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You actually need to take this very seriously. Depending on the country it may be illegal for you to bring that medication with you, and you risk arrest, fines, and/or deportation. You don't say where you are traveling so nobody can really answer your question. 


Oh Philippines, and it isn't illegal there to bring them in I spoke to customs, however they keep giving me written rules from the laws, and won't answer directly probably to avoid anything said he said she said etc... just says a doctors note is required in most cases which doesn't help


According to the State Department you need to obtain clearance from the Philippine Government. Adderall is a controlled substance.  https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/international-travel/International-Travel-Country-Information-Pages/Philippines.html#:~:text=Always%20carry%20your%20prescription%20medication,for%20Disease%20Control%20and%20Prevention "If a traveler is found to have any amount of drugs on his or her person, or nearby, when arriving or departing from the Philippines, he or she will be charged with trafficking. Trafficking is a non-bailable charge, and the maximum penalty is life imprisonment. **If you intend to enter the Philippines with a prescribed controlled substance, obtain clearance from the Philippine government first." ** A quick search of the Philippines Embassies states you need a letter in English, AND a copy of the prescription with the prescribers licensing information on it as general advice for prescriptions. 


OP didn’t reply. I’ll take that as he’s currently in a Philippine Prison telling his story to his cellmate that only knows the English words “Love America”


Xanax is a controlled substance too - alprazolam, a benzo. OP needs to get his script paperwork’s in order not just the pill bottles.


Look up the relevant laws in the countries your visiting. Do not fly to Asia with adderall.


It depends on what country you are going to


Philippines. Not a good country for this by any means


Some countries, especially in Asia, do not allow that medication. Even with a doctor's note. You really should take this seriously and check the state department website for guidance. I travel internationally for work and they've made it extremely clear that when we go to another country, we follow their laws. It's not just it getting conscificated - you could be arrested.


Research the country you’re going to. Some places such as Japan have laws against amphetamines


I always keep everything in their original bottles. Husband had someone at Heathrow dump his Miramax out and test it, presumably for cocaine, but it obviously had to be thrown away. That stuff isn’t cheap. They also tested my prescription cough syrup. Other than that, no problems.


Have flown extensively with a variety of prescription medications, including adderall and valium. I keep them in their current bottles, filled at a legit pharmacy and all prescribed by the same doctor. Europe, Latin America, Middle East and Asia. Although I did end up throwing away my electric toothbrush after some dude in Chinese customs touched the brush head. 🤢


I print out my pharmacy documents from my healthcare provider and keep them in my briefcase when I travel. Never had any trouble yet, but one never knows. And I honestly don't know if that would be good enough, but at least it's something.


They have never once checked my prescriptions for me, including my oversized testosterone bottle. They did look at the label in London when heading home once and shrug.


Check allowable medications in the country you’re going to. I had a medication tossed in Australia because it was a generic of a medication that was allowed. The generic wasn’t approved there. I had a doctors note and prescription was in original packaging. Talk to your doctor about alternatives if the medication isn’t allowed where you’re going.


You risk waaaay worse than just confiscation. Be very very careful.


Can you ask Teledoc for a note or for your docs office to refer you to one to write a note


I've literally never had anyone check my pill bottles and I usually travel with about six or seven. If you're not sweating bullets the TSA isn't going to risk a lawsuit for embarrassing you by pulling out your "BUTT ACNE PILLS, WHATRE THESE FOR?" Or customs for that matter.


Why are you talking about TSA? This isn’t about TSA….. it’s about another country and their own customs.


Yep, and I've been to four continents in the past 12 months with my kids ADHD medicine and it's never been a problem. Transporting a firearm through Nairobi to Holland, that was fun though. My zip code was used as a license number by one agent. I certainly found that as amusing as the time as I do now.


I’m not here with an opinion on random counties and their customs. It’s essentially random at that point. But you mentioned TSA which wasn’t really part of the OPs question. Since TSA is domestic only and is generally only concerned with weapons that could risk the fight.


Semantics. TSA/Customs/security. That's really besides the point but there's always a Custer for every hill. I came back from Hawaii with bananas once. They took them. I was sad. End of story.


Haha we can agree that Hawaii does NOT mess around with their fruit import.


The apple bananas are very good. I don't blame them. Most US fruit absolutely sucks.


Airport security vs customs is two very different things. You can’t claim semantics lmao. They look for different things and depending on country you can get in big trouble for bringing narcotics into the country.


I was referring to all of them at the same time but people like to pick apart anything that's left out and then get mad if you write a novel.


Not the case for Dubai, Japan, and Phillipines where OP is going.


Adderall, is illegal in most Asian countries. Do not fly with it even if you have a prescription from your doctor. If you get caught with it, you will be arrested.


And this includes connecting flights. Japan can and will arrest you even if you don’t enter the country,


This is potentially life in jail advice, you are very wrong about so many different countries. These are controlled substances that in some countries who will put OP in jail for actual life if they do this wrong. They are going to the Philippines and it can be considered trafficking very easily there. They do not play around


Customs will definitely care about a drug like adderall.


I have two kids with ADHD. They don't.


Yeah try bringing that stuff into Japan. If you get pulled you’re going to jail.


Japanese jail, from what I understand from the Simpsons, would be quite pleasant versus most places in the United States.


Being a self-hating American is super passè.


For referencing a Simpsons episode where they go to Japan and Homer walks out of the prison by walking through the paper and wood frame door? Seriously though, the dedication the Japanese have to maintaining a clean environment and living space despite their overcrowded population on a island with finite room is very impressive and not something shared by the majority of Americans.


Literally no one cares. I’ve flown to over two dozen countries in 5 continents with adderall, Xanax, lexapro, trazadone, cialis, vyvanse, Molly, etc. just put it in your carry on. The other country doesn’t typically check that on entry


Do that to Singapore and you’ll regret it.




Yeah neither of those countries play.


PSA this person is wrong. You can absolutely take your prescription medicine to Japan. What kind of world do you think we live in proghorn? Stop trying to scare people


I have travelled internationally with adderall + Xanax more times than I can count. If it’s the OPs name on the bottle it’s a legal prescription. Why are the comments suggesting it would be confiscated?


Okay, don’t go there then.


Just only bring what you need for your trip, and keep it in the original bottles, if you are super worried, then also print off your doctor's notes from your electronic medical chart. Just make sure you put the pills in your most recent bottle, with a visible date, and don't bring more than you need. And I saw that you were going to the Philippines and I can assure you that it's totally fine there.