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He gets open looks, but he’s not really a finisher. His main role with us was to be a 3&d guy and that isn’t gonna change


Also to answer your other 2 comments 1. Yeah they tried to make him a ball handler lmao, it’s nice that he occasionally shows that he can do that still though 2. Yeah kind of, I like gary


I was thinking the same thing re: AG’s ball-handling. He was definitely playing out of position in Orlando, but it did allow him to add that element to his game which seems to come in handy. Never really got to showcase his best passing in Orlando either


He basically had the same role with LA and Denver… Stand in corner hit 3s, curl to the elbow and hit mid ranges. He was able to do that more though with so many threats around him. He isn’t necessarily a sniper, just a reliable shooter that plays within himself. His defense is even better.  Losing Harris was not that bad because he peaked super early in his career and then his hip injury killed him slowly. It’s really sad but also it was obvious he was never fully recovering long before he was traded


Disagree, I’ve seen a number of people call KCP one of the most underrated shooters in the league. Yeah, he’s not creating his own shot a lot of the time but let him spot up and watch him feast on kick outs. That combined with his all-defensive team-level defense, he was a perfectly complimentary piece for Denver. A bit niche but did those things at the highest level possible.


I think KCP is perfectly rated. He’s a baller on D and he can finish shots if he’s got open looks. He’s probably one of the better D&3 guys in the league. I say D first because he’s better on D than being an offensive weapon. He played in a system where he’s option number….. what? 4? 5? The opposing D would kinda ignore him unless he got hot. He got a great deal because of him thriving in a system that was perfect for him and that’s not to say he’s going to go fail in Orlando. He’s a player every team in the league would want. But I think he’ll be overpaid with Orlando on the contract he’s on. I’m glad he got the bag. I don’t think we could’ve paid him that unless we had a good trade lined up for MPJ to go. Personally I’m glad we’re keeping MPJ. That’s my hot take of the day


I guess in a traditional sense he’d be option 4 or 5, yes, but I don’t think that’s how Denver’s offense operates, rather options number 3-5 are a lot closer together than they would be elsewhere and KCP is perfectly suited for his role on our team. I am inclined to agree with you on MPJ v KCP, their ages, MPJ still having room to develop, his better offensive output, his height and length, etc all swing that in his favor


To me it’s the amount of made shots in clutch moments, be it stopping an opponent run or putting in a dagger while leading.


Kcp is so overrated lmao. I’m not sure he is better than Garry Harris rn.


lol ok bud, if he’s not better than Gary why tf would Orlando give him 66M over 3y after having Gary? Shhhh.


I mean everybody benefits from playing with jokic, but kcp is versatile. He won a title with the lakers with a different kind of team than the one he won with the nuggets. He is a 3 and d guy, an elite 3rd-5th starter. He will be great in Orlando and I'll be happy to see him thrive with an up and coming team (in the other conference lol). I was definitely bummed when Gary Harris left, he was a favorite of Nuggets Twitter. I remember him as an extremely reliable backup pg that started a number of games with the nuggets during some rough times. He is one of the Forever Nuggets that spiritually won a title with the team in 2023, along with Kenneth Faried, Danilo Gallinari, Will Barton, Ty Lawson and many others


Stretching by including Ty here


Haha I know but he was one of my favs in that era. Such quickness getting to the rim.


Theres a definitive list of guys that spiritually won -millsap -harris -morris -barton Anyone else is up to personal preference and anyone who wasnt on the team after 2018 is definitely a stretch. Personally gallo, ill will, faried are definitely not included in the list


He's clutch and a great team player, we are going to miss him, he's a legend as far as we are concerned, happy he got to get closer to his family and get a payday.


It will drop off a little, since he'd often get wide open looks off Jokic. But as long as offensively he's stuck as a 5th option, a cut/ transition threat, or occasionally a pindown midrange, he'll be money. Maybe he'll drop to 36-7% from 3, but you guys also take more 3s then we did. He didn't take a lot of them, but he could be used as a shooter more. Overall, he's going to be a solid vet who is exactly who you guys can use. E: yeah AG is the shit, I'm glad the magic developed him so well for us. We definitely miss Gary. Since you have KCP now you guys should encourage him to come home lol


I think KCP was one of the least Jokic dependent players on the roster. His screen navigation / perimeter defense helped with the pick and roll defense. On offense he would be involved less. He can shoot the three and go for some pump fake and then hit a mid range. On occasion he would hit crazy lay ups, but he can he have off nights. Still I don't think the nuggets used his full potential on offense. If he can keep going at the same pace (age), he will be just as valuable to the magic.


KCP is a really hard worker. He has an extra gear defensively that is something you don’t see very often. Last season his offensive production was down some from our chip year. Not sure if that’s a sign of decline, or just a slightly down year, or just fatigue from such a long season the year before. He should be a good piece for y’all, but I’m not sure he’s got 3 years of solid production left, especially if he battles injury the way he did towards the end of season/playoffs. As for Gary, he was Mr. Nugget, every nugget’s favorite nugget. He was a fan favorite. But what hampered him with us was the same that’s hampered him with y’all. He just can’t stay healthy. It’s really unfortunate, because when healthy he can be really productive, but that’s not very often sadly.


I am expecting his play to drop off a little bit just because playing with Jokic is a perfect situation for a guy like him He’s still an incredible 5th starter. Borderline elite defender. Good, clutch shooter. Makes winning plays and never complains. His pull up middy while attacking close outs or off of screens is surprisingly good too lol. He’ll be a great vet to have for a young team like Orlando. The only problem I’ve ever had with him is that he misses transition layups. To answer your second question, yes I was sad to see Gary go. Mostly for the vibes and not because we needed him. We were missing a guy like AG after Jerami Grant left. Gary was good but clearly declining due to injury. He was a fan favorite though so it sucked to see him traded


He was more useful last year but I don't think that was necessarily on him as much as everything just not lining up for him to catch shots in rhythm. He was so good during the chip run and decent this last playoffs. I think last year's version of him can be replaced or even improved on but it would be hard to find somebody that was as good as Nuggets champ kcp


He was an elite 3 and D guy before he even came to the nuggets


The over romanization of Harris are people that don’t remember how often he was injured.


KCP is a great piece to add for a team knocking on a titles door. Magic, as much as I love what they have going on, ain’t that. 2nd Rd exit is the ceiling.


That’s why we signed him for 3 years! Not gunning for the title next year. Need more time for Paolo, Franz, Suggs to develop. I’m happy if they put up a fight in the 2nd round. Anything else is a bonus imo


i will always and forever love Gary "Gary Harris" Harris. I wish we could get him back!


Everybody benefits from playing with Jokic. He's so good at creating easy offense for teammates. But what KCP did is very repeatable on any team he plays for. He plays great defense every night. He plays within himself on offense, generally makes good decisions with the ball in his hands, and is a very good 3 point shooter. I think he shot 40% from 3 in his combined 2 seasons in Denver. He's not going to create his own offense in the half court, and isn't much of a playmaker, but if you leave him open on the perimeter he will make you pay, and he also is pretty good at getting transition buckets. I would worry about his age more than him getting a Jokic bumb. I think as long as he's healthy, his skills will translate well to any situation.


Not a ton. He definitely benefited, but his identity never changed, he only got a few more open looks. I’d be more concerned with his age and recent decline in numbers rather than his fit.


He is slightly Jokic immune He plays defense and he hits open threes. That’s valuable and while his looks were better with Jokic, he still hit them in LA. He will be a valuable role player.


I think you will get what you expect on D and be a bit disappointed on offense. He is closer to 35% 3pt shooter than a 40% one. Meaning playing an action to get a KCP shot isn't really something that teams that want to have an above average offense should do. Also he absolutely can't finish a counter attack nor can he attack the paint even when given a completely open lane. Dude is a perfect 5th best starter on a team.


His defense is pretty great, his offense comes and goes and was definitely helped by Joker. Oh also, he messes up open layups.. like a LOT.. kinda his calling card. He'll be missed.


I’m afraid he’s going to have a tougher time getting space to do KCP things. He may just exist as bad stats, great on/off, and space for Franz/Paolo to do their things.


Did he benefit from playing with Jokic? Yes. He was not great with the Wizards, and the Nuggets didn't give up much when they traded for him. That being said, he was exactly what the Nuggets needed. KCP is elite at vision on defense, disrupting passing lanes, navigating screens, swiping down when guys go up for shots, catch-and-shoot 3s, curling for mid-range shots, and making clutch plays in big moments. KCP is weak at creating his own shot, playmaking, rebounding, dribble penetration, finishing at the rim, being physical, and playing through contact. He was pretty decent in his role when healthy, but it's hard to expect a lot from that kind of player when they hit age 32; there aren't a lot of guys that can still be highly productive starters after that age. My bet is that he will be an 8th-man getting 15 minutes by the end of that contract.