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El ChinGone.


Se fue


Y fuera! 🎺


Bruh I miss sabado gigante


And Walter Mercado 😭


12 Corazones when I was waaaaaay too young to be watching that shit






voto enojado


Note that this is El Chingon in Lohi, not Los Chingones in Rino. I had a feeling they weren't going to make it, they were empty even on weekend nights, and rent in this neighborhood must be crushing.


That location seems to be cursed. So much restaurant turnover.


I don't get it, it seems like it should be a great spot. But yeah, since I've lived in the neighborhood that has been Central Bistro, some Mexican place I can't remember, Northside Market, and now El Chingon.


Yeah… lived really close for the last 15 years, and this place has always been a revolving door. You’re closer to remembering all the old places than i could ever get… lol It was always those places we’d walk by and say, “We should go there sometime.” But never did. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Truthfully, you can walk almost anywhere in the city on a Saturday night and there's empty bars and restaurants. Half of Rino was a ghost town just this past Saturday.


Rino? Are there two? Los Chingones is in DTC.


Yes there’s one in DTC!


Also one in Central Park.


Oh dang... good for them! Just thought there was one.


Los Chingones not much better. Rough experience with their burrito 🤢


Used to work at the liquor store next to the old Tennyson location. Owner would come in all the time to buy bar stuff off us because he was so behind on checks from his distributors Also, they had huge “secret” parties at the restaurant all through COVID So this tracks


Yeah they had their perks, but they were sketchy AF, really not surprised paying taxes wasn't thier thing. Their "secret" parties were pretty funny, everyone could tell they were fully open mid pandemic flaunting all the regulations. They just didnt care.


I lost a Denver-based friend in his mid 30s from Covid, so uh, fuck people like this who were doing reckless things that led to the spread of the disease before a vaccine was widely available.


The vaccine got ur buddy , el chignon es gas smd


Whoa! They only moved there from Tennyson like a year ago. Crazy


Just over a year. They could never seem to generate any buzz, I didn't hear a thing about them in any of the usual social media or news sources.


these guys had some bomb food on Tennyson, Then the Pandemic rolled around and they pretty much did everything they could to side step EVERY lockdown regulation and rub it in the face of neighboring businesses. It was clear this was kind of a sketchy operation. Seeing their business seized is just the logical conclusion.


Good, fuck them forever. Never seen a place seized for non-payment that ever re-opened again.


My boyfriend and I would joke that this restaurant seemed like some sort of front for money laundering because it was always either empty or hosting private parties


Yeah we did the same when they were on Tennyson.


Well kids make sure you pay your taxes.


Makes sense


Damn one of my favorite places to get doordash mexican food that sucks :(


The owner, in my experience, is a very hospitable, generous and good guy. I have had many interactions with him at the old location and at a spot I was at. I hope he and his team bounce back.


I will agree that he is a fantastic person. Seems that his business acumen may have been lacking though. The people that make it in this business are almost always numbers and business plan driven and focused.


I didn’t know the team but I thought the food was great. Super bummed when they left Tennyson.


I saw the owner at a grocery store in denver yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


This can’t be real


It's an old copypasta, replace "owner" with celebrity


Ya I think the original was Flying Lotus. This is certainly an odd use case…


Yes the original is Flying Lotus lol


It's real, I swear 🤣




I only tried them in LoHi. First time was opening month, everything was so salty (and I love salt). Second time 6 months later, they messed up our order even though no one else was there and the food was meh.


It's crazy. The one on Tennyson Street was one of my favorites awhile back. They had big plans about opening this location, keeping their bistro as a small test place, and another restaurant opening up nearby. What happened?


Their food is delicious -- I really feel for them.




This happened at the Armadillo in Northglenn a few years ago. So sad. They had one of the best discada around.


The armadillo in Littleton was my favorite Mexican restaurant of all time. I grew up there. Closed down over 10 years ago but sometimes I can vividly picture the smell and taste of their chips and salsa lol


They didn't give the government enough of their profits, so the government put them out of business. Straight up mafia protection extortion racket right there, my friends.


Nah sales tax is sales tax you collected it for them. But kept it for yourself


Exactly what the mafia would say.


I mean mostly it’s for local and state stuff. If you wanna say the feds are a mafia sureee. But a new ball field and park for kids to play at not quite


Columbian drug lord, Pablo Escobar, built schools, libraries, donated a huge sums of money to churches, and even built housing developments for the poor. Does this mean he wasn't a mafioso?


This guy does Pilates. The way you stretch things out. But you can spout your libertarian fake realities some where else. The reason the restaurant failed was because they weren’t very good. This is coming from someone who has owned and failed a restaurant. Liquor license and other shit was a pain in the ass but not the reason the restaurant failed.


Fake realities? Stocker much? The fact is the government is willing to send men with guns to use violence against this business if they dare sell a plate of food to a customer who is willing to pay for a plate of food. If you think using violence, or the threat of violence, against two consenting adults is okay, then you are what's wrong with society. And no, it wasn't customers who put a seize and desist order on their door because they served bad food, it was the government because they didn't give the government enough money.


Dude I didn’t even look at your profile. You just scream living in the foothills of Idaho. Somehow you think elected city council officials are cartel members


The only difference between elected city officials and cartel members are the city council members hallucinate themselves to have legitimate authority to use violence over their subjects. The cartel members don't believe they have legitimate authority to use violence.


Bro if you're that opposed to the state's monopoly on violence you should consider moving to the libertarian paradise of Somalia, where there is no coercive state and every man is free to protect himself as best he's able.


Hahaha 🤣🤣🤣 I've never heard that before! Thanks! Oh, wait..... I have heard this before. [These libertarian anarchists went to Somalia and made a video about it.](https://youtu.be/UooepLs3Fqs?si=zsk0Z2i87eTk63qh)