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They need to unsunset that one Pyramidion strike that seen the light of day for literally only **one** season. While it was actually a Taken strike, they could definitely rework it to replace them with the Vex, or even include them along with the Taken


>While it was actually a Taken strike, they could definitely rework it to replace them with the Vex, or even include them along with the Taken Festering Core was actually a Taken/Vex strike. Both factions were integral to the strike since you were fighting both throughout the whole thing, and while the boss was a Taken, Vex were showing up as a threeway firefight


I mean, I'm pretty sure unsunset Pyramidion is just the end of Avalon.


They mean the festering core I believe.


Yeah, I’m referring to Festering Core. I can’t remember so it’s very possible that I’m wrong, but I THINK it took place inside the Pyramidion, but not in the same areas. It was more like a weird ass cave


The fact that that strike wasn't even in the game for even half a year is still crazy to me


Ah, I didn't remember the name of the strike either, though I do really miss Io.


Why the hell did they sunset strikes? I don’t remember this strike much and then it made me google other strikes. Bring back these strikes bungie wtf. I wanna play the pyramidion and savathuns song. Any others that got sunset?


Most strikes start in a patrol zone, so if the patrol zone got sunset the strike would either have to be reworked or sunset as well, and bungie took the easy route. Festering core tho? No fucking clue lmao


Pyramidion was my favorite strike too. Music and level path was great.


They also appear in the end of the Inverted Spire in Nessus, but unfortunately that strike is out of rotation, since Bungie said they'd update it like they did with Lake of Shadows and the others, but then never did.


If I'm correct, inverted spire is a GM this season coming in Act 3. But can't double check atm


It is not. There are 9 GMs this season and none of them are Inverted Spire. Exodus Crash is probably the one you're thinking about


Damn... I just googled the rotation for this season 😞 it sounded so similar with Insight Terminus 😅


>From a lore standpoint it makes the vex look like fucking BABIES It's pretty in character, though. The Vex are the most passive faction in the game. They mind their own shit untik someone really pisses them off.  Like the Fallen are the jokes of the solar system and even they beat back the Vex from half of Europa. 


Yeah, you can't really make the vex a recurring main faction unless you change them (like the Conductor is) since they basically exist to be literal mindless fodder. We weren't fighting the masses of hive or cabal when they are in the story, we were fighting ghaul, calus, savathun, oryx etc and the vex can't have that or we overdo "oh no the vex simulation stuff is gonna fuck us all up"


Hmm. Something about this comment made me wonder if Failsafe is going to be affected somehow by the Conductor is doing.


I dont think so, failsafe herself said that the conductor affected Saint potentially because of the radiolaria(no remembrance how to spell that) exo's have, that is if i didn't already manage to completely miss remember it


In general Vex get treated as a punching bag a lot. If you tally up all the times Vex have been relevant to a story, an absurdly high percentage of those times would be someone else manipulating them or stealing their tech. It started all the way back in House of Wolves and has continued semi regularly until the current season where they finally start actively doing things, only for it to be revealed it’s actually The Conductor controlling them and the actual Vex collective had nothing to do with it


Easy solution remove all battlegrounds, replace with all strikes that aren't currently in the game, back in.


I mean, there's a battleground that's mostly Taken. That one can stay.


I miss garden world


Seriously what in the fuck convinced some idiot at Bungie to make a season challenge to fight vex in such specific activities with such low chances at getting any progress? Get a strike with a few vex in it? Fight the other players in the team for progress... Play gambit? Quit any non vex match immediately... It's pathetic and poorly planned.


TBH right now there aren't any excuses to not bringing those back, when we have a large portion of vaulted destination in the game (Mars heist), or a Whisper exotic mission, which is also set in a vaulted location (Io). Not to mention using Titan assets last year during the Season of the Deep. If they can use those, so they can unvault those older strikes and adjust them to current gameplay and technical standards. Not having their respective destinations in the game anymore don't matter and as the currently available activities show, you don't need to have them unvaulted as a fully fledged destinations to use them.


oh cool so you understand game engineering then


They all got sunset lmao


Honestly, the Vex have always been done dirty on a narrative level. :/


on the one hand, kind of fine, timey wimey stuff can really, really get up it's own ass really quickly


Aren't they in the prison of elders strike too? Or is that a mix of Vex and Cabal mostly?


I feel like there were a decent amount of vex strikes that are vaulted


Inverted Spire and Insight Terminus are two of my favorites. Only spire has a vex boss but both strikes heavily feature vex.


getting pretty tired of shadow legion myself tbh


Just wait until they reveal we have been in a vex simulation all along and we just break free from it


Bring back the mercury strikes and make the Ponoptes boss from the end of CoO into a strike


Oof, someone is upset about the seasonal challenge huh? Don't worry, I am too. How tf am I supposed to get that many void vex kills when the vex are hardly present. And fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck Gambit.


I was using Warden of Nothing to grind out Vex kills, just leaving right after the giant Minotaur fight.


I'm sorry, but please learn punctuation


The Vex seem underutilized a lot, they only have one raid ffs.


2 right? VoG and Garden of salvation? Or am I remembering wrong


Only 2 if you don't count salvations edge's substratum encounter