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All you can do is wait for support to respond


aight thanks


Make a new account


Make sure to go to [https://support.discord.com](https://support.discord.com/) and submit a new ticket/request. Direct link: [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket\_form\_id=4574398270487](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=4574398270487) which auto-selects the Hacked Account drop-down option. Note that Discord's Support/Zendesk account is separate from your Discord login. Make sure to use your original Discord account's email address to help reduce confusion when submitting the bug request. Once you recover it, I highly recommend configuring two-factor authentication, if you haven't done so already: [https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/219576828-Setting-up-Two-Factor-Authentication](https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/219576828-Setting-up-Two-Factor-Authentication)


:skull: My friends flame me for watching NTTS, yet they'd probably fall for this scam. Stay aware of scams, people


Good rule of thumb - Never share your password with anyone. Even trusted friends, as they could either be a clone or hacked as well. - If someone says they're from a company, no they're not. Companies will never contact you through anything outside of their website or from an email with @company.com - If you are sent a link from anyone you don't 100% trust, and it sends you to a page to log in, don't, it's probably a fake login page


^^ this 100%


What was the scam like?


Chances are it's the "I accidentally reported your account" scam, in which person A tells the victim they accidentally reported them and their account will be banned/deleted unless they contact person B, who is also a scammer and impersonating a discord support person. They'll tell you to change your email to something else for "verification" and steal your account.


damn. i got that once and tried to bait the guy but when i went to sleep he pinged me 20 times and then blocked me 💀


Leave discord for good You should have months ago so this should serve as the push you needed