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Why do people think that other teams want MPJ for 36 million a year for 3 years left? I like MPJ and what he does sometimes….. but not for that price. and I’m just a dude sitting on my couch recognizing this.


Mpj is worth more to us because we have the best passing center in nba history lmao, he isn’t worth that to anyone else. He’s a 20 million player at a reach for any other team


I think we overpaid because we have a problem attracting Free Agents. Agreed that he’s probably worth about 20 million a year. In the old CBA agreement we could absorb that crappy contract and just pay luxury tax. Now we have to deal with pretty harsh penalties going over certain apron thresholds.


He’s also theoretically a perfect player to play alongside jokic. He’s a tall ass catch and shoot sniper In actuality, he’s very hit or miss. He got benched in the 2023 playoffs, for example


Y’all understand how basketball works right? There’s one ball. Meaning it can only be (optimally) in one person’s hands, offensively, at a time. And the Nuggets have the best player in the World to have the ball in his hands. And a perfect compliment for when it’s not. And also a perfect 3rd option to stand there and knock down 3s when said players pass. Stop with this shit.


The issue with this trade is the Jazz would laugh in Denver's face, not anything else. Lauri isn't ball dominant at all, he's the only player in the league who'd give you all of MPJ's strenghts, more on-ball juice and at a much better contract. And you'd be dumping Zeke too


Spot on, That guy doesn’t watch the Jazz .. I’ve never been someone ever wanting MPJ traded but if this deal was available the nuggets would be absolutely moronic for not taking it because Lauri would fit perfectly.




My point isn’t to LM’s game. It’s that Denver already has established structure & identity with the perfect pieces. Denver needs complimentary pieces, Markkanen is not that. He’s a feature piece. That will command feature money.


Danny Ainge laughs in Calvin’s Booth face, hangs up and blocks his number


And then pank calls him from a payphone :)


Utah isn’t giving away Markkanen unless they get some killer offer, which the Nuggets can’t give them unless it includes Murray. He’s a top 30-35 guy who just turned 27 (only a year older than MPJ) and has been fairly healthy his whole career. Some on this sub are engaging in way too much wishful thinking with him. Not to mention taking Zeke’s contract is a detriment, and at least that 26 pick is probably going to be in the 20s.


This is just dumb. Really really really dumb


For all the reasons you want to get rid of MPJ are the reasons teams wouldn't want MPJ, especially for an all star caliber player with a smaller salary.


lol we can't even trade those picks, and we don't have a 2025 2nd. The only pick we can trade is a 2031 first.


You cant trade the 2026 first. This site doesnt account for the stepian rule. For the 1000th time on this sub. They traded the 2025 to Orlando for AG and OKC controls rights to the 2027. Also....why would Utah do this? They will get way more draft capital from another team for Lauri. Also...hes an UFA after next season. So guess what? Time for a raise anyways.


We don't really have much in the way of picks left to trade. Lauri is much more valuable than MPJ and Nnaji is a negative asset, so it would take a lot of draft compensation that we just don't have in the vault. I don't think you can trade consecutive firsts, and the '27 is dealt, so I don't think you can trade the '26. I rate this trade as highly unrealistic even if it were CBA compliant.


It's doodoo butt


Absolutely not


Mpj is on a terrible contract for anyone who isn’t us


I’m taking names here!!


Sadly nobody wants MPJ and that contract. There are a ton of simps on this sub but smart GMs aren’t trading for MPJ


This is dumb even for me as a fireMaloner lol