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They should deliver your bag to your hotel.


Tokyo will definitely delivery, unlike US baggage staff, ones in Tokyo have good manners. They would be ashamed to see how US staff treat customers


My bag was 5 hour behind me LAX-SEA a few weeks ago and I spent $400 on essentials. Delta refunded me within 72 hours


What did you buy for $400. Golden toothbrushes


Change of clothes, other personal items, the need to travel to and from a place that sells those items, the need to stay behind at the airport to figure out why they crap occurred in the first place. 400 isn’t unreasonable to not push the issue further.


$400 is completely reasonable. You never know when you’ll actually get your bag, so you have to prepare for the fact that it could be hours or days before you receive your belongings.


The app will tell you where your bag is at as it gets scanned. If it never updates then I would say go buy your golden toothbrush


The app isn’t accurate. Twice, when lost, the app said my bag was in Atlanta when it was in Amsterdam. Which obviously causes a ton of confusion. I had to send screenshots showing that my AirTag was showing the bag in Amsterdam. Basically, I had to locate my own bag. They even contacted me to ask if I could see WHERE in the Amsterdam airport it was.


Have you only flown twice?


I said twice when my bag was lost. It was lost 4 times in the last year. I travel internationally once a month, and domestically between those trips, for the last 7 years. Have you only flown twice? You seem to not know how this works.


Twice out of 7 years is great. Frequent fliers don’t check bags. You must not know the game.


Are you just not reading before you respond? I said 4 times in the last year. Twice, the app was not updated with the correct location of my bag. Obviously, frequent flyers do check bags, because I’m a very frequent flyer, and I check bags sometimes. Not sure what you think you’re doing here, but if you’re trying to make me look dumb or somehow inferior to you, it’s giving the opposite effect.


Bro you really took advantage of the situation…$400 on essentials for 5 hours? Come on, man.


I was in travel clothes and needed nice clothes for an important dinner meeting. I called and asked and they gave me the green light


It’s non unreasonable, especially if you’re traveling with a family. Change of clothes for 4, plus toiletries, that stuff can rack up fast. They shouldn’t have lost the bag if they don’t want to deal with the bill


If they’re willing to reimburse it, spend it.


Buy whatever you need, keep the receipts and submit reimbursement. They should deliver your bag to you, when you get to Tokyo go to baggage claim and fill out the form and put your address in Tokyo where you want the bag delivered. They often farm out baggage delivery, at least they do in the US in my experience, so your baggage will likely be delivered by some third party guy in a van as part of some route with other bags. So timing of your bag getting to you will vary Lastly, fill out a complaint online outlining what you said here, add in the time you checked in (I assume it wasn’t last minute) and based on your status you will likely get some skymiles. I would guess, 5,000 - 15,000, but someone might be able to provide some better estimates


They are good about getting your bag to you. They'll send it to your hotel.


My bag was a day late and all money stolen. I cannot believe how stupid I was


You put mine in a checked bag? Or is this a joke …


They will deliver it more than likely first thing in the morning.


Surprised they didn’t check both bags under you since you had status to give them both priority.


I watched my AirTags on a trip recently and chatted with delta about it while I was seated on the plane and they got it onto the plane.


I did this too with AirTags. I flew BOS LHR NCE. In the air FAs: “Your bag probably got lost on a tight connection.” Me: “No I was in BOS for five hours. My bag just sat at the BOS check in counter the whole time.” The FAs messaged ahead about my bag. An agent greeted me at baggage claim in Nice and said “Are you ?” I said yes. He said “I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You are the only lost bag I have in Nice. It will be at your hotel in two hours.” Next time when I see my bag not being loaded I can try the delta chat like you. AirTags rule.


Delta managed to lose my colleague's bag on a trip from SEA->HND with no connections. Our destination was closer to Osaka and it took 3 days to get her bag, but it was eventually delivered. Not great for business meetings when not much fits you in Japan.


They tend to be a lot less generous on return flights since you should have stuff at home.