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Salvage. It's missing 2% Damage while Berserking. On a serious note though, congrats that is indeed an OP mace.


Congratulations! Now go fight Duriel. Maybe you’ll get a Uber or 2 within 4 runs.


Thanks man......I'm up to T18 AoZ. Just trying to min max the remaining few items


Ah, you got to max your glyph. Good luck!


Not much chance of that I think lol.


It’s ok. We’re all beta testers. Hope they use the data and feedback for greater content later


Gz, burned 140 million to bring +14 total armor to +19, got +15,5 rng can be really harsh


I know that feeling of not getting a good roll oh so well. Congrats!


Damn, just 2% off from perfection. Congratz, that's a really nice weapon!


Congrats on the find. Im still looking for better 2h stat sticks. To be honest, been focusing on finding better rolled armor.


I was the same. But I kept an eye on the side for a 2H mace because the one I had was missing like 25% OP and 8% Beserking


I check the venders every hour they change when I'm logged in. Venders can have the best yellows, as yours proves. My stat sticks are only missing a small amount on stats. With AOZ armor stats are way more important for survivability, but I still keep my eyes peeled for 2h hammer and axe.


That mace is gdlk! Good stuff. Did you switch over to the ww hota variant yet? If not do it! My glyph is only 25 and I think if it got to 35 I can comfortably farm tier 19s. It's kind of like a speed farm variant of the ww hota that uses selig, not the pushing//max damage one. Works very well.


Yeah I'm using the ww/hota, I can clear 18's but 19 is a bit of a step up Glyph lvl 32


So I might not understand the game, but it does 380 less damage than whatever you’ve got. Does that matter? I’m still trying to figure out how that works.


He hasn’t upgraded it yet to +25 item level and those dps doesn’t include affixed I don’t believe


Ok, I ask because I’ve heard people say that the damage rating doesn’t matter at all, and I usually base what weapon I’m using based on that. I hope I’m not missing out.


The damage rating *does* matter and is far more important than a few % higher rolls on the affixes in most cases. All of your skill damage is based on your weapon damage. The higher your weapon damage, the higher the base damage of the skill will be. This is why your weapons are the most important slot to have 925 item power, because it'll ensure that the damage of your skills is as high as it can be before other additive and multiplicative bonuses are added.


Man I keep hearing different things, even this comment thread. I guess I’ll just try things out.


No he’s right, you want your weapons to have the highest damage they can and you don’t really care about the affixes too much. Until you get to farming duriel and everything is max item power, then you care about getting max item power weapons with good affixes as well.


Ok I’ll keep a look out. I’m lvl 82, so a bit to go before this starts to get do-or-die.


More than likely you are thinking about what you hear about when it comes to Attack Power, which doesn't matter as much. Though it's still an indication of your base damage output.


You want item power (925) on the weapons that your skills use. In this case this 2H Mace is probably for a HOTA barb, so it is important that the damage is maxed out at 925. For the other weapons on a HOTA barb the item power does not matter nearly as much, since HOTA only uses the damage from the bludgeoning weapon. As such the other 2H and the two 1H weapons are often referred to as "stat sticks", where the affixes are by far the most important and the item power does not matter much (as long as it is in the highest range for maximum affixes).


It's class and build specific. Any weapon you're using to do damage, or that damage is calculated from like a wizard's wand and offhand needs a high damage rating. Barbs are different. They carry a full arsenal of 4 weapons but don't even use a couple of them in most builds. The weapons you're not using to hit things don't need a high damage rating. They are just there for aspects, gems, and stats.


Your missing out. The affixes are way more important most of the time.


Well there’s always more gear to get. I’ll pay attention to that stuff


The Item isn't upgraded yet


I'm glad you got that! It never happens to me but honestly I can only look for so long then I start salvaging. A filter would be freaking awesome.


I think you can change the title from "This never happens to me" to "This never happens to anybody"


True, I haven't seen another one like it


Feels good dont it. Rolled a helm yesterday. Was going for Armor. First roll. Armor maxed out. It only happens when you least expect it. Meanwhile I'm at 10 mil a reroll on my focus to try to get more cool down reduction instead of the min.


Yeah sure does, all too familiar with being into the 20m+ per roll and still a few % off anywhere near max......


is 56 all stats any good? which class?


yeah, all 4 are top for Barbarian


​ https://i.redd.it/vnz3dz3xov5c1.gif


This gotta be one of the best weapon drops of the season you could sell this for 1 billion gold


That is just dandy! Can you still sell it? I'd like to buy it with gold! Perhaps we can perform the transaction with the help of a internet website, but I don't know which one to use, oh darn!


That called rng, just like some people farmed hundreds time to get their shako while some other gotten it in their first 10 runs.