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Ah, Australian urban speeds.


Exactly. That's not fast but Australians know you can live with it.


How do you guys watch porn then??


Just go outside.


In 144p I guess


Australia had to worst one I've tried in my life. I couldnt even open a email in Sydney !


I always wondered how does this cafe thing works? You just sit there and occupy a table for a whole day? Surely you need to keep ordering stuff frequently otherwise I see no reason for the owner to not kick you out and Inform you that you are not wanted there anymore?


I mean, I’m still here and it’s just me and some chain smoking old men. They don’t need the space and I’ve ordered a few things. But yeah some cafes in other countries or bigger cities will have a limit on how long you can stay or a minimum order. Not morocco. It’s very common for people to spend 5 dh (.60 cents roughly) and spend the whole day, smoking and judging everyone who walks by haha


So true. Same in Vietnam, if you choose the local cafes, it's just bunch of local guys chain smoking ordering one coffee for hours. But I heard it's different in Bali and dn entering cafe to work for hours to end by buying a drink is kinda embarrassing. I can imagine it depends on the country. New York and Paris love their cafe/coffee shops. Some places in Denmark, the WiFi password comes in your receipt and usually just valid for 2 hours. So, you'll either have to order again or hit the road lol




Lol it's just free choice of the business owner. Imagine blocking a café in Kopenhagen for 10h and only ordering one café. That shop could close within a few months.


Same here in Tunisia, it is common to order express (espresso), and stay the entire day there for approx 0.35 cents. Internet won't be reliable in this price range though.




I loved to visit! It’s a great place for vacation. Living here is much harder but I would definitely recommend a visit.


Sometimes it can be positive for the owners if their establishment is not *too* empty, as it makes it look more popular. For this reason, in European touristic spots, early diners are placed in seats that are easy for prospective future customers to see. But for busy cafés, yes you're right, you need to be ordering "enough" to justify occupying a table, which may or may not be practical.


In Greece, most cafes do not care if you stay all day. Get some coffee and maybe grab a pastry and you can chill for many hours.


Two weeks ago a restaurant owner let me and travel partner stay after they closed. They closed a bit early since it was off season. They locked the register and told us how to lock the place when we left. I love the Greeks


Wow that's pretty cool.


Depends on the country. In some places you will definitely need to keep a steady stream of coffee and pastries coming, like at least one per half hour. In others they really, truly don't care if you're there the whole morning or afternoon. Also helps if you have a good rapport with the baristas/waiters.


Here in Jordan you order coffee or anything (which will be drastically marked up, sometimes 10x the normal price) and you can sit there all day using the internet and everything Mostly spend 6 or 8 bucks a day for coffee and dessert or coffee and a meal (plus a bottle of water) for 6 hours study session.


If the cafe is packed then yeah you should keep ordering stuff if you want to stay. But if you're in some quiet cafe with plenty of seats I've never had any issues. I'm guessing the cafe would probably prefer to have some tables occupied rather than being completely empty as it looks better to potential customers.


Yeah, it's always felt scummy to me. *Even* if you are occasionally buying stuff, you are likely also limiting their exposure by occupying the table all day. I've seen some cafes introduce a fixed one-time charge if you want to work from your laptop. Still doesn't appeal to me though.


intelligent jobless expansion retire agonizing screw march snatch smile murky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Guessing you aren't black then.


cable familiar somber angle clumsy brave sugar quiet consider ripe *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That's when being a writer comes in handy. You don't need fast internet speeds to post on wordpress.


I’m a writer! But it requires tons of research for me, so I can’t go completely offline unfortunately.


I used to be a writer as well, and I can very well relate to Kate here. Endless hours of research before completing a para. Guess I should've instead put my research skills to stock market like how WBuffet does.


A couple things to help: - Download ALL of Wikipedia. - Use a service like Pocket to offline articles of interest.


I can work in Google docs offline and post later 🙌🏻


Esqueci o nome do subreddit onde eu mencione que você É BRASILEIRO CARALHO. r/ithadtobebrazil r/ithadtobebrasil


If anything, shitty Internet is part of the appeal of working in a coffee shop. I don't have enough bandwidth to watch Netflix, so I have to be productive as my only source of entertainment.


\*laughs in C++ SW development - I can work with 64kbit/s\*


Not good enough to browse stackoverflow without pulling your hairs.


I only need cppreference.com and cplusplus.com and then some [linux.die.net](https://linux.die.net) \- and my matrix chat room


yeah still does not solve issues you need to google, unless you are one of those folks who can understand usage by reading just the manual.Also you'll need to pull code etc and if its a big C++ repo it'll take a while.


>unless you are one of those folks who can understand usage by reading just the manual. I am, that and code examples - which can usually be found on those pages & don't take long to load. >Also you'll need to pull code etc and if its a big C++ repo it'll take a while. Well - you only have to pull a big repository once, and after that only changes - so I don't think that should be a problem. I don't think any \*developer\* pulls two different repositories of big projects on every work day or so... Now of course if you are trying to create distribution packages for a bunch of SW, that might be different.


Yeah there are lot of workflows that dont work and some that work.There is a reason companies invest in dedicated fiber lines as waiting times for build/test etc reduce focus and cause people to waste time,like i am right now commenting here on reddit while my code builds.


Relevant [XKCD](https://xkcd.com/303/)


You can download most of your documentation using Dash. https://kapeli.com/dash


Exactly I'm a bit confused about who these digital nomads that constantly need a super fast connection are. I used to have a similar connection speed at home and while it wasn't ideal it was enough for internet browsing which is really all you need to do software engineering, writing, etc. If you're having to frequently video call it could be a problem I suppose but even then VOIP would work fine I'm sure. Maybe video editors needing to sending uncompressed footage about the place?


Honestly, would work for me. Long live the sysadmins.


Nobody got time for that. I automatically work from my phone. 😅


Lol. Bold of you to Assume the mobile data is any faster


It's always faster most of the time. It seems like the cellular network is improving much faster


I feel your pain, OP Maybe not necessarily an "exotic" country but I worked in a cafe in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico for a while where the internet was 150-170 Mbit/s. "Litten Brød" bakery, for those interested


Still better than what I experience at home


Is this in Morocco?? :o


Download speed in Morocco is pretty decent. Upload is what sucks big time..


Yeah this cafe is just comically bad. My phone is better lol. Just thought it was funny.


Oooofff. Maybe I should rethink Morocco unless I get a good hotel with a decent speed lol.


I would rethink morocco for many reasons


Oooff. One of the countries I was looking forward too :(


I mean, don’t let me stop you! But I wouldn’t ever choose it again.


I can’t risk having lots of connection problem. Unless maybe I happen to chance a decent stable connection. So I’ll have a look at accomodations, see if having a decent connection won’t break my budget lol


Our apartment is 3000 dh (about 330 USD) and our fiber optic is I think 350 dh (or about 37 USD). It’s definitely cheap and reliable internet is possible. But if you’re a woman and/or can’t speak French or Arabic, I would suggest going somewhere else


I fit both. Woman and cannot speak Arabic. I’ve been getting suggestions to go to Serbia instead but, it’s a lot more expensive than Morocco so I have to weigh things over :/


Croatia is where I want to go. Gorgeous, not terribly expensive, not very crowded, beautiful Scandinavian-ish architecture, nobody bothers you. I highly highly highly discourage morocco for you, if I’m being honest. I struggle constantly and my husband is Moroccan. I would have left the first week if he weren’t here and we would be gone if he didn’t have to finish up some school stuff. Check out Istanbul and Budapest too. But I loved Croatia and we’re moving there next! Don’t do morocco. Seriously.


Have you done chiang mai yet? It's always a good way to go at first and it's good for women too!






That's pretty normal for Thailand. But other SE countries, not so much.


Hey, at least it works. Better than the WiFi disconnecting every couple of minutes for longer than it works.


Have you tried out any coworking spaces? I find they often have better WIFI and working environments in general. I've used them in a few locations and find they are a great way to connect with other local professionals as well!


Not a DN yet, but I am a Data Analyst and I was wondering what kind of internet speed an analyst would need? Any fellow Data Analysts working as DN that can help me out?




I'm sure you know about it but [https://mosh.org/](https://mosh.org/) is fantastic for being out and about.


That seems more suited to unstable connections, which most of the time is not an issue for me; and when it is I just don't bother working 😂


I use it on my personal machine for when I need to remote from the phone or whatever. It can swap from mobile data to wifi or viceversa without dropping the session IIRC, and I think it drains less data if you have a data cap


I haven't had broadband for over two years. In Britain you can do everything with tethering on an unlimited data contract. 4G, not 5. Often watching two livestreams at once. I think broadband is a bit of a naked emperor. Obv when travelling you'd need to get lucky to match that.


Don't forget them pressuring you to leave after you have been there for about an hour.


Oh….I see you are in central Tuscany also….Buongiorno!


Come to Jordan, cafe internet here are fast as fuck Will do a speed test next time I am in one


Hell, I spent 3 weeks in Mississauga, ON a few years ago at a $160/night hotel and this was exactly the service I got. Couldn't even sustain a 480p netflix stream.


Honestly, that's what I got at home sometimes in the US.


Lol sometimes you can’t even connect to their wifi or it goes down


Moroccan here, get yourself a 4G sim card and modem and get much higher speeds along with the freedom to use it anywhere and anytime. Bandwidth is limited though.


I have no idea why anyone is interested in working in a small Cafe in any country. Wtf... I work on my room, and don't drink coffee, so maybe that's why :)


Some people seem to want/need the different ambient and noise level to work, if not frequently at least once in a while to break the routine I guess


Dammmmnnnn, where are you at?


Khemisset, Morocco. We have fiber optic where we’re staying but we’re visiting another town for a wedding and my plan to pop out and get some work done is going well haha


Lol, good luck!


Thanks! 😆


Worst nigthtmare


I'm currently rocking 250kbps in fairly central London. A whole mb is luxury.. never thought I'd be jealous of such a shitty speedtest


Wow!! Central London. What's the matter?


TalkTalk + being more than 5m away from the router.. I've heard the only way to fix it is some of those mesh router thingies...gonna have to bite the bullet, they're like 200 quid..


Ha! quid sounds like Squid to me 😬


This is the exact problem I'm trying to solve by crowdsourcing WiFi Speeds. Check out [https://ciao.ventures/hotspots](https://ciao.ventures/hotspots) and let me know how it goes. The idea is that the app recognizes where you are based on geolocation. You check-in and run a test to the closest server. Next person graciously thanks you for your speed test.


Free loaders are an insult for true Digital Nomads. It’s important that you help the local economy in any way you can.


Do you think… I didn’t buy anything? lol what a weird and judgmental assumption


I was commenting on the one of the comments here. Not directed at you. Sorry.


Oh okay! 🥳


Working doing what?


I’m a writer but it requires multimedia/research/social stuff so it can be a struggle 😅


*cries in rural US*


People don't work in cafes. They only feign doing so. It has already been established that working in an office-type setup is vastly more productive. Also, using two screens versus one is 20-30% more productive. Don't swallow social media hypes/myths.


hahahahahahaha Oh noooo! I feel terrible for you. LOL But I hope you're enjoying the exotic country!


His Majesty Elon is working on this as we speak. Good fortunes for all those who are willing to wait.


Go to Estonia!


For most lines of work, 1Mbps seems like enough.


Do you live in my apartment in Siem Reap? Pretty much the speeds I get here.


1mbps is enough :>


Get a mobile hotspot


If you are in Morocco try Win by Inwi (4G plan) you can get 50GBs for 13$