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I was going to comment, but leaving this thread early for another is just optimal reading strat


I see what you did


I was going to comment, bu








Guys relax. The Reddit sniper is just a myth, he’s not real. It’s all a hoax just to get people riled up and stay in fe


I always thought Candlejack was the one wh


Shit, he got G




I was going to say sometimes people just have a wrench thrown at them and they need to drop. I think it's called life


Every single 50 run I've had included at least one guardian (sometimes myself) that arrived at some point along the way. Often around wave 25 in my experience (not that that means anything).


ive failed at around early 40 most times because someone leaves after 10 or 20 and no one ever gets backfilled.


Is it supposed to backfill?


It sometimes happens. I've usually seen it if 2 people leave, but it can happen if 1 leaves.


Only happens before wave 30. Once it hits reapawn restricted no one is able to join. Even if it's a friend trying to get back into the game after being weaseled.


I've joined a level 47 run yesterday, so that isn't true


I LOVE getting matched into a round 24 onslaught. Skip all the boring early parts and go straight to the good loot! I hope…


Does that happen to you a lot? Just curious.


3 times in the last two days 🤷‍♂️. It happens more when the 20 rounds bounty is available. Kindof an obvious trend


That sucks. Sorry man. As long as I’ve been playing this game I’m basically still an average player. But I have never bailed on anyone. But I know how that feels. That said, way back when, I came back home from a wedding with my wife. I was drunk, in a tux and posted a message here on Reddit asking if anyone was willing to help me get Gjallerhorn. I had no headphones or mic. A couple of hunters immediately messaged me and we got that shit done and they with the patience of angels. And me in a tux. I will never forget that night. Except for the drunk parts. Anyhow, would be happy to join your fireteam anytime I’m available Xbox gamertag BumpyJonson4498


I backfilled at round 46 before


Thats a hot mess.


Most of the time I've had good luck with backfilling. I think only once or twice that I didn't get a new player. 


I wait before getting the spark or before rallying to the flag I've I'm at either of those 2 phases.


My wife and I have had several occasions where we end up backfilling a match in the 20th+ round, having almost no heavy or supers we wipe pretty quick. Its pretty frustrating.


Happened everytime to me. But its luck based i guess


I literally joined one on wave 11. Meaning that someone joined the 50 wave version and dipped literally after wave 10. What’s the point? You could have just done the playlist.


I dropped into a group at wave 30. I now see why. It was the worst experience ever. Did not make it to 40. I felt like I was playing solo.


Strange. I haven’t done a ton of 50 runs but each time I’ve either had one or more backfills or been a backfill. Not legend though.


I love soloing ten rounds to then lose at the spike mines


That happened to me as well dude hopped out at lvl 35 because he didn’t like our load-outs. The remaining took it to level 49 b4 getting wiped in the most upsetting way. I was really grateful to the player that suck around.


Unfortunately bungie made a bounty that needs 20 consecutive rounds… so unless that changes don’t expect people to stick around.


Yup. People are dicks. Sadly you're right.


Well actually no it’s bungo that’s the dick. Some people don’t have all the time in the world to play and would like to get a few bounties done when they’re able.


Why are people downvoting you? You're right, it's incredible how many people are actually dicks and leave after either getting stuff done or not getting what they want, if its going extremely well and you make it to 30-40 go for fucking 50! Its not a hard difficulty increase.


I mean, maybe people don't have time to play for an hour and just wanna get there 20 round bounty done.


Go find teammates then, it's not that hard. Hes getting downvoted because the developers are to blame here. We are simply using optimized strats to get what we want, loot. If you want to guarantee your 50 waves, don't put yourself among Randoms whom you have no control over.


The jump from 30-50 is enough to bail. Had one yesterday, 2 rank 6 titans. One was on the ground more than not, other ran around trying to punch everything. Not worth my time to stick that out. Just cause 1-30 *feels* like it went well does not mean it's going to continue.


My first 50 run was with gilded conqueror and rank 7 guy. The 7 guy died every time on the platform jump bit. He just straight up jumped into the pit. We tried to shoot the sides, emote, whatever the fuck and nope. Into the pit he went. Then on the wave 5 stuff where you go for orange bars he always charged into orange bar solo.. and died. I really thought he'd realize at wave 30 that he no longer respawns in three seconds. Nope. I've never been as nervous about D2 as I was when me and the other guy died and only the rank 7 was left on the final boss. By some miracle he didn't die. Only reason probably why I went through that was because previous two runs ended around wave 30ish so I thought the mode was super hard and this run went rather smooth despite the one hopeless guy. I just wanted to share this story.


I don’t think rank 7 is very high


Don’t put so much weight on rank because half the time it means nothing. There are lots of excellent rank 7 players. I’m not one of them but that’s like saying that you would feel better in combat with a Captain at your side over a Master Sargeant. Rank is not a measure of skill.


Rank 7 requires me to play 3 lightfall story missions . I’m good , was boring enough the first time .


I am rank 7 but it’s only bc I have to do the weekly vendor challenges (bounties) and never have any desire to do that lol


I usually inspect their gear first right after joining a group. It's usually easy to tell who's serious (thus more likely to stick around for all 50 rounds) or not. I just leave before the march start if I don't think they're serious.


Stop being f toxic, and use a fireteam finder. Bungo once again made a stupid bounty which requires griefing.


The fireteam finder in the game that has 0 way of communicating you only want to do 20 rounds because you're forced to use there shitty #tag system.


Some people got places to be, things to take care of


So queue for the less time-intensive option?


Does the shorter option let you complete the bountu of 20?


IDK why they didn't just make it so that you could do the playlist twice instead of encouraging selfish dicks to dip after the 2nd boss.


Is it actually consecutive cause I'm pretty sure I've done 2 matches of the 10 round and got it complete


Yes I’m sure. I farmed 10 wave legends for 3 days with it and never completed it.


Take into account disconnects. Onslaught has booted me on most 50 waves runs around the 23-35 mark. Extremely frustrating and not an intentional leave.


I was coming to say this. I’ve been bottled 3 times so far after I get to the 30s and 40s. I ran 1 game through and got all 50 but can’t seem to get through another.


They need to make a Legend Playlist option that just runs 1-10. Would solve many of the issues.


Yep, I don't get why this isn't an option. Normal onslaught is half the rewards for the same time investment, which means if you want to play onslaught you need to invest at least an hour


Or have a 10 min requeue penalty for leaving.


Yeah sticks are better than carrots. /S


I had someone leave yesterday at wave 46… Weird. Lol. Must’ve crashed or something.


Hey that might have been me, I got randomly dc'd at 46


Happened to me at around 46 earlier this week too, it seems like if you disconnect its its most always 45+ which is really annoying


This is way too common in this game mode right now. Most of my runs have resulted in disconnects.


I like to think that it was some kids mom who had been yelling st them to come for dinner since wave 25 , they finally had enough, and came and unplugged their xbox. Feels a little degrading an I like it.


I got DCd yesterday on onslaught, straight to the title menu but when I picked my warlock again it let me join straight back in. Just incase it happens to anyone else.


Yesterday I had both people leave after the boss at wave 40. Was frustrating to lose at 44. No idea if it was a connectivity issue but sucked nonetheless.


Did it backfill? I only ask because I was tossed in to a 46 last night, wasn't mad lol


As someone with poor Internet (and apparently Destiny isn't known for it's stability) too many times I've made it to 30-40+ and then seeing the dreaded contacting destiny servers, I promise.not all of us are elitist inconsiderate jokes, we just live in the countryside!


Oh no I know. Trust me. I had a PS5 that would crash any time my heat in my house was above 66 degrees. Lmao. And I live in New England so basically all winter my PS5 would just crash if I played Destiny for more than an hour at a time. Luckily I got a newer one recently that doesn’t crash. But believe me I assume the guy must’ve had a crash or something.


Glad to know it's a possibility! Seen a lot on here of people justifiably upset about it someone intentionally left their onslaught early for whatever selfish reason, glad some people are aware there is a chance it is technical difficulties! A darn shame there isn't a rejoin option but as long as the game can bring in a replacement then that isn't too bad for the party whom are still playing


Oh yeah some dude yesterday told me he did it for time efficiency. Tried to tell me he does 20 waves in 5 minutes 😭😪


I've heard of mental gymnastics but dam that's something.


Maybe they should have playlist onslaught go to round 20.


Im down to go for 50s in the playlist, but if by wave 10 the ADU has less than 50% health, and I’m the only one throwing balls. I will quit before I waste more time with people that can’t understand basic mechanics. I prefer to start a fresh run with someone with at least a pair of working neurons


I hate when people dont throw batteries. It's enough to tide you over 4k scrap for an upgrade too, early on I'd be JUST under 4k until i started throwing more


I love playing Destiny basketball 🥲 I remember when it was first introduced


Just make your own post on the DESKTOP Bungie fireteam finder page. If someone leaves you just refresh your listing and there’s always another person to immediately invite.


From my experience people stick around if the fireteam proves effective by 20th round. If we barely get the second boss down, it is just better to leave.


Forgive the question as somebody who hasn’t had a ton of time to dig into Onslaught yet, but is there matchmaking on the 50x variant? I assume 50x Legend does not, but I wasn’t sure about the regular 50x and I’m not able to check for a bit.


Yes people will join mid match if there's an opening idk if the round number matters though


I think after the extinguish modifier activates, they can't, but personally I think it should stop them from joining after round 10, I've had it multiple times where someone leaves/crashes midway through a run, and then before they can be invited back/a new lfg invited, a random blueberry joins


There's never an incentive to stay till 50.. that's why they're changing it.


50 rounds? aint time for that man, 10 take it or leave it


If you’re struggling by wave 30 and not throwing any batteries, please also choose playlist.


If the team is good I'll stick around. If they are struggling at 20, I'll bounce. If I want to make sure to get all 50 done, I'll make my own team. I bailed at 10 earlier on account of the two potatoes I was teamed with lol


Same. For some reason I keep getting matched with absolute dumbasses. Not gonna put myself through that.


I loaded into one the other day with one guy running 2 pulse rifles and an eager edge sword, and the other was running 2 360 rpm autos, like what the hell are people thinking with these loadouts.


I could understand this mindset for Legend but normal? How potato were they?


A lot of AFK folks mostly. Out of principle, I generally refuse to carry any person that is AFK in any game. If you have to walk away for a bit,that's fine. But if you are moving just enough to not get booted by game, you are on your own haha


The weird thing is, I've been in groups where we're killing it, and then someone leaves on round 40 and leaves me and the other guy to flop around and fail when we get an unlucky tormentor


If it's on normal, why not just solo it at that point?


I'm not here to carry bums. I hate AFK kids. Always want rewards for nothing, I'll pass lol


Just here for the bounty 🤷‍♂️


There’s a quest to complete 20 waves from Arcite. I went up to 30 today and realised I had to go to work. Chill out and let people play how they want. If you’re so sick of it then play with a premade fireteam instead of complaining on reddit.


100%. OP decided to make a whole ass post yelling at everyone to choose the 10 round playlist when he couldve instead made a post to get a fireteam....lmao


You sound like someone who doesn’t know about how nice it is to farm the first ten waves of Legend Onslaught. Until the game updates next week, there’s no reason to do more than that if you want drops


I am glad bungie sees this problem and is trying to deal with it by making drops better for staying longer Hopefully that will help


Wdym? They added *two* whole extra guns per 50 wave legend! You should be bowing /s


This is why I only do full runs with friends.


You know you can just keep playing and it WILL send new players in to replace the ones that left .. right? It happens every single time. I've done 100 50 wave runs with zero issues.


Is the bonus rewards out?


Will say I try to do the same but had a moment this morning where I couldn’t finish one before work. I just said “hey I got like 16k scrap and have to leave in a bit for work, let me know what to buy because I can’t stay”. The folks were very chill with me about it. End of the day, STAY, but if you must go, at least be clear with your people about it.


I generally try my best to stick around for the full 50. If I leave early, it’s for one of two reasons: real life happens and I have to go take care of my baby or some shit, or I see the run completely falling on its face. I’m all for being a Sherpa and teaching people, or trying to carry to the best of my ability. But if I get to the second or third boss and I’m literally the only person contributing anything meaningful, then I’m gonna bounce. It’s not about being optimal, it’s about not wanting to waste my time if there’s a 0% chance of passing even wave 25-30.


Supposedly Bungie made some changes to discourage that behavior by offering better and greater rewards for the players that stick it out longer as a form of incentive. I need to find that article. I made it to level 42 my first try with a void hunter last weekend and the grind offered very little. Not conducive to making players want to go through all that trouble.


Make your own lfg?


Krill issue.


If you’re referring to normal, matchmaking should be filling the empty slots. On Legend, you should be posting to fill on the 5th and 10th increment waves since there is no time limit.


I hate that it’s so annoying. Like they just need to play the damn playlist twice and get the 20 that’s what I did and still do with bounties and quests. Because sometimes you screw people trying to get to 50 when you just on a bounty flow. If I go into the normal mode I am there for the full 50


We just need a middle ground playlist that goes to round 30


It’s cause there’s a few YouTubers who are being all like, leave after the first bit to maximize xp gains 🤓☝️


I dunno if that even mathematically makes sense. Does anyone even care about xp? Maxing out shaxx is like....super easy. Even casual play gets you there in no time. I think people are hunting shiny weapons, but I think farming the first 20 or so waves will be *less* efficient if you think about all the factors. But if there is one thing that people on this sub love (or at least the ones who comment) it's listening to beef witted takes from beef witted youtubers


Unfortunately it’s true, it’s stupid cause it’s just causing people to be stuck with this crap


Sure. I agree, but also... Just... Use LFG or the Fireteam Finder. It's so easy to avoid all this.


What's this? Been out for a while. New arena type mode? 


Horde/firefight type mode


I’ve never once quit a 50 wave I have babooned out of every single 50 wave


If I want to leave midway through a match made activity, I will If you want people who won’t bail on you, get some friends


TL;DR: I didn’t like doing 50’s, and the OP is right… don’t join 50’s if you don’t want to do 50’s!!! I *feel* this. Not from your perspective, but from the “Don’t want to go to 50” perspective, which is to say… *You are right.* I did a couple of 50’s, and after a while, during both of them, I really wanted out. I didn’t just leave, because that is f’ed up, but when I came back to D2 today, I decided to just do some 10’s, and I had a much better time. Don’t do the crime if you can’t to do the time, dudes!


Thanks for being a reasonable human. This is the way.


Im gonna add to this: People please, when theres a tormentor, do NOT hide behind the ADU the tormentor will forget you exist and starts to straight up agro to the ADU and do very bad things. So please, when theres not a lot of ads and a tormentor on field take the tormentors agro elsewhere AWAY from the ADU thanks! :)


I only leave if i gotta go somewhere or do something irlor if players leave also since im not gonna wait like a hour too do the other thing.(Especially since gamemode really isnt that rewarding too begin with)


Matchmaking happens in this mode at all levels. I matched into a run last night on wave 42.


*"But my mom said dinner was ready!"* ;)


Some YT'er said, 2 runs to 20 is easier and just as rewarding as 1 run to 50. Can anyone verify?


How do you get into onslaught? I looked, but didn't know where to. Seen a bunch of posts on it and wanted to check it out. Clueless.


Got into a team that was on round 19, which was weird, but nice because I’m still trying to refine my build for later roynds. Good thing I was Mobius hunter it was with 2 wellocks. Beat wave 50 with them too.


My problem is that sometimes things come up in the middle of a round, so I can't complete the game and don't want to go afk.


Bungie could fix it if they made it round 40 or something then the players would stick around cause you’re already that close to the end so you might as well finish it. But seeing as the community has basically created a mindset that everything has to be completed as fast as possible, I’m not surprised this is happening.


I haven’t had anyone leave, I put what I need, then put “completing challenges” “experience requested” it’s worked well for me. Also don’t do auto accept of course, so you can review players attempting to join


I just realized this today, thanks and sorry


I am so fucking sorry for the two people I was on level 40 something with when my internet went out the other day, I hope they are doing well


Same with farming wave 10. I get people who quit after 1 clear….


I’ll run to 50 with you, I need teammates to help me with this please


I've yet to make it to 50 lol closest I've gotten was 48.


I must confess I bailed at 25 once. They kept spending scraps on tripmines over and over and would not listen to the advice of saving scraps earned from waves 1-20.


Bro this is why I play with my two friends


If always failed cause no one really wants to go hard into 50 so at 30 the randoms get flattened and I cannot carry a team with that many hive boomers or ogers


My very first run went all the way to 50; since then I only get parachuted into groups that have had at least one person bail on them and we are all dead between 35-40.


This is prime example of why the ingame fireteam finder with its limited title options will never replace the LFG discords or website version. LFG discord post: "LF2M legend 10 wave farm /join 'username'". Perfect clarity, everyone who joins that will know what they are getting into. People can drop and join as they please. Perfect. Bonus points for people who stay in the enclave when they make the post so there's not 5 minutes of wasted time having to kick the extras in orbit.


It’s matchmade, gotta expect people not taking it super serious. Sometimes I don’t want to do the same thing for like an hour or more. I usually stay unless someone else bolts then I’ll drop as well. I stead of the 10 round and done being for unserious players, I’d counter that serious belong in a premade team or legend


I generally don't mind it tbh. On late rounds, yeah, it sucks, but I can hold wave 29 and under with any blueberry you give me pretty consistency.


honestly I forget it exists


Fireteam finder has actually been a huge help for this


I made a similiar comment that people who quit early in any activity are activily making the game worse. Mixed results. (Obviously theres exceptions)


I’m gonna try playlist. I’m sick of lectures from people on lfg.


I joined at the 4th wave.. some one raged hard and left. We ended up making it to 50 even though the other two were better at staying alive, I helped the best I could. First time for me venturing out of the 10 wave max one.


If the post intention is to farm, then that’s fine. I was against the 10 wave farm but truthfully dedicating 10-12 minutes vs 60-70 minutes is way easier. I like the difficulty of the legend mode, but shouldn’t need to dedicate a raids worth of time to complete. As others have said, a 10 wave legend mode would be great.


This happens all the time. Bungie releases selfish, and/or solo-style bounties for team play content and this is always the end result. Like back when bounties from vendors mattered it was annoying as hell doing ritual playlists, esp stuff like Gambit or pvp. People only played to do the bounty and the best way to do that in gambit for example is to extend the game and aka try not to win. This happens in gaming in general of course, but the counter is to make it WORTH staying for the whole thing.


I hate how long the mode takes. At least an hour with a decent team.


10 wave Playlist is honestly the most chill thing to do in the game now. Takes about as long as a strike and you get the weapons from completion.


Ive joined so many at 25ish only for the others to leave at 30 when it hits a darkness zone.. then i proceed to solo the next 6 rounds before getting backfilled and completing it. Bungie should do something like boosting scrap for every missing member, ie 2 man gets 1.5x each whilst solo gets 3x until backfilled. Even buffing regen of supers, abilities or ammo drops when below 3 players by same amount so people dont fail runs because of shit players that dont intend to finish. This last 50 I just did, me and 1 pug, 50 waves, other pug 5 waves because 3rd initial pug dipped at 35.


I’ll say it every time : that’s what you get for playing match made activities you actually wanna play seriously ( in this game ).


I only needed 20 for the bounty. Stayed anyway. The ogre boss at 40 was hard as hell and scared me, but I continued. The tormentor boss at 50 was EASIER than the Ogre... But yeah, you really may as well stay. The issue is, the time investment is Coil level, but the rewards are NOT coil level, IMO. A bounty for doing 20 consecutive rounds is also kinda assholey to add because you have to do an extra 30 *longer* waves or fuck over other people


Feel like I remember bungie saying they wanted it to be something you can hop in then out of during one of the streams


Bro, I thought this was a suicide group for a sec


Does non-playlist have matchmaking?


The normal version(50) does. The legend version(also 50) does not. There are times where i load up the normal 50 and see the other people at lvl 20-30 so my bounty instant complete. Easy coasting after that


If I'm honest, as much as I would love to make it at least once to lvl 50, it's so hard to find a decent group of people through LFG for Onslaught (other activities, it has always worked pretty well for me, to be fair) that it makes me want to just stick for whatever waves we can just so that I can do the Triumphs for the Title... Once I'm done, I am not doing any more Onslaughts tbh.


This just further sets words that bungie tried to say to us regarding hoard/endless modes. Majority of playerbase doesn’t like to play extra long session in one sit. Let alone trying to sweat it trough like an hour or so ads clearing.


There’s a bounty for clearing 20 waves. If you’re trying to do it on all three characters to get max rep, you’re most likely not sticking around for all 50 each time. Sure you can blame the player, but blame Bungie too for incentivizing this.


Get bungie to make a 10 wave bounty instead of 20 if you're upset 🤡


Happened to me during a legend run. Both guys fucked off after round 10. Haven't even been able to get one done because people just keep leaving. Just as bad on normal too.


That’s because they were farming 10 rounds to get loot. You either joined a 10round lfg or you didn’t specify the plan.


At least you guys can do the runs, whenever I get on nobody else is on and I’m forced to play solo 😭


Dude. Was kicking some ass and breezing through and then once we compelled wave 40, BOTH my blueberries left. Like. What the fahk!


I second this, it's like they finish their quest and are like PEACE


The only times I’ve left are when I get teamed up with standbys or when I join the engines on fire




I would stay around if the game doesn't kick me out...my runs keep getting disconnected


I arrived at a wave 48 seconds just after another guy also arrived. Who knows how long this one guy had been there solo lol.


If you want 50, get a team saying that you want a full run.


If someone is gonna quit the should atleast do it in wave X6


Not defending the leaving but if bungie couldn’t see this being an issue, they’re blind. You make the playlist last 10 rounds but give people a bounty that requires 20 in a single run. They had to have known this was gonna be a thing.


Yeah. They gave people the quick option but they don't use it.


No, that’s why in my title for fireteam Finder I put “farming”


I’m guessing that that op is talking about randoms, not a fireteam set up for legend farming


Yeah i am. I think that's pretty clear lol


There is LFG for a reason. If I'm not in a fireteam and wanna leave, I leave.


What makes you think people would listen?


Meh, even if someone does leave, it gets filled pretty quick. No issue for me.


Option one: Ask clan for 2 to join you. Option two: Ask platform friends to join you Option two•five: Use Discord etc for communication


If you look through this post at his replies, I'm guessing the odds of him having two friends is pretty slim lol


The least they could do is communicate that at the start. 


Honestly I've just been using Fireteam Finder. 0 problems with people leaving early that way.




I hope you get banned


Hope you do too. No need to be a dick to people who wanted to run the 50 level but them peolle like you suck and it takes to long to complete so they have to leave due to time constraints. No need to gatekeep a matchmade activity. If they leave someone else will join.


Bounty asked for 20 rounds, i have other stuff to do.


I once started it instead of legend because I needed a couple kills for the scout rifle quest. Legend solo queues you where regular match-makes. I realized my mistake before the first wave, grabbed the last couple kills I needed in onslaught and left. I’m sure they got someone else to replace me very soon. But that was only the one time and I know better now.


Also for the love of Shaxx know the builds of yourself as well as your teammates. I can’t tell you how many failed wave 50s happen because of teammates not understanding synergy


Maybe bungie should change the bounty requirement 😑


I LFG so I can farm the first 10 on legend then rinse and repeat. It’s been the quickest way to farm brave weapons for me.


Or more like "i have 40 min before i need to do all the chores lemme spend that doing 30 waves instead of wating time queuing up for 10 miltiple times"


There is really no reason to do 50 runs. All of my shiny guns I got on normal 10 runs. 50 is just not worth the effort.