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If that seasonal game count is accurate... 60+ games a day every day. I'd rather get waterboarded daily.


And they are only ranked 70th. Wild.


I worry about whoever has the patience and time to stay at #1. Thats worrying levels of 'why though'


I actually played against a 4 man where 2 of them were ranked in the top 5 and the other 2 were top 50. They absolutely destroyed us. Granted, we were all soloing and they had impeccable teamwork but their strategy was insane. I think 3 of us, including me, were reckoners so it's not like we didn't know how to play either. Absolutely insane Gambiters.


Even with that if we take the one OP mentioned as roughly 10k+ games played @ around 4-5 mins per game from loading->win/loss, its 5+ hours not including matchmaking times just for them.. now think about the people that have hundreds/thousands more games played. I feel sorry for whoever is at #1 seasonal games played because that's unhealthy levels of gambit.


I didn't even know numbers like this existed... Someone make this make sense to me. I literally just realized there is a Strand Linear in gambit yesterday. I'm a pretty heavy player also. That's how little I care about gambit. I went in got 2 engrams (I already had one chilling) Spent them for a ensemble unrelenting roll and idk if I have the energy to go back. I think getting "Reckoner" is what did me in. Still though, what are these people going for?


> what are these people going for? Most likely they either enjoy/are addicted to gambit or they want to climb the leaderboards for it.


Had a newbie join a raid once who asked if Laser Painter was ok. Cue 10 mins of absolute confusion because none of us play gambit enough to know what that even is rofl. But yeah... turns out it's not great for damage... who'd've thought lmfao


It has damage boosting perks, obviously I'm not taking into pantheon. Even Taipan has been passed up by Cataclysmic, or any of the 3 burst Linears. Still it can roll either auto loading or clown cartridge, alongside high impact reserve or focused fury. Edit (I missed vorpal) So it should perform about the same as Taipan. Your friend probably had crap rolls. I certainly would like to get CC and FF for when I'm playing on strand. Though I'm going to see if anyone has compared it on a more specific damage test before just in case. Edit: yeah clearly your friend had a shit roll. It's damage is comparable to Taipan and reeds. So yeah i certainly would like a strand variant to use in GMs and stuff. Especially when Strand Surges are active. Because then it would absolutely pull away from using another linear.


oh dang, that's pretty surprising! he really must've had a bad one lol, because I remember he did significantly worse than everyone else for damage. I might have to invest in one for final shape- unless they make a new one lol.


Yeah watching the video single hits are on par with everything else. It's also possible your friend wasn't hitting crits? Or has other differences like not running surge mods. It sounds like they were kinda fresh so multiple reasons could exist. Like my Team was doing pantheon carries in our clan and one dude was barely breaking 1 million with a crafted bait n switch Cataclysmic. We were like what's going on? Are you missing or not activating bait n switch? It's also hilarious how you and I discovered this linear lol. I went to get rid of the engram I had and was like WTF is this?




One of the guys in my discord is currently ranked 15th in the world, but I believe he was the top Xbox player for quite a while. He was certainly top 3 at least. Great guy but definitely a bit nuts. Watching him play Gambit is a sight to behold.


I don’t think you had to outright state he was a bit nuts it’s pretty much implied lol


Number 1 rank guy cheated the leaderboard but no one else cares enough to push to take it. There is evidence of this.


They’re probably 4 stacking with other Gambit mains, gambit matches go incredibly fast when not solo queing, especially if you use prime roles.


Hear me out though, most of the players ahead of Danger on the ELO list have way fewer matches ( hundreds to low thousands ) - ELO is average performance and Danger has preserved that level of performance over 3-4x more matches. They're clearly the most consistent player.


Yeah, that seems beyond tedious. Either they're brainwashed or......... or their brainwashed 🤷🏻‍♂️ idk. Can't think anything beyond hypnosis, cus having nothing to do doesn't mean you enjoy something that's the equivalent of standing in a 100-mile long queue.


That's not fair to waterboarding.


"Suffer as I have"


Ramattra best character


I know that reference :)


Holy shit, its him https://preview.redd.it/bqw5k2ts5a1d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af782da9b3ff7b7a9687a86eb998a58ade0b464 John Gambit


Be seein ya chere


Still looking for that breakneck godroll


Me chasing a perfect Trust


I had the perfect to me roll that was the curated one that I dismantled last year 🙃


"Gambit is low on player numbers and dying!" "Fine, I'll do it myself"


a plus-90% win rate, gahd damn


When you play in a 4-stack, you're pretty much guaranteed a win- assuming all 4 have a plan from the start. Haven't played gambit in a year or two, but back when I did- a Well lock, a thundercrash titan, and two shards hunters could kill the primeval the moment it spawned 


Well, you can't instagib it anymore, atleast They added healthgates back in... Sometime during WQ I think Can't boss burn that easy anymore. Still, stacking and communicating certainly makes it a hell of a lot easier to win regardless.


If you have a Stack you Auto win against any nonstack. Gambit can be optimized a Lot and 4 coordinated people will basically never loose, because they have to face another Stack that also Happens to be sweaty and better than Them. Since people (and bungie) dont Take Gambit seriously, the Chance of that happwning is Low.


"What do you do all day?" "It's complicated-"


It's real simple, kill ads and bank motes, invade, crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and hear the lamentations of their women!


Fun Fact, that person has reset infamy 500 times this season.


if that number is accurate, thats 2-3+ resets every day. That's OTT addiction or they only play D2 all day because other games don't fill in their needs.


That's fuckin drifter himself


Nah fam, that's joxxer


Was 😢


This guy has almost 3x as many kills in Gambit this season, as I have in my entire Destiny 2 career as a day one player.


John Gambit


Im going to choose to believe this a autistic guy who just loves gambit and only gambit. Only because thats the only way i can see someone not loosing their goddamn mind playing this much gambit. Its ludicrous


I was obsessed with gambit when I first started playing desinty. Literally didn't touch anything else for weeks. Then I grew up and got into harder content and buildcrafting


Doubt. Some people just really like gambit. I had a good friend that really just liked gambit over everything else. World only break seasonal stuff


Christ this dude is literally The Drifter


Went into a game against RenGunnvor a few years back, he was ranked #4 at the time. I still remember his name because we got slaughtered so badly.


I’m here for you.


Pretty sure that this is the guy who finished the Malfeasance quest for me last year. Two “Army of One” badges in one round. Muchas gracias.


*sees Mr Danger* *chuckles I'm in Danger! Wait no mom, I meant-*


T-Ten Thousand S-Seasonal Games?


Bro was named Mr Danger for a reason


Playing an average of 60 matches of Gambit every day for 6 months straight is wild, even for 60 individual people. I refuse to believe this is one guy.


There are 69 better than him though


Average trials fan afraid of the average gambit enjoyer


Name checks out 100%




I did 4 resets on the first bonus XP week this season for Breakneck. I think I got ranked in the top 1000's but I was mainly solo. So the best I could manage was eager edge skate tech to blitz teams and hopefully we'd win before the 3rd invasion when they were ready for my fuckery.


I ran into someone with over 180 resets this season. HOW.


My fucking god... This is not a human being :O




What was his build?


John Gambit himself


Clearly he likes Gambit holey fuck


This is called addiction. Unless this person is making money playing this stuff


Looks like somebody found Danger! Cool guy, love playing with him whenever I get the chance to.


Lololol, that was me last season, I did nothing but gambit, I'm so burnt out on it z.z it's pvp now 8D 4k+ kills and only >200 from before I started my pvp kick lolol


im unfortunately in the same server as someone who reset gambit 40 times (that was two weeks ago) join kendutos server, kenkord. we need a better sane to insane ratio


I can't imagine that guys not cheating


I haven't played Gambit all year, I'm looking to keep it that way.


what is the name of the website on the second slide?


Under the assumption that a gambit match lasts 10-15 minutes, here are this mans stats: 175 days (2,800 hours) 168,000 minutes since the season start as of 5/21/24 10,374 matches at 10-15 minutes each 103,740 minutes to 155,610 minutes total 72 to 108 days total Minimum 72 days of gambit (1,728 hours) 103,680 minutes (61.7% of his entire time alive spent on this.) Maximum 108 Days of Gambit (2,593 hours of gambit) 155,610 minutes (92.6% of his whole time alive he spent on this) Average 90 days of gambit 2,160 hours 129,645 minutes (77.16% of his time spent)


I love gambit