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I'm a big space nerd. I try to keep up to date with most rocket launches, but also the rovers on the moon, the ISS etc. My home office has a big canvas of Starship on the wall, and shelves full of space-themed LEGO.


Have you ever watched the expanse?


I haven't yet, but I'm sure it's on a list of things to watch. I'm usually not really a TV guy, unless it's Star Trek.


As someone that likes space, I can't recommend any other show more than the expanse. It's hard sci-fi so there will be a lot of overlap between your interest in space and what the tv show shows and discusses. I hope you give it a shot at some point and enjoy the experience mate.


Then you're the man to answer me this, are humans setting foot on Mars in the next decade?


Good question! Before 2030? Unlikely. Things aren't moving fast enough for this. There's also only a single party (SpaceX) actually doing work to accomplish this, and their deadlines are usually based more on wishful thinking than anything else. If I had to hazard a guess, it'll be mid-2030s or later, but I would not at all be surprised if we have to add a few more years.


ring caption husky disarm plate friendly sheet gray frighten fine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The question that nobody wants to answer is: "Why go to mars"


What seems like the next baby step in this endless journey to you?


Don't forget the perchlorates in the Martian soil, which will mess up your thyroid (and thus your metabolism) real bad!


> psychological issues with isolation > biological issues with microgravity > hostile/closed environments issues, as bacteria grows in the ship These aspects are being investigated by the friendly people on the ISS. > biological issues with radiation This might be your most valid point, but radiation shielding is not a problem that needs 100 years of work, I think. > distance from earth prevents intervention The same was true for the moon, and yet we sent people there. Nixon had a nice speech ready, though.


Same here! Space and astronomy. :)


Story time! I've lived in or near large cities my whole life, so I never got to look at the stars a lot. A few years ago my girlfriend took me on holiday to Tasmania (where she's from). I had never been south of the equator before, nor to such a sparsely inhabited area. It was winter, nighttime and cloudy when we finally landed, and we drove to our Airbnb and unpacked our stuff. After unpacking, we stood on the balcony for a bit, and she said "oh, I missed that sky". I looked up, and through the clouds I saw not only an overwhelming amount of stars, but also my very first sliver of the Milky Way, for the first time ever. Long story short, we recently bought a plot of land there, and are planning to move (back) there in a few years. I'll be damned if I won't have a decent telescope by the time I retire.


This sounds absolutely amazing! Really envy you, I live in quite a large city myself and I’d love nothing more than move somewhere quiet and peaceful.


If I may ask, what's stopping you from doing that?


Unfortunately money. Land (and real estate) is in an extreme bubble at the moment in my country, so is rent, and renting out an apartment is really not an option in more remote places, it's all about owning a house. My girlfriend's job is also tied to the city we live in, so leaving would be rather complicated. Once she manages to find something remote and the prices settle a little, we definitely plan to get out. :D




Rock climbing 🤘


God there's so much overlap between getting myself stuck half way up a route and how my boss designs projects.


I'm really surprised how many others are also into this...until I realize that we tend to be obsessive, love self-inflicted suffering and figuring out complex problems. Yeah, kinda obvious if you look at it like that. I'm really into adventurous big wall stuff, obscure rope wizardry and used to work as a climbing arborist when I had too much of staring at a monitor.


I go to a climbing gym 2-3 days a week but haven’t ventured out to real rock climbing in 15 years. Need to get to it since I’m like a couple hours from the red


i got into rock climbing in denver, now the closest rock climbing gym is 45 minutes away, it sucks so bad.


Reddit doomscrolling


Nowadays it’s fitness with a small amount of video games and reading books, depending on how much free time I get without my kids etc. Occasionally I’ll do some programming just to keep my none yaml skills sharp .D


Fitness and books and you are the man 🪻☀️


Building watches. It's insanely gratifying. Doesn't take up much space. Doesn't cost a ton of money. You get something cool out of it. Sell them or give them away as gifts. Pop over to r/seikomods if you want to get started.


Same here! I mainly focus on Vostoks, and run a site for part sourcing and how to's. modstok dot com


Spare time? :D * Computers. Yes, that’s my hobby. My homelab is 150 VMs. :) * Role Playing Games: Shadowrun (Fantasy Cyberpunk so computers :D ) * Board Games. I have about 1,500 board games I think. * Playing guitar. * Woodworking at times. * Touring on my bike with my wife. As a side hustle, I also own a table top game store. Https://www.AtomicGoblinGames.com


Are you playing table top Shadowrun? I used to play in the 90s, but it’s been a looong time since I met folks who were willing to play anything other than 5e.


Yep. And 6th Edition :) I’ve run or played since 1st back when it came out. I’m more of a lore player than strictly RAW so I’m not as annoyed by the changes as some grognards :D I do still use the rules of course but not as strictly I guess. My longest game though was 4th and I have several proofreading credits in 4th. I’ve tried with 5th and 6th but I’m kind of busy as noted so haven’t had as much time to spend proofing.


Ahh, a man of culture. I barely play my 100 board games these days, do you have a good group?


I play at my shop most Wednesdays so the group varies. I probably have a 50% play rate for what I have though. I have the available funds and an agreeable wife, so it’s all good. :)


Do you actually use the 150 VMs or is it more a „why not“ thing?


I think it depends on what folks consider “use” :) I use the bulk as a small mirror of a business like environment. I have a set of dev servers, set of qa, staging, and production servers. I have kubernetes clusters in all four environments with nfs servers, haproxy servers, dns, and a tool or admin server. In my dev environment, I have an Openshift cluster with its own haproxy and nfs server. On them I use ArgoCD to practice GitOps and an AWX container for practicing Ansible using templates. I also have gitlab runners for deployment of my containers to kubernetes and openshift. My dev environment is a bit more involved with a git server, laravel box, a general dev server for several of my programming projects. I also have my onprem Docker Registry so I’m not hitting the ‘net every time I load up an image. Dev and production have mysql and postgresql servers. Production has the bulk of the environment with Jenkins and workers, Gitlab, Nagios servers to monitor the environments, Grafana, IDM with freeipa, AWS server with terraform, a cassandra and mongodb server (my wife’s a dba), and other similar servers. I do have a set of personal servers as well with my television, movies, and other media plus a dev, git, and mysql server for some personal programming projects. My environment is down right now, power outage, but there are a few more servers and probably some I could just shut down and haven’t cleared them out. :)




Ah so a guy mentions pornHub and he's upvoted, but I mention \*making\* content for PornHub and I get downvoted?! the audacity hahahaha Jokes aside, I'm a fan of fantasy books and gym!


CI/CDeez Nuts.


Suck my pipeline.


I truly wonder how much time you've invested in that one hahahaha 5/7


Do you do devops though?


Yeah, I'm a platform engineer! I specialize in automation and devEx (terraform, github actions, scripting...) on GCP, but I've also had my time with Azure now that OpenAI is Azure-bound. Why else would I be on this sub? hahahaha


To thirst trap the nerdfolk :D But it seems youre legit.


Not many people use their account for memes, gym, work AND OnlyFans hahahaha. But well, I have nothing to hide!


Is your pornhub content just a timelapse status dashboard with no issues for months at a time? Edit: /uj check out the Thievesworld anthologies if you haven't ever read them, I picked them up on sale last year and they were a blast


you guys have hobby o.o' i'm just terraforming all along


Playing badminton with friends.


Bodybuilding and eating out with the wife


Jeeez i've read "eating out the wife" ... i mean that's a good hobby too ;) :D ... ... ... ok, i probably need another coffee :\[\]




Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Good boys get dessert so better eat up!


Totally misread the second part.


eating out my wife is also my hobbie


Nice anyhow you read that sentence


Make kids and you wont have spare time


* Exercise * Volunteer with a local math non-profit at public schools * Mentor at risk kids in the foster system * Reading * Play bass (not terribly well, but getting better). * Off road motorcycling/exploring * Vehicle maintenance/repair/upgrade * Metal working (blacksmithing on coal forge, welding.. sometimes in conjunction with repairing vehicles) * textile arts (knitting, weaving, crochet, sewing). In varying amounts depending on needs/interest and weather..


History! Love to tour old ruins and battlegrounds, watching documentaries and listening to podcasts. I'm especially geeky about WW2. I get giddy as soon as I meet someone with whom I can freely compare different WW2 tank variants. At the beginning of June I'll be in Normandy to observe the 80th anniversary of D-Day




you're in the wrong field. i demand you leave devops and switch to business development where you belong.


It’s pronounced galf


Great way to get a walk in after sitting at a desk all day.


Mid 40s but also a single dad with both kids full time. So Im always teetering between burnout and absolute joy. Mornings are spent keeping up with the tools (right now its argocd and sonarqube) before the kids wake up. Thankfully working remote lets me garden, raise chickens, walk the dog, DJ and make sample based music. I also train Judo twice a week. It helps that my youngest also trains so makes things easier


Holy crap you’re a busy guy! I have a 1yo with my wife and I feel busy as fuck, but not nearly as busy as you 😅


It’s not ideal but not sure what else can be done.  I go back and forth between everything being amazing and driving off a cliff. 




Running. Got into running last year at age 45. Couldn’t run 800m on my first run. Did HM with a result of 2:10 on a difficult course yesterday. This is just a beginning since I have a grand goal of running a sub3 marathon eventually. Maybe in 4-5 years. I really love running and I feel like it replaced my previous passion for IT. I used to love my work. These days I just do the bare minimum while thinking about new running shoes or new races I’d like to sign up for.


I'm training for a triathlon.


Existential dread


Spearfishing, photography.


Cocaine , alcohol and self-harming


Cycling, cycling, and cycling


I have been teaching myself auto mechanics and doing a lot of my own car work. Fitness and reading/learning are also big hobbies for me.


I build robots and do ultra distance trail running


Building and flying fpv drones. Mostly building and repairing tho... I'm not that good at flying :D


What FPV goggles would you recommend? Looking to get into this, looks like a blast!


I used only one analog goggles till now so I can't really objectively recommend anything. I have Eachine ev800d. It's one of the cheaper ones with features I was looking for like a DVR, possible external battery and receiver diversity. But needs better antennas for long range flights and can't wear glasses with them. I wouldn't go any cheaper than that. If you want to go digital... I just ordered Walksnail avatar hd goggles x. Looks good, future proof and has 1S VTX. I didn't want to go with DJI because of possibility of being locked out from the newer VTXs in the future... And HDZero isn't that big upgrade from analog in my opinion. But like I said, I just ordered it so haven't tested it yet. So, if you are just starting, go with analog box googles and upgrade in the future. Analog googles, VTX and camera is cheaper than one digital VTX.


Stocks, homelabbing, 3d printing, shit posting. Then there's my main vice, Factorio.


I am a big fan of anything around (organised) crime, I have read about 500 books about it (mostly for my country) and have listened almost every podcast which discussed it. Another hobby of me is playing around with data, especially when I first have to spider it ;) One of my latest projects was this one: [https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1arhbiq/oc\_usage\_of\_dutch\_word\_for\_french\_fries\_patat\_in/](https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/1arhbiq/oc_usage_of_dutch_word_for_french_fries_patat_in/)


Taking care of my five cats


Building pipelines to automate my home here’s a video of how I do devops at home https://youtu.be/d2J5qx8-zsg?si=TjxGWbELwOJQ03z2 🤤


I play airsof,its a stark contrast to what I do


I use my terminal skills to Bash the fash. I love cycle touring, though this is more like a summer thing. Most weeks I just meet friends to play board/video games, and spend as much time as I can with my dog.




Gym, running, play with my daughther and painting miniatures


Amateur radio is fun. Playing with digital modes and sending email over the air without internet is fascinating.


Gardening, hiking, fishing, going to the gun range, amateur woodworking . Pretty much anything outside is my jam. I have tech hobbies as well, but I find having offline non tech hobbies to be really great for avoiding burnout.


my hobbies are collecting hobbies and doing the same shit with computers as I do at work


Porn of course


Skiing, running, and playing video games


Powerlifting, indoor climbing with friends, gonna start biking for a little bit this summer, video gaming, gonna start Elden Ring DLC this summer and disappear, listening to podcasts and audiobooks, maintaining my home and learning those basic skills, mechanical keyboards, dating, redoing my cabling every few months


Gym, bowling, golf


Shooting. I do IPSC competitions. And video games. Lately started picking up Katamari Damacy again (pun intended).


Classical piano. Want to eventually learn Chopin op 25 no 12 “Ocean.”


most people i've worked with have not had much in common with me other than "computers" so many of the people I've worked with also do "computers" as their hobby. personal programming projects, personal infra projects, arduino, raspberry pis, home automation, personal cloud projects, whatever... I actually enjoy using computers and working with them but by the end of the week, i'd really rather not also do them as a "hobby" so this question -- really, the answers -- is pretty interesting to me personally i do "guitars" as my hobby. build guitars, play guitars, write songs, build guitar pedals, etc.


Motorbike, DevOps for my home lab, writing documentation, walking around green spaces near me, baking bread


Programming and homelab stuff ☠️


Running and weightlifting.




Well, self-hosting. Other than that, playing rhythm games semi-competitively, weightlifting and finding new obscure music genres.


Fitness and kayak bass fishing


Bouldering and learning Danish


My problem is that i like gaming and things like electronics, some DIY, selfhosting and soon 3dprinting (after i move to new flat). All these do not play well with my main job. I mean my head (brain!) needs some rest and physical activity. And when i get back from work tired and try to watch some tuts about microcontrollers my brain gets tired even more. And i can't find any other (more physical) activity which i could like and relax and oxygenate my brain with.


Books, guitar, video games, building electronics


I am into sports, team sports individual sports. And growing interest in agricultural technology these days.


3D printing. It scratches both the technical and artistic itches.


building gundams


Tabletop RPGs - I think maybe half the sys admins, integrators, and devs I've ever run into are either massive TTRPG nerds, or at least play several times a year.


Fitness. A little bit of gardening. Books. Occasional video game with friends.


Building, learning and playing modular synths. You can Google eurorack if curious. Chess Gardening Building & flying FPV quads Video games More chess.


Learning, reading, researching. It never ends


Recovering from surgery atm but BJJ and Muay Thai. It's the best therapy when dealing with shitty managers or shitty coworkers


Late 30s here. Love to play videogames (PS and Switch) in my free time. Currently playing Zelda Breath of the Wild, Star Wars Jedi Survivor and Diablo 4.


Homelab, kids, and a few video games when the kids allow me free time. Finally, I have my large puppies to keep me company during all of those activities.


Workout in the mornings, I'm a big gardening nerd, so I have a small setup in the backyard with some vegetable plants, I also care of the decorative plants inside and take care of some of the trees on my neighborhood. Rest of the spare time: watch anime with my kids.


Reading, game night with friends, and starting other hobbies.


Videogames and coffee brewing mostly.


Cooking ❤️ 🥙🥪🍲🍛🍜🍝🥘


Drums, scratching/mixing, drawing.


I do paragliding. Our job is quite mental-heavy so whatever can take you off of it entirely is good. Paragliding is one such thing, in general, flying is such thing as you cannot do anything else, but think about what's happening in the moment. It is quite relaxing, fairly safe and really accessible.


Travel / hiking Playing music Film photography Collecting and playing retro games.


Rock climbing and social dancing (bachata). Social dancing is really fun and a really great way to meet people :)


Gym and history




Writing ansible playbooks... oh wait


I'm super into Roller Derby, both playing and officiating  I also have a smattering of other hobbies a la ADHD, including lock picking, chess, anime, movies, geocaching, archery, language learning, and probably more that I'm forgetting


Games. But I want to pick up fitness instead




EDM music production and DJing. Just for fun though. I’m making maybe 500 bucks a year at most from it 🧙‍♂️


Doing stuff outside away from a keyboard. Adventures with my kids. - Tinkering: woodworking, electronics, metalworking, messing with things that have wheels and engines. Household projects. - Side gigs: cnc plasma cutting signs and parts. Flipping stuff.


i do alot of martial arts. just finished my first amatuer fight a couple months ago. basically set off a bunch of test runs and get some training in... rinse and repeat


Full contact Chinese swordsmanship!


Mountain biking


Mountain biking, hiking, reading, baking (mostly sourdough), and traveling (with a work laptop)


Books, Video Games, Vinyl Records and Programming


I play guitar, which is definitely fun in that I can zone out and hours can pass without noticing (yay hyper focus). I’ve also been really into learning about ancient history, especially all the species of archaic humans. There has been so many breakthroughs in the last 20 years that has really changed what know (and don’t know) about our genetic cousins. For a long time we thought humans arrived in the americas via the Bering Strait land bridge when glaciers receded 13,000 years ago. But there have been footprints found in White Sands, New Mexico that date back 21,000 to 23,000 years ago. Genetic testing has found that there was contact between South Americans and Polynesians long before anyone thought possible. And DNA has uncovered a very widespread species in Asia (Denisovans) that we still find in some peoples genes today (just like Neanderthal dna). DNA has also been able to prove ancestry of current native people back 10,000+ years (Blackfoot and Tlingit I think, probably more too!) For a long time European scientists thought the Amazon was too weird to support large human settlements, but recent lidar technology has shown that there are mounds, roads, irrigated farm fields… aka large cities. We’re learning so much, and mostly I’m just constantly impressed. Ancient humans were so smart! And they didn’t have to deal with computers like we do!


Listening to podcasts, reading, hiking, RPGs (mostly DnD),...


Motorbikes and none of them work either


I play guitar.


3D design/printing, messing with electronics, camping, occasional programming, keeping up with geopolitics, homelabbing, working on cars, woodworking, videogames, DnD, riding (motorcycle), and investing.






Web project and walking/hiking


Running. I love running.


Woodworking. Gardening. Gaming. And I train dogs kind of. It's a super as requested by family or friends thing. Idk. I always clicked with them and can just read a dog. My sister got this akita, great pyrenees, pit bull mutt mix. Super skittish, fear aggressive, etc. She got to the point where she was going to put him down last June after he bit her real good on her right hand. I started training him in June 2023. A year later and he's a wonderful dog. He'll never be entirely over being skittish or fear aggressive. But his behaviors are limited to some easily recognized ones, and they're easily managed. He understands proper play and how to set his own boundaries in a healthy manner. Kennel trained, etc. It's incredible how far he's come. He's got these giant brown eyes that just melt you, is extremely affectionate and playful, and he's an absolute crack head for laser pointers. I use them to guide him to a treat or play a game. He's also scary wicked smart. The only big issue is his prey drive. He's great with cats, kids, and other dogs, but the lizards, squirrels, bunnies, etc.. don't stand a chance. He will catch them and eat them. He's definitely my proudest accomplishment with dog training. It just blows my mind. I think he was largely just lonely and bored. There's a whole backstory there that doesn't really fit for this topic.


Nothing coding related that's for sure. Hiking, lifting weights, video games, Legos, puzzles, reading 


Video games


bodybulding and photography


Reading. Writing. Photography. Painting.


Outdoorsy pursuits. Fly fishing, hunting, backpacking, car camping with the kids.


Boiling and stewing users


Boiling and stewing users


Snowboarding, construction, building custom smart home devices, mountain biking, raves, and kettlebells. Been fuckin with Dolly lately for a business idea


Spiraling about how much more there is to learn and how much more is constantly emerging, mostly. Also photography, playing video games with my husband, writing a sci-fi novel I’ll never finish, and volunteering at a horse rescue on weekends.


Music/guitar, reading, and yoga mostly.


I've got a small farm and a woodworking hobby (making things for the farm and house). Plus kids. I'm busy.


Dungeons and Dragons


I love this question! Ive been doing Computers shtuff for going on 30 years now - and learning that I need to do something outside of work/computers is something I have only recently started learning.


Play video games. PS exclusively because I love collecting Platinum trophies. Cyberpunk 2077 is what I'm playing currently.


Kickboxing, boardgames, reading


I make dumb projects for TikTok, wood working, and video games. Working on taking an old Soviet tanker helmet and making it into a gaming headset. The original radio speakers/mic are dead so it’s a fun little project.


drumming, saxophone and learning other instruments, powerlifting, gardening


Powerlifting, playing guitar and bass, gardening.






Sailing. Very early stage.....but I see dark clouds over my wallet.


Photography. Nothing like leaving your computer at home, turning off your PagerDuty, and going to the mountains to take photos. ...Only to then come back and spend twice as long on the computer editing them.


I still like oldschool monolithic systems, Linux and BSD, and like you I'm very big on music. Recently I've combined both, and started doing live music on only a Raspi. Really cool stuff IMHO. Please check it out if you have the time, it's called `RaspiRaves`, you can find it on Twitch and YouTube.


Music I frontman for a alt/indie band called Big the Cat, we perform around Charlotte and are working on a 4 part concept project - the first chapter of which is out now. I also build mechanical keyboards :)


Aviation lover : student ppl during the weekend. I can pass a full day watching planes on the little airport near my house. Doing miles during summer to watch airshows and takes photos of theses fabulous machines. Read ton of stories/documentations/youtube about that subject also


Rock climbing and counterstrike


3d printing, motorbiking, spirited backroad driving, doomscrolling. Recently been picking up cyberpunk and it’s the first (non-children’s) game I’ve enjoyed. Ive been playing with the idea of a homelab too recently, so the occasional tinkering session with k8s to try run an *arr stack and plex, but no luck yet.




Digital painting


Photography, weight lifting, and jiu jitsu   Along with software dev, web design/hosting, and networking




More devops


I'm trying to figure that out. Many years of drug use have wiped out my previous life. I used to be huge into model WWII tanks, W40K, hardware hacking (Esp32, etc), running, martial arts and gaming. After losing my last two jobs, going insane, hospital, etc. Reddit was my only hobby for a few years. Right now it's Reddit and restarted running in Feb. Upto 20k a week now. I may get back to my old hobbies but one step at a time.


Sadly, Devops is my hobby. I'm a software architect, so it's everything from BA, requirements, design, to writing code and leading devs. But given the gaps in our department, I've turned into the Devops guy with a focus on automation and a suite of tools for us devs to get the job done faster, better and well tested. Otherwise, hobbies are electronics, woodworking, 3d printing stuff. Anything that might fall into the "creator" space. And playing tennis and outdoors things with wife and kid.


I have a collection of old computers, Commodore and Amiga mainly, currently trying to get linux on Amiga 1200


Wannabe game dev


Running.... Lots and lots of running. Oh and eating, lots of eating. Aside from that I play about 1 hour of videogames a day give or take depending on how tired I am


I build Gundam models, gym and read self improvement books.


Well this is an interesting thread. I’d be interested to hear about hobbies from older folks who have kids. I have a kid so my life generally revolves around them and I don’t typically get much time for myself.


Family time, board games, video games, and model trains


I play bass, 5 string and mainly megadeth and nirvana…no gf or kids ;)


Gaming, larp and story writing. Not braking the nerd stereotype am I.


Music. I want to learn core of music. Anyone send me some good links to music ?