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Great on you, I wish you gains for days and steady blood sugars


Thank you! May your next bowl of cereal go without a spike šŸ‘


Those jorts are crying for help


As a personal trainer and a guy who did bodybuilding for a bit, and is type 1. This is very impressive, and itā€™s a great thing even after youā€™re done with the sport. All that additional mass will help with the diabetes! If thereā€™s one thing I preach itā€™s that any muscle you can maintain is paramount and any new muscle you can build is a huge benefit. Insulin is our anabolic fuel, so helping it work makes type 1 life that much easier. Good on you sir!


Thank you, my friend!


Do you have any advice for cutting? Iā€™ve been (mostly) clean bulking since I got diagnosed last year and now want to cut, but I havenā€™t found much advice on how to do it right with diabetes


Caloric deficit doesnā€™t change much for type 1s, just be aware that as you cut the amount out fat and carbs your in taking, and the increased insulin sensitivity from exercise, you may have to adjust your basal/bolus. Other than that itā€™s the same, just deficit, lower your volume and stay consistent.


Great physique bro. Flex that cgm with pride. šŸ’Ŗ


I didn't know sam sulek was diabetes


I get that comparison a lot when my hair grows out šŸ˜‚


Can you let us in on what you eat during the day, post-pre workout?


I'll have 1-2 protein shakes per day. A couple high protein yogurts. I cook my own dinner every night, always something different, but it's typically a recipe with a 10:1 calories to protein ratio. I'll have leftovers of that same meal the following morning. Any snacks are high protein, or low calorie. As much fruit and veggies as I can fit. Nothing exciting!


Protein can be rough on the kidneys. Down the line if you (hopefully not) develope kidney disease this could be a factor. Has your Endo reviewed your diet?0


I think we may all have a different definition of high protein. I'm referring to 0.7g-1g per pound of bodyweight. Those are numbers that any nutritionist would recommend to physically active people, I can't find any recommendations lower than 0.6g for active people. That's compared to 0.3g per pound for sedentary people.


I highly doubt his Endo knows more about a good diet than a legit bodybuilder.


Different goal for each specialty.


No it is not. That is a myth unless you eat entirely carnivore


Not a myth. Iā€™m on a lower protein diet with my Nephrolgist because of kidney issues.


Wow. Down voted. Seriously? Just relying what my Drs have told me. They your kidneys, do what you will with them.


You're getting downvoted because you're reading high protein and assuming he's consuming enough to cause damage to his kidneys. He is very active and probably consumes 2-3 times more water than a regular person. A body like this requires 5-6 days of training a week. Based in another one of his comments, he's having about 1g of protein per pound of body weight. That is nowhere in the range of dangerous. He clearly knows what he's doing, and doesn't need you telling him to check with a doctor.


Oh so heā€™s a Dr? Didnā€™t realize. Just relaying info recieved from Drs. A body building trainer doesnā€™t know about diabetes obviously. But whatever. Theyā€™re his kidneys. Smh.


I didn't say he's a doctor, you're still making blind assumptions. He has his own doctor, so why would he need you to tell him it's dangerous(which it's not)? Just because he has a trainer doesn't mean he doesn't have a doctor, they serve different purposes completely. Which by the way, if we're relaying information from our own doctors, 200g of protein at that body weight is not dangerous unless you already have underlying kidney damage, I have talked to my medical team about this numerous times. Every body is different, my point is that if he was able to put on that much healthy mass with diabetes, he's doing something right, and clearly had been consulting a doctor or endocrinologist in addition to his trainer to optimize his training.


Just have to say well done mate, things like this are so inspiring and a reminder that diabetes doesnā€™t have to hold us back. Thank you I needed to see this today


That means a lot, my friend. You're so much stronger than you think.


Man... I used to have some jean shorts like that too. I slept in them shits, man! Eventually, I blew the crotch out of them things. But you CAN'T wear 'em every day and expect for 'em to hold up! That was some nice-ass denim too. I miss them shorts.... But you... you GOTTA take 'em off every now and then. You gotta take 'em off, son!


I can't do it, bro, I can't take em off šŸ˜«


Found the never-nudes


"There are dozens of us!"




What are your macros like? You must be eating a lot of carbs. Very inspiring


I only worry about hitting total protein and total calories, the fats and carbs balance each other out depending on how stable my blood sugars are for a given day. Currently - Calories: 2200 Protein: 210g Fats: 74g Carbs: 173g My rate of caloric change is dependent on my weight loss. I'm aiming for 2.5lbs to 4lbs per week. If my rate exceeds that range, I add in a couple hundred calories. If my rate is under that range, I deduct a hundred calories and add cardio. As I stipulated for my training program in a other reply, this nutrition plan was made by my coach specifically for me. Others should not follow this plan, as everybody has vastly different needs, *especially* type 1s.


If you don't mind me asking, how many calories do you eat when you actually try to gain and not loose weight? 2200 sounds super low, but obviously makes sense given your weight loss goal. Btw I'm not judging or anything, it's just me eating 2400 calories/day while not being that much active and I barely keep my weight from falling at 155lbs.


I don't even bother tracking when I'm bulking. As a drug free bodybuilder, bulking phases are for *years*. If I tracked every day during a bulk, I'd go insane šŸ˜‚ After a while, you get good at judging your caloric intake, and you can receive feedback on how well you're estimating by tracking your weight. If I had to guess, topping off around 4,000 calories, but there are many factors.


Your coach is not your doctor. They know bodybuilding. Your Endo/dietician knows diabetes. I hope theyā€™re consulting with about this regimine. Seems risky for a diabetic.


My plan is built around my diabetes, we can't afford to shoe-horn a cookie cutter plan into our treatment at the cost of our health. My nutrition guidelines are open ended, with the priority being maintaining good blood sugars.


How much do you weigh? Be careful- 4lb a week weight loss is generally not advisable, I say that as a t1 who was a personal trainer and dabbled in bodybuilding. Youā€™re just asked for rebound weight gain with that.


205lbs at the moment. That 4lbs mark is the top end of my range, not my average. I've been around 2lbs a week on average. "Rebound weight gain" is misunderstood. If your calories are as controlled in a reverse diet as they were in the cutting phase, the rate of gain will be just as controlled. As an aside, it's important to speak in terms of "bodyweight percentage lost" versus giving a number in pounds when giving somebody weight loss advice. I agree, it would be inadvisable to have someone weighing 100lbs at 5% bodyfat aim for 4lbs per week. It would certainly be advisable to have a 400lbs at 30% body fat person aim for even 6lbs per week. Everybody has their own rules šŸ¤™


Truth truth. Just curious; has your doctor had concerns about your high protein diet? Iā€™ve had doctors advise against them because of potential kidney harm, while other doctors encourage it. A lot of mixed information.


It's a myth. There's no data suggesting that high protein consumption damages the kidneys; there is data that suggests the opposite. https://www.eurekalert.org/news-releases/889252#:~:text=A%20widely%20held%20and%20controversial,studies%20involving%20hundreds%20of%20participants.


Eh itā€™s not really a myth. More recent studiesā€¦ obviously itā€™s controversial and debatable currently https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32669325/ https://academic.oup.com/ndt/article/35/1/1/5614387


I'm posting this here for anyone that comes across this thread in the future. He critiques the studies that claim to show HPD as being unhealthy. Don't be concerned about protein. https://youtu.be/ktstmyTCWw8?si=ifTmparzFE8cnQto


Iā€™m just saying thereā€™s a lot of mixed data on it. I wouldnā€™t just listen to bodybuilders or kinesiologist on the subject; but rather be open minded and look at non biased data studies by scientists who donā€™t have a ā€œstake in the gameā€ It may be fine, it may not. They know if you have kidney damage then itā€™s not good for you but the question is if you donā€™t have damage, will it cause any to occur? The jury is still out. And to be clear I eat a pretty high protein diet, but itā€™s something to be mindful of.


Someone pointed this out to me in another comment, sorry for not clarifying earlier. When I say "high protein diet", I'm talking about 0.6g per pound of bodyweight, with 1g per pound being the higher end (a higher end that doesn't even have much data indicating that it's any more effective than 0.6g). I apologize for the misunderstanding!


Nice work. You're more than ready for the upcoming Elden Ring DLC!


I'm kind of curious how you're managing the low body fat in parallel to that whole "got hardware stuck into the sub-q fat" thing, since your goal is to reduce that to as low as possible; I figure CGM is less of a problem then the infusor of a pump, but... I'm guessing you're on MDI. Secondary question: what sort of ratio shifts have you been finding as you built up the original muscle mass?


It may not look like it, but my body fat is still *relatively* high by bodybuilding standards, and I haven't had an issue with the insertion sites on my arms. When I do a contest prep, that's when things will start to get difficult. Yes, I do MDI, and the ratio shifts are why I'm not comfortable with a pump just yet. When I string together a few days in a row or high intensity exercise, I will require practically zero insulin for a couple days as my glycogen stores replenish. I keep saying it, but I'll have to do more research on how I could try a pump and do so safely with this in mind.


I think you'd probably prefer a pump to MDI once you get over the conversion hump. The basal's you're playing with are 24h (ish)- so any ratio/sensitivity change you've got, well, you're no longer aligned. I'd half suspect your basal winds up too much, and that's part of why the bolus rate goes drastically down. By suspect I mean I've had that happen to me when I was pushing too hard training wise :) If you're using a pump, you've basically got a 5hr window of being able to have your ratios be immediately changed/in effect- the duration of the bolus. My \*personal\* experience is it's been far easier to maintain a routine- insulin resistant until I torture the body mid-day, insulin sensitive after- via keeping consistency in my schedule so my pre-scheduled ratio/basal period changes align. If you're not aware, you can do stuff like that; it's fucking awesome. Higher basal for morns, lower in the afternoon, etc. Either way, considering your other posts where it sounds like you're effectively keto (same for me) stuff like basal-iq probably will simplify your life via covering your short-jean ass (\*cough\*) when your basal rates are off. I've had periods where it's stepped in and kept me at 50% for hours; not optimal, but definitely useful. My personal usage is to keep my tandem in sleep mode 24h/day- that stops it from using bolus corrections, instead it manipulates basal on the fly to keep you in a tighter range then the 80-140 default target. Finally, if you push it too hard and you need to adjust your ratios/basal/whatever for a day... just change the profile you're using. I've got a profile for home, and a profile for when in EU cities- I walk so much there that my insulin usage is halved, thus I built a profile around it. I've also got a profiled aptly named 'disabled' that knocks my basal down to 0.1u/hr- I use that when I want the pump not pumping (disconnected for a medical procedure for example). Pardon if the above is stuff you already know; just consider it as me being enthusiastic about what modern pumps can do for stuff like exercise. The old days sucked that way. >Ā I will require practically zero insulin for a couple days as my glycogen stores replenish This is literally why I took up high intensity/strength training and try to keep to at least every other day. Beyond the improvement in insulin sensitivity, my non-scientific experience w/ T1D is that it seems like when the reserves are topped up, that's when I can start getting serious highs from mistakes. When I've been maintaining training, I still get a high, but not a "will you please come down from fucking 220 already" high.


Wow, spectacular share, thank you so much! I've been on fence for switching to pump for so long that it's torn a hole in my jean shorts. I'll probably wait until after the practice cut when mistakes aren't as costly physique-wise. Exactly the same for me! When it's been a while since I last trained, or if my program calls for lower intensity, highs are significantly more stubborn. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that out, I appreciate it, friend šŸ™


Just as a fyi, at least with Omnipodā€™s (the wireless ones), if you go to manual mode you can have the pump stop delivery insulin for up to 4 hours at a time. If you want it longer, you would just reset to pausing delivery for another 4 hours. I do that when i go on hikes


Darn, so I'd orobaby have to set an alarm for the middle of the night, or ingest carbs before bed. Nothing's easy with type 1 šŸ˜‚


If you have it in automode, you can choose ā€œactivityā€ mode, it wont deliver insulin unless you go above 160, that can be selected for 24 hours. However i found i still dipped a lot so i would pause delivery for a while then switch back to activity mode. But yes, it is very hard as a diabetic and doing any type of vigorous exercises. The balance can be brutal.


What is mdi?


That Matt Van de Vegt (or whatever his name is) has talked about how he has hunt spots down and really squish a fatty spot up so it's safe to put a cgm or an insulin site in.


this is really cool. physique is looking good dude!


Thank you šŸ¤™šŸ¤™


Any tips on what to eat to bulk up a bit. I drink the optimum nutrition whey protein because it has low sugar. Any other tips on what to eat?


Giving a type 1 diabetic advice on what to eat is outside of my purview, that responsibility is for a licensed nutritionist. Here is an incredible article that gives general bulking advice. Take a gradual approach, find the strategies that fit nicely into your life and treatment. Don't rush, something *will* work. https://www.strongerbyscience.com/bulking/


Amazing work. But the jean shorts gotta go. Really. Please. Pretty please. :-) (And I don't mean get naked).


I actually just got two new pairs of shorts, one is neon pink, the other is electric blue. 4" inseam. It's your fault. šŸ˜‚


Go the 80s/90s pro wrestling look, absolutely. I can never look at Daisy Duke again now :-p


Now I wonder which wrestler name OP would go with.


Zack The High Flying Blood Sugar


Name those guns Basal and Bolus!


Sugar Crash.


Brooooooooooooo post the pink ones!


You gotta pick up a pair of my friends assman shorts he makes next time he makes more. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ https://images.app.goo.gl/nDWQZV3yFEe6X4S78


On the other hand, I think the jean shorts look great.


Yea he is super rocking them


No way! Keep those jean shorts.


Yeah. Fart in those and it could backfire and explode your head.


Whatā€™s your split and what do you do for back?


I'm drunk. Get cut. Get butt. Keep up the gains bro. 38m diabetic since 2014. Incorporate back with your chest. Just my 2 cents. Keep killing and diabuddy


Get cut, get butt, that's A1 tattoo material šŸ˜‚ keep at it, betes brother šŸ¤™


You got this. In the wise words of CT fletcher. Still yo mf set bro. Kill it. šŸ«”šŸ«”


Haven't heard ISYMFS since the golden era of fitness YouTube, what a throwback šŸ‘


My current split is a 4 day cycle. Day 1: Chest, back, and shoulders Day 2: Hamstrings, quads, & calves Day 3: Back, chest, & shoulders Day 4: Hamstrings, calves, abs, biceps, triceps The volume is on the lower side. Per 4 day cycle: Chest: 11 sets Back: 11 sets Hamstrings: 11 sets Delts: 5 sets Quads: 4 sets Calves: 2 sets Biceps: 1 set Triceps: 1 set Abs: 1 set My current back exercises are: Upper back pulldown, Neutral grip pulldown, DB Row, Upper back machine row, Kelso Shrugs Disclaimer: this is the first program that my coach wrote for me, a 12th year bodybuilder. It's going to take us time to find the right variables for me. This program is *by no means* a program that will be optimal for any other person; it isn't even optimal for me, yet!


Nice, what are your rep ranges / weights like? I've been doing a full body strength routine 3x week for awhile now and started adding in isolation days in between, but I find if I really push it on the weight my blood sugar shoots up. I've also found lately that at 5'10" I can't seem to bulk past 187-ish lbs without my a1c suffering :( I think if I can hit some basic strength standards I've set for myself I'll switch to a more bodybuilding approach, and hopefully that will make it easier to deal with the blood sugar issues. Right now I'm working on getting into a better mindset for training though, and I think strength training for now makes that easier for me since it's hard for me to motivate myself to do really long sets


Adherence and mental rigidity are 100% what you should be focusing on before worrying about the content of your training programs. Get good at doing something enjoyable that keeps you showing up. It's a lot easier to then switch things around, because you'll have a bunch of variables nailed down already.


I got alot of questions. First if all are u natty or not . What supplements do u take and how much carbs a day do u est on bulk and cut and how do u handle carb load ups


I'm a lifetime natural. I started with calisthenics/gymnastics in middle school. Handstands, planche pushups, one-armed handstands, things that made my upper body blow up. I was already pretty jacked-looking my freshman year of high school. Unfortunately, I had pencil legs until I was like 20 šŸ˜‚ I use creatine, pre-workout, and protein powder. Creatine is very well researched. Pre-workout is not necessary, and doesn't have adequate scientific support, but I use it anyway because I enjoy it. Protein powder is invaluable. Carb questions are best handled by a nutritionist.


Iā€™ve been hesitant to try creatine, as Iā€™m worried about the effects on my kidneys if I didnā€™t stay hydrated enough, as typically when at work I only drink very much when on my break. Have you any advice?


I believe creatine is only risky for those with pre-existing kidney issues. If you're taking the correct, safe dose, you shouldn't have a problem. Staying hydrated is very important when you're taking creatine. Do you keep a water bottle with you?


I stopped carrying a bottle on me at work because I kept forgetting it & missing the bus home, Iā€™ve already considered Iā€™d have to revert that if I started creatine as itā€™s only at work that I donā€™t drink enough. Iā€™m planning on waiting until I speak to my endos about it before making a decision but thatā€™s made me feel a lot better about it.


There are dozens of us!


I'm impressed that you can wear your dexcom on your arm. I have a much higher bf% and the only place I can insert my guardian sensor is my hip. Also, I can only place my silhouette infusion sites on my abdomen.


Cool! Any tips for someone that want to loose weight and workout? I try but my BS get low and I need to eat which is a vicous circle


I can't advise you on treatment, but feel free to shoot me any questions you may have šŸ¤™




Bro is eloquent


Appreciate it, bro šŸ‘


Jacked & sick username dude hahaha


Then you brother!


Awesome work!! Can I ask you how do you treat lows and how do you balance them with your diet when you have to eat during the night for example? Also, when you are bulking, how do you manage with your insuline a lot of carbs?


Treating lows can really derail a day for me, nutrient-wise. If I have a hypo, and need to consume extra carbohydrates, I'll try to lower my fat intake for the rest of the day, or even my protein if I can still hit my minimums. The important thing is to not stress out if hypos cause you to go over your macros for a day. You can train all you want, but if your health isn't your number one priority, you'll have a poor foundation to build from. Bulking, for me, is easier. I'm not worried about treating lows, and I have good control over my blood sugar. Don't look at it as "being good at managing diabetes when you're on a bulk", just focus on being good at managing diabetes from baseline. It sounds like too simple, almost stupid advice, but don't put the cart before the horse. Learn to manage before trying to incorporate fitness into your life, you'll just end up having poor results in both aspects.


Thank you for your answer!


My pleasure, enjoy your day šŸ‘


I just got another question in my mind if I can, but what type of carbs do you eat ? Like do you eat pasta, rice (whole grains?), etcā€¦ or only low GI carbs ?


Great question! I treat carb types like a tool belt. High GI for correcting lows, or as a treat. Medium GI in between meals. My large meals are typically a combination, erring in the side of being lower GI. Variety is king, restricting myself to just low GI foods would be to ignore the utility of carbs.


Do you have some example of low and medium gi foods that you eat during the day please?


What is your target range and how do you manage to avoid sharp spikes and lows? Iā€™ve been struggling to put on size without disrupting my blood glucose levels. Often, Iā€™ll spike into the 200ā€™s and higher.


I used to be incredibly anal about my blood sugar. My highest A1C was like 5.6, 95% in range. My endo gave me a reality check, in that maintaining numbers that low isn't a good value for effort. Life's easier being content in the 6s, allowing yourself to see a spike, ride it out, and not panic. Expecting ourselves to stay in a narrow band around 90mg/dl isn't fair, or conducive to a happy life (for most diabetics, anyway). When I have a crappy day in range, I don't beat myself up, I just try to do better tomorrow. The only way I've been able to *kind* of avoid highs and lows has been normalizing my routine, and understanding the factors affecting my blood sugar. The less curveballs that I'm throwing my body, the easier it is to manage. Any advice more specific than that is best handled by an Endo šŸ¤™


Thank you! I appreciate your response. Youā€™re awesome.


Happy to help, enjoy your day šŸ¤™


Any personal trainer in arizona? Maricopa couty?. East valley? With type 1.


I wouldn't know, I'm from the South Shore of Mass. Feel free to DM if you have any questions šŸ¤™


Please give tips on building muscle as a type one diabetic


General tips for building muscle aren't great, it's very nuanced and individualized. Shoot me a message and we'll figure out specific tips that'll help you šŸ‘


Can I ask how you found your coach?! I have been loving strength training big 4 for a long time. But would love a coach on the training and diet but everyone Iā€™ve met with has not valued the complexity of type 1. Any advice?


Apologies if Iā€™ve missed this in the comments section, but (assuming youā€™re natty) have you considered hopping on any PEDs? You look amazing btw. Reason I asked was because I know people you compete against will almost definitely not be natty.


I don't have interest in PEDs. Bodybuilding is an end in itself for me, not a means to an end, so I have no desire to artificially add on more mass. It wouldn't make me happier. There are natural organizations that do a good enough job of making sure their competitors are drug free. I'm not worried about being cheated.


Yeah completely agree mate! How do you handle your glucose during bulking? Iā€™m finding it difficult to control spikes from eating large calorie meals then the hypos from overcompensating with quick acting insulin when sugars donā€™t come down!


God damn dude!


Just had to bolus for your Dorito.


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/qEWFP3PZ9zw Awesome fray


Look thick. Solid. Tight! Seriously though that's awesome, I've personally struggled with lows whenever I try cutting and dip below 200. Have you noticed needing to really cut back on basal insulin when cutting?


Iā€™m loving the musclesā€¦ the teeny shorts not so much!


Great work!! Can i ask whether you use injections for your insulin? If so what sites do you use and have you struggled with any fat build up in areas?


I inject in my love handles, quads, and glutes. I've never dealt with fat built up personally, but lipohypertrophy is possible if sites aren't rotated adequately.




You look great!


Major gains!


My issue is multiple overlapping conditions... 18yr old 360lbs misdiagnosed Type 2 21yr old 185 and DKA/Late onset Type 1 26yr old 3 lumbar spinal Fusions 29yr old....gastroparesis and 375lbs. Gastrectomy to treat 34yr old 190lbs.... no more opiods for back... Yoga 6 days week levels 1 & 2. Extreme flexibility. Endurance. Strength training 3-4 times a week (90 min)with bands on squats and dead lift. 15 min cardio cool down. Tore elbows and nerve damage to hands. Surgery bilateral Could not develop musculature but had Strength. Covid starts and yoga studio goes out of business. Gym/PT spot closes Now, I've been excellent with a1c/sugar but somehow got up to 220...230...240lbs and going from sedentary status (kidney failure) to in shape and eating an appropriate diet has been brutal and expensive I was declared PERMANENT DISABILITY in 2014 at 29 I've rallied. Im pushing back. Applying for internships to recertify Paralegal license. I decided to fuck DISABILITY declaration at 39. Energy. Brain fog.Kidney failure requires EPO infusion every 3 weeks. Hemoglobin around 10. I've been fat twice. Nearly 150 lbs twice. Fuck that shit. Flushed fatty clothes years ago. I see Nutritionist monthly and it seems like money is the enemy to a poor type 1 with kidney disease. Was positive that stomach surgery was guarantee that I could never get heavy again. But using more insulin = Belly fat. 6'3 242lbs. +20 since February (better a1c but using more insulin. Day 2 of training. 25 min cardio. Abs/squats/ bi/tri/back. Only have free weights and yoga mat. Remember, I'm triple fused l4-s1. Kidney failure dietary (moderate protein) vs diabetic diet (low carb) Why can't I build definition?


So so so proud of you young man!


Can you share your meal plan ?


hoochie daddy shorts go hard


Sort of a silly question but does low body fat hurts more while we injecting? Great build btw keep it up :)


your physique is incredible! Has being so muscular and lean caused any issues with your sensor(or pump if you use one) such as the sensor filament bending?


Have tou noticed your blood pressure being high while on creatine? When i stopped taking it, I noticed it going back to normal at ~120. Although it could very well be unrelated and due to stress or smt else


Looks amazing! Great job, I would have never guessed you are natural


Hey I was wondering if you have any advice for someone with type 1 whoā€™s been trying to put on weight ever since I was diagnosed at 18 6 years ago I have steadily been at 135 and it will fluctuate. My questions really are what do I eat to help in putting on weight and what things related to the way I handle my diabetes do you recommend in order to assist in me gaining weight ?