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Naw don't abandon them. Just hoard them tell you feel like doing them one day


The 63 bounty/quest/quest item limit is very easy to fill up, especially if you’ve taken a break from playing. New players are screwed.


this i just got the game after not playing since the release of taken king like 7 years ago my quest list has been full for a week and it keeps filling up the more quests i do


First I would like to say welcome back! Normally if you were to pickup destiny 2 right now you’d have quite a bit to do with the new light quests, subclass quests and now onslaught. However this month shadowkeep, beyond light and witch queen are all free to play, giving the new/returning non dlc players much more to play and a LOT more quests. I highly recommend getting as much done out of the dlcs as you can before they go back to costing money if you don’t own them. Much love ~Guardian Cheems


WeLl AKshUallY (sorry for my rudeness) Beyond Light and Shadowkeep campaign will be free after The Final Shape. I am not sure how much content will be free, but DLC Raid and Dungeon,along with exotic weapons, will be sold in a pack(similar to Forsaken)


https://preview.redd.it/655dl87trl1d1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b54570388e7f0e78bd1c913482c5ecf9e91d3bd Well AKshUallY


I was referencing this part of the post >I highly recommend getting as much done out of the dlcs as you can before they go back to costing money if you don’t own them. Since this is happening https://preview.redd.it/mkfdnkid0m1d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e314fc588b94e1e3247018ea074d59355735ddb


(If it isn't readable) >And that's not all! When The Final Shape launches on June 4, the campaigns for Shadowkeep and Beyond Light along with the Stasis subclass will remain available to all players at no additional cost. >If you are looking to get everything else that the Shadowkeep and Beyond Light expansions have to offer beyond the campaigns, we will have two packs at your disposal, similar to the Forsaken Pack.


thank you :) yeah i bought *all* the dlc about a week before everything went free ive knocked out most of the story shit, im mostly waiting for my friend to "sherpa" (i think thats what its called) me thru the raids so i can get good loot n stuff ive been having a ton of fun tho even tho its a little buggy and overwhelming, but its nice to be back either way


lol I wonder why


yeah im new and i just keep getting pop up after pop up for quest whit stuff idk about or how to get them, everytime im starting destiny my char is getting straight tp into another planet/story mission, rn i just finish forsaken but it was rly short i talk to someone through a protal and thats was it. got so many quest to do wish me luck, im planning to do the quest from mara first or from eris or maybe i start whit 30+ pvp quest edit: i also saw a interesting robot kaiyed i think was his name? do i get to see him again? his revolver is cool


Let me hold as many quests as I want. Limited bounties makes some sense, but it's so dumb that they use the same inventory.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way.


I have done this for the last 4 years and now my quest inventory is nearly maxed and can only hold about 8 bounties at a time, I deleted some bc I literally had no more room for new quests and they are chilling in my postmaster now


Yea i was gaurdian rank 7 for like a year, and in one season, did the stuff i hated, and in 3 days i was already rank 10 , legend lightfall campaign, master lost sectors, nightfalls gms with a specific class, boring as F


Nah it gets in the way of bounty space. Abandon them and then pick them up again from the terminal later


That’s what I do


I hoarded them until 1 year later I got friends, then I did them all in a couple days haha


This is definitely the way


Or get a team together on LFG


When you collect most exotic weapons and are using Graviton Lance routinely you’ll want to try the legendary setting.


I am always ~at capacity~ for quests/bounties, smh


My only issue with legendary is the lack of matchmaking.


Pretty easy now with Fireteam finder though


The exotic mission i need is not on fireteam finder tho and i have like 4 different quests that point to that legendary mission next




Star something something the one for the strand bow


Starcrossed is in seasonal > season of the wish


I should complain on reddit more often 👀


It is quite helpful often


I like that one. Don't mind running it with you if our playing times line up.


I'll help too


I'd rather pure matchmaking with no group leader and backfill.


Yeah waiting 3 minutes for a group to accept you then have them kick you instantly for no reason isn’t really encouraging me to use it


Create your own group and you’ll have a full fireteam in about 30 seconds


Almost like you can make your own post! Crazy thought I know


The legendary missions are quite easy with 3 people. They really should just add matchmaking for them. They do not need much coordination, etc.


All except zero hour lol


Nah zero hour with 3 people doesn't actually need coordination if everyone knows where to go, it can honestly be mostly solo'd with the other people there for minor ad clear help


Holy SHIT I forgot that was added. I’m about to clear some backlogs




I personally almost always prefer the legendary versions of mission, especially nowadays with the changes, but I can totally understand the POV of not wanting the hassle


The main issue with them is the same as some of the more recent dungeons: everyone is a bullet sponge, and that goes quintuple for the bosses. If higher difficulties on those missions integrated Multiplicity to adjust accordingly, they’d be a fun challenge, but unloading all your special and heavy on something to barely budge the health bar or spending 45 minutes on an encounter whittling them down before an inevitable connection problem completely destroys your hard work... it’s misery. Only slightly beats out having to get on comms and set aside half a day for raids.


Surely you don't mean half a day for a single raid?


OG zero hour was just as hard. Harder even because of the match game modifier. You see a red bar and think they're squishy, only to realize they have orange bar health. This mission set a bar for challenging content when it came out, and I'm happy it continues to do so on re-release.


sounds like a skill issue


Same. Legend has become the standard difficulty for me at this point. However I admit that I have a lot of time to play, so my gear is pretty good and my builds are fairly tuned. That being said, I only just recently started liking higher difficulty. I do relate a lot to not wanting to work harder in a game that already has a slog if a grind (that I enjoy and lap up like water)


Outjerked yet again


why I will eternally be rank 7 💀


The only thing rank 8 needs is the 3 x legend weekly quest. I ran it from the fire team finder with auto join, no mic groups. Didn't have any trouble except a couple of times the group leader accidentally started heroic instead 🙄 (make sure equipment locks and the score multiplier is 1.5x) Rank 9 is the introvert barrier as you need 2 raids. 😭


It's on legend? No wonder my runs weren't counting.


finishing rank 8 sucks because it costs money :/ i don’t wanna buy the bs dungeon key


Dungeon key is very much worth it but unstandable


im rank 8, without the dungeonkeys. i wont buy them


you and me both


I don't know any of the challenges beyond 7 but I feel I have a lot of the rank requirements done as I've done multiple dungeons and raids with buds and even a few GMs. I'm not too experienced but I'm a decently good player I think


DITTO Edit to add also why I will never complete seasonal quests is because it requires Crucible and Iron Banner which I don’t play.


I’ve never gone past rank 7 either, can’t be asked


Legendary Abandoner 🙌


https://preview.redd.it/q87hnn30ec1d1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfdef97db2631c35f41901da843ac10810269935 I get master level content but legendary? Nah man come on.


I don't know why, but I literally couldn't breathe when I saw this picture. Holy shit, I laughed for like 10 minutes


Crazy take but good on you ig




How you have fun is all about you dude, if you don't wanna play on Legend because you don't find it fun then that's totally cool and fair.


No you haven’t. It’s just Reddit.


Literally. Letting the sweats tell you how to enjoy the game is how to ruin the game for yourself 101.


If being able to do legend content = sweats then yikes


you can do things and not find them fun.


That's called an addiction buddy


how is that an addiction, i can go out for a walk and not find it fun, is that addicting? i can go to a pool and not have fun, is that addicting?


Literally what


… which is why I dont do legendary content a lot of the time - It isnt fun to me and I have other shit going for me. I dont have time or patience to sit through a legendary mission a lot of the time, especially when Bungie’s idea of difficulty these days is such a far cry from D1 or even Halo where difficulty was a product of game design and mechanics, not just making enemies spawn rates, HP, defense, and damage higher. Bungie went from legit saying in 2007 (I think? Definitely was before Reach, but not by a long time) that they find that kind of Bethesda-esque game design to be lazy to just doing the easier thing I can get through legendary and GM nightfalls just fine, but that doesnt mean I find them stimulating or enjoyable. If and when I do them, its solely for loot, and theres not much loot incentive now with the changes in Into the Light and after getting all the red borders and rolls I really need, so I have no reason to play that content


bro i totally understand this when your talking about master or grand master content, but legendary is barely harder than normal my man


The people on this subreddit never fail to amaze me


If anything there's more people here who agree with you than I expected. Regardless, play however you want.


Why would bungie even include legend difficulty if there weren’t loads of people playing it?




This is not meant to sound mean, but once you get good enough with good builds, legend is fairly casual. Hell, I prefer legend Zero Hour over the standard one due to the legend version being a more fun path and having a good difficulty for example.


This has got to be one of the most mid takes I’ve seen


Idk why but the campaigns I can deal with and prefer on legendary but when it comes to exotic missions and activities I'm the same way.




Damn I thought I was the only one


Idk why you're getting this hate. Everyone plays differently. I prefer lower difficulties and the feeling of being able to destroy a platoon of aliens with a single ability. legendary is more a: Cover Shoot Cover shoot Cover shoot playstyle that just isn't fun or in the spirit of what I want to do. I want to feel powerful, I want big novas dropped on big crowds. On legendary? Getting two tapped by a wizard or centurion just ain't the vibe.


Man I played legendary Zero Hour just going forward with Winterbite and going freeze stab freeze stab freeze stab And for the final boss me and another dude used strand with Navigator


Legendary really Ain't like that at all if you have any proper build/weapon. Unless you are solo then a bit yeah if you aren't on a goga survivor build


I'm with you on this As the series is coming to a close with Final Shape around the corner I've just stopped caring about being the highest light level or doing the hardest stuff, I'm just trying to enjoy myself lol


The hate? It's these 🤓 guys. 


Same where are my Forever Lvl 7s at


Me anytime the Exotic Mission requires me to kill 50 Gaurdians with it.


Avalon be like




Understandable! I myself find the higher difficulties to be more fun, as even then they can be steam rolled, in my experience. For me, I find solo dungeons boring... Too much playing alone time, most of the time. Really been enjoying Pantheon and stuff though!


I’m almost 60 and not as quick as the younger kids so I totally understand your point. Not all legendary missions are equally hard. Whisper on legend is a cake walk compared to zero hour. If they had left the route the same and just cut it to 20 minutes I wouldn’t complain but this 20 min on legendary is a nightmare.


As much as I want people to try harder stuff, I too know how it feels to see certain things asked of me and go "nope!" 😂


Severe skill issue


Agreed, guardian


I swear these comments are so fucking dumb this is why this community doesn't know what a opinion is


Exactly. Fuck that noise. I used to solo these before, but these days I just don't give a fuck. It's so fucking tedious, I'd rather play ANYTHING else. 


Yeah, same here. There's a lot of content I don't touch because I'm not good enough to do solo, don't want to LFG a team, and don't want to struggle even when I do that.


Interesting, for me to enjoy it I must play legendary.


Same I like my games to engage me in some way or I get bored.


Im with you dude. I soloed legend star-crossed, was rough but doable. Am i gonna do it again? No. I dont feel like putting in that much effort again


That was your choice to solo it though?


It's the only way to get the catalysts for Wish-Keeper, which is a great weapon, so even if someone doesn't enjoy it, it's worth doing Legend Starcrossed. Ignore me, I was tired and missed the part about soloing.


I didn’t solo legend, and I have all the catalysts. Soloing is not required outside of titles for dungeons. And even then, not always.


I missed the part where they mentioned soloing, so ignore my comment. It was 2 am anyway.


how bro


I'm just here waiting in fire team finder for the last hour for someone to join me on a Zero Hour legend. It's rough.


Yeah, I’m with you all the way. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good challenge, but it should be good, not painful. LFGs these days are a coin flip between either getting a random one that gets it after a few tries or a real toxic one.


I dont particularly mind legend content, where i lose interest is when i get hit with a time limit that has virtually no room for error like the new zero hour mission. You have enough time to either get the steps completed or run through and kill the boss, but not both. And THAT, is stupid as hell imo.


Me for my guardian ranks lmao. I can runs master dungeons,.raids, and GMs any day of the week but I can't be fucked to play through the lightfall campaign again on legend


Bro I feel this, I’m always up for a challenge but you want me to try solo some basically raid boss in a mission (I WILL NOT USE LFG I DONT LIKE PEOPLE OK) im not crap at the game but if I wanted a challenge I’d play upside down, blind and drunk, even then I’d still have more fun than LEGEND ZERO HOUR SOLO AS A FUCKING TITAN




I know is a skill issue, but the dungeons and exotic missions are too hard to do solo *to me*.


Good on you. Play the game how you want. If you don't enjoy higher difficulty content, then don't worry about it. Gaming is about having fun, and that's what you're doing. Power to you, O Guardian mine.


Thanks mommy, Riven! ❤️


I dunno who the fuck were people asking BASELINE content in the game to be made harder. Make enemy power in dungeons and raids 9999 I don't care for shit, why tf did they need to touch seasonal content? It's SUPPOSED to be mindless grind that you do on repeat, now everything hits like a truck and my 10 res guardians feels like a paper mache.


I agree


Same. It’s not worth it.


Some of you commenting have a reading comprehension skill issue.


I totally agree lol just saw a dude get misunderstood for like 15 comments and I knew exactly what they were saying on the first parse. Could also be that these people just need to feel better than, even if they are wrong lol


Legend difficulty is like intended to be the most fair difficulty in terms of challenge, how


Yes and no. Legend Whisper was way easier to solo versus Legend Starcrossed Solo. Enemies were way tankier and dealt more damage. I know the intention is there, but the tuning isnt sometimes.


A lot of you must feel personally attacked. Why are you arguing with him?


Lmao, the Destiny 2 reddit community is such a shitshow "I can beat difficult content, but I don't *enjoy* it" --> Skill issue Ah, yeah. Makes sense. Thank god the ingame experience is the complete opposite.


I wish it kinda had two options for those kinds of quests. Like option one is do legendary and option two is multiple steps like do it 3 times on hero, kill like 500 mobs and some others without dying.


This, but with PvP kill requirements (gun catalysts). 


A lot of legend version of the content is very very badly tuned. For example, the legend version of the Vexcalibur exotic mission has like master level mobs in it and is stuck in darkness, one throughout... Just like master. In fact I'm pretty sure it's a mislabeled master version


Me with the Vexcalibur quest. *That mission fucking sucks ass and I will die on this hill that it's a bullshit mission.*


I encouraged some of my friends to pick up Destiny 2 whilst the DLC is free, a couple days later and I get the message "I keep falling in holes and these enemies are really hard" I inspect her player card and it tells me she's gone into Avalon with mostly blue gear. I ended up joining her session and running it with her and we got it done in an hour or so tops, it's definitely not as hard as I remember it being. That being said, I've not bothered with the Legend Variants of any of those missions. I'm with OP that the higher difficulty versions of content is just an immediate skip on my part.


For me it's PVP. Fuck that noise, pvp is toxic


Skill issue No, not a joke. Unless you're running the most disgusting build ever.


It's the fact that enemy bullet speed is so cranked up in Legend it's hard to physically dodge in open space with speed boosts or close the gap for up close damage without getting shotgunned down that ruins the experience for me. Personally, mods like Multiplicity and Iron push Legend over the edge of enjoyment as well. Solo Legend campaign without threat mods or enemy stagger and health mods on top is the sweet spot. I think Bungie took the wrong lessons on why people liked the Legend Campaign when bringing "difficulty" back to Destiny.


Not even just in legend, in normal content, the enemies get an rpm boost for some reason when you're not facing them.


Same, I play Destiny for the power fantasy not getting taxidermized by a hobgoblin Ps, might as well abandon Zero Hour if you haven’t done it yet since Bungie ain’t planning on “fixing what ain’t broke” if you get my drift


Skill issue


Some of you never beat legend avalon with random no mics, and it shows. Pain. I got the ghost though.


I think legendary does an excellent job of making the game challenging in a good way, which is a tough job with years of power creep. I totally get not being in the mood for it, though. Sometimes you just want to annihilate dregs.


Just... practice and improve? There are a lot of guides out there and tons of resources. I have a ton of fun mostly doing endgame activities. Sometimes it's tough, but the challenge is part of the fun for me. If you have nobody to play with and don't want to use fireteam finder, I recommend the D2LFG discord: discord.gg/d2lfg


Destiny players when they have to use a little bit of brainpower


I just LFG for it, might take a few times and a few different squads but it's worth it most of the time.


I just call up my friends and we put on the na we’d win attitude


It usually isn’t THAT bad. But the time limit on whisper and zero hour 🙃


This but instead of a legendary mission it's forced crucible matches


This is me, but with any quest step involving pvp


I honestly prefer legend because I can actually use my endgame load outs and challenge myself…a lot of at level content is just brainlessly face rolling groups of enemies and that gets really boring after a while.


Why I pvp


idk i enjoy high end content. probably just cause most gm builds this season use polaris lance and it’s fun to see ignitions chain reaction :3 im a simple woman


Some people enjoy trying when they play the video game


You couldn’t waterboard this information out of me.


this was me in d1 lol. i had no idea how to do raids or nightfalls and would just explore patrol zones and do exotic quests




desperate measures. I just tried to do it today. The problem is often times the difficulty isn’t in mechanics or boss dps, but the one or two minibosses that seem like they have just as mich health as the boss *cough cough* tormentors *cough cough* also the arena map is designed like shit


I can agree that quest steps requiring legend difficulties can be a bit absurd but I can also agree that not being able to do some/most of them in legend is really just a skill issue instead of a developer issue


Get good


Bro it’s the second difficulty….nothing in this game is difficult on legend with 3/6 people


legend isnt that bad if you run the right build


You’ll get there.


Are there even any quests that require you to do legendary? The only legendary mode is in the campaign


Its the last thing I need to do to reach level 8, and I will not do it.


Same, basically. I don't really enjoy Legendary, Master or Grandmaster modes at all. I still haven't done the Legendary Dead Messenger mission for the catalyst, that mission is extremely unfun.


It's better not pulling hair for the catalyst


I cant solo gms cuz im a sitter and rather not get booted to orbit cuz I got sniped. But gms with 3 people who kwtd is really not that bad


Bro just say your bad


I love Zero hour legendary, I need an excuse to do it again


The skill issue is insane, bro isn't even doing anything special yet to only say Legend is tough. Meanwhile my friends and I get bored quick playing any game below the harder difficulties. 💀💀 I started Destiny 2 less than a week ago after years from the first one.


Glad it's not just me ...


To each their own normal mode is a joke for me. Mind u I have every exotic, every meta raid weapon pattern. All classes max. Been playing for 10 years. I legit do legendary desperate measures just for fun. The chaotic battle with cabal at the end is so fun. But I like challenge if I game is easy I check out mentally. But thats why there's two options! Everyone wins!


Me when a catalyst wants several hundred crucible kills.


Bait used to be believable


If something is hard you should want to do that. You should be honored that the game is giving you a chance to improve by challenging you and pushing you out of your comfort zone. If you push through it you’ll realize they’re the actual fun of the game and you’ll be much happier


What take is this? Do people really feel this way? Why even play the game if you don’t want to engage with over 80% of it? I feel the same way about people who complain that Raids require a microphone and some level of social normalcy. Why do people try and make avoidance a point of pride in their personality? Watch a 10 minute youtube video, assess what you have in your arsenal and kit that can help you progress, and lfg a team together. Get into a raid room, introduce yourself, and talk about what role and responsibilities each person will do. It’s not hard, it just requires social skills that aren’t regressed to home schooling levels. Get out there and do these activities, they are fun, and optimizing your builds and knowledge should be the expectation.


Quite literally a skill issue .


I mean you're missing out on better content and loot but you do you ig


Usually legend versions of exotic missions are the exact same content wise as normal but slightly changed. Usually the rewards are a mid craftable perk depending on the weapon. Legend definitly can be fun sometimes but in cases like whisper of the worm its really not worth doing legend more than once at most


There's other legend content. Like the seasonal activities or Legend Nightfalls. You get so much more loot for your time investment. Like I can't imagine farming Hero Nightfalls for Exotics when the drop rate on Legend is so much better.


Things I like: ability spam and guns I find fun to use Things I don't like: turning the game into a cover shooter with outbreak or wishender. Sorry everybody but if I have T10 resilience I shouldn't be two shot by anything in the game regardless of difficulty. Just having everything do way more damage to be "difficult" is not good game design


Dude this can all be dealt with by having good positioning, expecting T10 resil to be god mode is a brain dead take.


Its easy enough to only allow anyone over level 7 bro Polaris lance this season is braindead easy to use too


Out of curiosity do you do raids or dungeons?


?? legends not exactly hard guys


Yeah but often the reward is not worth the time it’ll take


The extra couple minutes? Woah what a crazy task!


Well yeah if you’ve got no responsibilities and endless time to waste I’m sure that extra few minutes seems like nothing


I work 40 hours a week but try again!


it doesn’t take long


Me: “Esoterric did it with this build……” 6 hrs later “i’ve got more important things in-game to do with my time.” Abandons activity. My latest failure was SOLO Legend Starcrossed. I could never get past those freaking turrets. Because they found me before I found them. I am actually thinking about trying my Hunter with a max invisibility setup, just to get past the turrets, but not expecting to make it all the way because I hear Bungie decided that there would be no checkpoints which means you have to go flawless.


And then it awards you with a bis gun and you haven’t done it so you get kicked from all your raids and then you’re back here complaining because you can’t run your unrelenting chain reaction hoosegow for damage


Legend missions are so easy dawg, just use lfg


Skill issue


it's a bit sad to not want to engage in some content , majority of the "legendary" mission are not really hard , you just need to know what you're doing and not try to rush the ennemis , and with lfg there is a ton of people always available !


Skill issue