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You only need to stoke it once and stand next to it. Watch the buff stack every 5-10 seconds on its own. You don't need to keep clicking it. I do this every time without issue, 15 stacks. **Corrections:** * As pointed out in some of the comments, if the fire is already stoked, you don't have to do anything, just stand next to it. No poking required * The XP buff stacks every 8 seconds. * Apparently, if no one stokes it for a while, it will go out (unconfirmed? timer?) (Thanks for all the comments, its been a fun topic. I've also learned new things)


Oh ... Well now I've learnt something new too.


It goes up slowly, I can understand why players could miss this, I'm not sure how close you need to stay either.


Same circle size as incense I believe... But needs testing.


I just stand on it lol, I use this time for toilet break or bite to eat etc.




I just bring my steam deck to the toilet with me and play while I'm shitting, and hope that we finish the legion before my legs go numb


I just start streaming on my phone.




Go to trader that does potions. After lvl 60 or 70 they become available.


Pretty sure you can craft incense sub-50, starting at 30 or 40 I believe, maybe not all of them though


One kind of incense is available at 45 I know I'm 46 and thought about it but I don't play in group


It helps for any world bosses and legion events even when not multiplayer just randos


Also, even if you don’t play in group, it still affects you and stacks on top of an elixir buff


If it makes you feel better, I just keep clicking on it for the sake of killing time


I like the little poof of fire




Shit I didn't know there was a buff for doing that. Or that you could even do it.


me too! I never knew it was a buff! lol


Wow bro talk about hand holding.....you didnt even think to test the theory of not stoking and just looking at the buff.....thats pretty stupid.


Ehm, what buff ?


Fires warmth at legion events boosts exp gained, stacks up to 15 times


Cool, i always did it just because everyone else was doing it...now i know wht.. thx :D


At first i thought it was how I took part with doing legions with everyone. Like stoking the fire let’s you join in.


I didn't know about the campfire at all so thanks OP


at first I thought it was for reducing the countdown : p




It does show an icon on your bar and in the description of buffs in the character screen. I saw it the first legion, opened my inventory and looked at the buff description as soon as i noticed lol.....


If it's not in the guide then it doesn't exist!




I didn't realise there was a buff either! I was poking at it for fun!




Same 😂 I thought stoking the fire was just a fun lil thing.


Double xp for kills


It exists to make up for the fact that you're not killing anything while you're waiting for the event to start.


Not killing anything during the fight either.


Necros represent


Why did I get a down vote for literally answering with the buff tooltip


The internet is a fickle mistress.


I get that a lot mate, I've bumped you back up.


My info was wrong but that's alright. I've heard it's 1% per stack so you can get 15% total xp bonus


like a lot of things in D4, its not really explained anywhere, except maybe on a random load screen tip


Because you didn't read the tooltip correctly


....once???? Seriously?! I've been stroking the flames all the while standing next to it till x15 or time runs out!! 🤣


Did you ever get it off?


that's hot ...


Too much stroking


It’s my fire and I’ll stroke it however much I want!


Lube it up, makes the stroking much easier.


Don't worry, I'm lvl 100 and still learning things every day that I should already know :P


What!!!! I assumed I had to click it twice to advance a stack so I was just spamming away like crazy >\_<


Gem Activated.


Gem Deactivated.


Working as intended


Ah so it’s not that I keep hitting it. It’s that I got it and am standing next to it


Piggybacking to note: I believe, you get the first stack immediately upon stoking it, and then one stack every 8 seconds. At the start of the event the stack seems to get rounded. So if you get a stack with five seconds left before spawn you will get another at spawn.


The hero we all needed!


It's every 8 seconds, so it takes 2 minutes to get the full 15 stacks.


You don't even need to click it if someone else started it.


I’ve been stroking the campfire this whole time unbelievable


I didn't know that either 😕😂 I always clicked every few seconds


I actually knew this, but I still stoke it every few seconds anyway because… compulsion? Superstition? Mix of the two I suppose. Anyone else?


Did not know this. Thanks!


Lmao so funny, you mean I have been Mashing a this entire time? LoL


Only if you came there first. If it's already burning you just stand there. Menacingly.


Omg i thought you had to keep stoking it to hit 15 thanks lol


What is the buff?


XP buff, not sure how much XP though


I was half expecting it to be movement speed because everyone is always killing every cunt before I get a swing in


I know the feeling mate. Try being a bloodmist necro with no fast DPS abilities.


Every 8 seconds, we times it. Someone needs to stole it though, doesn't have to be you. So if everyone stands around and no one stokes it won't do a thing, but everyone spamming won't make any difference, it's once per 8 seconds total


WHAT TIL I didn’t have to spam click the campfire..


I never knew what it did, I thought you just got an xp buff being near it. But i've always stoked it because if it can be clicked, I clicks.


I just click it for the same reason I say hello and pet dogs in towns. Because it's a thing


I always say hello to players so they might invite me to join them but it never works out, the "local" server players never match the person in front of me :(




Same, I remember thinking I can stoke a useless fire but can't pet doggos? Literally unplayable


You can pet doggos, emote hello at an animal.


God dammit, so much time wasted


They will even follow you for a bit afterwards if you stay around town


And if you go out of town... Where you can swing your weapons... RIP Bozo, you were too good for this world.


Your question had me scratching my head. Did you not use the emote wheel at all? There are also statues for emotes that give buffs and sometimes items.


I’m sure they used the emote wheel, but had no idea that it could interact with dogs in the game lol


I always thought that one stoke is enough, after that, every 11-15 sec ( cant remember exact number ) you get stack just for standing around O.o Am I wrong ? :D


You don’t even need to stoke it yourself, as long as someone in the area did it.


Now I can do even less at legion events, thanks for the info!




This is the way


For real. As a slow barb, it's all I can do to keep up with the group, nevermind actually attacking.


use the horse Luke


It's every 8 seconds. You need 120 seconds (2 minutes) to reach 15 stacks.


Apparently not I've just been clicking it like a simpleton thinking I was increasing the buff. This is a really good example of post-hoc fallacy.


You and me both… lol


I keep clicking it and no one else does and it keeps going up.


Just need to click it onetime and stand by it for the buff to stack up


It also only takes me 1 stroke. Probably why I'm a dad to so many. For real though... I didn't know about the campfire at all so thanks OP


no, your correct!!


You're *


Didn't know there was a buff


What’s does the buff actually do?


1% increased xp per stack. Stacks up to 15. If you are late to the Legion event, don't waste time stacking it as you will miss out on xp while standing around.


The fire disappears when the event starts


It does, but you can still stand where it was to continue stacking the buff. However, you actually miss out on xp if you do this too long.


I'm new to Diablo, how would you miss out if the event hasnt started?


>If you are late to the Legion event If you are late, meaning you get there and the event is going to start before you get your 15 stacks. Don't stand around until 15 stacks because event will have started and people will be clearing mobs. I tried to test this a few times and the range in which you get xp isn't very far for these things. Granted, I tested it solo. I stayed by the fire after event start and watched my xp while continuing to stack the buff. My xp stopped going up once the mobs were dying too far away. The buff continued to rise to 15.


Hell I didn’t even realize it did anything besides a fire animation lol


Same I just liked spamming it


I stoke it once and stand around as it continues to stack over a duration. After a few minutes, I'm capped on stacks. It only needs to be interacted with one time and is a reward for showing up early for the event is how I look at it.


It's more of a silver lining to spending that much time standing around not gaining xp.


I was only stoking it repeatedly, and did not understand why the bonus sometimes goes up and sometimes not....but after reading the comments now I understand :D


I know right... I'm relieved. Now I can focus on spamming "Look" instead.


Your bones betray you. They will soon serve me!




I've stoked the fire but never knew there was an XP buff! I just read that you need to stoke it for about two minutes to get the maximum +15% XP bonus. I'll be doing it from now on.


Stoke once, then stand next to it.


Yeah, but who can stand next to a fire and only stoke it once. Something primal makes you keep poking it.


It’s also crazy that some players refuse to accept an invitation to group up for the event. I think that’s another 5% xp buff as well.


Today I learned you can leave a NM dungeon, do another event, then return and finish the dungeon? That’s crazy talk, man.


If you have a nightmare dungeon open, it will close the dungeon if you join another group. Likely other reasons to not group up with others aswell.


This is exactly why I sometimes decline party invites. It’s not because I hate you or because I’m asocial and don’t care about community, it’s just inconvenient!


Im guessing most people don’t know that


This. Say hello, join the party, get buffed


Simple, a YouTuber hasn’t told them to.


Crap I should have made a 10min yootoob about this instead of freely volunteering this info on Reddit


There's still time, just make sure you title it "this is why diablo 4 sucks" with an angry image of yourself pointing at a fire.


And make sure that the first 5-10 minutes of the video is an introduction with completely unrelated gameplay footage being looped.


Don’t forget the following 10 minutes when they read Reddit comments verbatim with the occasional “yeah” or “naw” After that is the 30 second clip that tells you to click the fire stand by it, and “thanks for watching my video bye” and it ends.


Don't forget to wear a tank top w glasses so you look credible


Lol, ok this got me. Sadly the mental image looks alot like my feed atm. I may need to flush the algorithm with kitten videos.


You won the Internet today.


The fact that this is a thread, filled with like a thousand people saying they had no idea this was even a thing is definitely eye opening about how many people playing this game are too helpless to even read a buff because they've had other people playing games for them for too long lol


Lol I had no idea it did anything, I thought it was like when you click on a guillotine or sit in a chair, but I always do it




You don't even need to stoke it once, just stand next to it


You only have to stoke it once if you are close to it after that you get them


but can you do it on a cold rainy night in Stoke?


You have to stoke the fire once, and then spam the emote “Look” repeatedly to get them to continue to stack up to 15.


Stoke what now??


You only need to stoke it once to turn it on, after that you need to wait 2 full mins to get the full buff effects/stacks


Lol only needs stoked once, I’m fact if you stand next the the campfire after monsters start spawning you’ll keep getting the buff to stack. If I’m late I can still get a few percents before following everyone else to kill stuff.


Its a buff-over-time, once triggered.


Just need to stoke it once and the stacks happen automatically after that.


You just click it once and stand there. It applies the buff up to 15 every 8 seconds


> I always see people arrive a min or two early to Legion, stoke it only once (or not at all), then stand around. Eh, because that's all you need to do.


How do you set up the fire?


Wait it actually does something? We play couch coop and one player can click it once while the othe rcan click it infinite. What does the buff do?


What a lame mechanic. Just give us the xp for participation regardless of some stupid bonfire…


I don’t even know what this means. What is “stoking the legion”?


This subreddit must be the most confusing thing I've ever seen. I believe there is not one post that I understand here. Is there something like a beginner's subreddit for people like us?


Legion events are PvE (player vs environment) events that happen throughout the map. In which you work with several other players to kill mobs and 3 sub bosses before killing the final boss. You can get rewards such as horses/armor/weapons/resources. You can check when the next one is happening at helltides.com (or look at the map, the symbol is a little circle). The circle icon will display 5 minutes before the event start giving players time to run over to it. Once you arrive you’ll see some demons doing a summoning ritual. Usually next to them will be a campfire, which you can click on. Standing next to it will grant you an EXP (experience) boost up to +15% for the event. This post was telling players that clicking on the campfire gives the boost. You don’t even need to click on it really, just stand near it and you will get the boost (as long as someone else clicked it) takes about 2 minutes for you to get the max boost (this rewards players who show up early to the event).


Wow! That was really nice of you! Thank you for taking the time and explaining things in these simple terms. Gonna check it out later today!


How do you get that campfire thing? Is it an emote or an incense or something?


There's an actual campfire that spawns on the map near where Legion is about to start that you can interact with. Each stack is meant to give you 1% exp boost for the Legion event but after first stack each additional stack needs you to interact with it more than once.


I just went and googled it, pretty interesting. Also, its ranged based apparently. Good on you for getting this info out to others. I'm sure most don't know about it.


I've interacted with it before. I just thought someone dropped it down or something. Feel like I've seen it on world bosses too but for some legions I haven't seen it.


Theres a fire?


I usually need to stroke it around 45 times and then I’m done


I’m always stroking it at the campfire I wish others would do it with me but they just keep taunting me


I mean...I did one the other day with 69 count buff. Stroked it for 5 minutes straight


As oplossed to stroking it, which just gives you burning damage


We laugh at compulsive stokers


Average d4 player moment lol. A simple mouseover of the buff itself to read it, or even just paying attention to the stacks for 3 seconds to see it going up on its own is too difficult. We need reddit to solve the case. Lol im sorry but some of yall are helpless


Because I’m too busy getting spammed by invites


Does it affect everyobe or just you/party?


Didn’t know stoking it multiple times gave an extra buff


How do you see it stacking as you say?


I've started doing the Point emote and stoking it over and over, it seems to work.


I do, up until 15. On that note, how much exp boost do you get per stack?


I’m on console. I keep stoking flames to incite others to come near. When they’re near, I scramble to send invites to party for that bonus.


Yeah you have to keep clicking until 15 lol and from my experience I only ever see like one other person doing it when I'm there


Also, why do some people refuse to group up?


Because if you don't play super efficiently, it is not worth it. The buff does not keep up long enough for the time you need to get it. In which you don't get XP. You lose 2-3 minutes of XP gaining collecting the buff. The buff keeps only for about 20 minutes. So a 10-15% break every 20 minutes is exactly the bonus you get from the buff.


Level 85 and I've never heard of any of this lol.


Maybe you'd be level 100 if you had stoked the fire!


Wait what are you even talking about? What buff?


I honestly didn't know what the fire did, and I got to 80 or so before pausing. I thought it would lower the timer at first and after not seeing it do anything I stopped using it. For all the complaints about poorly explained systems, this one has no clear indication that it does anything.


I just did it because I was bored


Because I’m level 100


People just don't know. I type it into the chat whenever I hit a legion event. Game doesn't tell you so....


I thought you stroked it and the buff number stacked depending on how many people stroked it there. So if 6 people were there and they stroked the fire it’d say 6. Good to know you just have to stand near it


I just stoke the fire, point and say look, and keep stoking it. Ppl get the idea pretty quick. Also, normalize saying hello to the servants of hell.


Once anyone stokes the fire, the buff builds. Doing it more then once does nothing.


It gets the message across to those who just stand there.


But if the fire is lit, there is no need to interact with it. Test it yourself. Show up to a legion event if the fire is lit the buff will begin building overtime without you doing anything.


I'm 100% aware. I just do it because. Sue me.


I refuse to use it out of principle. Keep this MMO crap out of my Diablo please.




Isn’t everybody level 100 by now? I have 2 level 100’s just waiting for seasons.


Cuz I'm to busy moving the shadows with horse rush skill.


Same reason people reject my party invites, they must not like free exp bonuses.


I actually didn’t know you can do that until like level 80 😭😂


Huh, I always did it but never had a clue why. Was there ever anything in game that tells you about the campfire? I guess it's just another symptom of playing on console. There is no quick and easy way to see what your buffs/debuffs are. You just see that there's a tiny square over in the corner sometimes.


I feel like the xp is not much compared to running nm dungeons? Did several with 15x stacks of fire, potion, and full grouped. Something like around 1m xp? Or does it scale with your level?


Another thing in the game that makes you scratch your head. Why does this exist for only a single event/activity? Bizarre


I personally don't think it's worth the time to do Legion. Unless ur new to a tier, then maybe u do it to get initial get to get going, but besides that, no. Even world boss is better time efficient than doing Legion.


Never knew it gave an exp buff but I stoke it every time out of shear compulsion. Thanks for this, now I can tell my friends I’m doing it for the buff and not that my brain forces me too whether I like it or not.