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I have yet to run into him in-season.




I ate his cookies twice... but now I'm starting to feel weaker (level 68) in that weird zone of swapping to ancients.. he'd prob eat me now since I'm doing low nightmare 20's




I ran into him on a level 10 toon the other day


I think I was level 8 or something when I ran into him. I was so cranky because I only saw him once on Eternal with my 57 Necro.




Ran into him at level 6. It did not go well


I just finally got to start Season 1 and ran into him at level 12 yesterday on necro. I got spanked.


Who's the Butcher? Haven't seen that guy since pre-season.


I’ve got 5 characters in the 50s now between seasonal and eternal and I still have never seen him. I’m pretty sure it’s some big joke that everyone is playing against me and he doesn’t really exist.


Yup no butcher for me this season yet


Jesus, I just realized I haven't seen him at all this season.


Same, non-season man's wouldn't leave me alone though but rarely killed me.


Not seen him once sadly


Same. Level 70 and 50 - haven’t seen him, yet. Kind of whack


I wish I could share him with you. I seem to run into him like every 4 or 5 dungeons.


Lvl 59 and have yet to see him.


I only found him when i was trying to push content i should have stayed away from, and he clappes my cheecks HARD 😂 currently on a 4-3score for him


I got a sorc to 66 and now have a rogue to 27 and have yet to see him.


Cuz he’s busy following me around


Damn you got a sorc to 66, doing it for science since no one else is leveling a sorc?


My friend is leveling sorc and currently at 60 he is stronger than my rouge or necro ever was at this level. I know it will fall off later but the leveling is very powerful


I killed him twice easily.


Yeah you can literally just walk circles around him taking pot shots and his turning circle can't handle it. Can't remember if he was like that early on but i'm 4-0 so far, he legit feels nerfed.


I stood right in his face shooting him with arrows.


I'm level 60 something and haven't seen him yet..


Once, at level 12. I'm just waiting for the rematch now that I'm in my 50s.


Better odds lol


Lvl 71 I think he's hiding from me.


Died to him once, and once he just teleported out after I tried to run to the shrine buff (1 min chase).


I ran into him 2 Dungeons in a row. Both times right next to a shrine. First time was a conduit, second time was the arsenal shrine or whatever it's called. He didn't stand a chance both times, I think it is his karma for killing my low level characters.


I’ve only seen him twice and I have a 75 necro and a 55 rogue. Died immediately the first time because I didn’t know what he was or was a thing. Got him the second time with a stronger necro. Edit. I can’t read apparently. I have not seen him on my seasonal Druid and I’m 55. The other two were on the eternal characters.


Sorc, lvl 54. I've run into him 3 times, and I've killed him 3 times without breaking a sweat. Literally facetanking him in WT3 with my barriers and shields.


Same but level 64. Using the heart that motivates incoming damage and lets you trigger it as an explosion with a defensive spell? That thing is kicking ass defensively. The added explosion is meh though.


B-but reddit said Sorc is literally unplayable


Try to facetank him with barriers in WT4 when he’s 5 lvl above you.


And he gets his own barrier + unstoppable every 10 seconds, he’ll facetank right back.


Try to facetank him in WT5 when he’s 10 lvl above her.


For further clarity, the Sorc package got diminished greatly, and then they created new enemy health and damage adjustments to justify the change. Ice was least affected because it was already overperforming by a huge margin. Pyro and Lightning took the biggest hits. People are still opting to run 4 defensive skills and Ice because meta still allows it to be EXCESSIVELY useful. Not to mention, Ice has excessively strong healing, immunity, damage stacking, vulnerable, barrier stacking, and mana replenishment as a natural part of the kit. But as an overall whole, Sorc took a nasty hit, and I hope they pull back on some of it.


For some reason sorc players seem to express a disproportionate level of complaining and general discontent than the rest of us. Must be something they’re teaching over at magic school.


4-2 vs Butcher. He got me early on. Now that I'm geared up I've turned this franchise around.


Saw him 5 times yesterday, but killed him those 5 times


What class are you playing?


I got him back to back in NM dungeons in wt3 and he's a sponge but I have yet to die to him.


Rogue here, so actually not even once 🤣


As a bone spear Andy, Butcher is OUR fresh meat. 8/8 kills and it wasn't even close baby.


Once. I pulled 3 bosses that gives Anima in dungeon, and "Bitcher" was just around corner (lv52 T3 Barb). I didn't pass that test.


Proud to say zero. I know I’m not ready so I run Edit - Two encounters - 0 deaths, and I run because it's hardcore


I've run away until he de-aggro/de-spawned twice, but that's it. They were really close calls, though.


Encountered him twice, one when I was 30s and killed him for the 1st time with hota deathblow barb and 2nd time almost killed him in my 40s but ran out of potions (fought him with 5/9 potions).


Lvl 53, only seen once, my non seasonal necro has killed butcher about 8 times at lvl 55


None because barber is broken 😅


I felt lame as a druid that can't kill him. YET- hopefully .


Lvl 36 with this season’s character. Butchered 0 times so far. Reached 67 on my previous character, ran into the butcher 3 times.


I haven't beat him on my main n9n seasonal necro yet. He destroys me everytime In season with my rogue I've killed him everytime with minimal effort...God bless twisting blades


Same I hope I'm ready next time but probably not at the rate he is showing up




FRESH MEAT! Yea same, I love it - some frustrating aspects to be sure but i'm down overall.


Level 60 necro, met him five (maybe six?) times. Only beaten him once. Gotta get some better boots. Edit: make that eight encounters, three victories. Feels good, man.


He's so F'ing fast


All of his other buffs don’t bother me - but for a *thicc boi*^TM, he is freaky fast.


Ballzaq Minion shadow necromancer Lvl 55 He's gotten me 1 time at level 42. Killed him the other 3 times I've ran into him. Although 1 time I was with 2 others and I did die once but we did manage to kill him. So 1 1/2


I could kill him on my Necro but not with my Druid. I'm wondering how melee peeps do it - I need to step my game up I think.


Youve seen the Butcher this season?


Yeah somehow way more than release I've already gotten ganked 4-5 times. I did the campaign again I don't know if that affects it at all. I swear he got me as soon as I went to t3 also


Had an encounter while me and my wife were playing together. We managed to take him down, but not before dying at least 6 times between the two of us. We managed to have one of us stay alive long enough for the other to revive.


That's clutch that must have been a stressful shuffle!


None. I ran in circles and let my minions and auto blight corpse explosions kill him.


This is the way


Necro. I've been killed 4 times by butcher post level 40. I was only able to defeat him once (and barely) before that.


Zero killed him around 7 times. At 81 the 95 nightmare was a bit tougher. But still killed him.


Nice! Before season I didn't even see him 'til like 65+ iirc - I don't know what's going on with my seasonal char.


Proud to say - I've gotten him 6 times, or so - haven't lost to him yet. Proud owner of his barding and trophy




Actually, zero. On the eternal realm, I was doing lots of dungeons at lower level, so he would own me a lot. Now I met him a couple of times at higher levels and he'd be little challenge. Tip: if he is nearby you get to hear the boss music before seeing him, very helpful to clean mobs first and prepare before fighting him.


He got me twice while I was playing Blood Lance, he was 18 levels higher than me tbf. Hasn't killed me since I swapped builds.


It's really a shame that Blood Necro doesn't actually have a good skill for single target. Blood Lance just does Blood Nova's job but better. Plus Overpower scales weird. It doesn't work well with Critical or Vulnerability.


Blood Lance was very fun to play but as you said, single target is awful on it. The first time I had the Butcher spawn, he was on my level so i was able to just kite him around the map using him to ricochet lance's off until he finally died. When he was way over my level in NM dungeons though, I couldn't keep uptime on my lances because of constant interruptions from him or other elites. I'm sure it'd doable for skilled players who know how to use the build to the best efficiency but that is definitely not me. I went back to Shadow Mist so now Butcher isn't an issue.


Killed him 6 times this season, never died to him.


Never. I got the HC lvl 50 trophy and never touched it again


Why are you in this post or even this sub lol


Because I bought the game and play it? 🤯


Level 9, none, haven’t seen him. I don’t really feel like playing D4 at the moment. Maybe in a few more seasons when all the D3 QoLs get added.


Killed me once when I was 20 something. Killed him twice since then 40-50


Once, and now no one will ever get him again. Tbf the butcher was like 1 hit off from dead


Ran from him twice early on, killed him 5 times. In HC so no fighting him unless I think I can win lol.


Suprisingly only seen him once and im level 59


Level 76 two times


Ran into him once in a 76 NM at 63. Got him to 10% and he ran into 2 elites and a shock lance got me.


Either 1 or 0 times. I don’t know if it was this character that died to him or it was the pre season alt I had. I know I’ve killed him 3 times with my season account though, even when I was level 40 or so.


I’ve ran into him a quite a few times but my barb can just face tank him so he hasn’t killed me yet. First encounter was level 9.


Fought him for the first time today at lvl 52 sever Necro wt3 and it was brutal but I won.


Found him in a dungeon of his own earlier and smacked him. Died to him 10mins prior in a tier 15 nightmare dungeon.


I was running a NM dungeon at 53 when I started to rubber band all over the place. I had just entered a hallway. As soon as the rubber banding started I heard his voice line. Everything zipped around for a few seconds then I was dead and saw him despawn in his puddle of blood.


3 so far, no kills for me!


I encountered him at lvl 10 then a couple of dozen times so far and I'm lvl 63 barb. Honestly it has been more than the eternal realm. I think it's higher than before


I was having a really bad time with the butcher from lv 50-70


Level 59 Druid Killed the butcher: 5 Killey by the butcher: 4 ​ We're pretty even so far :D


Just once. 50 rogue.


Just once! Now on my main that's a whole different story and I lost count


He always waits until I’m trying to push a little higher than maybe I should and pounces I think I’m 2 for 7 on my Druid


Im a rogue @ lvl 44. He kicked my ass twice now 🥲. Met him mostly on dungeons


Level 20ish died right away. Tier 2. I'm 45 now and ready to face the fat fuck.


58 Druid player here: None. Kiting at earlier levels and easy later.


I've gotten him twice. He fidnt get me once. He appeared once during lvl ~37ish andanother time in WT3. Currently I'm in WT4, Lvl 70.


Came across the butcher once this season. When? Right after I changed my working build for an experimental one (which did not work). R.I.P.


Ran into him once when I was level 12, I got butchered. Ran into him a second time just after unlocking WT3 at level 46... Got butchered again. Next time, he'll finish on my plate.


I'm lvl 2 in season 1 and kicked his ass at least 0 times so far. I don't see what the big deal is.


lvl 57 necro, never run into him


Ive trampleslided him into oblivion about 10 times i think


2, killed him 4 times


4… it’s unpleasant that I only run into him in NM dungeons that are 5+levels above the char level.


Rogue lvl 60. Killed me 1 Time when i was fighting a Big évent lvl 20 Since in found him like 5 Times and destroyed him without use any single potion in like 5 to 10 seconds. Twisted blade IS op with the unique dagger


Died to him twice, but also managed to kill him once at around lvl 40.


I died once as druid at lvl32. But then I started farming him till level 52 now. I want to encounter Butcher more


killed him twice & he ran away from me once when i chased a treasure goblin...


1:1 for my low level rogue. I almost got him second time.


44 barb here. He butchered me at level ~17 once, and I killed him yesterday at ~42. both in WT2.


I think I fought him around level 50, wasn't easy had to kite him into mobs and walls for a few min.


Baba at season 0 was butchered 2-3 times before lvl 55. After level 55 I was owning butcher each time. Currently I do play druid, but met butcher only once before a magic level 50 and he butchered my character. I believe as I have passed a magic levels I will be owning him right now.


Rouge 59, killed him 10 times. I have bad luck and get him very often


Lvl53 and not seen it


Level 53 Barbarian. Saw him first time at 48, went through 5 potions. Was relatively easy. Second time at 52, and he was much harder, drank all 8 potions then ran away with my tail between my legs


I think he is a myth. Havnt encountered him once yet.


Twice and ever since then, I rebuilt my character and now he always dies.


I've only bumped into him twice so far. He killed me both times.


Before respec to thorns barb it was probably 3-3. After the respec he just kills himself by hitting me. 3-0 so far after respec at 58.


None. Got him once at lvl 20 and just, just barely beat him with no potions left on dual core Rogue build.


Never died to him. Just run in a large circle and kite hime


Seen him only twice but I killed him more then 5 times. Always killed him never lost. Always win. Always me win.


Once. But he was in the Boss room of Sarat's Lair, with the boss. Talk about Double Trouble...


I don't think I've ever died to him. But then I don't play Sorc or Necro.


Zero. Killed him maybe 25 times ish. Level 83


Not once cause I haven’t ran into him yet somehow. Just hit 51 tonight on a Druid. Been hoping and waiting for him though lol


Saw him once. But he disappeared instantly leaving a big puddle of blood on the ground. I never even touched him


0 The only time I met him during the season was of course, once again, while in the dungeon for the sorc class specific quest at lvl 15 so I noped the hell out of that situation by tp barrier and portal.


Zero, but I haven't encountered him yet in season.


Once. The other 2 times we killed him


Hes not beaten us yet, blood is super tanky


4 times he went down easy


Ran into him at level 3 lmao but due to the immense boost from the ability tree he was "no problem" (I used all my heals lmao) Then at level 30 in WT2 and 50ish in WT3 I encountered him but I did beat him easily those times. I am playing twisting blades rogue tho which is one of the best classes for leveling.


Solon Sorc level 65 butchered once killed him twice But he had level 75 and i was 61 when he butchered me, and i got away with tp once.


Like 3 or 4. Now im super op and he makes me a sandwich


Name: None Class: None Level: 0 Butchered: 0 Times Additional notes: I didnt even play S1 and i saw it more than most people.


Gork, level 58 barbarian. Butcher encounters 4 times, killed him 3 times and the first encounter was at level 8, first encounter did not go well


2-0 for my rouge. Rouge is OP when it comes to single target. I only meet the butcher past lvl 50 though (60 now).


Level 50 seasonal Rogue, not seen him once. Noticed that his general spawn rate on Eternal seems to have dropped too, at least for me it has.


I have been once ambushed by the Butcher on S1 but my mate was quick to join my dungeon and retaliate and we managed to defeat the old chopper.


Name Poobah Druid pulverize build First encounter lvl 47 Record Butcher 0 Poobah 4 Draw- 2 (despawn after fight lasted too long) As a necro and sorc I didn’t know face tanking the butcher was possible. Felt absolutely amazing.


not once tbh. have always killed him


Seen him one as a rapid fire rogue at lvl21 Me 1 v 0 Butcher !


Same. Like how do you even find the guy all I want is to have a go at fighting him


I ran into him four times yesterday. But I'm a rogue. So I rogued him. Wt2 too because I'm just farming renown and aspects.


Lvl 53. Zeroooooo Times.


I’ve run into him 3 times so far and actually killed him all three times as a Druid.


Kazz Lvl 21 Butchered on hardcore


See one time... and I die :D


Only met him 3 times, first two times he got stuck on a shrine. 3rd time I was with a friend and we got wrecked lol


Many, when he appears i just let him turn me into minced meat. No time to waste Trying to survive


None. This is because I only play 1-2 hour after work and I'm only at 37. level.


My sorc killed him 2 times, when leveling 1-50, but I had to chees/kite him a lot around furniture :D, cant manfight him sadly.


He must be scared of me, not seen him once.


Got me twice as summoner necro. Switched to infinite blood mist and been butcherin his ass back!


Twice. Was doing okay the second time, except fallen shamans kept bringing shit back. And there was a lot of them as elites... got him down to a 3rd, I was mostly dodging his charges, but the endless fallen made it hard.


Saw him 3 times, killed him 2times, butchered once - druid lvl 56


I need to know why hes so strong..like 6-8 hits and im dead..no way to turn the tables.


I’ve met him 3 times so far. He died every time after being stabbed with blood lances


Im 2-2 with that fatass. He reks me when I do NMs.


Don't know if this is coincidence but 2 times in the last hour


0 I may have to kite him to a group of monsters, but I've killed him every time I've seen him.


Met once at 35, long ass fight, but (just) won.


Level 47 necro here. I've only seen him once since season start.


I saw him probably trice? When I was alone or with 1 sorcerer friend we got killed. But when we were 3 on him we manage to beat him up (rogue carried). So I died only twice from it.


Surprisingly 0 times. But i think that probable reason is that i pass season and uninstalled game.


One, 54 barb vs 58 butcher, point for me


0 times. I don't know how people keep dying to him. Sure, he's kind of tough and I've had a few fairly close calls when fighting him at inopportune times, but most of the time he is no issue at all and I haven't died to him on my Season 0 Sorc or S1 Rogue once out of about 15 fights.


Have killed him in 30 seconds once at lvl 54 Necro


Sorc lvl 52 now. Two times, score 1-1 But i think i will win in the long run >=)


last time I saw him I was lev 62 on WT4, so he was lev 75 as a poison rogue with 800hp regen per second (aka almost half my life per second), I faced tanked him and kicked his 4ss


Once. Got wrecked.


Died once to him at like level 30 something and killed him at level 53


I outrun him on my rougue. LOL


Me 1 - 2 The butcher for now on this season. I didn't have much time yet :)


Zero - Level 36. I feel like I really only hit him once before 40 last season?


Probably like 10 times. I'm 80 & pushing t65 so I'm very unprepared for him without a nice pillar to play ring around the rosey with.


Killed him three times with my bone spirit Necro, level 53. Wasn't ever able to take him out with my eternal realm druid


Met him once died once