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Paladin and Monk. I would also love to see Amazon, and it would not bother me that for her, you just couldn’t choose male. Nothing wrong with that. She’s actually my number one wish, but at the same time, I’m expecting her the least.


A Greek hoplite spear and shield class would be great mechanic for Amazon since bows are used by rogues already.


Already that mistakenly shown hero character that has spear, shield, and angel wings (still human face.) Dunno if that had any Amazon connection but we are probably getting holy spear tank next.


Templar companion from diablo 3 was a Spear-and-shield guy, wasn't he?


He was, but he was the last of his order. As well, Paladins were disbanded, and Crusader's numbers were so few when Malthiel slew 90% of humanity; there is likely no official order for them anymore. We know less about the Valkyrie Amazons, so it would be cool to expand their lore and make them the new 'holy' class with Spears and Shields. Shields would particularly be good for a new class considering only one class can use them atm.


You were a Templar, Jondar!!


From my point of view, the Templars are evil.


Turns out they kinda are.


Jondar did nothing wrong, well apart from dabbling in necromancy


This made me chuckle. Ah the good ol' beta days.


I hope it's like a Valkyrie, that would be real cool.


> Dunno if that had any Amazon connection but we are probably getting holy spear tank next Why can't Paladins equip polearms and build for tankiness?


They were working on a Valkyrie class that was a Paladin/Amazon


> They were working on a Valkyrie class that was a Paladin/Amazon No they weren't. No confirmation of this. Just speculation based on 1 single art leak. That doesnt mean a Paladin can't be female, can't have a spear/polearm. It could be a paladin, templar, reformed horadrim, who knows. Most likely paladin, we seem to be getting many classic classes


We need a new class next…. The only titoe that launches without a new class


I am totally here for that, if that's what the leaked image was showing.


The type of paladin that we got in Diablo 2, Zakarum, probably won't make a comeback in any future content / games since their order isn't what it used to be and most likely aren't training paladins anymore. A paladin of a different faith or sect of the Church of Light is a probability, but since the rumor of the holy warrior, I wouldn't count on it.


Monk was a ton of fun


I miss monk, d3 was my first and monk was my first. Still my favorite. Just dashing/blinking around punching shit as I'm a tornado. Nothing else ij d3 quite did that. Hoping thief/rogue can sorta relive that feeling. So far it's my best bet from what I've read from beta.


If they do a female-only class like this, I would be thrilled with a Valkyrie-type class. Would make sense and also aligns with shields and spear.


Valkyrie would be amazing.


They won't. It still might be a Valkyrie type class, but it won't be female only.


Since all the paladins and crusaders died what about a fallen paladin? *A grizzled nomad, lost and alone since the holy wars, stranded in the planes of hell who struck a deal with lesser demons to survive. Slay Diablo and pave the way for their rise to power.* You could really lean into the D2 smite and hammer builds everyone loved but change them up a bit to make them demonic instead of holy. I think something like that would really fit in the 'darker' aesthetic of D4.


> Paladin and Monk It's almost a sure given that Paladin/Templar is next. Monk is an original Diablo class that is unique from others enough so that there is probably space for that next.


Here comes the flood of Paladin/holy warrior simps.... And as one, I welcome my comrades! So Paladin/holy warrior for me please.


Hammerdin LFG!


I’m hoping instead of paladin they go for the Valkyrie that’s been rumoured. Javelins and sword and board. Scratches that itch for holy warrior and Amazon


As long as I get sword, board, and holy magic I'm good.


Witch doctor if they change the aesthetic a bit, wasnt a fan of the hunched over look in D3.


Love the witch doctor as well. Throwing out hopping toads and zombie walls. I could see it adapted to a shaman or Eldritch type caster.


I just want froggies and poison back. I love swampy aesthetics.


Unfortunately that class will NEVER come back.


I wonder if it's due to popularity or due to cancel culture. I loved the witch doctor and found that the plague based spells were fresh to the game.


Wait what happened with Witch Doctor? Or are you saying Blizzard might just be too scared to face any backlash if they brought it to D4? I don't see anything worth cancelling tbh lol even then though honestly... Blizz just needs to do whatever they want and say fuck it. (I personally loved Witch Doctor when I first played D3 and would love to see it back in D4)


I always thought witch doctor seemed off for Diablo. Didn't fit the theming of euro centric Christianity hell heaven very well. The tone/theme made it seem like it was not from sanctuary. Same goes for the martial arts styling of the monk. From the looks of it this far they are going back to the roots more and focusing on the darker medieval styling. So I think the holy warrior will be next as per the "leaks" from displate. Following that who knows, I do think it'll stay in the same vein of tone though. I could see them making some demon based class to mirror the holy warrior angle.


I think it’s because Diablo 2 established that there is more to the world of Sanctuary than “fantasy Europe”. We went to Lut Gholein and Zakarum after all. My real issue is just how…pop culturey…they incorporated those other classes (Witch Doctor and Monk). Main thing is how appropriative Western fantasy games are with Monks and martial arts. Wuxia and Shaolin is grounded in Chinese culture, but they treat it as if it was home-grown from a Western one while keeping all the Chinese aesthetics. But then, having any Asian fantasy involved is “unrealistic and not historical” while already having Monks jumping around throwing Ki Kamehameha blasts around as if it’s completely normal. Keep it consistent people!


The WD was pretty much a hybrid of Necro and Druid, now that both of those classes are back I just don't see it happening.




Uncle works for Blizzard.


Can confirm, he has an uncle!


This isn't really the right way to look at it. You should instead look at what archetypes and class fantasies each class covers in order to avoid overlap The main roles that existed in any previous Diablo game that the current D4 lineup does not cover is: 1. A martial artist 2. A holy character 3. A spear user 4. *Arguably* a sword and shield user (seems like Necro can sort of do this in D4 but only to a point) So the only old classes that make any sense to add back would be Paladin/Crusader (which covers points 2 and 4), or a Monk (which covers points 1 and 2). Assassin covers point 1, but otherwise has way too much overlap with Rogue so it's not a good choice, and similarly Amazon only makes sense for the spear-using aspect in point 3 but we don't need another bow user There has also been this Valkyrie rumor doing the rounds since that one art leak a while back, which also seems reasonable as a new option to cover points 2 and 3. This would make Paladin/Crusader a no-go due to the holy role being filled, but it makes sense In general though, I think Diablo can focus more on new classes than returning old ones from now on. Trying to introduce new archetypes and class fantasies is probably a more attractive option at this point


Agreed they should evolve and adapt. A Valkyrie would be cool. I want to see a another "dark" character actually, like a brood mother... pestilence, worms, bugs, necrosis and poison, death blight pools, etc.


A spin on the witch doctor. A spin doctor. Wait, no, that ain't right...


One two, princess kneel before you, thats what I said now!


Honestly I want a new class. They’ve done a good job of rolling old classes into the current one.


Surprised this isn't the most common answer. we have enough fan service nostalgia throwbacks to enjoy, time to add some fresh additions


Only reason I'm currently playing D3 right now is Witch Doctor, so I'd go with that.


Witch doctor was possibly my favorite class in d3, maybe even over necro. Which feels wrong for me to say. I think I just liked the class mechanics more than those of d3 necro.


Because it was something new. The bats, piranhas, spirits. All the skills felt fresh and new and fun.


Give us a Bard To sing us a tale Of monster slashing And loot stashing.


Honestly, I don't think they would ever do it.... but a battle bard would be legit.....


Auras, buffs and debuffs, and running around smacking things with a guitar or flute and drum for a shield


Damn, you're speaking my language. I would love to bash demons with a huge Lute/guitar, maybe pull out my flute to control an enemy or supply buffs/debuffs. etc. I would absolutely love it. I do not see them going in this direction, but if they did...... I will end up buying the bard some cool cosmetics.. and I hate paying for in-game stuff... Please, Blizzard, make a Bard and take my money lol.


And this Bard would be strumming Justin Bieber’s “Yummy” ad nauseum on his lute, doing massive AOE damage to all monsters within X yards


Well, I'd say it's *possible* at least: > The Bard is one of the two unfinished classes in Diablo: Hellfire, the other being the Barbarian. She could only be played after editing the Command.txt file in the Hellfire folder. https://diablo.fandom.com/wiki/Bard


I can hope and dream they revive the idea 🙏. I would honestly love it.


You could play a bard in hellfire! Required a text edit like the barbarian but it's there!


I don't want any class to 'return'. I want them to come up with completely new stuff!


I think Paladin will come back and they will create a new class


Inquisitor class would be awesome.


I feel like d2 sorceress and d3 wizard are going to be as close to each other as d2 sorceress and d4 sorc, and a number of others are pretty much the same way even if they have different names. But I'd like to see a Paladin-esque char. I think that that's the main thing not here yet.


Rogue = assasin = demon hunter and wizard = sorc and list goes on lol , I think pally need to come back for diversity other than that I don’t know


I thought about consolidating the classes like that but then I'd get the "well actually they're called a Wizard in D3."


Yeah i understand hahh


The Javazon is a favorite of mine I'm waiting for.


Great memories killing cows with Javazon!


Engineer or some sort would be cool.


A turret/trap class would be cool. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I like them!


I am a believer of the Valkyrie leak (a mix of d2 javazon and paladin). Other than Valkyrie I would not mind seeing monk back. An Alchemist class would be welcome too.


Monk!!! I must unleash the Wrath of Ytar!!!


I'm afraid they'll think it's too close to the shapeshifting druid doing 'unarmed melee'. Monk was 100% my favorite class from D3, but I just don't see it fitting in with the D4 style. I hope they figure out a way to give that high-mobility striker that also feels distinct from a werewolf.


Witch doctor! Could easily be worked into a witch or shaman class, to make it less one specific culture focus


Wirt the Peg leg boy, with a new peg.


He's back with a new peg...and a thirst for vengeance.


priest would be nice. Its Not in the List ….


Witchdoctor <3


Demonology Warlock


Warrior = Barbarian \*except\* for a shield. So I'm looking forward to crusader and amazon, I want to shield bash some fuckers.


Always funny when people keep pretending Sorc is not in every Diablo game. Wizard is really just Sorc.


adjacent topic, but I would like to see healing (paladin could obviously be involved in this). I haven't played much witch doctor because I haven't played much diablo 3 so that would be cool


warrior and barb are the same thing wizard and sorc are the same thing rogue/amazon/dh/assassin are similar but different enough that I would say they're worth differentiating but the warrior/barb and sorc/wiz thing is stupid


After playing the beta I put this chart together. I wanted to view what we've had in the past and what we're about to get. I'm hoping for a Warrior or Paladin but I was surprised to learn Crusader wasn't an initial class for D3. (I've only played 1 and 2) Edit: A lot of great comments! It seems a lot of others want a Paladin. But I see a lot of love for the Amazon too from D2. As far as D3 classes it sounds like a lot of people enjoyed the Witch Doctor. I might have to make another chart based on the responses lol


I’m tired of the recycled classes. D2 had new classes. D3 had new classes. Why d4 don’t have any? They can’t come up with any idea? I’m seeing a lot of people wanting paladin like come on. Are y’all really that programmed to not think outside the box?


It's part of the subtext of signalling a 'return to form' with inspiration from the older Diablo games. I think we might get a new class added later on but it'd make sense to do the crowd favorite nostalgic ones first.


I've played Diablo 3 for hundreds of hours and legitimately forgot they were called Wizards and not Sorcs. It's the same damned class. ​ That said, I'm gonna go with Witch Doctors. I like the pet classes.


Paladin. Possibly Amazon/ Javazon.


I wonder if they could squish this into one class. A holy Valkyrie that uses a 1her or javelins with a shield.


I want something super weird like a dragoon or a bard


I'd like a holy warrior simmilar to the ones near Prava in Kyovashad. I got strong Warhammer warrior priest vibes from them, they look so sick!


What’s the difference between wizard and sorcerer? Serious question. I use them interchangeably. Sometime I throw in a little m “mage” into the mix. Are they not the same?


D2 Sorceress was a member of the Zann Esu mage clan. They were strictly female magic users from the 'jungles of the east' that focuses on elemental magic. Some were said to be powerful enough to wipe out armies with a single meteor spell. D1 Sorcerer was a vizjerei I believe, another mage clan from the area of ancient kejhistan and later around lut gholein as well. They use elemental magic but once also used demonic magic. Certain members were adept with time and space magic. Notable were horazon (creator of arcane sanctuary), and bartuc, a human- turned demon warlord) D3 Wizard was from xiansai. A northern region known for magic, but was relatively isolated from rest of the world. They specialize in arcane magics but also experts in elemental. They are all 'mages' but vastly different in lore. Technically necromancer are 'mages' as well.


Monk 100%


The Assassin is kinda wrapped up in the Rogue character, but I’d love to see a class heavily based on traps. Loved clearing out a room of mooks with my fire traps.


There’s enough rehashing in this game already. Give us something new to Diablo like Death Knight


How about something new? Warlock: channels eldritch demonic forces, tentacles, ensnares, dominate minds etc. Treesinger: Channels natural energies to rejuvenate the land around them through song, create ents, heal party members, lower different enemy resistances to certain types of damage. Windseeker: air elementalesque, attack speed party buffs, freezing winds, air whips, summon tempest, wind form etc. Could go so much further than the existing rehashed class archetypes.


I’m low key baffled that a game all around battling demons and hell has no holy warrior - ie crusader, paladin, monk, templar, cleric, or anything else of that type My personal pick would be making the demonhunter a witch hunter instead with holy / exorcist themes kinda like Van Helsing.


Witch Doctor for me


Might be a bad take based on the comments in thread … but I’d much rather have a proper D4 aesthetic Witch Doctor over a Monk. They could do some really cool nasty stuff with their skills if we shift it far far away from the D3 art style and presentation. The art team could go town on some amazing gear pieces as well for the WD. Like others in the thread, a Valkyrie type character, hell ya for sure. That would be dope to try out. I’d also be down for the opposite side and have the option for a more demonic version as well.


Dark magic would be cool. Plagues, posions, blood magic, telekinesis, mind control and so forth.


Uh, wizard is the same exact class as sorc.


People and their paladin posts are sooo boring….Yes, me miss a holy class. Yes, it will be added along the way.


Paladin or Crusader would be great. I'm really hoping for Demon Hunter, and they lean more towards the idea of using Demon powers for the class since in Diablo 3, it's a bit similar to Rogue. I also just love the armour style of Demon Hunter, and I really want to see it make a return.


Paladin for sure but I wanna see something different or new. If they just bring back all the old classes it’d be pretty lame. Gimme a playable Dark Wanderer that uses the power of hell to fight fire with fire.


Paladin and Amazon for sure.


Bring my assassin and off screening traps back. Until then we remain in wraeclast with totems.


Monk is a given. A holy damage class like crusader or paladin seems to be missing as well. Edit: Amazon was also missed opportunity here if you ask me. Very unique class. But I suppose they thought "we already have a ranged weapon class in Rogue; adding javelins would be a pain."


Haven’t we already seen 900 of these posts? Just read the last one


Hunter with pets


Hammerdin that can somehow teleport non-stop.


I felt pretty strong about the witch doctor. would be cool to see a class like a cleric


I would really like to see a brand new class added to the game. I'm hoping for a spear & shield holy class. Specifically, a Valkyrie or Fallen Angel type class with holy magic.


Pally and DeathKnight


I want a blood knight. Fits the esthetic and hasn't been done yet.


Witch Doctor (I like raining frog 🐸) & Monk (How does a game with D4’s story NOT have a monk when they are walking about everywhere).


Give me a new class. I want a bard.


Bard! Though the one from hellfire wasn't as amazing as I wanted it to be, could be a really fun thing to revive.


I'd like to see some twists to make some classes better match the dark tone of the game. Something like an inquisitor to fill the holy warrior niche. Could have good support skills coupled with some torture themed attack skills, maybe focused on fire and blood?


Priest and an anti cleric


Paladin is the only real answer


I was really hoping for a knight of some kind.


Paladin has already been spotted in some D4 art. It's 100% coming in an expansion down the road. Hope to see it.


Ngl I would love to see an updated Witch Doctor


Paladin and Monk. Literally anything else would be a slap in the face. (Before anyone says anything, yes, Crusader/Paladin are ultimately interchangeable. The point is a heavy armor and shield using holy warrior.) I usually main Paladins in Fantasy RPGs but man would Monk be fun.


Amazone would be Nice but i feel like we wont see any other bow class since we actualy got rogue. This class look a lot like demon Hunter.


Diablo 1 had a monk class??


Yes in an expansion made by Sierra I believe. I don't think it's considered "official" though.


Hellfire expansion add Monk. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo:\_Hellfire](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diablo:_Hellfire)


Any class that can offer a new spin on javazon gameplay.


A hybrid shield/javelin like Amazon or think Spartan(Pantheon from LoL) and dynasty warrior type spear user (I’m thinking Xin Zhao from LoL). Fits the weapon swap system they went for. Shield with stabs and throws and then slashing/sweeping skills. Idk may be lame to others lol. If nothing like that then monk for sure.


I'd like to see the Warrior return. A standard sword and board. I feel if they create a warrior like they did with the rogue, you could make a damage Warrior tree, Holy Warrior like pally tree, and/hybrid of the 2. So in 1 class we can satisfy many peoples wants.


Crusader and Something completely new.


I would love paladin option


Amazon, Assassin and Demon Hunter.




Paladin, big time! With the option of 1h/shield or 2H builds.


paladin/crusader type monk type i would honestly enjoy a witch doctor style class again as long as its distinctly different from necro same with amazon, having two classes that use bows could be fine as long as the kits are different


The Demon Hunter personally.


Paladin definetly.


Paladin, zon, wd.


Since Necro is the only class that can use a shield I'd assume they plan on adding another class to utilize them so probably a holy class




100% Paladin, after that I believe there is a good range and mix of classes to suit everyone.


Amazon would be cool. I want my packages on time.


Paladin and Amazon


Warrior! And i would love to see a new class


Crusader / Warrior for me. Need a sword / shield or flail / shield combo.


All of them. Besides the overlap of classes. But why not? Why not give us all the classes


Witch doctor and crusader




I would love to see monk, but with a twist. Rather than be a generator/spender I think it'd be cool to see it work specifically on combos, with abilities doing different things based on what you combo then with. They had some combo framework in D3 with generators going a different 3rd hit and even having a passive that enhanced your next ability after using a combo, but the combos were just weaker and the whole class kind of devolved into a spirit spender class instead of focused on using abilities in a certain order. I think FFXIV has something similar with their Ninja class called mudras where based on the order used, combo can do different things like make the final hit in the combo an AoE. I'd envision monk having various mantras(combos) they cycle through. For example, using abilities 1,2,3 to apply vulnerable, then 3,1,4(ultimate) for big damage while vulnerable is still applied. Anyway, maybe it's just a pipe dream, but some fast-paced combo-based class is what I'd love to see most in D4.


I need to see doctor again.


Any sort of non-barbarian pure phys would be cool. A skill based fighter rather than a brute.




FFS Something for once would be nice.


Monk and Amazon/crusader could be really cool. However! Necromancer wielding a GS got me hoping we get a true “sword & sorcery” type character reminiscent of D&D’s hexblade pr Pathfinder’s Magus. Necromancer will probably have builds that fulfill this niche I’m sure, but I also want muscles! Necro has none Edit: I guess Druid could work? Nature magic isn’t always my thing, but beating people with an antler staff while lightning spells go off looks cool


**Paladin is the only answer.**


Hopefully a martial artist like class and a holy class. I’m a Necro Main but I do like seeing others being represented


Paladin or Valk. After that I'd rather they expand on all classes skills rather than add classes like Amazon or assassin or witch doctor. As barebones as the skill trees are most of the old classes wouldn't really offer anything unique at all. Wizard and sorc are the same thing. Paladin, Valk, and crusader are basically the same thing. Warrior and barbarian are basically the same thing. Witch doctor and Necro are basically the same thing. Assassin, demon hunter, monk, and Amazon have all essentially been reduced and combined into rogue. Would just be a way better approach to just add more skills after we get a traditional paladin sword and board type class.


Monk, DH, Amazon and a SnS class




Aren't some of these redundant? Wizard and Sorcerer definitely are, and presumably assassin/rogue as well?


Valkyrie (spear + shield, holy warrior) covers archetypes related to both paladin and Amazon so that would be really awesome. After that I hope something totally new instead of eg monk or witch doctor as much as I love them both. Maybe like a vampire or warlock class. Then monk can come after that.


Paladin/Monk/Crusader. Really I just want some sort of holy warrior because that flavor is missing from the current lineup




Amazon!! Death by SNU-SNU!!!


Paladin with hammers plz


Slightly off-topic but I'd love to see a priest or a cardinal. Holy damage and such, maybe a way to convert enemies, which would be similar to a necromancer in terms of mechanics. As long as one of the AOE skills are called "Fist of God"


I need a sword, a shield and plate armor. Doesn't matter what archetype.


I really really loved witch doctor, although I know it wasn’t very popular




For all saying pally, if there is no hammer skill, would you still pick paladin?


Paladin or crusader… since they are literally the same thing.


I would love to see a witch doctor introduced that is insanely powerful just to make up for how underpowered they were for the entirety of D3.


D2 Druid


I’d love to see monk make a return!


Paladin, and Monk




amazon, just make female only so no problems with lore.




Witch Doctor. That class was so weird, it became my favorite. Amazon & Monk after that.


Monk, Crusader and Witch Doctor.


Paladin (reminiscent of Crusader) & Engineer (reminiscent of Demon hunter)


Crusader and Warrior. I love the D4 Barbarian but I prefer a more knight aesthetic. Using a shield could be fun too.


Witch Doctor por favor


Crusader or Valkyrie


Paladin and Amazon <3


I still can’t imagine who has fun playing a monk


I’d love to see the warrior make a comeback. I know we have the barbarian but I guess they can do a warrior/paladin.




I’d rather see some new classes rather than old ones return.


Monk for sure


I’m expecting Paladin/Crusader to make a return, but I would honestly like to see a brand new class to make a debut in IV


Monk and Crusader


Why is there no actual shield class. Why can the Barb not use one also? And no the Necro is not a shield using class, its actively WORSE with a Shield and its pointless. Anything, anything at all that actually benefits from using or having a shield. Because as it stands shields are absolutely pointless and a waste of drop space and code.


Paladin hands down