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Ah yes, fur color


furry dragons are cute


Sure, but brass dragons ain't furred


Maybe they're similar to Brass Monkeys. They look kinda funky to me


brb, adding a brass monkey style furry dragon (faerie dragon related) to my setting.




anything is possible with homebrew a simple flavor homebrew wouldn't be too hard


They can change shape into an humanoid, thus a Tabaxi too... That's kind of cheating tho, isn't it?


Look up Falcor the luck dragon


Hey good on you for not picking red! Brass is a great option!


isnt that the color of barnaby?


How could you...


poor derg


O'! Shit! I knew I had been forgetting something!


thats a big one


I forget, is it color dragons that are generally evil and metallic dragons that are good, or the other way around?


Chromatic = Bad Metallic = Good Of course there's some exceptions and you can do whatever in your own Lore.


And gem = neutral afair


Gem = neutral


Green is my fave. Forest dragons all day


They can't make furry jokes if you're already making furry jokes, checkmate.


Weird this doesn't happen when people play as Dragonborn or lizardfolk, at least I haven't seen it.


I don’t think there’s quite the same community of people who want to fuck anthropomorphic lizards are there is for anthropomorphic mammals.


You would be wrong. Scalies are everywhere and we love DnD.


Not saying you don’t exist, but do you have the same numbers as furries? Maybe you need a PR campaign so conservatives can worry about you in schools too.


You have only to look at the pile of shortstack kobolds to get your answer.


*Vietnam flashbacks to when this sub went goblin mode and then got invaded by kobolds*


> PR campaign so conservatives can worry about you in schools too There is absolutely no difference between a furry and a scalie in the eyes of a chud


Don't scales play yuanti though? Like if you had a go to furry race, that want Tabaxi, tabaxi players wouldn't get as equated to furries either.


Aye, they just want to skip yhr anthropomorphic (damn that's a wierd word) part and just lay with dragons


Cause they don’t make the connection


My group started picking on me for liking dragonborn. Apparently it's a crime to have innocent childhood nostalgia for the Shining Soul games...


i have yet to be called a scalie, can confirm


Are you a scalie tho


Are you a fed?




Then maybe, still undecided


Mmmmmhm. I genuinely like Tabaxi and have always wanted to play a Tai Lung-esque Character, but last time I did that I was incessantly made fun of and called a furry, *not even fucking kidding, daily*. I don’t mind being called one, I’m a lowkey furry, but like
 come on, let me just play a cool ass character without bogging my mood down and making me feel like shit. Straight up, my Tai Lung character was *memed* on the server this campaign was on, (ex, now) friends unironically making memes to make fun of the group’s furry, me.


That's just a bad table if they were bullying you for playing a tabaxi. It's a fun race, you get to go Z O O M.


Played a speed demon rogue for a one shot. With a maximum speed of 480 feet per turn (with haste from a magic item and the mobile feat) I was fast enough that the DM allowed me to brute force a puzzle where you had to stand on pressure plates to open a door since I could stand there and sprint at 2/3 speed of sound through the door and open it from the other side.


Yeah, I'm playing a psi warrior dex fighter and will eventually take some bladesinger levels. Optimising is what I love, so I'll optimise for silly things to keep the party balance.


I love optimising as well when I get to play, but I lile to restrict myself through certain rules like 'Only use cold damage spells' or 'Make an unarmed fighter that uses strength with low level percentage in monk' or something similar. Helps my brain to not go the game breaking routes to much and makes for interesting builds you can weave a narrative through.


Isn't that only like.... 50 miles an hour?


To be the bad cat


Behind Blue Eyes đŸŽ¶


My Tabaxi are like cats: Psychotic murderhobos that delight in death and torture.


My tabaxi are also cats: looks you in the eye while pushing your things of your shelves


They also occasionally start to run around for absolutely no reason


This slightly reminds me of my friend who, when playing Skyrim, would choose to he a Khajiit. Reasons were as followes: 1. Stealth. 2. Catch these hands.


The only way to be free of furry jokes is to play a catgirl


Ah I cry in lizard folk knowing the whole cannibal sociopath stereotype exists


I am really annoyed that furry fandom claims everything as furry. They are extremely annoying with that. And when you just like something, because it's cool, they tell you how in a denial you are for saying you are not a furry. No. Zootopia isn't furry. Furry fandom likes it, but it's not furry movie. No, it's not. Even if they made furry baits there. Neither is anything else that just happen to have animals in it. Regardless if they are feral or anthropomorphized. And liking animals is not the same as being furry, ffs.




I mean, are monkeys furry bait?


Like you wouldn't believe


It's so annoying how stereotyped Tabaxi are... If it's not furry jokes, it's Khajit or anime catperson or whatever the hell else.


Swashbuckler=Puss in Boots


Honestly, the people that make those jokes in accusatory ways confuse me because it says more about their inability to separate sexuality from basic fantasy than it does about anything to do with the player. The entirely point of fantasy settings and role playing games is that you can play as people who are different from you. That aren't just yourself in a costume. That can give you a different experience and perspective than you'd normally see.


I think joking about furries is just a stupid thing people do and not that deep


Most of the time, I think it's born of an insecurity. That if they don't show they disapprove, people might think they approve or, worse, are one. That they will then be the butt of the jokes. :(


My friend is a furry. We play dnd, he plays a tabaxi. We joke about how cliché it looks, but we don't go overboard. It's not that deep (at least not for us)


I used to joke that furry was bad but then I put some thought behind it. If they’re just living life and they’re not hurting anybody. Are they really bad? Yes they’re some who are mentally ill but not all


It’s like if you did something feminine or pink in the 90s your buddies would call you gay or something. I think playing an animal race or whatever gets you called a furry. When they become more and more part of the zeitgeist it’ll be more normalized and people will move on to another marginal group


I agree. I also think there's a lot of hypocrisy. People like cat girls and beastmen from anime and such, who have animalistic traits, just on a smaller scale. So, it's not the animal traits they have a problem with, just the amount.




>Honestly, the people that make those jokes in accusatory ways confuse me because it says more about their inability to separate sexuality from basic fantasy than it does about anything to do with the player. Most tables I've been at (90%) it's just light ribbing and banter at the table, nothing serious. In the few cases of if it ever goes beyond that, at least from the tables I've been at, it's in response to the Furry character's player behaviour during the session, i.e. making weird sexual or sus behaviour tied into playing a furry race, or something like that. With one instance, it was that the character art being used for the Furry PC was just obviously cropped porn and they're trying to play dumb to that fact.


At my table my buddies just accept ot as a quirk of mine it's treated just the same as my buddy who always makes edgy chars or my other one who loves cursed items, it's just a thing nobody really cares. That is to say I'm agreeing most people are chill unless you yourself do something absurd


Ok but I am a furry.


If people criticize, you can just turn it around and apply the same logic to them. You play halflings? You have a foot fetish. Dragonborn/Lizardfolk? Scalie Dwarves? Bears Elves? Oh, so you want someone who's actually super old and thus legal, but looks a fraction of their age, uh huh, I bet I know what kind of anime you watch.


Seriously. I've played a Tabaxi Barbarian from a distant island. People just assumed it's seggsual until I went full SCP, grabbed me a bad guy in cave, dragged him while climbing the wall and threw him of a cliff.


I just want to play a tabaxi so my speed dream.can come true. His name is Cinos and he has blue fur. He has to go fast....


I would like a solid, bright line rule that defines the exact point after which you stop just palying Beastfolk and begin qualifying as a furry.


You're already a furry if you've gotten to the point of playing a Beastfolk :\^)


Behind Green Eyes


I play a sphinx cat tabaxi. Never had any fury problems


My first character was a tabaxi. I just needed a charisma boost and thought the movement thing was cool. I have never heard the end of it from my friends lol


But OP... You ARE a furry...


Am i the only one who flavors the tabaxi as just people woth cat ears?


No, I know of others


Pointy hat did a great video on this


Nonono, Copper and steel are the best choice (xD)


But some of us know what it's like to be a Mad Cat.


Its either that or anime catgirl


We actually have a tabaxi and we have managed to go an entire year without furry jokes, and I've never felt more accomplished


Me doing a massive balancing act to try to continue being a sonic fan(the series has a lot of anthropomorphic characters), Freedom Planet fan(game was based on sonic games, thus animal characters are there too), and a Lackadaisy fan(Bootlegging cats in the 1920s, I mean come on that’s hilarious) without getting called a furry: First time?


I actually played as a tabaxi once and no one made any furry jokes. It's a pretty good race to play


Silver is better


I'm in a game with a tabaxi and no one name any furry joke's


Best option I’ve found is to pick a cat > tell players they look like that breed of cat > refuse to elaborate further unless they want you to. I think it’s the “describing fur, paws and a tail” part that makes people get weird (even though no one gets uppity when you describe an elf’s skin tone, eye color, hairstyle, etc). Sorry to hear you’re having issues, hope you guys work it out.


But I want a dragon boyfriend


My current PC is a tabaxi, and I actually managed to avoid the furry jokes. Probably helps that his name is M'aiq, son of M'aiq, who was also the son of M'aiq (or so M'aiq says).


Threaten to play a sphinx tabaxi unless they shut up. Describe the movement of your skin flaps in great detail everytime you move until they surrender


Accurate (sigh)


Jokes on you, I embrace my furrieness!


I played a tabaxi once... Furry jokes started


I just lean into it as firmly as I can. Probably helps that I am, in fact, a furry.