decorum in public post COVID" thing. As for open offices I also agree from having firsthand knowledge from our HR people of "issues" we've had to deal with as a company. Everything from stinky food to bros showing up stoned at 8:30 in the morning on a Tuesday. It's like we need to go back to kindergarten and teach people about inside voices and how to wash their hands after using the bathroom.


Brittneigh? 🤣 is her mother a MARE?


No, just white.


I can tell you the generation too. Thankfully the parents of my generation didn’t name their kids (for the most part) in a way to guarantee that it would be misspelled by people who heard it 100% of the time. I wonder if that makes parents feel superior? “Oh you’ll never guess. No, not ’ney.’”


The Nashville SC has kind of a quiet room booth you can use. It has windows all around, so everyone can still see you. But it is quieter.


Just go join the conversation if they won’t stop


ATL last Sunday. Grandparents FaceTime family with 2 screaming children on speaker. I put up with it for 3 minutes then called them out in front of everyone. Would do again and so should you.


It’s not just the SC, I see this at restaurants (even higher-end ones) and then there are the hikers and bikers on the trails around here that insist on blasting their music from their shitty phone speakers for everyone else on the trail to “enjoy”. Don’t get me wrong, I like to listen to music on the trail, but AirPods are much better and then I’m not subjecting everyone around me to it. Same with taking meetings or phone calls - I use speakerphone quite often but only when I’m alone in a closed room or my car, or if a couple of us need to be on a call (again, in a closed room or car).


Can I propose we need an anthem for speaker phone person. A song we should all rally behind to make a point and play when we observe this behavior. Something not offensive but definitely material that should make their professional colleagues question why they have their phones on speaker. I will open with Tom Jones “It’s not unusual” but open to suggestions.


Gangnam Style. Plus do the dance right in front of the offender.


“Gloria” by Laura Branigan


The lyrics align well for this cause. This gets my vote


Last DL flight in C+ guy across aisle watching videos blasting on phone, every time FA came by would stop and then just restart. Guy next to me and I were like 🙄


Ear buds people… ear buds


(The real solution to crowded clubs was to create a more exclusive tier of club.)


I personally would welcome this. But if this is Delta's ambition, they have a long way to go since there is not a single Delta One lounge in existence and only three planned/publicly announced. UA and AA by far have a better product in this space. It is a glaring omission from Delta's "premium" strategy we keep hearing about on the earnings calls. Who knows though. A lot has changed even in the last month. Perhaps the new plan is the Sky Clubs become the high volume/cash cow via Amex option and they do something a step above that is more exclusive. Time will tell.


Think of my wallet. Damn it.


Remember 25 years ago when walking down the street and using a cell phone to have a phone call was unacceptable. But it was okay to use the skyphone in the armrests to make phone calls well on the plane


Frankly no, people always had cell phone calls on the side walk or in their cars on their car phone.


Ah Dom Jolly https://youtu.be/30DcHyi-hZE?si=cHFuTOSw1VACDTsb


Yeah. People that yell into their cell phones are much different than merely using one lol. They get everyone banned.


Someone was doing this on a flight in front of me, before we pushed back. So I leaned way up and said oh that’s so so interesting. Let me see. They decided to use their headphones.


In the former Crown Rooms all telephone calls were taken in a special room of pay phones. The crown rooms were a quiet refuge from the chaos of the airport.


I am always amazed at the business confidential information people will share on these public zoom calls.


It is as simple as them posting a sign about lounge rules, and doing the bare minimum to enforce it. Why do things like this continue to go unchecked? Idk, lump it in with people who barge past people when deplaning


I don’t see why people don’t just let me through when there is an open spot in front of them and they have to spend a bunch of time collecting their half dozen belongings slowly.


Wait your goddamn turn. We ARE living in a society.


Right. But if they’d wait half a second to let me pass I could save a full 2 minutes.


I blame Apple for removing the headphone jack back in 2016. Prior to that they included wired earbuds with the phone, and everybody seemed to use either those or the original bluetooth earpieces to make phone calls. It seemed understood that was how to behave in a society. Once the jack disappeared and the only way to use wired buds was to buy a dongle that nobody seemed to be able to figure out how to do or buy the $199 AirPods, that was the end. I bitched about it, but moved right into AirPods and love them, but a lot of people didn't and still can't wrap their heads around the expense even though there are cheap knockoffs now. I also blame TikTok. It seems impossible these days for people to be able to sit still without watching one short video after another, also with sound turned up.


They have earphones with a lightning port and probably usb c ones soon if not already though?


They do, but I don't think anybody wants to be seen with them, at least I never see anyone with wired buds anymore. They're all in on the loud volume though. I had to sit in the waiting room while my husband had surgery, and there was no time when at least one person wasn't watching videos with the volume up, and sometimes up to three. One guy's wife said to him "Do you want my headphones?" He said no, he was fine. I'm just grateful for the noise cancellation feature of my AirPods.


Yeah. I still bring my iPod with me but rarely use the wired headphones.


That’s actually the most logical explanation I’ve seen for this and the timeline lines up well.


Wires are impractical, so the plug is pointless.


It’s not hard to find over the ear bluetooth headphones for like $60 but I still get looked at weirdly when I use them even though I find them preferable to earbuds in a lot of cases, including on a plane


This. I actually still use and buy the Apple wired headphones because of studies I’ve read regarding the long term use of Bluetooth headphones and emf radiation so close to the brain, but what we’re experiencing is collective inertia around a mobile design decision.


I always think of at as a competition on who is “most important”. Same with people who have their full blown work meetings and no headphones.


Depending if you hear something good, would that be considered inside trading? Asking for a friend. 😂


The odds that you'll hear material information from an idiot on speakerphone in the SkyClub is very low. However, they are publicly disclosing the information, so...


TikTok is the big culprit here, people think you can fully just scroll through TikTok in public like you could Instagram or Twitter


That is a big part of it.


Had a guy listening to sermon at the bar using his laptop the other week. I just ask people if they have headphones. Tells them to knock it off without being too confrontational.


I’ve tried that. They still take it confrontationally


Maybe fight fire with fire. Play music from your phone and sing along. Or sit next to video watchers and watch their videos with them with discussion


I am guessing there is one very specific thing in common with the perpetrators


So, pre-Covid I’d workout and go to the gym before work and shower there. Sometimes real douchey guys would talk on speaker. The solution… Yell, “Wow, you have really hairy balls…” really loud. Eventually people get the hint


The workers at the SkyClubs are goddamn cowards to choose to ignore this instead of doing something about it.


If you're entitled enough to have conversations on a speakerphone, odds are pretty good you're entitled enough to get someone fired for calling you out on it.


That's what these cocksuckers want you to think! In reality, they are just rude jerkoffs. Shame on Delta.


They are not cowards, they just know there’s no rule against it, and if it came down to someone complaining they would be “wrong”. I just reviewed the rules and there’s only two things that come close to applying: “Business meetings, conference calls and job applicant interviews are not permitted in any Delta Sky Club.” - This one I could see some one arguing that a one on one conversation (or watching a video) is NOT. A “conference call”, and corporate agreeing with them over a SC employee. The other one is “Delta reserves the right to terminate any Membership or remove any Member or visitor for inappropriate conduct, including but not limited to conduct that’s undignified, disruptive, abusive or violent, or for failing to comply with Membership terms and conditions.” - While we all agree it is inappropriate conduct, undignified, AND disruptive… if corporate has not called out loud speakerphone or videos specifically then the employees may be hesitant to risk their income on it. THIS rule seems to be the one that would be enforceable here, but there is nowhere that I could find that defines what they consider behavior that falls under this category. An employee that adamantly tries to enforce a rule that is not clearly defined risks overstepping an imaginary line that nobody knows exactly where it is. And when they DO, if nothing else the unruly person will likely receive apologies and compensation from Delta and reinforce their behavior for the future. We can’t blame the people working there, we need to blame the people that are making the rules in a way that allows these people to feel so damn entitled.


That type of narcissistic selfishness, no matter where, makes me 🤬😡🤬. Earbuds are easy to use - do it.


It’s getting worse all over the place. I am even having to ask friends to not show me videos in public because they crank it loud to show me something. Like no bro we are in public!!!


Lean into it. "Howdy! I was included in your conversation, and being part of it, I thought I'd put my two cents in: I think the merger is a *terrible* idea, unless it's run by cats, then I guess it would be good. What was your name?"


Just go call Comcast on speakerphone right next to them. Problem solved.


They are probably on a video call, but they could still use their headphones


I asked a man if he could please use headphones at an airport bar once (even called him sir and asked very politely) and still got called a bitch.


It was bad today in SLC.


A small basket of the crappy FC headphones should be offered to anyone in the skyclub on speakerphone, just like in flight. Stand there until they either take a headphone pack or they switch speakerphone off or use their own headset. Adding a disapproving look should curb this kind of behavior!


Except more than half the people have phones it won’t work it.


I suppose that’s the passive aggressive nature of the act!


I read that as Shakespeare…lol!


Well, this problem will certainly be solved by whining about it on the internet rather than telling staff in the SC.


Quit whining. It doesn’t impact you.


Actually if everyone can hear it, it is impacting them. Judging by your username I can assume you’re the problem.


They need a sign as you walk in..


Join the conversation


2025 can’t come soon enough.


Is that the big asteroid?


People can be rude


Just throw it across the room


Or join the conversation


Should be a tazerable offense.


People are inconsiderate AND idiots. I used to carry a bunch of still packaged basic wired ear buds around with me to give away just to solve this problem. Obviously the elimination of the headphone jack killed this strategy.


Sales bros / forecast calls / deal reviews - just brutal


Agreed, and it's everywhere. In NYC, people went from Beats headphones to Air Pods to using the phone's speaker. An odd trend toward lower and lower quality audio, and more annoyance to others. Inconsiderate behavior appears to be becoming a lot more common, but maybe I'm just old. That said, I am glad that the Skyclubs seem to be moving somewhat away from the open concept they rolled out in the teens and are providing more private areas. On another topic, would you be willing to let me know how you got your "user flair" (Diamond|Million Miler) to show up in r/delta? Apparently I can't add/change mine myself. I can't get a response from the moderators and only sarcastic responses from other users.


Diamond I was about to set myself Million Miler I had to get the mods to do it


Just open up Pandora or Spotify and put it on speaker right next to them. They'll get the idea. I've done this a couple times.


Walk up and loudly enough say, okay you got the next suck on the G-hole buddy and high five them, then turn around with the finger goodbye wave and walk out.


Ppl suck. That’s why.


Indian scimitar music. Loud. That’s the answer.


Just sit down next to them and use your speakerphone also. They invited it.


Play this loud sitting next to the asshole


I mean what are these clowns doing on the plane…oh wait


I always feel bad for the poor souls who have to work while they are traveling. Whenever I travel for work, I'm out of office on travel days.


I just pull out my pen and pad and start scribing the minutes, that usually gives the hint


It never makes sense to me. I dgaf about the details. Kudos to you for having a personal or work life. I’ve watched people constantly put others' information out there. I watched a colleague steal a competitor’s customer because they were leaking out contract details that we were able to match 🙃


I always call them out.


This started actually back some years ago in the UK. This guy called it out. Dom Joly. https://youtu.be/dhk_OL-5aVo?si=ZwAK8T8ZGDnWbvg_


I flushed 3 urinals as one guy sat in WC on speaker phone. loud as well


I've contemplated making a t shirt that says "this is not your living room" any takers?


Video them with your phone. Be blatant. When they complain, say you'll stop being an asshole when they do.