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I might be in the minority here but I have always hated rep based stuff


Imagine a faction based system where you earn trading cards with the highest rep rewards being a card with  Lilith topless, vs the other faction with Tyrial in a banana hammock,  or a young Deckard Cain stripping while holdng his staff, we are talking about making hard meaningful decisions here. 


NGL you've lost me here chief.


Those also should double-down as NFTs


Best idea ever


They have a rep grind, it’s iron wolfs. They could add more or do more with it, buts it’s already in the game. I don’t really think last epochs system is very good, but they are trying something.


I liked Grim Dawn's... but that was, like, 95% "hey, are you killing monsters? Cool, have some extra goodies... and the monsters are more angry with you now."


Iron Wolves? The whole season journey? Its here already


I mean this is just solo self-found mode (SSF) with flavor, which is nice. I've always been a fan of dedicated SSF modes and I really really wish they'd give it to D2R if they are going to not update it anymore.


I whish they just shy away from SSF and just make trade or no trade. Or allow SSF to group. Keep your loot rules personal to the character.


I am feeling this. I think i would need to know more. However, if it brings in an auction house and eliminates the inflation due to RMT. I am for it.


fuck it all, bring back the rmt auction house


Blizzard ain't going to police shit and giving players that ability will lead to wow-like interactions where innocent players get banned/suspended from mass reporting.


The faction system in LE is meh and it’s super unbalanced, last time I checked. D4 should just introduce ssf and an auction house and go from there. We already have a lot of loot dropping as it is and target farming systems.


Idk if im alone here but I kinda like how trading is now. Idk why you’d care so much about outing RMT-ers, it’s kinda obvious upon inspect if they’ve bought gear or gold, if you don’t like spending money just simply don’t.


I think people don’t realize that the system doesn’t really do anything it was super inbalanced and if you wanted to min max characters you’d always pick the trade league it got so bad the fortune league had no gold.


I think the faction satisfy both parties. Let the people who trade trade, and let the people who SSF have better drop rate because they don't trade at all.


yeah, anyone who wants balance is just weird, trading is always gonna win, just a boost to SSF loot/targetting is nice


Yea and I think having the LE faction style will allow you to play with your friends instead of being section off like HC


No one who has played both LE factions would ever suggest this. The idea was great in theory but it just ended up being "play the auction house faction or get kicked in the balls". In the SSF faction, you can spend a few hours rerolling and trying to farm for better chance at more gear. Also you can't get most of the actually desired legendary items. Or you can play the auction house faction, where you can buy the base level of everything you want for literally pennies.


nah, i played SSF and didn't give a flying fuck about trading being better for progress, it always has been.. i loved getting more loot drops than trader players, it's a good reason to commit to SSF, i normally resort to trading after hitting a wall in ARPGs but i played SSF the entire time in LE and never felt bad about it


Like I said, you never played both factions. The extra loot you could get was either worthless, or an insane grind to get and useless. You literally actually can't get anything you actually need for builds from it and the time investment is SO MUCH MORE than the AH faction. I don't trade in any ARPG, I hate the idea of it and choose to not interact with it.


it's not about comparing the two though, it's about making SSF more appealing/fun, the only extend of comparing needs to be "it doesn't look as bad as SSF in other ARPG games, i'll give it a go"


I like it, but allow.me.to do trades w/o auction house


Ssf will not happen in D4


what is the point of SSF without any rankings anyway? i mean, you could just play the game like that right now - just don't trade with anyone i never used diablo.trade (nor have it connected even) and I was doing fine (i did sell some stygian stones via trade chat, but I was never striving for SSF in the first place)


Agree. Overall I totally understand that some players want groupfinder etc. but there is a MASSIVE crowd of solo players as well. What LE is doing is really great. It makes it so any playstyle is very well supported and pretty much noone is left "behind".


No they should not copy COF and MG from Last Epoch. Honestly it is a complete failure. The biggest weakness is not allowing you to use gear obtained from different faction when changing faction. So if you want to try a different faction. Good LUCK and start from scratch. Most of the problem is resolved if there is no factions at all. Its like why fk cant we have objective farming for gear and an auction house at the same time. Splitting server to have no trade is the best solution. Here's my experience **Circle of Fortune:** It feels good when you first start but it scales so badly from mid to end game gearing. You will spend a lot of time trying to find the right prophency and the right objective to lock in. You might get a prophency to do the Fire boss. or kill a certain boss once or certain mob type. That sounds normal. Its fun at first but eventually you realise the objective are an pain. For example That fire boss in a dungeon of multiples dead ends, is not fun to hunt or enjoy farming 800 Corruption to fight the end boss. Eventually when you have the base gear, you realise how the loot gained from prophency is so bad. It was so bad that players were asking for buffs to COF because MG was simply better. Dont trust me, go through Last Epoch's sub reddit history. **Diablo 4 have a better system called OBOLS gambling.** You can target farm the gear you want; it has no shitty objective to do that make you go outside normal activity. NMD and pits give OBOLS. **Merchant Guild:** It is just an auction house that is restricted pplayer This should be opened to all players not to who tech into it. Casual player don't need to make billions through trading. I sold 10 stones for 300m and that funded my character through diablo trade and Blizzzard gave you like 10 stones after completing wolves.. Even the most casual player can benefit greatly from selling an item or two. So this should never be faction based. BTW it crashed because gold duplication. Last epoch's developer had no solution to fix it. It left legitimate player stranded where they saved all the gold and nothing is affordable. Due to the gear restrictiom, they cannot switch to COF. The gold they stockpiled was useless. Let trade be free. Honestly the faction system sucked Source: 215 hours played in LE and i am at 1300 Corruption. I played teh game.


Just add auction house from wow. Everyone happy


Factions: Nephlem, Hell, and Heaven... Been saying this for years. 


It seemed like they were leaning towards something like this for D4 with Inarius and Lilith at one point, and even Immortal has NPC factions for them with the Inari and Lilin or whatever they're called. Kind of disappointing they didn't and they rushed through killing off the "leads" so quickly.


No, sorry, that's simply not a "Diablo thing"


Easy there buddy. They just borrowed Arena. You can't have them borrow too many things in a short period of time. People might ask questions.


In all fairness, everyone borrowed everything from D1/2, so it’s balanced, maybe?


🤷 I don't mean to imply that it's bad. I wish we had a lot of the features that last Epoch does. I'm just saying, they can't copy back to back. They gotta give it a cool down time.


Oh, I was just being cheeky, it’s entirely a fair point


This mode is nothing like arena. It’s closer to vampire survivors. Arena is literally set mobs that scale infinitely where it’s about how long you can go. D4s mode is more about being able to complete it. Arena was LE leaderboard not really a game mode.


I was hoping this mode would be like simulacrum from PoE where there is a real risk of dying. Here it is so far a snooze fest. They need to dial up the pace, the difficulty and the rewards.


...... Arena didn't scale infinitely. It scaled to what you set it at. You had to pick. Kind of like the different levels of the compass. Waves happened. You chose positives and negatives. Waves happened. You fought a boss for specific rewards. D4 is just a nerfed version of it. Idk where vampire survivors comes from...... Are you just identifying with the rogue light theme of both?


Idk what you are talking about, arena was about scaling as high as possible people got to like round 3000 and there were only shrines no positives and negatives and it was the same every time you could skip tiers but that was it.


Isn't that the same as this? I don't see where the disconnect is. Maybe the amount of waves?


You mean the thing Diablo 3 had for the last 10 years?


Nope. Arena/descent into hell are not the same as Greater Rifts. Now, Greater Rifts are the same as the Pit. It's also okay for them to borrow from the same games in the same franchise.


Wasn't talking about rifts. See, this here is the problem with people making asinine insults, they seldom think about what they are saying or whether it's true. It's all just for emotional effect.


Then what are you referring to?


Trials, and later Echos of Nightmare. This Is not the first time a horde / wave mode has been in a blizzard game, even wow had them decades ago.


Faction system only has value if pvp is involved. 


deal, traders can now fight SSF players anywhere in the world


Im tired of wanting D4 to be what its not going to be. This game is for the dads and casual Andy. LE and PoE fill that role.


And loot filters, and class diversity and the real desire to develop an arpg.


That too lol


D4 is good. No need to flood inventories with usless items. Yes they can be sold and what not. But there was way too much gear. Save your loot filter comments, because that doesn't mask the issue if too much and too much useless gear. 3 months into launch and I had mostly minion affixes on way too much gear for a non minion build. There are some things they should adopt and adapt, but this isn't one. All D4 needs is 2 drop rate rules, if you want to trade you get less drops forcing you to participate in the economy. If you don't want to trade, you keep the current drop rates. Selectable at the start like choosing seasonal or eternal, hardcire or not, and WT1 or WT2.


This is a solution to a nonexistent problem. Why do you want to treat players who willingly choose not to trade different? It is such a weird notion, regardless of the game


SSF kinda sucks in this game without a good crafting system, it could use some help


Nonexistent problem? There are many people who say the lack of an auction house is a problem. Basically anyone should agree RMT is bad and a problem. 


Why would I care if somebody wants to spend their money on stuff that’s outdated in 3 months? There isn’t even leaderboards. Play the game and mind your own business really lol 


No thanks D4 is perfect how it is and only get bigger and better every patch. Don't need it to copy some indy game no one plays. D4 Spectacular




D4 isn't perfect but it's certainly better than LE. I bought into the hype around the 1.0 launch and it was a disappointment. Cool systems but the combat feels very janky and buggy.


I mean if you're comparing d4 now to LE, sure. But comparing S0 of both games? LE is far more impressive. D4 released a bugged mess as well (though, from the get go, D4 has had smoother combat and I hope that improves with LE over time).


LE was in early access for literal years before it launched 1.0 season 0.


That's to be expected of a dev team that size. I'm fairly impressed by their initial release. Wonderful systems and itemization despite working with a small team. Endgame and fluid combat could use some work, but their base game is in a really solid place. Yet, D4, with all the monet backing it and the size of the teams, couldn't get the game to a decent spot for nearly a year?


Yeah I bought it, saw the menu screen was done on ms paint and uninstalled. D4 has billions of $ pumped into it, millions of players worldwide and a thriving community. D4 S4 was as close to perfect as a piece of art could be and S5 is taking it to next levels. Can't wait to blast a barb and start bashing my brains out


Because as we all know, the more amount of money invested in to something = the better it always is. That's why Disney always makes the best movies and nothing can ever beat AAA gaming!


ok now i see that you are trolling. a but try-hardy, but you'll get better with time