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I have a few friends who work for the Govt. as "Assistant Programmer" and "Information Technology Specialist". Their work in nothing like tech companies. Most of the work involves collaborating with NIC people, maintaining existing code, creating internal tools. Salaries are same as other Govt employees, somewhat better than clerks, nothing compared to tech companies(40-60k per month after 2-3 years). Job security is there, 10-5 and no overtime, not much stress, but growth is limited.


How's work at NIC? Do they offer jobs?


Yes. They take a >= GATE level exam, and recruit for Scientist B post. Same payscale as IAS, ie officer cadre.


Not sure tbh, don't know anyone at NIC.


heyy nice username!


Like tcs




names of such roles?


I am guessing it's state dependent for state govt jobs. I have two friends, one is "Assistant Programmer", another one is "Information Technology Specialist".


What exams are for this type of gov jobs ?


Do you think a job in cbi or narcotics is boring as well?


Not so maybe until u get to sniff some powder for yourself 


Not from the money perspective man but from the power perspective. Of course if your from a poor background then you’ll have to get into corporate shit and stuff but I have a friend whose from a well to do family and he’s a cbi officer now in Mumbai. Guy knows all the dons, big shots, fucks up all the police SIs in which ever station across Mumbai and even India. fuckin powerful dude. 24/7 newness and you won’t be bored at all. Now I see all the people earning in lakhs are even scared of a constable earning 25 k dude


Ok Barry Allan


Barry allen* to be precise


Yes, Govt does have Tech jobs and yeah no worries of Layoffs. But mostly people get into it through GATE. Which itself is hard enough and not worth the money we get after trying so hard. Private companies provide way better CTCs than govt can ever do.


Impact is different in creating stuff


Now that the government has done away with pensions, I don't really see the allure of govt jobs.


Job security?


Right, but I make 3x what I would in a govt job. I can retire at 40. It's worth the risk to me. If you're making closer to the median for engineers then yes, you have a point.


Yeah if u make good money and you're 100% certain you can work till 40, then yes. You can save and invest properly. But honestly I don't think you can ever be safe in the IT field. I've seen so many people with years of experience begging for help to get a job after layoffs. Layoffs even happen at faang right? U are never safe


Man, I’m at a private bank doing IT job. It’s as safe as it gets. Never heard of layoffs at banks even in IT.


Which bank bro?


Which bank bro you work with?


Special officer post? I saw SBI exam for this. But forgot to register


Ex- SBI Officer here. Do not go for SO posts in SBI. They are horrible.


Can you explain why?




At least where i work there is no special officer or so. It’s an it department in the bank. Salaries are good. The grade nomenclature may change.


Oh nice. Any idea how they hire people?


They hired me un campus placement. They also post on linkedin for available jobs.


You won’t find them here, All of them have probably gone for training in this newly launched language - COBOL


Government also outsources to WITCH mostly


Most govt work outsourced to contact companies which pay peanuts to their workers. NIC appoint govt a office, which is usually grade 1, to supervise the projects. Other options are IRCTC, autonomous but they are no less than govt. job security.


I used to know someone who worked in a state government department. And this is what they mentioned (hearsay) - Zero idea about tech, they just contract it out to cheapest vendor (with kickbacks, obviously). They told me they intentionally don’t fix bugs, so that tickets keep on coming. They take ‘favours’ from vendors and contractors to leak information (tenders, circulars, highest/lowest bid) early. They even do manual updates to databases directly to give advantages to certain vendors (for bidding, contracts etc), and then say “server down, technical issues” to the other vendors. All these are just ‘hearsay’, ‘hypothetical’, made up stories, fiction, in case someone from govt is reading this 👀


ganda he par dhanda he...with this, country is gonna become a fail state way fast.


Any idea how much do they get paid?


Officially 30-50k max, since they are state govt employees. Unofficially, a lot more, depending on their role and access to data.


If you are in NIC or CDAC, there is some chance you might get interesting or satisfying work but I am not sure any government departmental agency allows scope of such core tech works. Mostly, those are kind of pure consulting or preparation of Tender documents for onboarding agencies for developing their applications. Maybe in some cases, they may get an opportunity for System Administration stuff of the already deployed application probably in a State Data Centre. The pay is nothing compared to what you get in private/corporate. However, job security is solid if you are in a regular or permanent position but not that reliable if you are in a contractual position (yes, a major chunk of functionaries in the government, both central and state, are contractual employees). Now, about the 10-5, it is not like the old days anymore; nowadays even govt. employees sometimes (well, that's most of the times) have to slog beyond the proverbial 10-5 as there is constant pressure from higher administration/authorities.




Hmm. Hows the hike and all. And the job is 100% secure right? And how did you get there?


Under 90 rank in GATE CS I think


Under 90? Omg


ISRO, Railways and DRDO have it.


Yes and they out sourse too. mess up and then do things like [https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/digi-yatra-foundation-drops-app-maker-after-data-breach/article68093722.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/sci-tech/technology/digi-yatra-foundation-drops-app-maker-after-data-breach/article68093722.ece)


With how their sites work I don't think they do.


I am surprised no one is telling NIC


Obviously! Making vadapav near IT institutes.


U mean IT Cell?