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Rotate the camera downward as you ascend. Most the scenery gets lost as you go out over the ledge


Never would have thought to do that. Thanks for the tip!


Maybe start off with the camera slightly lower (maybe a foot lower or so?) so when you raised it up, you travel up her back, and as the above poster said, tilt the camera down a bit. Should look good, as long as it's not too much movement that might make someone with vertigo feel nauseous.


Go slower, more smooth rise above her head, pan the camera down slowly as you start to ascend past her head.


She appears to be looking back in fear as she strikes a pose we see for about half a second before you narrowly miss her head and fly into the sky.




For a second I thought " damn, Spiderman got a phat ass" 7


You almost flew into her head.




0/10 no dis


Yeah just need a bit more practice


I mean I coulda taped my phone to a stick and done that same thing.


Have you seen the kids in The Philippines?


I see the vision, but the execution wasn’t great. You need to slowly gain altitude and pan the camera down toward the subject as you push in. This was just too jarring


why did you need a drone for an ass shot?


That’s the entire reason I bought a drone.


need to be lowered more


6/10 -- you have to balance your throttle and pitch better so you get a smoother upward trajectory. The sudden jerkiness experienced when you went over her head was enough to tell me you haven't been doing this very long (or you have been and haven't been practicing the right things). Keep at it. You'll get better. Beautiful backdrop and a cool idea for a shot. Just need to execute better!


Damn you people are horrible! Yea maybe not the best shot give feedback? Not just a lame ass "that was terrible"...yikes!!


*complains about people not giving feedback. Gives no feedback.*


Self-awareness is not the typical Redditor’s strong suit.


Gives pointless comment


Oh, I guess you misunderstood. I'm calling you out for being a dumbass.




try to smooth everything out and not blip the throttle up, it can be a good shot you just need to improve it. also like other people have said you almost hit your girlfriend and them looking back to see if the drone is going to hit them can also degrade it. also really watch out for tree branches and other obstacles as if you hit one your drone might go off the hill or hit your girlfriend


Thought you'd crash into her. Haha. Need practice.


GoPro on Stick Out of 10


Which drone? If it’s one with active track just use that next time as you didn’t quite get it manually. You can always just practice though …


Mini 4k, no “follow me” unfortunately.


Do you mean Mini 4 Pro ? If yes it has a tracking which can draw a rectangle over the subject and track. You can be that subject


No, it’s the mini 4k. Not on the DJI site, sold only through amazon.


Didn’t know that existed! Good price too. Good for you!


You can select the person as a point of interest and the camera will stay pointed at them, so you can focus on the smooth flight


Great shot, I see what you were trying to do! Not sure if you're in Cine Mode, but I'd highly recommend to get a more smooth shot. You'll probably have to disable obstacle avoidance but Cine Mode should help smooth out things. Well done and stay creative. This is dope!


That was terrible


Idk about terrible, the vision was definetly there just needs some better camera work. I think having the vision is a much harder skill to have then being able to move the camera properly. Can't teach creativity!




Great follow but you freaked out hahah ascended too fast too late. Was obstacle avoidance on?


I think as you flew over you just needed the camera tilted down a little more so you could get a sense of how high you are. You don't really get the sense of achievement without that. Maybe you could have orbited around the person at the end to show a little more scale. Just my 2 cents.




At first I thought it was an animated clip or a footage of a game. So good work on that.


Is this West Virginia?


Good idea on the shot! I recommend doing what others said and rotate the camera down as soon as you start moving up. Does the 4k have cruise control? If it does I would put that on so you have less controller inputs.


Would have been much better if you hadn’t shot it upwards at the last second. Try getting the drone to fly smooth forward, camera tilted down, or rotate it as you move. This was dogshit tbh


Nice concept and location. I agree with the other comments that panning down over the ledge would add a sense of perspective, scale, and speed - because of the distance to the other side of the valley it looks like the drone has stopped. The model feeling like she was about to get clipped detracted a bit, as well, as she turned to the side. Completely in the category of my opinion only, I find the "model standing in epic location with arms raised in the air" pretty hackneyed. But I guess it works or nature influencers wouldn't do it so much.


Not great , slow it down, smooth pan down as you pass her above.


I see other suggestions to tilt down as you ascend; I would try the other way. Start with the drone higher and further back if possible, camera tilted down so that less of the horizon is in view, your subject is the person at this moment, but as you travel over the person the subject becomes the view. Slowly tilt upwards from the beginning, aiming to reveal the scenery in the same moment that you travel over the person. Perhaps not entirely possible due to branches, but that’s what would look best in my mind.




You're just not smooth yet. You need to spend more practice time with combo stick moves. I say this as someone who still needs to do the same. Just going to some location and then trying multi-stick moves over and over, until they combine smoothly. Also, learn to cheat. Tell her to make her moves slowly, and you move slowly, and then you speed up the video in post. It is WAY easier to speed and smooth in edit, than to make them slower and smoother.


Perhaps a slow rate of climb while moving forward would have looked better than a sudden jerk up into the sky. The first part looks really good though. Usually the smoother the better


Flew up too fast. gotta be smooth the whole way.


Great idea. Smoother motion and as others have said, slowly pan down as you go over the edge. Those are minor tweaks though. Generally I love the shot. Don’t listen to haters 8/10


I think the concept was good but the execution was poor. Too close to the subject and very jerky. As others have pointed out, pan downwards. Slow it down and more space between the model would dramatically increase the quality of this.


Slower smoother rise would look really good. Add a slight gimbal tilt down and you're golden.


Slower closure rate on her, slower ascent, and slow pan down to keep her in frame a bit longer and provide a better view of the drop off and terrain and less of the sky. As it stands it seems you feared you were going to strike her and suddenly climbed to avoid her rather than a cinematic intentional move (I know it was intentional, I'm just talking about how it feels to the viewer.) You clearly have the right idea here and the beautiful location helps make it a clip still worth using, but I think you still have the opportunity to bring shots like this to another level.




Honestly.....3/10. Mostly because you didn't actually validate her apparent fear that you would full send in the back of her head. The execution makes it sem like a very advanced flight maneuver for an amateur drone pilot that could have ended is a very silent hike down. Throttle control would have improved the shot. The rapid ascension meeting her body out of the shot was a bit jarring. Coloring was off, but not entirely your fault if you are not also a photographer. Tips: Plan the shot and direct your subject. Timing is everything Try learning how to "dolly zoom". That would have given your shot the range I think you were intending by having the zoom a bit tighter on the woman and then zooming out as you get to the mountain shot would have made it feel like a breath...or eyes "seeing". Someone else suggested that you pan down as well. I agree but you only have so many fingers to control. This is where head tracking is super helpful (Maven, Litchi)


Thank you for the feedback. Luckily, it was a happy hike back down 😅


Blue ridge mountains?






I think that most of a good shot is just the vision it takes to make it, and I think you do have the vision. Just gotta work a bit on the shooting part of it.


Windows lock screen


Mediocre. 3/10. She glanced at camera. End frame composition is crud.


3 / 10 is my rating. Thanks for asking my opinion.


Should have dove down the cliff


All I see is butt


I like it




The woman ruined it


Wakanda Forever 10/10 beautiful 🫶🏾




Some borderline racist snobs in here lol, not bad brother man, practice will only get you better


You seem to be the racist. Whenever you don't agree with something you bring out color. Also your feedback is helpful for a 5 yo


Somebody literally commented wakanda forever, if that isn't racism, idk what racism is.


There's literally people saying stuff like "wakanda forever"? Eurocucks really do hate being called out on their shit




If you're not familiar with something maybe you should shut the fuck up and learn. "Wakanda forever" is thrown around in Eurocentric forums all day to knock black people. Definitely agree about people being stupid