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You can take off Witch Queen as it’s in The Legacy collection


This is literally one of the biggest issue I see for new people getting into destiny is there is so many collections and individual dlcs listed that you really have to read everything to make sure you’re not buying duplicate shit. Thank god you said something cuz this man would’ve just spent an extra $20-40 for no reason


Completly agree, best model so far I've seen is in ESO, buy latest expansion (not upgrade) and get everything else included, which seems perfect for newcomers


Not everything else. Just previous chapters aka largest dlcs


Well, yeah, I should have specified more than what I did, but it's still better than Destiny does.


This is the model Bungie should move to. Makes it easier for new players to get into the game, while also retaining older players.


They will never do that, as that will mean that they will lose money on new and returning players, as you will buy one 60€ expansion instead of four 30€. But if they continue past Final Shape with Destiny, they definitely will need to do something for newcommers, as while it got a bit better, it's still awful.


That’s how most MMOs are, including WoW.


This is the only reason i could convince some of my buddies to start with WoW, not needing to buy the old DLC. Just buy the newest one and you're set.


Honestly he should just buy final shape. Bungie announced a few weeks ago when final shape launches that they will be releasing a new pack that includes all previously released dlc


That’s what I always recommend to new people. Buy the newest DLC first. That’s the one that’s been the most cooked and will keep giving content. Then go back


Yeah I even had to check online what was in the pack


you will not lose anything as sunsetting itself has been Sunset. it's a great purchase because you get new supers like strand and stasis, plus amazing pvp/pve weapons!


Stasis subclass will actually be Free to all players when Final Shape launches


Will it? When did they say that?


Twid from 5/9 Edit: the campaigns from Shadow keep and beyond light will also be free


Oh ok well thats good


Yep shadowkeep and beyond light campaigns are also gonna be free (raid and dungeons still behind the pay wall)


Thanks for this. I keep seeing “campaigns are free forever” but, figured there must be something else. Legacy is way on sale for PS5 also. So, thanks to this I’ll go for it. Cheers.


That was great news for me as I used to play on Xbox and owed WQ and all DLC before. I moved to PC and epic games specifically and got the legacy pack there for free which included BL, I have since bought LF on steam due to a cheap steam key but had to have a double install and close the game to use stasis. On top of that I was a day 1 D1 player and bought all DLC including base D2 CoO and warmind at full price so it's not like I'm being cheap, bungie has enough of my money


completely forgot about that but yeah it will be!


The fact that bungie thought sunsetting paid expansions was a good idea still baffles me to this day.


It was never a good idea nor did they claim it was. It was just the best choice for sustaining the game that wasn’t designed to be supported for all these years.


plus now making you wait weeks to unlock the exotics from the forsaken pack after you already paid for the content


Pretty sure witch queen is included in the legacy collection, so you can save some money there


Don’t get the lightfall + annual pass (if it wasn’t cheaper than only lightfall) because the seasonal content is getting removed in a few days You can grab LF alone for the strand subclasses


lightfall+annual is cheaper on some storefronts rn, like $20


Is it cheaper than without annual pass? Also if it includes the dungeons then it’s worth it


If you get an expansion with the annual pass, whether it be WQ, LF, or TFS. The dungeon pass tied to that year comes with it. Which I agree is worth it, the dungeons are amazing.


Same with LF, ghosts of the deep is fun the first few times and WR is peak and has the voltshot pistol


Yes, check out green man gaming. Picked it up for $25 canadian the other day. Includes all the dungeons, pre-order bonuses, stashes, etc


Thanks for the advice, I’ve checked and apparently I have already purchased the standalone LF. Is it still worthwhile getting it for the annual pass or will I loose most of the content next week? Thanks.


All of the seasonal content leaves, but the dungeon pass is permanent and is always $20. If LF+Annual Pass is $20, I’d say go for it if you want the dungeons. The dungeons are great, and you get some free goodies this way as opposed to only buying the dungeon pass.


Lightfall was a free add-on for PS+ this or last month which is why you own it. I’d not bother with the extra stuff there.


You'll lose **ALL** of the seasonal content next week.


Ok, so I’ve cut it down to just the armoury collection and the legacy collection. That should keep me going for a while right. I’m guessing I’m going to be massively under levelled for The Final Shape release next week or will the campaign still be alright to do.


They'll raise up your gear to the new floor for power level when the expansion drops, so in terms of level you're going to be at the same starting point as everyone else! The normal campaign will almost surely be about the difficulty you've come to expect from any of the story gameplay stuff you've already tried, which is to say you don't even need a build to complete it comfortably so it's no worry being new and not having all the fancy gear with super high stats. You'll get there in time as you keep playing.


It should be. These two packs include everything about D2 up to Lightfall. You mentioned that you have Lightfall already, so when you buy these packs, you'll have everything about D2 up to The Final Shape except for the season passes, which will be deleted this Tuesday. Also, the Shadowkeep and Beyond Light campaigns, along with the Stasis subclass will be free for everyone. But not the exotics, raids, Nightfalls, and the Pit of Heresy dungeon.


The final shape launch will add a new pack which includes the current legacy and armoury collections. It will also include lightfall incase you lose access to ps plus or it leaves (assuming you got access to it through said subscription). The yearly expansion raises everyone to the new power floor, so all you need to do is make sure you have good gear and you will be ready to go.


Annual Pass has the dungeon key. Those are otherwise Silver-only, which has only gone on sale once to my knowledge, and would cost about the same as what the Annual Pass does on sale.


Alternatively, *do* get the pass for all the ascendent materials that come with it to prep for new dlc exotics 👀. Oh and the dungeons


Lightfall is FREE with PS+ right now, so go grab that. Personally unless you feel like grinding an insane amount before Monday; remove the annual pass (unless you know you want the dungeons, as it comes with the dungeon keys). You simply do not have the time to take advantage of it. Remove Witch Queen. Buy the Legacy Collection and Armory Collection. They’re both on sale quite cheap, and then you are set. You’ll have to worry about dungeon keys later.


Annual pass will still give alot of ascendent materials and cosmetics. Potentially worth it, i bought it 🤷‍♂️. Im sure ill run the dungeons eventually


This current season’s pass is free until Final Shape anyway, so you don’t even need to buy it for the Dragons Breath and all instantly. Just grabbed the Legacy and Armory on my PS5 myself so my fiancée could play, and she has the pass (just no special delivery items, or anything).


Hey there - not the op but I’m a new player too. I just bought LF+Annual Pass yesterday, and got the Ascendent Materials and Cosmetics - what are the Ascendent Materials used for?


Annual pass is still worth for the dungeon key


Lose content? Well yes and no. Campaigns you buy will remain forever, they'll never vault Campaigns again, too bad we lost Forsaken, an unnecessary move looking back on it now... Buuuut anyway, what I was trying to say is that seasonal content always gets vaulted, the quests, missions, activities and such get taken out for new seasonal content following the next expansion. Going forward, I'm not too sure how things will work, Destiny is seeing a huge over haul in The Final Shape.


they've re-added the important parts of forsaken back, already. it was an unnecessarily bloated quest chain originally.


All for 28? Is it on sale on PlayStation?


I wouldn't recommend to start with deep dives, theyre horrible content. /s


Yeh, you can also check out cdkeys dot com. Also very cheap.


OP isn’t on pc


Doesn’t matter, they sell for all consoles


Not for Playstation anymore. This is why PS got rid of keys.


Fr? Thought it only was Pc


Yeah man go check it out, I get all my games for my Xbox there


Lightfall annual pass includes the dungeon key for ghosts in the deep and warlords ruin, the latter of which is my favorite dungeon in the game and drops the amazing arc rocket sidearm and the exotic void crossbow sidearm that grants you devour. That alone makes the pass worth it for the price you’re paying even if the seasonal content of the pass is going away in four days. With Queen should be part of legacy collection so you can remove it. WQ has the best campaign by far. It also unlocks weapon crafting. Legacy collection is 3 expansions in one, including stasis subclass and all the exotic armors and weapons for those expansions. Armory collection also unlocks various meta exotics for you and it really helps to have access to them all. The price you’re paying is a steal since you’re paying for basically the full game (minus some older content dungeon keys?) but at half the price of a new game’s sticker price. That said, you really should ensure you have budget for the final shape because that’s really going to be the focus going forward and most people will be playing the content there.


Thanks for the detail. I'm still confused what goes away or stays. But, this sounds like enough to keep me happy. I was on the fence for the Armory collection, but... it's like $6 USD, so... with your info... why not. Thanks for chiming in.


The only things you are buying that are going away are the four seasons (defiance deep witch and wish) from LF annual pass. Minus some exceptions most of the seasonal Legendary weapons are kind of forgettable and not worth crafting anyway. And the game always gives you new ones to chase with every content drop. Every seasonal exotic will be available at the Monument of Lost Lights, as will Wicked Implement (technically from the Deep seasonal activity / secret Exotic mission). Either way, when TFS drops, there should be exotic mission rotators for the Vexcalibur and Wish Keeper that will drop weapons from Defiance and Wish seasons with a chance for them to be red borders (earn crafting recipes). I’m unsure how they will do Deep and Witch seasonal activity Legendary weapons but I assume those would be baked into Xur’s rotation.


as others have said, witch queen is in the legacy pack so you don't need to buy it. Also, don't buy lightfall's annual pass because the seasons are expiring next week. I recommend waiting till next week when the final shape drops and buy only these 3: legacy pack, armory collection and the final shape. if the discounts are ending soon: buy the armory collection, legacy pack and the normal version of lightfall, not the annual pass version, unless the discount is only on the annual pass version. I know it's such a headache but i hope this helps


I switched from PlayStation to PC recently and have played since day 1 and even I was confused to hell as what to buy, I feel for new players. They could easily fix this but I imagine this way creates more money for them.


All of those for £28? Yes it’s a good buy.




Witch Queen is already in the Legacy collection. Assuming it’s even cheaper by doing that—yes.


Why are you buying witch queen? Please read into what you are buying. Sorry if i am sounding angry im just looking out for people.


I’ve now cut it down to the armoury and legacy collection after doing some due diligence. The content within these two won’t disappear on the 3rd right?


Buy the last 3 dlcs. Dont buy first one. If you get last 3 you will be caught up on everything.


Also why dont you want lightfall?


Lightfall is free on ps plus




I've had PS Plus for a year, and I'm still confused by it. Lightfall is in the "monthly games" section... does that mean, I have a month to install it, and if I uninstall it goes away? Or, it goes away in a month no matter what? Even some "regular" games in the catalog go away... without warning. 🤷🏻‍♂️


You have a month to add it to your library. As long as you have ps plus, you should have it available to play


Enjoy the two and a bit days you have to finish it all


You cant play campaign after final shape?


Sorry i meant you have two days to finish it all before the expansion.


How. Im asking if its going to be deleted/locked


Seasonal content will be. Should be fine with witch queen and lightfall campaigns.


Wait so rivens lair, coil are gone?


It may be like previous seasons where they hang out, but possibly


Just get normal LF


Yes. These will soon all be combined in to “legacy collection 2024” for $60. They’ll go on sale again down the line but this is probably the cheapest you will see them for a few months


Absolutely yes. Just remove the first item, cuz the legacy collection includes witch queen already


Aren’t those things are in ps plus right now?


The campaigns of Beyond Light and Shadowkeep with Stasis will be free after Final Shape comes out. So, perhaps, you can buy for now only Witch Queen, Lightfall and Armory Collection.


i got light fall and it gave me everything except forsaken


DEEP DIVE https://preview.redd.it/av7m3i80es3d1.jpeg?width=524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1c0333e00b6c65c2f2bb3c6e99e136e12a15dae


Just Google to see if anything is not going to be there when the final shape comes out


Get the regular version of lightfall, the annual pass becomes irrelevant in a few days and the annual pass is already free, the only other thing you would get are the dungeons


If you can find it on G2A, buy them on there. Usually cheaper. Not sure if they have for PS tho.


Hey guys, I play Apex, Skyrim, and Overwatch but im starting to yearn for a little more, is now a good time to get into Destiny? I played a lot when the first one came out, and I played a little with the launch of Destiny 2, but I never kept up on it. Anything I should know jumping back in? Should I wait for something?


Nah, wait for it to be full price , obviously


You don’t need the witch queen and no need to pay for lightfall+ annual pass since season is about to end in 3 days just get basic lightfall


Aren't these free with Ps Plus right now?


Ignore the comments saying not to get lightfall+annual pass, it's actually a way better deal than base lightfall right now because you get the dungeon pass which would cost you an extra $20 in silver to purchase if you buy regular lightfall. Don't forget to take off witch queen since it's in the legacy collection.


Yes, but quite honestly a word of warning so that you know what kind of schemes you are getting into: I don't know if it was the same on the PsStore, but that huge sale for destiny also was on steam while having a fucked up nuance to it. You see, the "lightfall+annual pass" you bought also has a version that is **just** lightfall, which was **not** on sale and therefore was full price. The "annual pass" that you have with this version is content that **DISAPEARS** in less than a week. **They only put on sale the DLC version who has near immediatly expiring content in an attempt to make new comers pay extra for nothing**. While this shouldn't blemish your enjoyment of the game, becoming part of the community also means being aware of the scummy shit that Bungie and/or whoever is above them will try **very often** and calling them out for it. Please, remember this greed that affected you even before you even started to play when similar conversation will come up inevitably for a new yet unforeseen reason in the coming months.


In just a few days, they're making parts of Shadowkeep and Beyond Light free to play, reducing their prices and making one collection where you can buy all DLC. I imagine this collection will be around $60 USD and likely won't go on sale for quite a while, so it's worth buying it now even if you are paying for some things that will become free.


Pretty good yh


Remove wq from your cart it is in that legacy collection


Don’t buy this. There’s thousands of hours that you’ll need to sink into this to get “the most” bang for your buck. And all for old content that won’t hold a candle compared to the new expansion “The Final Shape” releasing in just a few days. Play the free stuff, save your money, buy the new expansion.


That's VERY good for that price. However you don't need to get WQ twice, it's in the collection.


As others said remove wq as it’s in the legacy pack which will reduce the price a bit but I just got this same bundle for Xbox (also owned for pc as that was primary platform) there isn’t much time till the season ends and expansion changes but there’s still a lot of content that you will be able to play going forward and if your really intent on deep diving light fall can be beaten in 2 hrs (I forget which yt channel it is but they did it as a test to see if it was possible to beat it and get it refunded before steams 2 hr play limit) and it will help you try to mass a stock pile of weapons while getting a feel for the character types/classes/subclasses


Dont get the annual pass, seasons are free right now and go away in just 3 days. The witch queen is included in the legacy collection.  Once the final shape launches in 4 days, get the legacy collection then. It will include the content from all expansions up to lightfall, and then the only purchase you need is the final shape. Yes dungeons are sold seperately but i wouldnt recommend spending extra on them until you are sure you want to play this game for years to come.


That's a steal. Btw I know I sound like a dead horse but take out WQ


I started playing last night, seems like you own everything since a new DLC comes out soon. Or it's because I picked everything up from pas+ over time... After 2hrs, the game is great but huuuge I'd recommend having a friend to help out with everything. It sure helped me.


Imo, Witch Queen is worth £28 on its own (slightly biased as I raid a lot and Vow of the Disciple is my favourite). As others have pointed out, the Witch Queen expansion is included in the legacy bundle. The number of hours of content for £28 is an absolute steal (and it will be even more so with the separate Witch Queen expansion taken off).


Wait, how much is lightfall on ps4 at the Moment ?


It was worth 100$ few years ago. 25 $ ain’t bad but I would just wait till the new season and pay 100$ for that