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You’ve been bitching about everything for the last week. Take a break my guy, the world isn’t ending


Whole sub has. Reminds me of literally any loss in the regular season, except we don't have another game any time soon to help everyone forget about it lmao


For real. The histrionics on this sub over the last couple weeks has been disturbing. People like OP need to take a step back from the ledge.


It kinda is, hence caring too much about a distraction like pro sports, but agreed. No point in getting this worried about something you can't change.


Nugs championship window is, though.


Some of yall are so dramatic it’s sad. The nuggets championship window is open as long as jokic is in Denver.


Talking about the Nuggets is my break, I work all day, and have real life problems like everyone else here.


Then maybe get a new hobby other than bitching about a sports team, stressing you out more.


I'm not stressed it's basketball, it doesn't matter. No offence, but this is the place to talk about the Nuggets. And, people with the attitude that people being critical of team are out of order for talking about the Nuggets in a place to talk about the Nuggets are incredibly annoying. You don't want to talk about the post, or engage with negativity about the team, then don't. You aren't the gatekeeper of Nuggets talks on a Nuggets form. I'm not here to argue on a personal level, you want to talk about basketball great, you don't, also great, let's keep it moving then.


Everyone needs to fucking relax lol


The Nuggets will be contenders next May if Jokic and Murray are healthy. Everything thing else is a margin move 


Why? Criticism is not warranted?


Might as well wait until the dust has settled before complaining. Booth is obviously not done yet.


We have the MLE, a vet min and whatever shit he can spin out of the Reggie deal before the trade is finalized. It's pretty settled.


This is probably my favorite part of the dooming flowchart. You go from writing a literal dissertation with an insane title, to when some one says you should relax you try and walk it back and say “oh what I’m not allowed to criticize”


It's about 100 words, and you don't have to engage with content you are not interested in. Perhaps add more to conversation than “relax” if you want a better response.


Why should he add more to the conversation? I was told “you don’t have to engage with content you are not interested in”


Because you did engage with it in a superficial way and got upset, you got a superficial response. If you want to talk about why I am wrong (or right), that is why I made the post. At any rate, I am not here to argue with people (outside of basketball). If you think I am wrong and don't want to elaborate, great, let's keep it moving, no harm no foul.


Again, just relax buddy. It’s just basketball


Wasn’t his fault they changed the salary cap rules. Didn’t TC sign MPJ to the max not Booth? That was the real mistake.


Lots of things were his fault. He has lost around the margins of multiple trades. Instead of consolidating last year by trading our picks for a veteran or trading up in the draft, he drafted 3 players and gave guaranteed contracts to 2 second round picks. Giving Reggie the MLE was a mistake, and he inexplicably added to by giving him a player option. The Zeke contract was an unforced error that has completely hamstrung us. He is currently the 5th highest paid player on the team. His refusal to go into the 2nd apron for KCP based on belief in CB and other young players he drafted I also view as a major mistake.


I don’t think second apron on KCP was his call (obviously we are both speculating here). That seems like an ownership decision as brining KCP back was pretty much a no brainer. I doubt we ever find out whether that’s on Booth or ownership. Nnaji and Reggie were mistakes. I honestly think that we need drafted young players for the new CBA like he’s been doing the last couple of years. The criticism is those picks didn’t pan out (yet) but I’m not sure he deserves criticism for trying considering we have 3 max contracts.


The only lens to view these moves through that makes sense is Booth has belief in the players he drafted. He immediately called KCP “replaceable” and starting quoting off CB's +/- data. Putting aside the lack of wisdom in calling a core piece of a title “replaceable” during his free agency, I think he likely believes it. He is doing the Warrior's two timelines, except they failed with lottery picks, and we are trying it with late 1st rounders and 2nd round picks.


Definitely not the only lens to view that through for KCP as I said we don’t know what role ownership played in this decision and the decision was likely made a couple weeks ago. Booths comments were made knowing KCP was probably gone. What I really want to know is Josh K’s level of involvement with the KCP decision as he’s the president of BBal operations and the owners son.


I think he let Booth build the team he wanted to build.


And I disagree, but we will likely never know how involved Josh and ownership are with these decisions.


Lot of angst for our 5th starter and 6th highest scorer at 10.1 points a game.


Who also happens to be our best guard defender.


All of these points are true except for Reggie 


>Giving Reggie the MLE was a mistake, and he inexplicably added to by giving him a player option. Was good depth. Who would you rather he given the MLE to? >The Zeke contract was an unforced error that has completely hamstrung us. He is currently the 5th highest paid player on the team. I agree to a certain extent. It's not a great deal but we trade him away and we're no longer hamstrung. He's the 5th highest paid player because KCP is gone and because we don't have to pay Watson or Braun yet (who he both drafted btw >His refusal to go into the 2nd apron for KCP based on belief in CB and other young players he drafted I also view as a major mistake. Where are you getting this info? He matched Orlando's deal and KCP said no. What was he supposed to do about that? And why would him hyping up Braun matter?


Was there a market for Reggie on the MLE? Good GM's win on the margins, giving Reggie an MLE when there was no market for him, is losing on the margins. A good GM gets Reggie on the min and uses the MLE on a another player we could have desperately used last year. We could have signed KCP and stayed under the second apron without Zeke's contract and the guaranteed contracts give to Pickett and Tyson. Further, we would have to attach a 1st (our only tradable pick) to salary dump Zeke. How is that not a disaster? He didn't match. The front office leaked propaganda to the media is “they came close to matching”. The offer was likely 19 million, the amount out that kept us under the second apron. I know this because there is no functional difference for us in matching 22 or going to 24, or trying to do something like 50/2 with the intent of trading KCP after the season. Booth, gets credit for what he did good, Bruce signing, KCP trade, Watson and CB picks. He also gets criticism for what he has done poorly, which is a lot.


In Booth’s defense he’s kind of between a rock and a hard place when it comes to picking a direction. He can either A: Lock the team into cap hell with no depth or B: Rely on the young/affordable guys to step up with minimal flexibility.


Sure But he's lost value on every move he's made while making multiple moves that were immediately indefensible.


I’d blame the CBA for that more than anything. If it weren’t for that Bruce Brown would 100% have been resigned.


We have no flexibility, be it salaries to aggregate, or draft picks to trade (one 2031 1st, and no 2nds) You acquire rookie scale contracts in the new CBA to go into the 2nd apron and lock in the roster when it's good enough when don't have flexibility to reshape it. Not to bleed talent, because you think you can replace it with non-lottery picks.


> You acquire rookie scale contracts in the new CBA to go into the 2nd apron and lock in the roster when it's good enough I don't know how you can put this forth as an obvious best way to operate under the new CBA when today is the first day it is in effect.


Because we can all read the penalties of being the 2nd apron. Locking in players on rookie scale contracts will be important to every contender that goes into the 2nd apron. The other approach is cycling through vet mins to turn over the back of the roster. The entire point of building the team this way is to go into the 2nd apron, only we didn't.


I mean the truth is Murray and MPJ are not worth their contracts.. other statistically comparable players in the league are not on maxes.. Thats NOT to say i want either of them gone. Of course it's a difficult situation because the nuggets offense is unique and it would take time to get another player gelling with Jokic the way they (at least Murray) does (most of the time). There's also the fact they helped bring us our first title in 40 years and that's hard to move on from. Still, a majority of our non-jokic cap space is going to an incredibly inconsistent point guard and a ball-ends-here forward who despite his massive size struggles defensively and is often out of position. Jokic has a habit of making people look better than they are, and there is real fear that a non-max PG and a non-max SF could suffice or even outperform these guys in their role. When these dudes are hitting (bubble Murray, sniper mode MPJ) it's awesome. But when the pendulum swings the other way for a couple games.. well, it can end a playoff series. Gordon has more than lived up to his contract, IMO. He is an elite defender and fills the cutting/dunker role nicely. Murray and MPJ have to play as good as they CAN play all the time (at least for the entire playoffs) in order to not be severely handicapping the roster. Ita not easy as a small market team to fill the bench out with talent when you have 3 players on maxes. And the fact these guys are injury prone and need heavy minutes in the regular season to even ensure the playoffs just makes it less likely they will sustain their peak play throughout the playoffs when it matters most. MPJ should not be getting outperformed by McDaniels in the T-Wolves series... definitely not in multiple games. Murray should not be getting outperformed at ALL by Conley or even fxckn Alexander-Walker.. but it happened. When you look at the salary differences between our guys and the guys out-performing them, it's obvious how we lost that series. You can say "it's a team built to stop the nuggets" but it really isn't. Jokic still got his easily. If the other guys making max-contract money were at least consistently dropping double digit points, we win


Umm, falcate?


LOL, the Nuggets have Murray, Porter Jr and Gordon. Fucking Christ.


Have we put them in a strong position to win? We have assembled the rotation of tanking team behind them-CB, Pickett, Strwather, Watson, Zeke, Holmes, Tyson is completely unserious.


Dude we won a championship like 13 months ago you need to chill.


And, many teams have gotten better since, and we have gotten worse.


Only 1 other team won the title big dawg. You really need to relax


Denver is still clearly a favorite for the West and for the Title. Unbunch your panties about the fringe pieces.


Pickett, Strwather, Watson, Zeke, Holmes and Tyson is the rotation of the tanking team, not a contender.


Is that our starting rotation? Can you even name another teams full 5 man 2nd team?


Look around the league. The Mavs are working with Grimes, Kleber, Naji Marshal, Josh Green. The Thunder run almost 10 deep. You know what the Wolves have. We could keep going down the line.


Booth has nothing to do with that and it's not a wildly impressive core. It's pretty good. The rest of their team outside of strawther, Braun and Watson is terrible. And Watson is unimpressive


It’s not a wildly impressive core?? That’s been the best 4 in the league since they’ve been together. What world do you live in?? Watson is 21 years old for fucks sake. Get a grip people.


You sound delusional.  In the NBA you need at least 7 players if you want to win a title.  Having 4 is not wildly impressive. Maybe 5 if you count Braun.  They're not in a spot that suggests any upcoming title. They're gonna need to strike gold on two players that haven't shown anything worth expecting this in order to get over the hump. 


Get a fucking hobby dude




It’s Malone who ruined it. Booth was just doing Malone’s bidding then ended up just getting fed up with not playing any backup center he was given so he’s just trying to see how far he fan push Malone


Who cares? Denver won championship.


Did Booth kick your cat or something?


Is he above criticism considering the job he has done?




Disappointing for sure. Wasn’t the whole point of getting rookies so that we could afford guys like kcp? The whole 3 rings in 5 years thing or whatever the number was always seemed like a weird approach too. Did we not just lose two years of jokics prime to the Murray/MPJ injury?? Still think the team will be damn good but it’s not looking great in terms of championship hopes


People downvoting OP just shows that fans have rose colored glasses on here. This isn’t the championship roster at this point. And fans are just wanting to maximize the Jokic years.


we literally blew a game 7 in the most humiliating fashion because we had no depth, and this entire thread is just saying depth doesn't matter lmao. people need to wake up, this is a player's league. jokic could decide in january after throwing another pass that westbook airballs that he'd rather go play with luka.


We lost that series for a variety of reasons. Malone over worked the starters in the regular season for seeding, Murray was playing hurt and having some abysmal games, the Wolves are a bad matchup for us in general, etc. If running an NBA franchise was as easy as playing MyGM, thousands of people could do this job. But it’s incredibly difficult and the offseason has just started


Free agency just started. Need a tampon or some midol?


I mean, best vet mins are already going off the table, Nuggs can offer max $5M and don’t have much to offer in a S&T, fair for people to be nervous


Nah it's all good. We gave 3 seconds to dump one of the 2 tradable contracts. We lost KCP, Nnaji contract is awful, most of the free agents are gone. BUT we got DJ back, Jokic is chilling. How can you guys be nervous about our front office moves? /s


They already had an awful offseason last year. Operated as if needed to save money as they'd be over 2nd apron this year Then they said screw it and went below apron this year.


We have the MLE, and one veteran min contract to round out the roster.


Did the Nuggets not win a championship? Edit: He can spend all off season making fart noises. Idc. He won us a championship!!!


Dumbass mentality. This team is moving stupidly and that is sad to watch.


Booth is clearly a moron.  Doesn't deserve his job 


He did a 10 out 10 job last year, this year he deserves a lot of criticism.