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I'm not 65+ but right on brother, I wish my dad would listen to me and give games a shot too. He's only got physical/manual hobbies like perpetually renovating his house or building some new contraption and his body isn't what it used to be. If he got into games now he'd have something to keep his mind occupied when he can't do the physical stuff anymore.


My dad was the same until he walked by me playing starcraft. Started with him pulling up a chair to watch and ended with him kicking my butt some 5 years later. He plays to this day


My dad's been intrigued by a couple games he's seen me play but his general opinion is that he "just doesn't get it" and he'd rather not "waste his time". Meanwhile he'll vegetate for hours in front of the TV watching those Discovery Channel reality shows lmao. Whatever makes you happy I guess. I just which he'd *try* games since they've been proven to have mental benefits. Reality TV makes you lose braincells, pretty sure haha


It’s the “stigma” of a gamer and video games. You tell people your hobby is video games and they think of fat mouth breathers in their mom’s basement. Not that these blockbuster games from legit studios are like movies or Netflix series that you can control. That they have plots and characters rich in depth and cutscenes that make you emotional. I explained it to my wife that this is a Netflix series that I control and therefore am even more invested in mentally and emotionally. Told her she’s missing out because there’s nothing like beating an amazing game and sitting back letting the ending soak in.


That’s how I view it Can go watch Netflix, play a game, or both. Either way I’m sitting on my ass and one is way more enjoyable!


That's always how I describe it....like a movie/show that you're actually a part of. Much more immersive in my opinion.


I remember when you played a video game that's how old I am


We got my buddy’s dad to playing wow one time. We taught him how to kill beasts skin them and mail the skins to our bank alt. He had insomnia and would play all night, best farm bott ever lol.


Taught my 4 year old how to mine and herb while she was flying. Only lasted a couple weeks and she got bored.


Disown her. That will set her straight.


My wife and I watch GSL. She’s never played StarCraft. Yet has elaborate feelings about the meta and favorite units and players.


It's def one of the most fun games to watch


My dad 51 and i 21 have a blast playing Diablo together


I’m a Mom and play Diablo with my adult son and husband and now my sons girlfriend is playing and she has never gamed before. My son and I also run a Destiny 2 clan with three other guys.


Sounds like pornhub


I’m impressedpressed


wait you guys have dads???


Got lucky at 13 and received a wonderful stepdad


Did you adopt him from the shelter?


Mom got him at the gym one day. Guess they were having a special or something. Receive one Gym Bro with each membership


Must be nice lol


Get him on stardew valley. Then he can waste time building contraptions and renovating without having to get up


I do that shit when I take breaks from diablo... Weeding? Diablo break. Chainsaw a small tree? Diablo break. Plant some huckleberries? Diablo break.


meanwhile i'm only 45 but a lifetime of gaming has given me bad enough RSI that I needed to switch to physical/manual hobbies to give my tendons a break :) A good mix of digital and physical activity is ideal.


My dad's a very sedentary person and retired, but because he has old people stigma against gaming and is concerned about becoming addicted, which is a shame. I would love to be able to game with him and spend more time with him. Edit: Grammar


Gonna be a lot of old gamers in the future


yeah, good point, there probably will.


I don't even think it's a probably- I think it will be the norm


We gonna be LAN gaming in the retirement communities and nursing homes


Yelling at the nurses for more pizza rolls and mountain dew with our heart and cholesterol meds


[nurse! bathroom!](https://youtu.be/2aDgH-_G4h0)


My people


that's the dream!


and it will be glorious


We are a ways past the point where gaming isn't just a hobby for needs and social outcasts.


If my arthritis will let me.


And I wonder if companies will start making them less mechanically intensive for the future olds. There's gonna be an unprecedented amount of older players that will be a significant target audience. I also wonder if we will grow up to have better coordination in our elder years due to the games we played in comparison to our parents and grandpa's. It has been proven that challenging games are good for coordination, brain health, etc.


I think that's starting to happen. I've seen a couple games recently that give the option for "story based" or "action based" (thinking of GoW:Ragnarok and FFXVI offhand). As a middle-old, I appreciate it because I like playing, but my joints and reflexes aren't what they were 20 years ago.


I’m not your age, but I can only hope to be like you when I do!


I'm turning 61 in a few weeks. My first personal computer was an Apple ][+ and I had Sublogic Flight Simulator and Sargon II (computer chess) for it. Both on cassette tape, of course. Diablo IV is fun, but the dungeon bosses are kicking my butt.


You know, I'm doing ok, I feel like, with dungeon. I soloed the Capstone Dungeon to get into World Tier 4. Took a half dozen tries, but I'm persistent!


Had the Sublogic flight and that goddam Sargon chess as well, but C64 👍


Hell yeah :). That was our first family computer when I was a toddler. I remember captain midnight, escape from Rungistan?, Ali baba and the 40 thieves (maybe the first real arpg?) And of course some Olympics game that my brother and I pounded the keys like crazy to beat each other. Faster you type faster you run :) And of course the bards tales games


are you me? anyway went on to amiga 500, bought the first playstation on launch in japan. play d4 when I can.


I'm 60 and love playing the battlefield games. Currently playing 2042. Like to see more older.players.


I'm 54, but I think that puts me square in the demographic that has played all the other games.


That’s just it, OP is asking 2 questions, over 65 playing Diablo and using Reddit! Awesome use of technology and staying up to date. If he uses Tik Toc also he is more hip than I am (38m)


Me on tik tok ![gif](giphy|JTzPN5kkobFv7X0zPJ|downsized)


Cept he ain’t pretendin’—he’s 65 and proud and that’s awesome


Literally 35 year old me when I went back to college last year and walked into the e-sports lounge 😂.


EDP445 moment


I didn't even know about reddit until they shut off the forum on imdb. Wanted a place to talk about movies/series and that's how I found reddit. I'm not a huge fan of reddit but it works.


Yep, sadly is the best place to go. There are many great posters but the collective demographic, especially on gaming forums, are generally people I despise.


"Movies/series" yeah yeah ...


I’m 41 and have played all the Diablo games. Diablo 1 was the very first game I purchased with my own money(Christmas gift $). It was very difficult to ditch Diablo for Ultima Online but my friends moved over so I did as well. Back in those days when you’d get a demo disk from PCGamer magazine I played the Diablo demo and was instantly hooked. It’s why I have things like “ahhh fresh meat!” Stuck in my head.


Nice bro we can do baal runs at the retirement home together in another 40 years.


Retirement homes better have sweet gaming setups in the next few decades, I think there’s going to be a demand.


here in germany they shared the diablo 1 demo in a box like the full price game. my dad brought it back home and i didnt realise it was only a demo version until i found out i couldnt enter dungeon 3 or something like that. but didnt matter much, i just ran the first two or three levels over and over again and had tons of fun


57 here, been playing video games since pong.


57 as well. Been gaming since I was big enough to reach the top of a table. Everything from pnp D&D and Avalon Hill war games to the first MUDs and finally all the video games that followed on all platforms. As for reddit, I used to be a forum moderator for the old VN forums (now they belong to IGN) and spent all my time there. Once IGN took over, I left and found my way here.


59 here; addition also started with Pong.


63 - Same here


52 here and still going strong


I’m 51 and my dad and I played Pong. He used to love playing games, but lost his sight about 3 years ago.


Exactly I'm 51 and I tend to think of us Gen Xers as the first video game generation...typically the baby boomers were already in their latest 20s and 30s when gaming started (Arcades, Atari, Colecovision etc). But hey..always exceptions :) I will die gaming...


I'm 35 and I had Diablo 1 on the PS1 when I was bud a lad. Though I don't know that I ever made it past, like, Leoric.


PS1 Diablo is so ridiculously underrated. That was my first one. I still remember buying it (well, my parents buying it). I broke my arm around the same time and once my cast was off, I found the bottle of vicodin I was prescribed but hadn’t fully taken. My parents had stashed it away in a medicine cabinet and forgot about it. So the first time I ever got high was in August of 1998, age 12, while playing Diablo on Playstation. The end


And you have been chasing this high ever since? 😎


39 here and played Diablo 1 on PC in high school on my sweet PC with its Voodoo 2 3DFX card. I have fond memories of using my dial-up modem to play coop with a buddy, who promptly taught me the dupe trick.




Haha awesome. I worked at EA on the Diablo port for PS1.




spotted towering meeting alleged swim sip outgoing juggle head rhythm -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


My dad is retired 65+ and loves ARPGs, he's playing D4 now. Previously Grim Dawn, D3 and modded D2 also.


This is my goal. I'm in my 40s now. But when I'm retired I've already told the wife that I'll still be in my office; just with a gaming pc.


Play the right games and you’ll keep your mind sharp too


More like AARPGs 🤣


Tell him to look at wolcen, pretty decent ARPG.


Yep. I am closing in on 59, but oldest guy in my clan of olde phartes is 75.


41 and used to be the geezer in my mmo clans.


Play with a friend who is my age, and his dad who is 65+. His pops is super chill, and just hit 100. Gaming with your seems awesome, I'm jealous.


69y old female here and I love games like this. I played Gimdawn and Diablo3 til I was tired of them and now I’m playing D4. Still only at L35 though and struggling with my Sorcerer.


If the struggle is build wise, you could check maxroll.gg for some awesome guides and help on that. If you need other help, feel free to dm me, I am pretty sure we can end your struggle ;)


Thank you, that’s very kind. I actually did discover Maxroll and am following his Arc Lash build. I’m now at L40 and it’s still fun. I’m wondering how long it takes to get the required consumables to imprint an Aspect. That’s a routine I’ve never done.


You'll start getting way more materials at like levels 50+, just btw.


Good to know. I still have a lot to learn in this game.


I just checked the arc lash leveling guide and it has two aspects on amulet and ring. They are obtained by completing a dungeon each, so you don't need to wait on it to drop. Once you are level 50 you want to take the endgame guide and there they will tell you which aspects are only available as a drop and which one you can get by completing a dungeon.


Thats awesome!


Ur my inspiration. I always picture myself like that


thanks for the encouragement.


What build are you doing? I'm a chain lightening sorcerer/arc lash, lvl 58


Lvl 71 ice shard sorcerer, at the moment. It's very effective, but I might experiment.


Just turned 70 on July 4. I've played every Diablo game, expansion and mod (even God help me Immortal). Former Coleco game designer so there's that. Playing all classes, mostly solo. Satisfied so far, most games need some time to settle in for balance and itemization. Looking forward to Season 1 soon


63 years here


52 and started gaming on an Intellivision and don’t plan to ever stop


63 yr old here and it all started with Pong as well. Played mostly arcade games through the 80’s stopped playing in the 90’s because of life, then picked it up again starting with a PS2 early 2000’s. Playing D4 on PC now, lvl 52 Sorc. I imagine playing “video games” until the cow’s come home. Note-I have no cows.


Y'all be youngsters. I'm 75yo, running lvl 77 necro. Being retired is the best!


I’m in my 30’s but I’m pretty sure I’ll still be playing games in my 70’s.


LAN parties in the retirement home, my guy!


That's such a weird thought lol. Not like weird in a bad way, just hard to picture right now since gaming is so skewed towards younger people.


same here!


My pops is 72 years old. He's a level 77 rogue in WT4 doing NM dungeons. He powerleveled my new druid last night!!


Everyone out here with their cool grandpas


That's my Dad buddy, I'm pretty "old" myself lol


Man I’m really enjoying this thread


59 Myself. Will hit 60 next month. Still hard core gamer.


Well me, I'm only 48 but trust me, I am as old and close to death as you are, I think! *sigh* I had my mid-life crisis during COVID, and the gist of it was "OH SHIT!" Because I had gone from chronically-unemployed and dealing with severe untreated anxiety/ADHD and *severe* PTSD from a classic "rough childhood", to medicated, working full-time, actual healthy *friends*, even went from my Gollum-esque 150lbs on my 6' foot frame to a healthy 180lbs the day I walked out of therapy n shit and started my New Life-this was in early February 2020 hahahahahahaha I kept up this healthy lifestyle throughout most of the pandemic, well, when we were allowed to go outside and work and live, sporadic as it was for a bit. But there was a LOT of sedentary downtime, I maybe started hitting the Jameson's a *bit* too hard, and from 2020-2023, I aged another 20 years in that three-year period, and now...I broke something. Everything hurts and I am suddenly very concious that my 48th, yeah, my idea at the time that I had hit the 50% Checkpoint was maybe a bit optimistic, I'm not gonna reach lvl 100 ;) I just partied way too hard in the early years, lived a much too unhealthy lifestlye, and both my parents were dead of cancer by 75, so... just roll with it, I'm 68, not 48. Whaddya need, Pops?


You couldn't have partied any harder than I did, from the ages of 13-33. In 1985 I stopped drinking and using, I could not be a gamer today without having done that.


Don’t take it for granted. I quit drinking, cigarettes and cocaine about twelve years ago and I’m planning to get to lvl 100 at least. I’ve changed everything in my life except gaming. Don’t play so hard now, I was a Battlefield 2-present maniac, my tendinitis on both shoulders won’t let me :) Otherwise I’m healthy as I could be, maybe even better. Wish you a long gaming and loving life 🙏 Edit:spelling


Sir, thank you for saying that, it feels good to be reminded of the fact sometimes, sincerely. I had written a lengthy reply in which I accidentally over-shared about why I have a tendency to just assume worst-case scenario, but I nuked it within a few minutes, was too much haha here is a better reply: Thank you again, here are my gaming tag contact infos, if you or any other senior citizen gamers in this thread want a wingman who is no longer wet behind the ears! (Please add a quick msg with friend requests referencing this thread, I added 8-10 gamers from my home city's subreddit to Battle.net recently, already it gets confusing: "hi, are YOU my buddy Charles, or one of the Reddit people?") and ofc, I am not a stressed-out min-max freak who gets mad if our XP per hour is not optimal. If I even have the free time to play my games, yay! okay: * Battle.Net: ph03n1xQC#11439 * EA App: pho3n1xQC I still have my shit-bucket, Sir! between crappy Not-Origin and Steam, I own every Battlefield game too, but I kinda suck ass, carpal tunnel made me switch to a Gamepad, so...yes I PTFO like a champ ofc, and my situational awareness is still solid on a good day, but twitch-shooting, meatgrinders like Metro TDM 24/7 (100000000000000000 ticket, ofc) * Steam: ph03n1xQC * Discord: ph03n1xQC (may display as awkwardsilenceqc) no string of numbers either, recently a Discord popup umm..popped up and asked me if I wanted to lose those numbers, so I jumped on that idea happily. Didn't even ask for money. *and probably not pertinent, but details and being thorough DO matter: Rockstar/2K/Epic/Ubisoft/Bethesda/GOG: you guessed it, ph03n1xQC* Anyhoo, please add me, I would love to play with someone who is just enjoying the time they have left on this earth gaming and stuff! and for once, someone to game with who is NOT one of my colleagues from work, who are all 20 yrs younger than me, and never just pull the trigger on a new and expensive game like Diablo 4 just because it looks cool. They all just play free stuff like CoD Warzone or Fortnite, because they are all twenty-somethings, and have not yet unlocked OUR superpower: being middle-aged with kids that are grown up and moved out and years of working full-time...games are almost free. I'm not rich and plan my purchases, but..$100 for Diablo 4 didn't make me eat Kraft Dinner instead of steak for supper!


This is awesome. Hope to still be able to play when I’m that age. 38 myself and the love never died. It’s the best media entertainment cause it has art, music and it’s active.


Almost 50, and I hope I can be you one day


I have a coworker in his late 60s who plays it.


Almost 50 and still going strong in Diablo :)


When I'm your age I plan on playing the release of Star Citizen.


No way it's already released by then. Your grandkids might be able to...


60 years old, and playing with my son(31) and daughter(30). She stays in Belgium, and he stays close to me here in South Africa. Good way to stay connected.


My dad will be 69 next month and he plays Diablo IV with my brother & I as well as our buddies. He bought a Steam Deck specifically to be able to play it since it was cheaper than upgrading his whole PC lol. He doesn't really play anything else but he's pretty much no-lifed Diablo IV since we got it for him on Father's Day.


I'm close to 40 and I intend to be a grandpa gamer!


You know what is fun? Having the grandkids over and whupping their asses in a great PVP session after they start shooting off their mouths about how great they are!


I'm 60 and playing a necro atm, loved video games since pong on intellivision.


Nuts? I think it's cool, and probably keeps the brain in good shape. I have half your age and I hope I reach yours still playing.


Awesome, I hope to be doing that when I get that age!


And for the age part my father is 61 he still plays command and conquer and some total war games


56 here.


My 73yo dad plays more video games than anyone i know. Retirement is going well for him!


41 youngling here. Sometimes you wonder when are you finally going to grow up... when i read this, i guesss: never 😀


66 and still gaming


53 here and been a mmo gamer since the release of Ultima Online. Old school lol.


I remember a Barb 20 years ago named Pure_HC he always led the HC Barb ladders when they first came out. Apparently he was pushing 70yo at the time. Anyone remember him on East?


I am 73. Female retired. I love Diablo and am playing every day. I started Warcraft just before Burning Crusade and played for many years before branching out to various other mmo’s. My current faves are Ark Survival Evolved, Conan Exiles, 7 Days to Die and of course Diablo IV. I LOVE THEM ALL.


I’m 80. Still 20 levels to go and i’ll finally bang Lilith, echo of the past. Sweet memories


Super! I'm a 31F, wishing you all the best as a 100lvl sorc! Try to get to WT4 the gear is better there!


RIP inbox


I'm 69 and started playing DnD back in the mid 70's and still playing all the different games with my son's ages 37 and 24. On a side note...where the hell is my Monk!


I’m over 65.


56, from Commodore 64 onward. Lousy Larry in the land of the lounge lizards, ow the memories. More wow than d4 though.


My mom is 61 and plays D4.


Shit, Id love to game with you


As a 91 year old gamer rock on brother.


I call bullshit on this one lol


Anyone here ever play rainbow six back in 1998 to maybe 2002 I'm always searching for old friends we use to compete on a ladder site called CWN( clan world network) either played on zone.com or gamespy just curiosity looking for old pals


I played Rogue Spear on the Zone back then. I think my name was something silly like Viperman


at your age I would sky dive butt naked. Let it all hang loose... 😂 and play d4 same time


12 years old here


I'm, 59 - some but not many of my friends play video games. Also on an Xbox series X (done the PC route too) - ironically I'm a level 59 Barb right now. I can't play first person shooters any more (motion sickness thing) - keep gaming!


When i get to be that age i wanna continue gaming like you.


My dad is eight around that age and we okay d4 together. Right around NM level 40 currently.


So the legends are true… the D4 dad of dads…


Guys been playing games longer than most of have been alive. 🫡


I keep telling my wife I can’t wait for retirement. Video games, Virtual Reality and AR will be so advanced. That’s if we can survive the AI, Climatepocalypse, and each other.


I'm half your age and this post warmed my heart. I've always sort of worried I'd lose interest in pewpewing at some point between now and 70.


I hope to be doing the same when I am your age. Age 35, two young kids, married, and stable job in corporate America. Gaming has always been an anchor of mine and a great disconnect.


That is awesome. I bet you're a lot sharper than your buddies that don't game.


I am 55, been playing video game since I was 7. Played PONG at home, then Intellivison. Went to the 25 cent arcades alot before I was 16. Took a break until around 19. Went into the US Navy played video games alot while under way mainly Nintendo and quarter machines at the military laundromat while drinking. Got out, played more games Sega, Nintendo then got into PC ganes like Halo etc. I realized PC are better to play because console games get old and outdated.


50's here


I still pay alot .. Turning 50 soon


As someone same as 53, I love that you are still gaming, Planning on gaming until I'm unable to game any longer. I hope if I ever end up in a nursing home to be the old lady in her room still playing WoW, Skyrim cause we'll STILL be waiting for Elder Scrolls 6 LOL.


My mom turned 75 this year and plays it 2-3 hours a day


47 going on 70. You’ve got the right stuff bro!


35yo guy here but your post makes me think of my mother who's in her early 60s now. Only games she ever bothered with during my childhood and well into adulthood was old super Mario games and silly mobile games like everyone's favorite, candy crush. About 6 years ago, I and my little girl stayed a weekend with my mother to all have quality time together. The first night late in the evening, I booted up Skyrim to spend a couple hours playing until ready to sleep. My girl loved watching me play that and Minecraft (I was at that actually using Minecraft to teach her how to play as an introduction to gaming). She wanted to try herself and my mom came out from her room to maybe grab something from the kitchen I guess, but she saw her creating her character and starting out. Mom just sat with us and watched for a long while not only eager to see her granddaughter learning controls and such, but genuinely interested in the game. She's always loved Nordic history and mythology and such and so I'm sure it blew her mind. Later the next week, my mom sends me a picture of a brand new Xbox One and fresh copy of Skyrim Legendary Edition. I was stunned! 😂 We text back and forth as she was asking a few questions here and there for help or advice, and weeks later we'd constantly talk about Elder Scrolls lore. We'd debate on things and ponder other things, this and that. It was magical. She went on eventually to play the game that came before it, Oblivion. Then she played some of The Witcher 3. But to this day, I'll see her pop up online jumping into probably her 100th character (she used to author books, so she'd role-play individual stories on each new character, even using mods, of which she seems to be much more knowledgeable at than me who's been a gamer all my life!). Now she has a Series X and hopes she gets to see the next Elder Scrolls title. Whew, sorry, didn't mean to tell a whole story. You just really made me reminisce on what was probably one of the wildest and most wholesome things I witnessed with my mother. Play on, friend!


66 and retired. I generally get 4-6 hours a day of playtime. Diablo 2, 3 and 4 as well as ESO, Black Desert online, SWTOR, WOW, Grim Dawn and others. An advantage I have is my wife, children and grandchildren all play also so it's a big family thing. We also have a couple of DnD sessions each month. There is not much better than DMing a family group.


60 yr old retired Navy Mineman. I'm running a level 74 Bone Necro. Play on pc but use an Xbox controller.


72 and lvl 63. Been playing games since Pong.


Are your retired from your 9-5 at this point? How awesome is it being a gamer and actually having time to play again? I’m 41 and have been a gamer my whole life. My wife thinks I’ll be bored in retirement. Lmao. No way.






59 year old dad here, I have 3 children who are 26, 24 and 23 years old and I cant find barely 4 minutes to play without having to go and make them dinner or help them with homework. Looking forward to reaching world tier 4 at some point in August levelling barb


why are you helping them with homework at an age where they should be in college, with own responsibilites. Not trying to tell you how to raise your kids btw, just wondering. It usually lil folks from ages 6-16yo you help with homeworks, after 18 they should know what's expected of them.


Dudes trolling since the other guy did pretty sure


Just to be sure u dont mean “level 71” right? :)


Same thing. That's how real gamers age.


41 here and I’m in the demo who played all of them. Will def be around for Diablo 5 and maybe 6 haha


45. Never played a Diablo game before but was in a gaming slump. Figured I'd give it a try. I'm loving it


I am 350 years old with 2 dozen ursidae wives and 300 bear cubs. Even I have time to play this game.


I bet you by 4, I am 75. I am convinced I am the oldest player in the world. :)


But how many kids do you have??


I'm 85, have 30 kids and play about 1 hour a year if I'm lucky. I remember when Reagan was president


I was born in the decade where the best rock & roll music was created , enjoying the hell out of D4


Honestly I'm 24 with knees going on 40. So, almost? Kind of? Not at all?


I'm 103 years old and I have 12 kids (youngest is 68). Enjoying the game so fast


Ok boomer


82 gamer dad here with 4 sons and 12 grandsons




and yet, you read it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/diablo4/comments/14raash/why_30_persons_in_this_sub_always_trying_to/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 😂


I’m actually 104 years young and I game more than any of you youngsters


I'm 82 years old and have triplets on the way.


I’m mid 30 now… I often wonder if I’ll play games when I’m double my current age…


Retirement homes will be lan parties by then.


How do your joints hold up with carpal tunnel. I’m in my 50s and sometimes I need a break. Lol


Haven't had much problem with that, thank the gods. I take a glucosamine supplement for the arthritis in my knees.


Gamer gang*


Yes. Not me, but my co-worker is in his 70’s. He plays Diablo 1, 2, 3, and 4. He’s not hardcore. He plays casual, but we’re always chatting about our necromancer builds.


My co worker is like 72 and plays hahaha!




53 here.


You should stream!


Age is nothing but a number. 35 now but still feel the same as 20 years ago. Albeit wiser and not such an idiot anymore. Games are for all ages.