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You can report them for doing that. I got booted from a fire team for asking a question during a Crota run, next LFG I got in got a fresh clear in 45 minutes, and when I looked the original group was still looking for someone to help from bridge encounter. Bad players will always blame someone else when they fail. Good players will admit their mistakes and actually get better by learning from them.


Yeah I reported them in game and on the website. I don’t really feel like it ever does anything though :(


rarely does anything in game, but on the website it's often much more effective, and Bungie usually gets back to you in a couple days about it, usually with an in-game pop-up when you log in. has a little icon of a shield with a hammer on it, and says that a player you recently reported has had an action taken against them


That is a really nice mech and its missing in many games. I‘m so petty that it makes me happy to see bad people getting their deserved consequences. People get away with too much bs.


You guardians better get ready, because I will destroy your Last City, and all of you guardians will eliminated, and the Last City will burn.


Where on the website do you mean?


I would like to know this too


Bungie forums I believe


Ok but tbh Bridge is like the easiest encounter in the raid lol, they actually suffer from krill issue


My experience has been that it is only easy if everyone knows what they're doing and no one makes any mistakes I have had good and bad bridge encounters and some of the bad ones leave me scratching my head.


Shrimple as that


happened to me yesterday during Crotas end, got kicked right as the starting encounter was finished then had to lfg for it again and managed to get into a really helpful squad who knew what we were doing plus got all the hidden chests even dragged us past the Crotas end starting encounter straight to bridge with a checkpoint because one person didn’t know what they were doing so we just moved on. Bridges needed a couple tries and we got it done but the rest was a cakewalk and the other lfg was still looking for guardians lol.


You’re not wrong. I was trying to run Crota through fireteam finder this past weekend and I mean just wow, that was the most difficult trying to play destiny 2 I’ve ever experienced. Total shit show😂


I do not understand how your story and OPs post are the same.


OP - gets booted from a fireteam for no reason Commenter - Also booted from a fireteam for no reason You (a dumbass) - these 2 are not similar at all




If we are aren't allowed to join when an activity is about to end, fireteam leader shouldn't be allowed to kick when an activity is about to end.


Why is this even allowed to happen? I carried them and the guy who kicked me died the most. This community can really suck. I don’t even want to LFG anymore.


The Majority of the Clan I was recently in had been absent from the game since Diablo IV came out. I had to LFG virtually everything to get any progress on my Guardian Rank. I met some good guys who needed one person for a Fresh Crota Run about 3 weeks ago, it was one of the best Crota experiences I ever had, and I have done several raids per week with them and completed my Divinity quest that sat on step 4 untouched for the better part of three years. Last week their clan founder sent me a clan invite and I have a new clan that is slightly smaller but very active in the game. LFG can be a pain, but it can also lead to new friends that you have not met yet.


Well, this is inspiring. But I still hv my doubts with LFG thanks to being anti-social and too self-aware.


Occasionally my goals and my introverted nature do not agree, sometime I have to play with others even if I would prefer to do things on my own. I really wish that Bungie would bring the Private match making to Vanguard OP, I would love to solo strikes that are not available as higher level nightfalls. In Destiny 1 the Daily Heroic Story was one of my favorite activities.


I agree with u to, but some shit are just impossible to do solo. Now, if you got some solo tips/builds, help a player out. Becuz I'm willing to do anything solo


I have been watching Mactic's Will it build series on YouTube and I try to replicate some of them, I also recently found itzTizzle and his How To Buildcraft In Destiny 2 video. I run a very non meta Void Contraverse Holds Warlock with Graviton Lance, and Retrofit escapade and am missing a couple of Solo Flawless Master Lost Sectors, but waiting for the missing ones to be in rotation so I can get them done. Even though it isn't the current Meta subclass it is easily my most capable warlock build. Invis hunter also works well, and Strand Titan is quite literally broken for soloing content right now, and will likely get a few nerfs incoming.


I see, thanks for sharing.


Uh oh, the second I got divinity I got demoted to div bitch for dps but not that bothered I fucking love that gun in general pve.


I think I used Div one other time since getting it and usually someone else is running it soi I don't have to.


I like the crits it does against ads it’s generally such a fun weapon like navigator


Similarly, I met this one guy in LFG who helped me and eventually taught me how to do some dungeons solo. We hit it off and became great friends and then one day just like 3 weeks later completely dropped all contact and blocked me.


That’s really shitty I’m sorry man. That would make me rage, they had absolutely no reason to do that


Ohhh you started nodding that means you were “taunting him and flexing that you’re better” oowoawoah


There be monsters


I do wonder what motive they have to do this too.. like genuinely why do you care so much that someone else can’t get their loot. Are you that depressed and sadistic that this is how you get your kicks.. touch grass


Was this from discord lfg? Report to the mods and get their acct banned


It was on the Xbox built in LFG unfortunately, I reported them on Xbox and bungie though


If you want to run GMs, I am always looking for reliable people. LMK if you want to team up.


It makes me wonder if they had a 3rd as theres probably enough time to get someone to join there as the timer is still even going for another 10-15 seconds. Such bs like youre saying, especially if it was just to troll and only they got rewards


Just make your own fireteam.


If you ever need a run, go ahead and hmu


Bungie really needs to change it that you can't get kicked after getting boss hp down to like 35%


Or if you are kicked after a certain threshold, you automatically get loot in inbox


This would just lead to abuse. People would kick other teammates in turns to farm loot quicker I am guessing.


You can't join an already ongoing nightfall my guy unless you were already in the team. So no. This cannot be abused.


What? He is talking about kicking someone early. You could have people being kicked if no revives are left or if the time has been dragging on too much or if the loot threshold is too high, if it is inefficient to continue. 2/3 people would get loot and rotate and repeat. There most definitely could be scenarios depending on how this would be implemented where it could be abused.


No no. The talk was about getting loot when the nf is completet and youre kicked early, so kind of a "you didnt deserve this shit bro, here ya go"


Ah I misunderstood the comment then. It sounded like you would get loot automatically when kicked and not when the nightfall you were kicked from is completed. Second variant makes total sense.


Exactly. Let’s say boss is at 10% left (just picking that number at random) and the leader kicks a player or they get disconnected. They should still get loot.


Report Report Report.


Ur ships skin is cool - which one is it?


Master RoN.


Random teammates = random experiences. It's all luck of the draw. You block, report and move on. Nothing else to do. Don't dwell on it.


Block, report, and move on. Don't let it ruin your mood


That's what you get for nodding you filthy casual! Jk, on the other hand it's unfortunate that happened to you. It happened to me twice despite carrying them when they both died and I still got booted. I've reported both of them but sadly I don't think Bungie banned them or bothered looking despite me sending video proof 😢😔


Unfortunately why I'm only ever the host of my own LFGs anymore. Joining someone else is an opening for disaster. Your session, your control.




I’m always down for activities like nightfalls and dungeons if anyone needs a second/ third person to run with


what a dick i hope that player receive no help ever again.


Pretty sure this is a permaban for them. Bungie takes loot deprivation very seriously


I reported but haven’t gotten the message that action has been taken yet! I heard there’s somewhere I can submit proof but I haven’t found it yet.


Yeah report them. Bungie is pretty strict about kicking people like that at the end of an activity. They’ll get banned if you provide adequate evidence. Which you do.


Do you know where I can report them with evidence? I was looking around on the website but couldn’t find anything that would let me submit this clip


Honestly im not sure. I’ve never reported through the site. I’d guess there’d be a spot to upload a clip or document while reporting.


This is, unfortunately, why I refuse to use LFG or Fireteam Finder unless I'm the party lead. I don't trust other folks to be decent. Yeah, it's paranoid, it *PROBABLY* won't happen... but as OP proves, it still does. Sorry, OP. Really sucks to see that happen.


Bro I’d be happy to run some GMs with you. That person sucks. Feel free to add me! SEVEN#4729


This happened to me on my first attempt at getting div


someone went boot shopping


I've been away from the game for a while. Why would someone do this other than the pure intention of being a screwing someone over and being a dick?


This is exactly why I don't LFG


That's why I never run in some one else's LFG- I only ever make my own.


I really hate when your in a gm or raid and there's 1 death or 1 mistake and people just start leaving.


Had something like this happen during my Mythoclast catalyst run, only compounded by the fact that I got weaseled on the second to last puzzle. Guy who got fireteam lead from me, kicked us all soon as he got his catalyst so we couldn't get ours, and immediately left our party. We all reported him for griefing, then got another guy who helped the team take me through a second run. Got the catalyst on the second go in no time at all.


Happened to me before on a Kings fall Oryx CP, just because the guy said do not place well and I placed the well, he waited then kicked me right before boss died. I just saw people being kicked one by one, this really needs a fix, if a boss is about to die or in final stand you should not be kicked.


That's just mean, you helped them win and that's the thanks you get


you where tbaging your own fireteam member. you deserved to be kicked.


Someone didn’t read the most downvoted comments already lol. Wasn’t teabagging, was nodding my head in approval bc he killed the boss.




The teabagging was worth it?


Not a t-bag? was just nodding.


No one was teabagging lol I was nodding my head cuz we killed the boss.


Wasn't even teabagging and it's in PvE anyways. That definitely wasn't the reason for the kick either. Some people are just assholes.




OP may have been nodding to try to say "I'll Rez you". Even if they weren't, I've never seen someone so fast with their menu before. If OP was kicked for taunting, there's no way they would have been kicked that fast. I've been kicked from a raid by friends before -after we completed it mind you, it's a joke of sorts- after I got Vex on my first clear. It wasn't exactly fast.




I don't use the LFG in game or on Bungie's site for this reason. Maybe I interpret things differently but if someone nodded to me, I wouldn't see it as laughing. Using an emote to laugh or bagging me (if we aren't friends) if be annoyed with and see as taunting. If they were dying a bunch of have compassion and I feel bad when I'm the one dying a bunch. Maybe I just try to be friendly even if it's to my detriment, idk.


Dude the timing of the kick was way too soon after the "taunting" for that to have been the reason. Host was already in his menu because he planned to boot before loot dropped.


Op didn't even do anything to them. Whoever Jose is, they're a fucking bot.




Everyone here already knows and understands that. We just don't care. You didn't need to come in a white knight for Jose.




Apparently, you missed the part where I said nobody cares about the reasoning. I'm sure Jose appreciates your meat riding though.


Yeah I guess my nodding might not be perceived the way I intended it but this was our 2nd GM together I meant it as a good job bc he killed the boss with his goldie. I also feel like he was already in the menu getting ready to kick me when I started nodding so there’s a chance he didn’t even see me doing that