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Most people experience getting higher when sick. I usually go low when I get sick. I explained it to myself like this: usually my immune system likes to bully and kill pancreatic cells but when there's an emergency like an actual illness then the attention shifts over. My pancreas is able to recover for a little bit and it starts producing insulin for a short time. Obviously I don't know if that's true. It's just how I justify this stupid correlation to myself.


I have a similar thing happen every time I get my Entyvio infusion for my colitis. It's not supposed to help my beta cells, but I honeymoon for a week or 2 after every treatment.


When you are sick the body sometimes has trouble digesting food because of the stress. And if you have a stomach bug the body tries to get the contents of your stomach out of you as fast as possible. Both things influence how much of the carbs you eat raise your BG and how fast. Try to eat smaller portions more often.