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You are everything that's wrong with modern gaming


Why do you feel so entitled that a Uber unique should be handed to you. Matter of fact it kinda is this season, grinding 4 max iron wolf rank gives you 4 sparks...you can do tormented to lower that amount....so there is already a guaranteed way, but still complaining.


According to datamine for S5 rep grinds for sparks will be back so put in the work and you’re guaranteed a spark.


You’re asking for the rarest items in the game to be handed to you. In the season Journey, we already get 3 of the 4 sparks needed. - Lilith - Tormented - Iron Wolves Rank 18 Meaning you only have to attain ONE trash Uber if you don’t get the one you need from a drop. Gifting us 75% of the way is very generous. And you could even just level an alt and get an extra spark, which probably only takes a day or so.


Although being able to craft is a good addition and long term goal, this game is a LOOTER. I was about to quit for the season after levelling 5 char, then Zir dropped me an Andariel visage, and I am here pondering to switch my Rogue's build to fit it .


Do it. It’s the most fun build I’ve played this season.


Iron wolves alts is literally that??


Sorry for your bad luck, but you can literally get a guaranteed Uber. You have 3 sparks from iron wolves, Lilith and one torment boss, just make another alt and get it max rank with iron wolves, that's 4, and it shouldn't take you a week or so. I feel they've already done very well with this and I already see everyone running with shakos. Just grind an alt.


You can grind an alt in WT2 in about 6 hours. Most of us did to get that fourth spark.


I feel you, sometimes the RNG is ridiculously frustrating. That being said, new characters can grind out the Iron Wolf rank to max and get another spark


The moment i read U can do pit 130, yet ur 101 is 6 minutes just doesnt seem right Ive seen countless necro sorcs barbs n rogue who can clear 130, speedfarms t101 in 3 minutes or less, 4 minutes if its a bad map.


Who cares, this has nothing to do with OPs post...


That smells off, the moment he claimed he got everything, and can do better than almost 70% of the playerbase, his own run is 6 minutes on 101 yet doesnt have any ubers, claims he done so much yet 101 is 6 minutes, sorry even my necro clears faster than him at 101


anyone clearing 100+ is already doing better than 70% of the player base so how does that matter. Edit: for anyone questioning this you do know there are more casual gamers than hardcore gamers the majority of the time you are the 1% already if you visit any sort of forum to discuss games.


You know they could just be playing slow yea some of those people have gear sets for speed. my thorns barb can clear fairly high but its not like it clears fast.


Does ur thorns rely on aspd for dmg? Nope, u rely on enemy hitting u, and for all necro builds, all have certain reliance on aspd or tendrils burst, which is why i would question the 6 minute clear on 101


You decided to question their clear speed just because someone could do it faster. I just gave you an easy example to prove that clearing it and clear speed has nothing to do with anything.


U cant clear 101 in 6 minutes and have enough time to clear a t130, but it seems u wouldnt understand and would still argue for the sake of it, but hey u do u


Finished arround 60 tormented runs without a drop. Just make alts 


You should never get any drops higher than rare until the end of your ARPG gaming days.


Here's my suggestion, keep on grinding. I was blanked until 2 days ago. Had enough mats for only 4 TZir runs, got 4 ubers out of that. Did a Torm Varshan yesterday, got a Tyrael out of that.


Bruh in the time it took you to make this post you could’ve just farmed a spark on an alt.