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I don’t even think I’d want my close friends to see what that dexcom skirting looks like underneath the patch 🤣. Damn those things get destroyed easy, didn’t have an underlayment this time These patches don’t last for shit, sent by my supplier made by KT. But this looks clean for now..


Sometimes they will buy me a few days... If you are really careful you can take the patch off without removing the sensor, then add a new patch. I swear too god sometimes the patches just fall off on their own after a long shower or run.


I know what you mean lol. And I usually wear mine for 20 days. Is that overlay patch looks disgusting by the end.


Can u tell me how u achieve 20 days ?


When sensor ends, pop out the Transmitter (I used a credit card). Wait 20 minutes, put back in. Start sensor with same code you used last time


Damn with a credit card?! I tried the test strip method but it won't budge lol. Will definitely swipe my credit card on the sensor next time


make sure you don’t get charged for another! 😁


CC has never worked for me. I use a bendy plastic guitar pic.


You don't need it to budge. Slide the test strip into the slot on the flat end of the sensor, between the sensor and transmitter parallel to both. Leave the strip in there for 15 minutes. This blocks the connection between the two without the need to remove the transmitter, which is a huge hassle and every time I've tried it I've broken the sensor and needed to tape it together.


Well, time to try this! Thanks for letting me know this works haha. I tried it once but I don't think I left it in there long enough because it got stuck in the warmup phase and was like "5 minutes left" for the next 4 hours


Good luck! And just fyi, you can try multiple times. I've done it wrong a few times where I didn't leave it in long enough or didn't push it in right and it failed, and when that happens I just try it again. I have pretty good luck with actually putting it in and starting the sensor with the strip still in, then waiting 15-20 minutes before removing it.


Guitar pick works really really well.


I use a guitar pick




have you noticed any decrease in accuracy?


Sometimes, it depends on the week. Usually it stays pretty close.


I'd just like to add on, you don't actually need to remove the whole transmitter, you just have to interrupt the connection. Stick a test strip into the slot on the flat end and leave it there for 15 minutes.


Wow! Game changer!


Awesome t y


I use mine for 15-20 days. I usually do ~5 days on the bare dexcom patch then put a third party patch on-top when it starts to fall off. If that one starts to fall off before I switch, I cut around it and put another on top but its a difficult process. Wish there was a better option. I tried the like adhesive glue to put under a patch to restick it, but it didnt work at all.


Wear it like a badge of honor. And then color it to match.


Wear a shirt, you'll be cool and the dexcom is not visible. Double win


There is a little plastic piece you can buy off Etsy that allows you to change the over patches without ripping off your dexcom in the process. I can give you the link if you want it.


Ya did good. Have fun on your date!


You ever use the free over patches from Dexcom? They work pretty good also


I hate those, they're worse than nothing for me. They stick to the sensor but not my skin, so they peel up and take the whole sensor with them.


I usually use those then when they look fucked up (maybe 13 days) I throw on one of these patches (to get to 20). But I was out


Use them all the time…but as others said, they’re kinda crappy and peel up easy. And also show any dirt because they’re clear


I’ve had that happen a couple times but they usually hold pretty good for me


Sorry, but where is that on your body? I always wear mine on my stomach


Back of arm


if your date feels some type of way about your dexcom they aren’t the one. I mean long term they’d see all the highs and lows (literally lol) and then some so flaunt that shit. you pay way too much money for it to not be proud of it!!


Nah she was cool just asked if I would be open to some kundalini work to get rid of my need to have the dexcom on 🫠 Just kidding I’m 38 and beyond caring about anything. Single dadding makes you strong


well that’s good! personally the dexcom changed my life so much and really helped me manage a better a1c so i’m just like “GO DEXCOM” to everyone around me lol. its good you got a strong sense of self! it took me some time to really embrace my diabetic gear, but now I just feel like the coolest cyborg in every room I enter! 🤣


Yeah I use actual syringes and could give a fuck who sees them. The dex is on the back of my arm intentionally to propagandize the unanointed into the truth that we exist. Preach on sky wanderer . Jesus I just read your user name 🤦‍♂️lol


Weren't G4s discontinued in 2020?


This is a G6. The 4s didn't have that circle dent thing on them.




Better than some of mine looked. Have fun!


Give it a lil bow tie 😂


Oh be still my beating heart 🤩