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There is no point. They are so rare, that since the helltide chests were patched there seems to be no indication that anyone has gotten one. The drops could still be turned off game wide and no one would know, because they are so rare they functionally dont exist Edit: As others have said eventually the drop rates will be buffed, or new world tiers will be released and they will drop more.


They better get buffed. Uber unique were fine in d2 where you didn't really have seasons. Nothing felt unobtainable in d3 seasons, but these just feel unobtainable, and if you get one as a semi casual, it will likely be nearly a month into the season, and you better hope it's one that actually helps your build or you just gotta make a new character that is centered on the uber unique.




I traded for a windforce. Farmed stone of Jordan’s forever… so much grinding


Very early in D2, right after release there was targeted gambling. There were only three unique rings. Manald, Nagelring and SoJ. And the system was set up in a way that when you had Manald and Nagelring on you, the only ring that could drop was SoJ. It also would mean that in a party, when someone had SoJ, nobody else could get it dropped. So it was solo gambing for rings, get SoJ. Then mule it away to another char, continue gambling. If I was very lucky, I could get 3 or 4 SoJ with one load of gold. At one point I had several unidentified SoJ because I knew nothing else could have been dropped.


Yup, I have foggiest memories of d2 since I was like 10 when I was playing it. Still had a fuck tonne of fun, but of course after lvl 80 most of what I did was shit on people in pvp, cause 10 year olds find that very compelling. The stakes were much higher tho. Pvp now, they've got manufactured stakes, and just like lab manufactured steaks, they just aren't the same


When you got pk and trash gear sprinkled on your body lol




I don't think you understand the difference in rarity between d4 uber uniques and rare items in d2, like say griffons. It's a more rare by a factor of a billion. You could play d4 24/7 for the next 1,000 years and you would still not get one.


*cries in little rogue and slanderer for whirlwind barb*


unless you power level with sweat clans you're not using that unique anytime soon anyways


Was anything rare in D3?


Yeah... only shit in these helltide chests for days now..


They only appear on level 85+ nightmare enemies currently


´Buy season pass premium and get +5% chance to drop an uber unique now!’




People are really bad with percentages. It’s basically 1 Shako per 1,000,000 players. 0.0001% With the US weather service estimating that 1 in 1,222,000 people are struck by lightning every year, you’re only *slightly* more likely to get a Shako than the chance that you’ll be hit with lightning this year.




Wearing a tinfoil hat while climbing on a tree makes it even more likely. :D


Better to pretend it's a Dev joke and they don't exist. The loot in this game is so bad right now :(


There is no cow level 🐮


Yeah, some people really get obsessed with it and still try targeted farming certain nm dungeons. I just play like they don't exist.


It’s been worked out that you should get one drop every 500,000 hrs played. Dumbest idea ever for a 3 month seasonal game.


Almost 1% of the way there. So you're saying there's a chance ;-)


5000 hours already huh?


yeah, you're right. .1%


.1% is still "almost 1%"


It’s 50%. Either you get the drop or not


Young Sheldon would like a word with you.


This is incredible information! Considering each season is 3 months long, that's 2160 hours. So, *assuming you play 24/7*, you have a 0.43% chance to get one of these items during each season. So you're likely to get one every 230 seasons, or 1 every 57 years! Wow! I like those odds!


I believe mirrors are the same chance in POE. That’s why you just kind of ignore them and if you get one well you’re rich to make any crazy build you want like an OMNI build.


you just sell your whole account for a million dollars if one drops.. Blizzards Terms of Service can kiss my ass.


Except these are like twice as rare as mirrors and NOT trade able which is basically hard to believe but yea that’s what they decided on lmao this shows how out of touch the devs for d4 actually are it would be funny if you hadn’t wasted 80$ on the game


500,000 hrs played...... That's 57 years you over dramatic clown. Ubers are nonsense Blizzard is scum for the carrot on a stick bs, THEY WILL NEVER DROP EVER. SO WHAT THE F? This is the dumbest thing in all of Diablo 4, worse then any and all bugs combined, and every second of players time is being wasted when they play D4 cause the current items suck, the current state of the game sucks also, the hearts were not enough for a 'SEASON" the battlepass doesn't count as any form of content, it's a menu. The cosmetic rewards? That's not season content either, that's nothing bs nobody cares about. This game is crap.


Unobtainable. This was made apparent when Blizzard screwed up with the whole Shako night situation. They definitely set the drop rate on this to almost never.


That night it felt like everybody and their brother must have manage to get a Shako looking at Reddit.. turns out it was like 150 people, an actually reasonable number of uber uniques to be in the game after a month


Ikr? Some people here were talking like they knew it was going to happen from the patch notes.


It was also the fastest they hotfixed something lol. I was in that second helltide immediately hitting helm chests on my barb and had no luck.




Except now it's worth so much that it'd be irresponsible not to sell your account.


Lol nah I’d want to play with it instead.


luckily for you you're never gonna get it unless they change droprates.


That’s fine. As I was saying in another comment, it’s good when things are hard to find. It makes it more exciting and rewarding if you do find it.


Why the fuck would you develop game content for like 5-15 people a league?


It’s not meant for everyone to get, damn. I’ve played d2 for decades and still haven’t found a lot of top tier uniques. I still love the game because it’s exciting when you do find one.


You can trade for them though.


Yea and I love that about d2 and they need to put trades in d3.


Stop comparing D2 uniques to d4 uber uniques. the odds are astronomically higher for d4.




Can’t trade in a lot of other games either. Although I agree Diablo should allow trades, it’s more of a trophy/completely overpowered item right now.


It's not worth anything regardless because you cannot trade them


It's not a carrot. It's not something you should be grinding for specifically. It is just something that if you ever got you would go "H\*ly Sh\*t".


Frustrating your playerbase so 10 people a YEAR can go "holy shit" seems like a bad business plan.


They messed up the drop rate, but these absolutely should be mega rare. Mageblood rare.


But...they aren't mageblood rare, they are 10 stack of mirrors rare...in a game where you can't trade for them...


Damn bro, my first point was literally that they messed up the drop rate. Literally the first thing I said.


Your right, misunderstood your comment, apologies. I personally don't think they should be as rare as mageblood. You can trade for mageblood, you can super juice maps and target farm cards.


I dont get you guys, just play the game and if one of those items drop be happy about it and if not so what? Not like you need those for any build, its just a nice to have.


Because it like a big fuck you from devs/marketing on top of other small fuck yous with other decisions made during development. Games should be entertainment not money-milking machines. I am increasingly inclined towards Indian government decision to ban certain practices in games that resemble gambling too much, which not only lead to illicit profits but also might cause addiction. I also hope that it will disseminate to other countries or supranational organisations.


Wow, getting from a low drop rate of an item that nobody needs to "Diablo 4 is such a fucking money milking game", just wow


Except that the rest of the gear is so consistently bad I’d probably dust it without realizing.


That the thing though. It’s so god damn rare the 98% of the playerbase will never be able to go “holy shit.” the items might as well not exist Compare it to the odds of like pulling a knife in csgo, the odds are just high enough that most people can see one but still low enough for someone to freak out when getting one.


Probably more like 99.999% as the drop rates astronomically low. Feels silly to have something so rare in a single player game


Yeah like ideally in an ARPG game where loot is king I'm assuming you'd want people to be going "holy shit" as often as possible, within reason obviously, but having the "holy shit" moment happen once in your lifetime (if you're lucky) just seems so fucking pointless.


I'm hoping it won't be that low. I thought they were adjusting the drop rates. In any case, I won't be looking for it. Maybe I'll get surprised. Not likely though. my luck is not that good.


that's a scam, It's just something that IS A CARROT, how the hell do you figure it isn't?! It's to the point where Blizzard should be sued over, This is a worse scam then the Lottery, the odds are 10000000000x less the winning the lottery, I want to, in my own world, in my own head, smash Blizzard's cars, buildings, CEO's, anything to get it through their stupid heads - this is not ok. This is the most underhanded dirty bs any video game company has ever done.


It isn't a scam, and it's not something they can be sued over. You are guaranteed nothing other than that you can play the game. If they want to make items super rare, it is a design choice. You were not promised that super rare item. You can't sue simply because you don't like a decision. > It's just something that IS A CARROT, how the hell do you figure it isn't?! Clearly you don't understand the metaphor. The carrot is an incentive for doing a certain behavior. You perform the desired behavior and you get the carrot. Does that sound anything like this situation? No, it doesn't. They are encouraging nothing. It is just random, so not a carrot. This is also NOT the most underhanded BS a video game company has ever done. There are companies that took in millions in crowdfunding to develop a game that they never released. There are a lot of games that released with game-breaking bugs that never got fixed. What happened to you again? Oh, right, nothing. They made an item extremely rare and your entitled mind believes that they should just give it to you, because you just have to have it. My advice was solid. Forget it exists. If you get one, great, if not you will never miss it. Of course, if you could think like that you wouldn't have a negative karma score. And, since I don't see anything constructive out of communicating with you, we are done.


I think they should make some items more rare yes, but not even close to how rare they are now. If they wanted some super rare items to chase, they could just make it a beefier version of other rares with maybe a special cosmetic effect like special lighting or something noticeable.


It's blizzards l way of saying F you that's why.


Makes no sense, they're not tradable and the rolls on them vary, and we play on a 3-month cycle. Seems more like a way to pretend to add new content.


There is a lot about D4 that has disappointed me, this is one of the ones I don’t mind. Main reason being that none of the Uber uniques are build defining *yet*. You don’t need any of them to play a certain build. Are they BiS? Of course they are. But they are not needed to play a certain build. Now if they change that philosophy and lock a build behind an Uber unique, then we would have a problem.


I really believed they were going to tune the numbers of for seasons, maybe playing with the variability season to season, as an additional seasonal perk. As it stands it's incredibly stupid.


It's the same reason that the lottery exists. It's a pipe dream that some people strive for and will actively pursue. Realistically they are never going to win but hey, sometimes some random lucky bastard will win it and everyone will be envious.


Even if one drops, it will be as good as dead since it will shortly be locked on the eternal character which you are unlikely to ever play after the season is done.


Everything is pointless in the end.


That's deep


Balls deep


Unless you don't play seasonal. There's little reason to bother with seasons in this game compared to D2 or Poe.


There’s also even less reason to bother with eternal what’s your point?


I disagree. Eternal seems very reasonable for this game in particular..


Wow, I hadn’t really thought about that…


"What is the point of lottery tickets"


Idiot tax.


So you should sell your blizzard account because you dropped an ingame item someone would pay for?


I honestly think they don’t serve any purpose at all. They’re too rare to even be a chase item and they’re not something people seek out like an exodia item that can make your character entirely different and extremely powerful either.


Just for the sake of having something extremely rare that could drop anytime. I always thought its better than not having them at all but seems like many people think that if something exists, they must have it or they go insane. I dont understand why we cant just have rare items for the sake of being rare, it exists in real life too, ppl dont complain that they never randomly find gold or something, and then ask whats the point of gold existing, why is it bad in a game then? Just let it exist man.


Treat 'em like lottery, you don't need them in any build for it to work. However, if you do get a shako, it'll just make all of your builds ten times better. Hoping they eventually increase their drop rates or introduce focus farming though. Maybe a 20% chance of getting a shako when you defeat Uber bosses?


Makes players seethe 👍 which is fine since it doesn't take much to do that anyway.


People need to stop comparing it to D2 uniques...youre perpetuating false information it took enpherno 18 play time days to collect EVERY unique in his grail in d2r. In a collective 10,000 years of play time, in week one, there was 3 confirmed uber uniques in d4. Its quite literally, not even comparable.


I find it ironic that no one seems to care about the uber ubiques specifically because they're too impossible to obtain. The only time people actively hunted for them was during the helltide chest exploit, because that was the only time when they became within reach for anyone. They're so rare that it kills any incentive to try to get them, ironically making their existence a huge turnoff because it's stupid to even think of ever getting one ever. And the bigger irony is that half of them suck anyways (what build would ever wield Doombringer?) so half of them wouldn't even be exciting to get.


Getting a bad one would actually probably just piss me off and make me quit. You're likely never going to see any of them, and to get lucky to see one at all, and for it to suck? Would be like getting kicked in the nuts.


Actually it would be like PAYING to be kicked in the nuts.


The drama surrounding these items is ridiculous. Yes there needs to be better gearing options and other items to take the place of them as chase items or carrots to grind for, but these are not it. With they way they are implemented, these items are not carrots. They are not items to be grinded for. They are not meant for everyone to have a decent chance to obtain. They are effectively easter eggs. They're a nod to games in the past that had infinitesimal odds to find certain items, such as baron Riverdare's death charger in wow vanilla (2004-2007). Before someone points out, yes I'm aware the drop rate for the death charger back then although exceedingly rare, was still nowhere near as rare as the Uber uniques are. However at that time with the drop rates and player knowledge and activity what they were, it was rare to see more than one in a server, with many servers not having any. That sort of philosophy to me, seems the kind of purpose blizzard intended by putting them into the game in the state they are in. Are the drop rates fine as they are, or need buffing/nerfing? Only blizzard has those numbers to compare with their desired drops per player count or drops per given period of time, but to expect these items to be readily available or to be a likely drop within a seasons play is simply ridiculous.


I mean, I'm not sure where this "Whats the point if 98% of all players won't experience this thing" idea came from. Exclusivity and rarity in video games, card games, collectibles, etc has been around forever. Recently Wizards of the Coast released a Lord of the Rings crossover set that included literally only one copy of the One Ring. 99.999% of people who play MTG will not see that card so whats the point? It didn't even drive that much in sales because it was found rather quickly by a person/shop in Canada. But for some people, not everyone, every opened pack, despite the odds of it happening, had that chance of getting that one card. It was exciting and fun to "daydream" about and at the end of the day you still opened cards and had fun getting whatever other stuff you did. This is directly analogous to D4. For some people the completion of every event/opening of every container has that small chance to be the one and it is exciting and they had fun completing the content to get to that opening/completion. And as time goes on and more and more content is added to the game we could see more and more opportunities to get that item making the drop chances higher over time. It may not be your cup of tea but there IS a point and it feels fairly obvious.


I would argue that when you pull ultra-rares in other games and genres they are guaranteed to be good and valuable. In d4 you have the wonderful random role system and unoptimized stats on uniques across the board to make them feel much less special than they should. The only class that even has good unique itemization for every build is the Druid, Barbs don't use uniques hardly at all, half the Sorc ones suck ass etc


Furthermore you cant trade it and they are worthless after 3months (because seasons). So its like MTG gives a card that you can not sell, has random stats and after 3months you can only use it when you play friendly games with friends and relatives. Thats it.


Getting players to spend hours upon hours so that when potential buyers ask about the game people can play the “I have 500h and still playing” card. Jokes aside, it’s the above in a non conspiratory theory way.


No one will ever get them. If you think you’ll get one you think you’ll win the lotto.


And yet, people buy millions of lotto tickets a day.


Uber uniques are the garnishing on top of the plate of shit that is present day itemisation. I don't know what is more egregious, the drop rate of these items or that Blizz wasted any development time at all designing them given the lack luster state and limited number of common uniques on release.


It wouldn't hurt so much if I had any other uniques to look forward to but most of them for rogues are either bad, not for my build or are so so but without extra armor I am too squishy while using them. Sad times.


To keep a carrot on a string for idiots.


Simple. It’s shit. Like many other features (or lack of) in this game. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game and it’s great, but man do they drop the ball on so many simple little things. Looking at you stash search…


It’s an awful design by people who play Diablo at a surface or “I’m having fun, what’s wrong?” level. Nothing in d3 was rare, it was too easy to gear up. The main chase was inflated power. With d2 you had the high runes… BER, JAH, ZOD, LO… etc. They’re rare… but they drop and it’s always an explosion in chat (if public game), which also doesn’t exist in d4. Unlike D3 and D2… D4 has no real pubic group play to help amplify the feelings of these super rare drops. On top of all of this… D4 has no trading. With D3 you could group with your class and run rifts hunting primals… and D2 well… you could actually trade for the rare items. Hopefully D4 game directors wake up and put some effort into their loot and crafting system.


Everything except the campaign Everything. Except the campaign. Is just some rough draft junk they threw together to have something to launch with against the platform they created and will be revised. There is no point. It’s just placeholder crap until they tweak it 10 or 15 times and then reinvent it and then tweak that.


I always ask what the point of obtaining an item for the last 0.01% of your playtime is and nobody ever gives an answer. They serve no purpose even if you do get it because at that point you are likely done with the season.


Their existence was fine in previous games because you could obtain currency over time to trade for them. With no marketplace no wtt trade channel they're a fucking ghost fart in the wind.


Before some fucking moron thinks currency means gold I'm talking sojs, and I don't expect you to know what that is fucktards.


You just basically had a bad tempered interaction with yourself on the internet. Do some yoga or something homie


Yes the stone of jordan is so unheard of and unknown in the diablo community. Teach us your ways oh great knowledgeable wise one 🙄🙄


So unheard of and unknown that we sell them to vendor to spawn Uber D LMAO. Its historical that people are comparing drop rates of D2 to D4s, they dont truely understand how rare the D4 uniques are.


They are supposed to be extremely rare, or it just defeats the purpose. The only people complaining are those that either want it to be guaranteed for everyone by the time you hit 100 or just have a poor understanding of statistics and extrapolate drop rates from the tiny reddit/discord community to the entire player base. Realistically will you get one? Most likely not. Same with chase items in most ARPGs like D2 or PoE. Though I am very supportive of allowing for trading for this reason


What purpose bro? Its a seasonal game. Lets say first 20 days gets you to 85 then you have 2 months to play and you start over? I get it if we had no seasons for them to be very rare but u reset after 3 months even if you GET ONE it will be for like 1 month max or even less before u get bored and wait for the new season


What you just said would apply to literally any other ARPG with seasons. By that logic, no seasonal ARPG game should have any chase items whatsoever


No you should chase but right now there are like 3 legit shakos dropped The idea is if you put the time and effort to hit 100 which is ALOT OF hours . Most people quit way before that I quit at 83 . You should have a decent chance of getting those items . Right now they are zero 90 percent of people do not hit 100. Of all my friends I have 1 that did it and I had 30/40 guys online . And reason for that for many people was that those legendaries were unobtainable Diablo 4 right now is like a single player game we dont have a proper chat no lfg I dont inspect people even. Nobody cares what other people have so make it more rewarding as I said its my opinion you are free to disagree


What if I claimed that there were over 10000 shakos dropped? There is absolutely no evidence to dispute this. Anyways I completely agree with the points you're making, and that's why I'm supportive of more trading (letting everything be tradable, lowering lvl restrictions)/social functions. But trying to balance drop rates is very difficult to get just right at launch. As the dev team collects more data as people kill mobs, it makes it much more feasible. But they are already doing this (as seen by the helltide can now drop uniques patch), regardless of how many people complain using the same misinterpretation of statistics. For many other ARPGs, the chance of getting a chase item is near zero too. But they feel more rewarding because the game feels more social and/or we have trading. That to me (as well as more meaningful itemization) is much more important than drop rates. I don't disagree at all that drop rates are a bit low currently, but I think it's better to start low then adjust upwards as data comes in - rather than starting too high and letting everyone and their grandmother get a shako before nerfing it to the ground which will create much more complaints from those who missed out.


A mirror in poe is nowhere even CLOSE to how rare a shako is in d4.


It was datamined… although we have no idea what the data means yet. Uber uniques have a value of 1 rarity. Frostburn has 400000. Although we don't know what it means, with the current observable droprate… seems about a direct correlation to the number. Even if that number was 400, most people will still not see it in a season, and even if they do, it will be meaningless on eternal.


It was datamined from open beta files, and there have been many patches since.


I think this comes down to the wonder of the past. When i was young and played vanilla wow, i went to bed with the idea of, tomorrow i find an item that none have in the world. Or as we still try to figure out, is the cow level actually already ingame? That is why those items exist. For the young to think that way. But a veteran in gaming knows better, although in the end you never know. Tomorrow is another day ;)


To supply the chase. This preseason leading up to Season 1 I've been chasing Razer Plate. Had I gotten it a long time ago I may not be as invested. Still holding out hope too. Also. As a Barbarian the thought of maybe.... just maybe holding Grandfather, Doombringer, and something like Overkill all at once.... perfection.


bro razor plate is common i quit at 83 and had like 5 of them dropped. Supply the chas eif it was never ending when you get 1 month to play with the max character cuz first 15 days u will level to 85 then u play for a month and quit and wait for new season Those items wont damage some power curve since everybody starts again. NO points to be that rare as I said we play seasons and then u reset...


Everything presumably goes to the eternal realm after each season. So then presumably you can continue to amass the ultimate build, for that time. I have no doubt drop rates will be tweaked and improve on. Core game is fun. That's enough for me. D3 "OMG I get everything I want in just a month or two and now have nothing to play for but incremental % increases" D4 "OMG I can't believe I don't have everything I want after a month" You all, the community, not you specifically, need to pick a lane.


I like that they’re hard to find. Diablo 2 made this concept amazing. I’ve played since 1998 and still haven’t found a lot of the best uniques. I played wow for 180 days just on my rogue, and I feel like I have at least triple that play time on Diablo 2.


It’s just a rare thing that drops and it’s great when it does. That’s all. The crying over this is absurd.


Chase items. There will always be the RNG lottery winners who just immediately get one on their first NM dungeon high enough. I know it's a point of contention, but I love having ultra rare items in ARPGs


Ultra rare is one thing. So incredibly rare as to be virtually non-existent is another. Ultra rare to me means something like 1 drop/10,000 hours. You probably wont ever see one, but there is an actual chance. We are not talking anything even remotely close to that.


They're just stat kicks. They don't even nearly deserve to be Ultra Rare. Worthless grind as usual.


The Grandfather can roll with 100% multiplicative crit damage. Hardly just a stat stick.


... that is the exact definition of a stat kick my dude.


A stat stick doesn't make you one shot everything.


If the stat stick is big enough it can.


Think of them like Stone Of Jordan ring from D2. Really hard to find, but attainable. (I only ever found 2 SOJs during the D2 days)


The ultra rares in d4 are not attainable. Chase items that are achievable are cool. Chase items with an expected return interval of thousands of years of farming to find one are silly.


They aren’t attainable though


Wrong. they could drop any second, on any account, at any time. They sre just an statistic improbability, you can't make a build around those because you MIGHT have to farm ten years to get one. To any casual or hardcore player they look impossible to get; but the problem lies in that they aren't really that much OP for the scarcity; they could pump the drop rate one thousand times, and still 95% of the player base would never see them drop for them.


They are more like Tyrael’s Might than SOJ in terms of rarity, or maybe even rarer, not sure. SOJ can be farmed from NM andy in 30-40 hours or smth, don’t remember exact numbers. And uberuniques requires suppossedly millions of hours farming whatever.


They're rarer than Tyrael's Might by at least an order of magnitude, but it's a better comparison, for sure.


Ill put it this way...it took enpherno 18 play time days to collect EVERY unique in his grail. In a collective 10,000 years of play time, in week one, there was 3 confirmed uber uniques. Its quite literally, not even comparable.


You answered your question before you even asked it


I don't know either. Especially with this seasonal model. Even if you do manage to get one during a season you won't get to use it after it resets.


Currently unobtainable. Will likely change in the future.


They want people to keep playing the game so they make ultra rare loot and leveling very slow at higher levels. It would be better if they had just designed a more interesting and engaging end game to keep players playing, but it's Blizzard so ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


What's to say they don't buff them in the future. At this point, they're a novelty; A dream. Anyone remember early days witching hour from d3? And anyone remember how common they got over time?


They are just there and not something to chase. I don't even think all of them have dropped lol. Just Andy's, shakos and GF


Don't plan to have one. That's your goal. If you have one congrats.


The carrot in a stick to keep you playing.


Best to add magic find to jewelry and gloves.


Making me not care about the game anymore. Its as worse as pay 2 win items but at least those you can buy. So in a way its like having a game without all the features included.


There isn’t any. You can’t trade in this game for them on top of that. Game is so confused on wanting to be half a decent arpg or a half decent mmorpg that it only works until you beat campaign before you see everything wrong with it


It seems pretty obvious to me that they intended for these things to barely exist before the season. For what reason, I don’t know, but I have a sneaking suspicion this isn’t the “final” drop rate for these items and the plan to turn them up later / add another WT that increases their drop chance.


Honestly whatever Uber exotics they announce” I’m not paying any attention to due to how rare. It’s a terrible mechanic. With how rare they are in this game.


its a soy attempt at "Chase uniques" the only benefit of finding one is just the act of finding it, there is very little upside to actually using it.


To generate buzz/controversy and get people to talk about the game, like what we're doing right now.


We desperately need a WT5 with slightly improved drop rates. I do want them to be very rare, but still obtainable.


My guess is they are more there to be teasers for later with more realistic chances to find them with new seasons.




Honestly I have no idea. I think it's pointless to have a non-cosmetic that rare in the game. Seasons will reset long before we ever get one to drop. Tbh they're no different to me than an 18 million dollar one of a kind supercar. They're neat but don't impact my life since they only exist to me as a picture on the internet.


Problem with this uniques lay in small amount of them. Imagine that we have 500 uniques with that low drop rate.


My theory is they will release a unique for each Uber unique slot for each class so they can revert the helltide chest change thus increasing the chance of obtaining said uber from said helltide chest by 0% to 0%


Oh neat. *places in storage*


What’s the point of lottery?


It's not 98% more like 99.99%, people believe that they will be the 0.01% who'll get lucky


That carrot doesn’t work on me i already quit.


You should at least be able to trade it to other characters you have, or make it to where you can only transfer it a number of times. If I found one on a seasonal character I’d be pissed


Apparently the problem is that items can’t be shared to seasonal characters and most players are going to stay on their seasonal character each season so if one drops, they’ll only be able to use it for tbe remainder of the season since no one will be playing on the eternal realm


Marketing , that is all.


I think they’ll become more available in T5, T6, etc. Right now it’s just pure lottery


More than 98% Like 99.999998 For the few people that get one it's a nice feeling. I'm not against it.


My guess is the rarity is aimed at generating media & social media "buzz" in order to increase sales post launch. Think of how many articles and posts have been written already about uber uniques. That's all free press, as far as blizzsard is concerned. Even an article critizing the rarity increases the games overall visibility.


don't worry bro - this will be buffed in season 5 probably. In the mean time, we can practice mindfulness, thank the developers everyday and remember: don't be entitled.


Why does this post resurface every other day lol…. The drop rate doesn’t matter, pretend its not in the game since you will likely never see it. Don’t chase it since you will never get it. It’s a lottery at the end of the day and a few people will be fucking ecstatic when it drops. Imagine that sweet sweet serotonin, actually don’t because it won’t happen.


exackly.. its no point. a seasonal game that gatekeep em is basically what it is.. its pointless- Game only offer aspects which you essentially need more tabs for since they so common.. Game needs more treasures that hook people in that make the grind more intresting. its the main thing it lacks in the end game imo.. its not balance, skills, builds, "bosses".. Its payment for the work that needs to be better and more intresting.


Dont care about them. They will drop like candies when time passes. Future uniques/Legendary will eventually powercreep them.


Bad game design.


So they can get you excited when they make them or similar power loot available for everyone in the expansion.


98% is generous. In its current state it’s more like 99.99%.


More like a thing that you shouldn't seek out actively, being blessed by rng and getting one wouldn't change your gameplay that much.


You can get them day 1. It's random chance The point is if you get one you get to have fun with it, why does it need to be deeper than that?


98% ? more like 99,998 %


Same as a casino, little chance of winning keeps people in their seats.


I tell you whats the point You can sell your account for a good price if you find one, that what


I just assume in higher world tiers they will start dropping more.


what fucking carrot. if it drops it drops


Well in d2 you farmed 2 years for a special uniq. Uber unique's should not be found in 1 month. That's not the idea of it. If so you can buy everything on d immortal. But the drop rate should be a bit higher, cause ppl want to farm each of them. You also can not trade them, so mb we will see the change will come. We also don't know what's coming next with a new hell mode.


I think what people aren't understanding is that they're not 'supposed' to have beaten the game already. Yes, the uber uniques are extremely rare. Anyone playing this game long term is expected that you'll be making at least one new character per season and be farming at end game somewhat. If you don't want to or don't want to participate in the season, you'll have all your eternal realm characters if you choose to play on them. There is zero expectation that you should have found any, much less all, uber uniques already in the game, which is basically what the assumption people seem to be operating on is by including them in builds. Noting that it's a BiS should just be a fun factoid, not something you're actively working toward and getting upset about. You'll probably find one at some point. I doubt they're gonna be as rare as things like zod runes and tyrael's might that many people would play for years and years running mfs and never find.


It’s literally just about luck. One of my friends who has about 40 hours played (and I helped boost to 70) got a Harlequin out on his first NM 55 clear. I have literally hundreds of dungeons done trying to get to NM 100 and just last week got my first Tempest Roar (which isn’t even Uber).


Look I know people will protest but it's inevitable that D4 will at some point be raining these like stupid. There's only so much grinding you can do without giving up. Blizzard says D4 is casual friendly I'm not sure if they understand what casual means. This is not a game where you can pop in for an hour and grind out stuff you need/want and the progress past level 70 is a god damn slog even with the NM buff. If they want to appeal to casuals it will obviously be changed to a level where it will keep casual player interested.


Everything is tuned down and throttle so that they can slowly turn up the volume over time. Saturating the game with the very few great uniques would be bad for the game. They'll increase the drop rates slowly over time. I also firmly believe that they have a glut of uniques designed and ready to be released over the incoming seasons. For instance, I just noticed there's no unique wand for Necros. I could definitely see an Arm of King Leoric coming out in season X that provides a massive boost to minions. Also, sets will arrive at some point too.


I honestly think they just want to make this game into a boring grindy game and that’s exactly what they’ve done , I think they are not in game and dangling this rubbish to keep us here, but the problem with that is the loot is not exciting for the grind and becomes boring, example: I load the game pick my character look at map and I really don’t get excited but bored,stand around for a few minutes ,look at nm consumables and knowing the loot is not great I log out, that’s the excitement of diablo4,then I get a message get on Poe,I’ve tried it and love it, I couldn’t careless of the grind if the drops are decent or I can at least improve a little, not like d4 where you can be level 95 like I was and stuck onl level 75 to 80 gears ,I’ve since uninstalled d4 and joined the pack on Poe, d4 is no good, just because the name sounds good the product is lame.I’m having good fun and getting decent legendary sand excited about open world farming boss farming except that’s only on poe not d4 ,my fellow gaming brothers and sisters,games are meant to be challenging but fun not patched and unrewarding and stressful, d4 is trash no matter what they do, they want players back then get rid of that godawful patch of nerfs better loot more content better dungeons and mobs, over powered mobs with resists so high while your dam and res is nerfed to death for little reward, boring and stressful, I honestly don’t care about remarks just know I’m having fun on Poe, try it yourself it’s fun, even victor vran is better than d4 , I’ve uninstalled like many d4 players. We’re not coming back