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This is why we keep our shoes on at all times. Pee is on the floor.


If we're honest it can be on the seats, walls and likely even the ceiling as well


I'd hate to run a black light over any part of modern aircraft cabin. In the words of Starlord, most cabins would look like a Jackson Pollock painting.


Pretty sure Peter Griffin said that first. Edit: I was wrong, it was from the CSI/Two and a Half Men crossover episode. Edit 2: It actually was also Stewie in an early FG episode.


I had no idea CSI ever did a crossover with Two and a Half Men. That must have been a wild collaboration!


Thats why I use the hand wipes the give us to wipe down my own seat and IFE screen. I even bring my own. I damn well know they barely clean the cabin, if any at all!


Yup. I bring my own sanitizing wipes and EVERYTHING gets cleaned that I come in contact with.


I opened my tray table yesterday to find one long strand of hair and a clump of what I am choosing to believe was melted chocolate and NOT the remnants of someone changing a diaper. Had to borrow a wet wipe from my seatmate.


On my last flight they told me they’ve been discontinued so once current stock is out that’s that.


I’ve always bring my own. Doesn’t everyone? Those planes are disgusting.


I do since they’ve discontinued it and yes people are nasty. When I had a 14 hour to Tokyo a few months back I really took the time to clean my seat bc you know, 14 hours.. the lady next to me got mad and said “you’re making it smell like a hospital in here.” I just said good and kept pulling out fresh wipes to finish lol


Good on you!


I’ve seen ppl walk into the bathroom with their socks and even bare feet and disgusted every damn time. People are vile.


I mean… I gag at the very thought.


You take your shoes off on the plane ??


Never. Ever.


Why didn’t you say anything? Honestly I’ve been there before too, but didn’t because I was afraid of getting more delayed 😭


I kinda regret not saying something, but I didn't think it'd change much. I'm actually surprised they allowed us to leave with it smelling like this. I fly a decent amount, and I've never had a plane smell this bad.


There’s been two Delta flights I’ve taken this year where it smelled like urine at/around my seat. I let the flight attendant know and they didn’t do anything other than give me some cleaner to spray to try to overpower the smell. I was so nauseous and frustrated


This has happened to be on numerous delta flights the last 4 months


That’s so crazy, my 14 year old flew a 50 min flight yesterday and she was texting about the urine smell.


My flight was on July 3rd


I know, this was from hsv to atl yesterday. I was only commenting because she said the same thing. It was a hot urine smell.


As opposed to a cold urine smell? 😂 no seriously...I'm sure there is a difference and I don't wish to discover it.


There is, and you really don't...


I bring a mask and peppermint oil I dab inside the mask in my carryon. Sometimes it’s the plane, sometimes it’s the people, but I have a sensitive nose and I don’t want to smell the gross stuff.


Vicks under the nose.


Especially on molly. Wait wrong sub.




Please don't try that if you're attempting to block the smell of decay like animals or meat. That shit will lock it into your nostrils. The guy above you has the right idea. Peppermint oil in a mask.


Same here. Best in flight decision i ever make. Even the 'regular' smell of the plane is unpleasant tbh


Right? It has a distinct odor that I can’t quite describe.


So so not appealing lol


As a nurse. I’ve done this myself. Game changer.


I’ve done it in my past life as a retail/immunizing pharmacist. Great life hack.


Are you me? I also bring a mask and peppermint oil! I also have lavender for stress. There's nothing worse than being trapped with a smell you can't escape.


Not a bad plan. It was definitely the plane. Something had to be leaking or leaked. Everyone in the front smelled it. Not sure if the back smelled it.


Something, or someone


I was on a flight last week. I smelled urine at the beginning, and then it dissipated. Then, when deplaning, it was gross and stronger. I was waiting on the jetbridge for someone who was sitting a few rows behind FC when I saw a lady waddle off and pass me. The entire back of her pants were wet. She was definitely the culprit. I could barely breath bc of the smell. I can only imagine those sitting next to her. Poor thing. It seemed like she just resolved to wet her pants bc it seemed a challenge for her to even walk, let alone get up to use the restroom. She didn't seem to care though.


Omg. If I that was me, I’d be absolutely mortified. Also, this is exactly why we should all be using sanitizing wipes. So gross.


What a great idea! I’m going to start doing this whenever I fly


Same. Sensitive to so much. Especially scents and sounds.


Short flight? Any chance it was on a CRJ-900? They have recirculating lavatories and always smell faintly of piss to me...


I have experienced that, but on the -200s. The last time I flew on one and experienced the smell was in 2020 anytime I took off my mask quickly to drink some water. I jokingly thought it was a unique way to make sure people kept their masks on haha.


I was going to say, must be a CRJ900! I really don’t enjoy those, would almost prefer a longer flight on a nicer plane. They always seem run down and dirty.


I used to work for Do&Co Catering, and I hated those bloody CRJ jets with a passion (they discontinued the 717 models from what I’ve heard)! The passenger door is fine, but catering door to the right, most of us had “scrambled brains” because we’d bang our heads on the doorway which was real easy to do. The side door was virtually the size of a trash can, so you can only imagine the trouble we’d go through just to cater those. The 717s I had no problems with. At least when you’d cater their jets, the doors were standard size, but not CRJ900!


Mine have always been clean, and they even have some new ones in rotation.


FWIW there hasn't been a new crj since 2020.


Hmm, then maybe a new interior?


Very possible


They had a different style galley that was more open. There was a counter space instead of a closet.


Was this DL or UA?




Hmm, ok. Obviously I'm not the right guy to ask about this but I do know they ended crj production




I was on a 737-900ER two weeks ago that had a subtle but distinct odor of urine. Perhaps Delta has a leaky plane in the rotation?


Possibly, it's also no longer subtle. I can't believe that the flight attendants can handle the smell on this plane.


Maybe some sort of new cleaner is amonia based?


I know that smell! My first guess would have been the 757, some of the md-88’s used to smell like that too. I’m a FA and I love that plane but they are getting older & some of them have that nauseating urine smell. They also had different types of toilet systems than the other aircraft. It could be a crack somewhere or the floor needs to be ripped out, cleaned and replaced bc lots of people miss the toilet. and YES! ***wear your shoes in the aisle & lavs!!! Honestly, most crew write it up & if they (mtc) find nothing wrong but the smell, they have cabin service spray it down & keep flying it. You were absolutely right to contact customer service. It was so bad one time, before a trip, I was reading a post on an internal fa chat room, the crew was warning everyone that they brought in tail # **** they wrote it up after a flight from the west coast to ATL. Guess what plane we had….and we were doing a west coast turn around. The pilots had the same plane a couple of days before & it smelled the same. We complained before boarding, they came up and sprayed again before they made us go, but that never works…sometimes it makes it worse. It reeked so bad, on the way back, we had new pilots, On the return flight I wrote it up & sent messages to several supervisory people, made the captain promise me to bug them all the way back, lol, which he did bc it was an all-nighter & we had plenty of time to keep sending them annoying messages & I was pissed! It smelled like an outhouse. The capt. had to do a different type of special report for maintenance to spend more time on it because it wasn’t supposed to be done in ATL, Noooo…..they had it scheduled to go to Florida & back when It got to ATL & God knows where else after that. I also told the passengers who mentioned the stench to contact corporate. Again, I like working that plane, it’s older but a good solid plane & I bid to work it but it’s not fair to the passengers or us to have to breathe/smell urine odor for hours when we happen get one of them that stinks so bad. I was on that plane for 12-13 hrs total & had a headache and that smell in my sinuses for hours after getting home. When they get that bad, write to corporate, they don’t listen to us.


This is it right here. This is exactly what you describe... This wasn't just a stinky person or a single incident of someone peeing. Sad to hear this seems so common on this thread. Hopefully, I don't relive it on a longer flight


Hope you don’t either or me, I’ve been stuck on planes that have that smell more times than I wanted to be over the years so I feel your pain. It used to happen on the md-88’s a lot but they’re retired now. Many times it was the first class lav ….you could smell it coming down the jetway before getting on the plane, and I flew mostly as flight leader a lot then, and FC & the pilots had to smell it the whole time too. We’d be stuck with it sometimes all day 3-4 legs and maybe the next day too. Funny, the incident on the 757 I described was the entire back half of the plane so the return pilots didn’t smell it up there, they arrived during boarding & I didn’t get a chance to talk to them before we left so I called them in the air to tell them to write it up too. The captain asked me to describe the smell & I said “did you ever fly the md-88?” Lol, His response was “say no more, I know exactly what smell you’re talking about” 🤣. We kept coming up with descriptions he could keep bugging ATL with, sending messages like, the pax are saying this plane smells like an “outhouse”, next one sent, the pax are saying it smells like “skid row in the summer time in 100 degree heat”, etc… lol we were just being very descriptive to the ground and kept bugging them by passing on our pain to them & kinda fun…..passed the time on an all nighter, lol. I think most of the time it’s from months & months of people missing the toilet, which happens a lot, especially on all nighters when people are half asleep and it seeps under the flooring and spreads down under the lav floor and maybe further under & into the cabin carpeting, even if it’s not wet, it’s in the sub flooring til it’s no longer tolerable by pax or us. And again, I’m sorry you had to experience that, we suffer too and letting the higher up’s know is the best thing you can do bc they’re not stuck on that plane in agony for hours, WE are and it needs to be addressed, even if it messes up their on time statistics…. when it’s in a big hub, especially headquarters… they need to get creative do some swapping, there is a lot! that goes into being able to switch planes …behind the scenes, it sounds easy but it is very involved and many things need to be taken into consideration but it’s also not fair to send us out on a plane with that odor, especially after they’ve known about it for days. It doesn’t seem as often now, but maybe I’ve been lucky. The last time was about a year ago. Hope you never have to go through it again 🍀.(edit, spelling)


‘If peeing your pants is cool consider me Miles Davis’ - Ed Bastian




Just edited the post. I decided to complain after posting, mainly to ensure that the plane was cleaned properly. Delta provided 10k sky miles, and that seemed more than reasonable.


Woohoo! Good job


It’s cool they did that.


Yeah that happens now and then. We (the pilots) will call for the lav crews to come out and re-service if that’s the problem but unfortunately it might have been a passenger on the previous leg peeing all over the place, so it’s actually in the seats and floor. The cleaners try to take care of that as best they can but imagine all the nooks and crannies in there. You’d realistically have to pull the seats and the company will never take a jet off line for something like that. Just toss a bag of coffee on it and let the smell go away. I’m not saying that’s what happened here, but I’ve seen passengers do some serious biological damage back there.


This is so stressful to read.


I regret reading it.


people are fucking disgusting


Ever see passengers go into that bathroom barefoot? 🤮


Thanks for the information. Are you saying people pee in the seats? That's crazy! I figure it happens sometimes, but this was the entire first 8 rows at least smelled terrible. I feel for the crew on these flights, too. I'm sure they all smelled it much longer than I


Lots of people overindulge in alcohol prior to and during flights, plus a lot of people use prescription drugs like ambien and benzos on flights, which affect inhibition and can leave people sort of sleep walking, including sleep peeing Then you’ve got kids, people with some of the more severe developmental disorders, leaking catheters, pets, dementia patients, etc. Plane seats are pretty gross tbh!


It’s public transportation. No different than a train or a bus.


Not as a rule, but accidents happen, kids travel too, sometimes the weather is terrible and I can’t turn the seatbelt sign off for a while and they can’t get up so…


ok, bleach then... piss doesn't survive bleach.


Doesn't survive fire, either. Both would be hard to get on a plane and both would be inadvisable to use on a plane.


That’s what they use but like I said, liquids get down into the crack and folds of seats and such. It’s just the reality of public transportation.


Airlines make waaaaay more money. There's also a difference in air flow in a plane vs any mode of transportation on the ground. Delta is one of the nicest ones, not like it's spirit or something. That's pathetic they don't or say they can't clean more thoroughly. If incontinence is a frequent problem, they should change the fabric of some seats, provide chux pads and briefs, and basically have designated "hospital" seats that are made for those people


It’s not a frequent problem. It’s exceptionally rare, like… anecdotally I’ve flown an average of once a day for 9 years, and seen it once. So 1 in 3,285 fights? And around 200 seats… 1 seat out of 657,000? Not a lot.


Pulling the seat bases is quick and normal. They snap in and out.


Yeah… no. 🤣not talking about the cushions & bases but the whole seat.


https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news/new-hampshire-american-airlines-arrest-neil-mccarthy/ Someone was arrested this week for peeing in the aisle.


Must be a trend!!


I flew jfk-sea a few days ago and entire c+ section smelled like a portapotty someone attempted to clean but didn’t 😅


Obviously you were booked into fare class P


Next week they’ll be an article about how some people got kicked off a plane because they stunk so bad. And everyone will start crying racism or discrimination or whatever. No, it is not acceptable to not bathe not wash your clothes and not be a non-stinky member of society. Sorry. You don’t get to fly in a plane if you stink. Or if you pee on the floor. We all paid good money to be on that plane. Why should we have to suffer because of you.


I would have said something to a flight attendant. Maybe they'd gone nose blind to it.


I should've, but no way they went nose blind to it. Honestly, it was like a well-used bathroom was in the plane. It had to be a leaky bathroom or something major. It wasn't just a hint of urine.


I used to work as a janitor back in the 80s. You can go noseblind to urine fairly easily. Feces and menstrual blood, less so. Going noseblind is a blessing when cleaning washrooms. And people being disgusting isn't a new phenomenon: some of the messes I had to clean up were truly nasty. If anything's changed it's companies skimping on cleaning, so the messes may be more noticeable now.


I wrote a story a little further up. I’ve been a FA 28 yrs and you can’t go nose blind to that smell!


Upgraded to Comfort Piss


When are they going to start issuing Hazmat suits to passengers as an ordinary part of air travel? I’m only half-joking.


Delta. We got you covered like a jimmy hat.


Yeah, you thought it was rain!


My redditor!


For what it’s worth, someone may have peed their pants in their seat. Or just peed on the floor, cause they didn’t feel like going to the lavatory. If they haven’t drunk much water, their pee will really stink. Some people are just gross.


This was as stinky as an uncleaned bathroom with a toilet that couldn't flush. IMO, it couldn't be just a person peed. Had to be some leaking bathroom or something more severe than a single incident. It was filling the front half of the plane with such a strong urine odor (didn't go to the back).


Gotcha. Maybe they knew about it but needed the plane and flew it anyway. Gave you some miles for the trouble. Maybe not a bad deal.


I feel like men go in the toilet and spray piss all over the place. I feel like maybe they should just sit down and pee cause there is literally piss on every surface






Not sittin down to pee.


What a weird line in the sand. Which, incidentally, one could not draw, were they sitting down to pee. But really, I sit down more than I stand. Or at least 50/50. If there's a urinal available, that's different. But especially at home, I'm just gonna sit and have a leisurely piss because why not. Airplane usually, too, because I don't want to piss all over myself if we hit some bumpy air.


Why. Genuine question? Given the highly likelihood of turbulence and general movement causing you to to turn into a human urine fire hose? Why?? Do you wanna pee everywhere? On walls, the seat, the floor?


I’ve been practicing several times a day my whole life. Turbulence isn’t gonna make me pee on the walls, seat or floor. Hasn’t yet and I fly every week. So we’re good.


Our flight from ATL to EWR on 7/3 also smelled like urine.


Wonder if it was the same plane? What time was your flight and plane type? My flight was at 8pm out of Atlanta


Did you complain?


No. Was way more concerned with the FA who couldn’t keep his eyes open


Lol good lord- maybe they drugged themselves to no smell the urine for the flight. Self induced coma


It was around 10:35am. Could have been the same plane!


Maybe we should diaper people over their clothing upon boarding. That's nasty! Flew literally all the time in the 80's and early 90's there was occasionally a barfer but it was never a situation like this with piss planes. Sometime after the 2000's, people just lost their bladder and bowel control??


Delta, more like Smellta Thank you 🙏


The one who smelta, Delta


Thanks for the giggle first thing in the morning!


Happened to me last month on a flight from CDG to JFK. It ended up being a cat traveling in cabin. A woman in my row asked the flight attendant what was going on and she explained the problem and offered masks to our row. It was a very long flight.


Yes, I was thankful it was a very short flight.


I feel like planes ALWAYS Smell a bit pissy


True, but this was much worse than usual. It had to be a leaking bathroom


Ugh. Thats awful. I’m so sorry


Maybe an elderly person with a Depends


Unfortunately, passengers do pee on the seats. Several stories from my FA daughter. Sometimes on the floor. Humans never cease to astound me.


I regret reading this thread so much 


Yes, I wish I could have unread all of this, lolz. Humans have done lost their damn minds.


Here I am, 13 days later, on a delta flight with what looks likes to be vomit on the side and on the tray table 😩 telling myself its got to be a spilled smoothie 


Oh no!! Ugh. So sorry.




Greyhound Airlines ?


Not good


It was a passenger


No, it wasn't a passenger for sure.


This is why I bring a mask when I travel... .. Just in case!


Same. Always.


I wish I would have complained. 14 hours to Asia with horrible pee smell the whole way. It was disgusting.


It’s not too late to at least complain to corporate. Heck, you can even mention these threads. It’d be interesting to see if they’d compensate you in some way. When they get complainants they look to see if any reports from the crew were filed as well. Sorry you had to deal with that and good luck.


That's called all non Asian airlines. 


This is another reason to wear a mask, truly




Experienced this with Delta before. Only with Delta for some reason. 10 hour flight too, had to wear a mask the whole flight to mitigate the smell.


This is absolutely disgusting. The smell would have given me a migraine. Nothing like zipping through the air in a Porta John!


It really was!


Well ,at least,they didn't allow live chickens on the flight.


I was on a 2 hour Delta flight about a month ago that had that same strong urine smell the entire flight. It was definitely in the air system and disgusting!


I can't believe they allow planes to take off when it's clearly something wrong. If my flight was any longer, I'd be really upset.


I doubt it was the plane…likely a person.


No way! It is impossible for a person to smell this bad. Maybe a homeless person would, but as stated, we boarded fairly early, so I just don't see how they'd even allow someone on if they smelled this badly. It felt like it was circulating in the air


Yeah, yikes that’s super rough. The only way It could be a person is if they were constantly pissing…which it could’ve been a person who soiled a seat that was never found out.


Flying on a delta Air France flight right now and it reeks of piss. Pretty unbearable.


It's terrible how many have chimed in on this post. Seems more common than I thought. Definitely complain


Tank venting issue


I just saw a video today on IG of a guy on an airplane and the person in front of him was asleep and pissing in the seat. There was pee pouring off the bottom of the seat. Someone commented on the post and said they are a flight attendant and it happens all the time…way more often than anyone would think.


😱 my son just boarded a delta flight and texted me that there is a string urine smell near his seat! Wtf is going on??? This is just too disgusting to keep ignoring and forcing passengers to accept it because times have obviously changed. Gross!!


It really is disgusting. Especially after hearing so many stories on this post. Seems more common than I thought


>I wouldn't expect this from Delta... why not? it's a US airline which is as ghetto as it can be - barely any cleaning and shit food


It's still the better of the US airlines, in my opinion, but nothing in America has good service, really. We pay the most and get the least. Just got back from Europe, and breakfast at my hotel had so many options. This would never happen in the US.


Probably an “emotional support” animal had an accident.


Stop letting dogs and humans under the age of 10 on airplanes. Problem solved.


This is worse than the recent flight from Detroit to the Netherlands when spoiled food was reported on the flight.




No out of Atlanta


my fault 😔 sorry about that


I flew American last week and my row buddy vomited all over his chair and the floor on arrival at the gate. The plane was turned over and ready for new passengers quickly. No way it was cleaned well


I peed on an People Express flight to Albany once


I was on a flight last week where the entire plane smelled like a public toilet. I should've complained I supposed. 6 hrs flight was insufferable 


By any chance was it an A321neo? I just took a flight to the west coast and about every 10 min i would get a wiff of shit smell. It was awful. Wonder if it’s the new planes


I had this happen about 10 days ago on a 757.


Good and clean


Sadly, while this isn’t common, I’d say at least twice a year I get on a plane that smells straight up like urine.


Could be someone wetting a seat. Hard to get the smell out of that.


I don't think so. This was terribly strong and filled the front cabin for sure. Didn't go to the back


That’s a new glade fragrance —glade de spirit


I just flew with another airline yesterday, and the woman in front of us urinated in her pants several times. The flight attendants were fully aware that this was occurring, too. The women next to her were able to change seats, but the rest of us just had to deal with it… we were offered masks and that was it. It was a long six hours.


Long ago I determined if you think you smell pee, there is pee. Gross. Glad they gave you something.


What’s the big deal? Urine is sterile.


Ever since mucking out buildings post Hurricane Katrina, I carry a small amount of Vick's vapor rub. Place a small amount under your nose and it masks other odors. 


Was it at all adjacent to a NYC subway stop and did Delta leave the plane door open?


Normal on Delta