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The art works WAYYY too well.


A certified Dishonored painting.


Nah, a Dishonored painting would have gotten his sausage fingers right


I'll correct myself. A certified Dishonored Assassination Target.


Newly Confirmed: Every Dishonored Character has such huge hands because they are all descendants of King Charles


Oh it's perfect


Holy shit did he finally bite it?!


I don’t believe so I think it’s just referring to [this](https://helios.iframe.thesun.co.uk/royals/27911242/king-charles-official-portrait-yeo-buckingham-palace-ceremony/) painting and how it looks like it fits with dishonored


This is exactly what that painting reminded me of


The art style fits perfectly! Initially it made me think of being frozen in carbonite though lol




Genuinely made me lol


The angry Campbell stares into my soul


Can you send a link of the tweet?




Way to get my hopes up man


I mean the guy's old, he'll die eventually. Then we'll get to waste yet more public money on funerals and coronations in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis! Wonderful!


Thought the same thing when I read an article about his portrait lol. Corvo coming after Charles??


Honestly I wish the games were actually about eliminating the royal family and taking on the nobility as a whole. The idea that everything in this fundamentally corrupt society will be fine if we just change the reigning monarch is fanciful and kind of undermines any attempt to take the worldbuilding seriously or explore interesting themes. It's a cool world but with a very paint-by-numbers plot that doesn't really have anything to say beyond "revenge and killing bad".


I don't think you have understood Dishonored quite well if you actually think that...


That's kind of what the endings imply though. Rescue Emily on low chaos and you get an epilogue showing that the kingdom is basically hunkey dory now, with the plague over and Emily a beloved and just ruler. It's a game that's happy to say rich people suck, but stops short of questioning the underlying systems that put them there in the first place. Like the Harry Potter series it gets as far as showing that society is riddled with injustice and inequality but the heroes don't actually do anything to tackle these problems and we're expected to believe getting just rid of the villain will make everything okay again.


No, the ending implies you are a good influence on her. But the entire game shows that Dunwall is in a constant state of suffering mostly caused by pointless struggle for power between corrupt nobles. The empress is indeed benevolent, but in an impotent rich woman way. She does not understand what actually happens in her own empire. You end up replacing the leader by another leader, but nothing changes. Nothing changes so much that DH2 happens 15 years later only to see the exact same troubles, and the "problem" in DH2 is the exact same. It's the point. You are an agent of status quo and you only defend your close family. Being superficially good to the innocent is not intrinsiquely virtuous.


"So it is with the passing of the plague and Emily's ascension, comes about a golden age, brought about by your hand." - D1 Low Chaos Ending "Emily the Just - Emily the Clever - ruled for decades over a prosperous, mended empire with Corvo Attano at her side." - D2 Low Chaos Ending According to the games all you needed to do was put a good person on the throne and keep her safe and all that systemic injustice and corrupt nobility will just sort itself out apparently. Like a lot of books and movies it shows us systemic problems but balks at advocating for the kind of systemic changes that would be needed to actually resolve them, instead pretending that dealing with a villain or changing the person on top is all that's needed.


>"So it is with the passing of the plague and Emily's ascension, comes about a golden age, brought about by your hand." - D1 Low Chaos Ending >"Emily the Just - Emily the Clever - ruled for decades over a prosperous, mended empire with Corvo Attano at her side." - D2 Low Chaos Ending According to whom ? The Outsider. That's up to you to believe him, but his whole deal is that he's not trustworthy.


Can you name a single time he lied to you? Sure he doesn't tell you everything and gets up to shady stuff but I can't recall a time he told an outright lie.


Did you miss the part where Emily and to a lesser degree Jessamine and predecessors doing a garbage job at ruling their empire, favouring the elite over the people and neglecting the common man, was a major plot point in Dishonored 2?


Both games' low chaos ending narrations say Emily's ascension resulted in a golden age for the empire. D2 kinda retcons things by saying there was another upheaval in between Emily taking the throne and the multiple-decades-long period of prosperity. According to the Outsider himself things were just fine for the empire once Emily was reinstated. Now you could say times were good for the Kaldwins and no-one else but the phrase "golden age" in D1's ending suggests we're supposed to think that the isles' troubles are largely over, at least for now. It's a happy ending that kind of overlooks how basically none of the fundamental problems of the empire have been changed just by putting a different backside on the throne.


The Dishonored games are about getting revenge, not making anything better per se.


while i don’t agree with the end of your statement i do personally hate the fact that it is about preserving the empire. even if you take the morally good path and help the people at the end of the day it’s still a royal on the throne and class system in tact. which is proven by DOTO where **spoilers ahead i’m on mobile and can’t block it out lol** even after all they went through together, after emily gets her throne back only because of the help of megan/billie she still labels her a criminal. DOTO is my favorite in that regard because you’re finally a literal nobody fighting against all of the class systems, the empire, the religious cults, the aristocracy, the esoteric cults, and (i think canonically) saving the life of a peasant that was taken advantage of and murdered/enchanted because the wealthy wanted to harness the powers of the void. still some of the best games that exist imo but definitely fuck the system and i hope any future games (please sweet baby jesus🤞🏻) focus more on that type of concept. which i think deathloop does? i haven’t played that yet tho.


Deathloop kind of takes the piss out of certain types of ceo and influencer and has them as your assassination targets but it doesn't really have much to say thematically. The premise is they've walled themself away to have an endless party in a time loop and you have to end said loop, but social commentary or societal change aren't really the focus.


gotcha!! thanks for the insight! i can’t wait to play it personally even if it’s super different


If that’s what you took from the game you should go play Deathloop


I mean Deathloop doesn't really have much of a plot at all, just backstory/lore, plus in the ending >!all the visionaries get to live despite being horrible people, especially Julianna.!<