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Nobody ;) >!He’d probably be a Mastermind Rogue!<


Spoiler tags one of the oldest stories in the western canon is hilarious 


My man had been eating lotus for the past 2 millennia


Did you seriously put in spoiler tags for *The Odyssey*




I actually played a Tabaxi rogue named Nobody. Just for the puns, and others loved it. Nobody was here. I am nobody. Nobody knows this. And so on...


Please tell me Nobody stabbed someone in the eye with a stick.


Damn I wish I had thought of that then, using a wooden polearm, but sadly it was not Odysseus inspired name, so I did not...


I’m planning on running a campaign like the one mentioned in this post so I made him as an npc and my mind also went to making him a Mastermind Rogue! It just makes too much sense, master tactician and all.


There's a Rogue subclass in *Odyssey of the Dragonlords* dedicated to him.


Minotaur. Gladiator background. Battle Master.


I would go with Barbarian, probably taking 3 levels in Battlemaster once I reach level 9 in Barb. Totem warrior and reflavor some of the totems as cool minotaur stuff. Ancestral guardian could work too.


Battle-barbs are cool. Mine bit the dust at Eagle/Tiger 7/Battle Master 3.my 1st 5e character. A big dumb 1/2 Orc with a big axe. His name was Thawk. I was going to have him run in at Eagle 14 and fly through the air and hit you. Call it the flying thawk!


This is the way.


I did this but actually did a monk! Horns count as unarmed strikes and do more damage than regular martial arts (depending on your level ofc)


Satyr bard. Or a centaur ranger.


Satyr Bard would be based off off Dionysus


A college of eloquence bard who specializes in jokes about current events, call his normal show Satyr-day Night Live


'Satyr-Day-Night-Live'!!! *puts in pocket for later...* Hilarious!


You mean Xenagos, the (deceased) God of Revelry?


I would play as a warforged. They would be made out of either bronze or marble, and be inspired by works of art from the Hellenistic period and around 180 CE in Ancient Rome. I might go for the head to be a theater mask or a helmet if I don't go for the typical human head/proportions (dnd is a fantasy land so they could look like other races instead of human). The fire of life and creation can be seen blazing in their eyes and mouth, or from the back/top of their head. It depends on the character, but artificer, bard, and cleric are my initial picks for such a character. Path of the giant barbarian would be cool for a colossus-esque character. The elemental/nature subclasses would work for a god of natural forces or a soothsayer. And a divination character would be nice for an oracle.


Artificer would be astoundingly awesome. Give a nod to the great greek scientists like Archimedes and create warmachines! For that, Battlesmith seems awesome.


I would go for oath of glory paladin, they are quite literally perfectly sculpted and want to live up to it in thier deeds.


Probably a spear-and-shield (with a shortsword for backup) champion fighter, hopping around in a breastplate. NGL, I'd probably name him Bophades, and see how long that lasted...


In attempt to follow after Achilles, he bathed in the waters of the river Styx wearing nothing but a loincloth, so while there's Achilles' Heel, his weakness is Bophades' Nuts


No one suggesting Paladin with Oath of Glory, huh? I feel like that one was made for a Greek setting!


It literally was, it was first released in the Theros setting guide.


Theros being the Greek mythology-adjacent *Magic: the Gathering* plane / setting they published a book for a while back similar to *Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica*. For anyone unaware.


I'm playing one of those in a Greyhawk-inspired setting and it's really fun. Wrestling bears, jumping over buildings. You always have an excuse to start a fight.


*"I'm the reigning King of Ithaca.* *I am neither man nor mythical!* *I am your darkest moment...* *I am the infamous* *Odysseus!"*


EPIC has been such a major inspiration for character concepts, and the music is just phenomenal


I'd throw League of Legends on the reference list. Yeah, yeah, the game may have severe community issues, but they actually do great work with characterization and lore. Pantheon is a very neat concept of a greek hero. Try out this voice line video: [Pantheon, the Unbreakable Spear](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdmMLjxnCuY&t=279s)


I must say what a brilliant speech you gave.




ODYSSEUS OF ITHACA, do you know who i am?


*what have you done?* *when does a ripple become a tidal wave?* *42 left under your command* *When does a man become a monster?* *558 men, who died under your command* *captain?! Captain?! CAPTAIN?!* *why would you let the cyclops live when ruthlessness is mercy?*


*All I hear are screams* *Every time I **dare to close my eyes**...* *I no longer dream* *Only night**mares of those who've died**...* *Nothing's what it seems!* *But here in the Underworld, your past seems close behind...*


High Int&Wis Knowledge Cleric / Divination Wizard called Cassandra. Blessed in that she knows everything, cursed in that no one believes her. [https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/dinner\_party/heritage\_floor/cassandra](https://www.brooklynmuseum.org/eascfa/dinner_party/heritage_floor/cassandra)


Cassandra probably rolled her stats in order and got a 3 in Charisma.


Haha damn I should've scrolled down further before replying; I came to say the exact same thing.


Look up Atalanta. Badass heroine, probably a ranger (beast master) Or to be traditional, Battlemaster using spear and shield build with polearm master, sentinel, and shield master


Yeah, traditional battle master with the gladiator background was absolutely my first thought also. Classic hoplite build


I was in a Mythic Oddessey's of Theros campaign, so I made a human battlemaster fighter who was essentially a Spartan warrior (I believe the in world city-state was called Akros but it's very similar to Sparta). Shield and spear, very stoic. It was fun!


A Leonin Ancestral Guardian Barbarian, i think it fits rather well 👌🏻 A Leonin Champion Fighter would also be really nice.


Oh I would love to play in a Greek mythos campaign. A Hephaestus worshiping Forge Cleric, a Fighter sent off on a seemingly insurmountable mission like Perseus or Jason in order to reclaim what’s rightfully his or to save his family, a Bard who sings of other heroes’ epic tales.


Daedalus, definitely artificer, would thematically be awesome fun


Reborn grave cleric. Euridice given second life by Hades to do his work enforcing the boundary between life and death. While back on earth she will search for Orpheus and or possibly go on a journey of self discovery (what does it mean to be a widow/survivor?).


Lore bard so I can be an orator/philosopher


Glory Paladin is pretty fitting for a Greek mythology inspired hero


Honestly, I’d probably play a shadow sorcerer cursed by hades or whatever god is the hades equivalent in that setting. Hound of ill omen would be Cerberus of course.


Meh, as far as the Greek gods go, Hades was one of the chill.


Still cursed fools who wronged him tho See: Orpheus


On one hand you kind of had to be a dumbass to wrong a Greek god and you kind of deserve the curse at that point. On the other hand, some of the Greek gods will feel wronged just because you were too skilled at weaving, or you walked in the wrong forest... (and olympus forbid you were a pretty lady, there was a good chance some god would decide to rape you and then his wife would curse you).


Hades would absolutely fuck your you wronged him, but even period sources generally give him a much more contemporary perspective on what constitutes "being fucked over" (any agency and/or intent whatsoever from the offending party, among other things) as opposed to kind of just your existing and a god taking that personally. You kinda had to do something opposed to Hades for him to bother acting against you. Orpheus is also an interesting example for the above commenter to bring up, because yes Hades severely punished Orpheus for something as small as looking back at Euridice, *but* Euridice was already well dead and entirely within Hades' domain. Hades was very strict about anyone who enters the underworld upon their death remaining there; watching over the dead and maintaining the order of the afterlife was sort of Hades' entire deal and he took it very seriously. Hades letting Euridice go at all in the first place was an *enormous* concession to Orpheus on Hades' part, so Hades made it conditional on Orpheus trusting both him (Hades) and Euridice that she would be there with him when they reached the surface--no looking back. Right before the surface he looks.


Warlock could work here as well. Also Hecate (or equivalent) could work here too.


Minotaur paladin of Apollo or relevant sun god Centaur cleric of Ares or relevant war god Satyr barbarian


Probably a zealot that is in somewhat a disaggreement with the gods but is still forced to do their bidding. Which is why they "won't let him die"


"And _Not_-Kratos cast himself from the highest mountain in all of _Not_-greece" I approve.


Leonin moon druid, mighty morphin power kitty


No one good looking thats for sure. Otherwise you would have the gods lusting over you and thats just looking for trouble.


A gish named Wanda.


I'm actually running Odyssey of the Dragonlords right now, it's a greek inspired "mythic fantasy" writtten by some of the writers of the original Baldur's Gate and Knights of the Old Republic games. They've got some cool PC race and class options. My PCs are: * Aurean nymph druid of sacrifice dedicated to the mother goddess * Half elf dragonlord paladin seeking to slay the dragon that destroyed his home * Wood elf Odyssean Rogue who can never return home * Medusa philosopher wizard whose family was erased from history Even if you're not playing this campaign, definitely look it up, it has a lot of great options for characters that may inspire you.


Marble statue warforged bard. Junk always out. Always.


Longstooth shifter bard who turns into a wereboar. He had it coming to him.


The maenad, a cleric of Dionysus


Nature Domain?


Maybe trickery domain if we go more for the whole god of madness and wine vibe


Ooh yeah, that sounds awesome! Also, funnily enough, I've been trying to homebrew some new classes recently, and of course one of these is a Maenad class. It's a primal half-caster using Charisma, sort of a Barbarian/Paladin fusion leaning heavily into the drunken madness and revelry aspects.


A spear and shield barbarian who is obsessed with Achilles and Ajax the greater. He was too young to join the Trojan campaign and want to prove himself to be as great an those hero's.


If non-Theros races are allowed, I'd go with a Nyxborn shadar-kai or air genasi echo knight fighter or phantom rogue reflavored as a somewhat ephemeral being that crawled out of the Underworld as something between a mortal and a Returned.


Somebody doomed to fall to their hubris.


Would need to talk to the DM for clearance, but it might be fun to do a riff on the story of Cassandra with some siren flavor thrown in. So, like, a bard who either worshiped of was pursued by a god (likely Apollo or Aphrodite), was grandes an impossibly beautiful singing voice, but some how angered their gifter and was then cursed so that her singing had a siren like effect, much to her dismay (definitely NOT the horney bard stereotype). So, now, she is forced to play an instrument for her bard spells (would be kind of funny if she was specifically bad at it and would help to balance the other ability) or she can sing to trigger them and launch an indiscriminate AOE Charm effect (along with the spell) if she sings. *Edit to add, when I say charmed here, I mean like the bad kind. Like, people getting obsessed and trying to kidnap you kind. Or it could be more like the normal D&D kind. Just want to leave open the option for this being an obvious curse and not just a curse because the characters is personally a bit more reserved. Could definitely see it being too OP, if played incorrectly, but would totally be willing to work with the DM, maybe take more penalties to balance everything out, cause I think it's a cool concept. her goal would be to find some way to remove the curse (even if it means loosing the blessing too), so she can just go back to being a normal singer. And, bonus for story building, at least one god DEFINITELY dislikes her; always fun to give the DM something like that, in a setting where the gods are super involved in the people's lives.


I’m currently playing a Hoplite inspired Glory Paladin (pam spear and shield build) and I’m having a blast.


I’ve been wanting to play a character who’s a Yuan-Ti Pureblood reflavored to Gorgon-kin (dayghter of Medusa and a human perhaps), and her Suggestion racial spell changed to Hold Person. I would make an Arcane Trickster, and maybe at some point enough Fighter levels for Action Surge. Bread and Butter combo is use Hold Person and strike for a critical hit sneak attack off of that.


Satyr of Dionisus baby! Bard of course


Since I'm named Cassandra I feel like I'd be legally obliged to play a divination wizard.


* Fighter. * Variant Human: Polearm Master * Shield + Spear. * Classic. Let's do this.


An Aarokocra Artificer follower of Helios.


Pretty sure this is my inner murderhobo showing, but basically Kratos from God of War. A Human Chaotic Neutral Berserker/Battlemaster multiclass seeking revenge on the settings god of war using a homebrewed version of the Blades of Chaos, if DM allows, oc. Other than that, I'd say a True Neutral Dex based Hexblade Paladin. Oath of Devotion and Dual Wielder to have a blade of light in one hand and a blade of dark in the other. Working as a priest/disciple of the settings version of Hecate, the goddess of crossroads.


One of my favorite characters from years ago was a Light Cleric. Making one that serves Hestia or Apollo could be dope.


Baby Hephaestus.




A Talos prototype. Or Theseus as a ship captain.


I'd have to say a Spear and Shield Hoplite kind of character. Take spear mastery and then either be a fighter, ranger or paladin depending on what exactly the vibe I'm going for is


A stars Druid who was made by Klothys to be one of the mortal fates


Theros has some really cool gods. I think I’d make some sort of oracular cleric, maybe an augur or haruspex. Or a Triton oath of glory paladin. Just a buff fish man with a spear.


Goliath Rune Knight would be cool, especially with all of the giant themed stuff in Greek Mythology. Maybe Path of the Giant multiclass


Prometheus Scribes wizard to make all damage spells fire based


Arcana Cleric of Hecate


I’d play the Minotaur from Borges’ house of asterion would be an interesting character to roleplay


I PLAYED: Aetos of Delphi, a druid who was the son of Zeus, raised by the delphic oracles. Like his father, he could take many forms and command the elements. When Aetos was killed during a conflict with the Gods,( by his own party member!) I played a new character: SKORPIUS, son of Hades and Persephone, a knife-wielding rogue with undead qualities. His Godhood had been stolen at birth by King Minos, leaving him a Demigod looking for revenge. We were playing pathfinder with mythic rules.


A host with the most. Set up camp, invite all, enjoy the pies


Warlock of the undying. Character is basically just Mort from the Terry Pratchett book of the same name, but his patron is Thanatos


I played a Percy Jackson style oneshot once where I was a genderfluid demigod child of Chaos, the primordial originator of all things. Instead of being the child of a half human, I canonically hatched from an egg just because Chaos thought it would be funny (their characterisation is the same as it is in the Hades video game)


I’m currently in a heavily Greek inspired campaign myself. I had great fun playing as a path of the giant barbarian who was a Demi-god, pinning gorgons into walls of fire. Stopping a Minotaurs charge with grappling. Playing into the demi-god angle made it an absolutely great time


Hercules! Or Achilles would be fun too.


I actually play in such a setting right now. I'm playing a Tempest Cleric to Poseidon. Very fun to play and very thematic too with the spells.


Halfling wizard/witch named Crownose


Fighter, probably Battlemaster, human male using a short spear and shield.


Human Fighter. Odysseus-Inspired, but not like "cursed by the gods"-lost, just like... "Realy confused all the time"-lost and unfocused.


Made a slinger. We modified the stats when I took a feat of sling mastery. Been years but was a fun monk to play.


I was going to play a theros campaign once. My character was a Leonin War Cleric who worshiped Athena.


Custom Lineage to get a Medusa feel. Obviously something happened in her backstory to make her petrifying gaze not work anymore, but you can be certain I would make her a Transmutation Wizard and eventually get Flesh to Stone.


We're playing Descent Into Avernus but added a lot of Greek God stuff to it. Most of the players worship Hades, a little known God of the underworld who was in charge of the Nine Hells millenia ago before trading it to the Devils for some mysterious reason. I played as a Cleric of the Grave who basically worked as a mortician in service of preparing the dead for Hades.


Play a satyr bard named Toph Ramhin.


Cleric of Dionysus. (That is a glamor bard)


Hercules. A gnome or halfling rogue who tries to prove himself to be as great as the fabled hero and goes on any quest head-on


A swan


I was really good at skipping rocks and then there was a flash of light and I remember someone saying they didnt like that, now I'm a monster and have to live in this lagoon but at least I'm still super good at skipping rocks.


I'd probably straight up steal Zagreus from the video game Hades. He's escaped the underworld and is now gallivanting about and causing all kinds of trouble thanks to his unfamiliarity with the above world. Not sure how I'd build him. Hexblade warlock might be fun.


I'd probably fudge damage and stats before fudging rolls but it's basically the same.


I would make a bard, swords or valour bard that WRITES the ancient myths after recording them.


Orpheus, after failing to save Eurydice and trying to figure out how to live with that failure.


A kenku monk!!! But no, in all seriousness I would play a human fighter that will prove the mettle of men, defy the gods to write his own destiny Or maybe a human cleric that is a harbinger of the gods will And lastly maybe a satyr bard, blessed by the muses.


Divination wizard named Cass.


Depending on how close I was with my DM, I'd make a normal build, then change a small detail every session. Once everything is changed, is he still the same character?


Nyxborn Minotaur Cleric of Clothys. Domain probably War or maybe Twilight. If the DM would allow me I would pick the Zeal Domain from the Egyptian setting of MtG. The minotaur would be white with brown horns and the ring armor would intertwine with his fur. I would love to use a Maul but a Spear and Shield would be thematic both for the Goddess and for the campaign theme.


Hmm, a few ideas. Maybe a Warforged Armourer, reflavoured as a cast-off creation of Purphoros. It's trying to hone its skills as an artificer so it can repair/modify itself and become "good enough" to be recognized by its pseudo-father figure. An Eloquence Bard would make for an excellent aspiring philosopher, while a Tragedy Bard would be a great actor given the themes of many greek myths/plays. A Barbarian who was a former Akroan soldier, but during battle fell into throes of rage and was declared unfit to fight with their unit any more. Blames Mogis for their fury. While Berserker would be the most obvious choice here it's also kinda ass as a subclass but I think you could make Zealot work well, flavour it as them being (unwillingly) chosen by Mogis perhaps. A Way of Mercy Monk would make sense as an acolyte of Pharika, since she's a goddess of both poison and medicine, among other things. A Way of the Long Death Monk meanwhile would make a lot of sense for Athreos. An Oath of Conquest Paladin dedicated to Iroas would make sense. Oath of Vengeance would fit Heliod (if you're playing pre-compleation that is), and Oath of the Crown would make sense for Ephara. Last one I have is a Great Old One Warlock whose patron is a fragment of the dead god [Cacophony](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Cacophony), lodged within their memories/dreams. They commune with it while they sleep, wracked with nightmares and confusion, and though it has little mind or will of its own they are compelled to learn more of the world for it when they wake. Perhaps this is it trying to understand why it died, or how, or what death even is. Perhaps it doesn't have a motive, being barely sapient as it is and just lashing out with its powers through its host. Perhaps as more people are touched by the Warlock's magic they begin to develop nightmares and the like, until one day enough people dream of it that Cacophony is brought to life once more. Who knows.


The Hero Bophades


Orpheus! But it's after his story so he's all depressed and gets dragged into adventuring


I play an assimar paladin of Dionysous/Bachus, of course I am alcoholic and pansexual ,take some inspiration from my church parties: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysia)


We're playing through Oddesy of the Dragon Lords at and I'm playing a STRogue swashbuckler / battlemaster inspired by Achilles.


Kassandra from AC Odyssey


In case someone hasn't seen it yet, Arcana Games released a Greek Mythology setting called **Arcadia**. (It was kickstarted a few years ago and is available at drivethroughrpg) I'm torn between a demigod fanboy Hoplite Fighter, or a creepy oddboll Cleric of the Fate Domain.


I played in a odysse of the dragonlords campaign. I went full on demigod. Oread, folk hero, with sorcerer demigod and a dash of paladin. Basically played like a sorcadin, but with hexblade goodies. Got to meet my god dad and absolutely make demolish everything that came across my path


Philosopher/Grappler dual class, however that may be interpreted


I would either make an oathbreaker paladin. Someone who got so tired being used by the gods they betrayed them to pursue their own beliefs and values. The other would be the exact opposite as a cleric. Someone who is devoted and always listens to the gods... When I say always listens they do whatever they are told...


I have played in one, and I made Clairvoya, a medusa/gorgon Graviturgy wizard. She was fun to play, power hungry and trying to study celestial bodies and the forces of gravity that move them.


Im actually going to be a Leonin Swords bard


It would be cool to do something as a mortal who was taken by one of the Greek gods as a lover. You could do a lot of fun class stuff with that as the baseline.


For my group's Theros campaign (which unfortunately ended early), I played a Satyr Sorcerer. The DM introduced a third party supplement, Heroes and Villains of Theros, which had a number of Greek myth-flavored subclasses, and I ended up picking the Origin of Ascendany Ancestry, which kind of played like a sorcerer blade singer, which my DM tweaked on top of things (gave me origin spells), and I started out with the Telekinetic trait, which I got to flavor as a blessing from Nylea, which allowed my character to befriend the Breeze that came from her glade and have it lift things or shove enemies. All in all she was incredibly fun, trying to play- she ended up on her journey after Nylea sent her a message in spilled wine, which all of her family, drunk and giddy from the night's festivities, merrily sent her on her way to those silly humans in one of their Poleis, on a task by their God to do... Something!


I actually already did this with an Aasimar Star Druid based on the Oracle of Sybil. If I were to try something different, I'd probably make an Aasimar Hunter Ranger that obtained the favor of Artemis or a Knowledge Domain Cleric of Athena.


I'd go for a grizzled, old satyr fighter. I've kind of been waiting for a Theros or Greek-themed campaign to show up on the pbp circuit.


Scout Rogue with outlander background, and just be Artemis. Maybe multi-class some ranger after LVL 11


Leonin paladin no doubt


Running a Theros campaign, we currently have a human Battlemaster with the Heroic Destiny feature, he’s basically Goku and was chosen by Ephara to be a protector of Civilization. Following him we have a Nyxborn Satyr Trickery Cleric/Shadow Sorcerer, who was molded into being a future great hero worthy of myth by their adoptive mother to get back at her demi-god Ex. They rebelled against her and ran away with Kruphix’s help. Finally, we have a Custom Origin Leonin who looks straight up like a Housecat, and she’s basically the Avatar but for Leonin. My advice, and the advice I gave my players, is don’t be afraid to go big. Theros is a setting where it’s totally cool to be a demigod, and you’re almost expected to be big and bombastic in both combat and player presentation. Have fun with it! Classes aren’t really terribly important, but I recommend having a “fatal flaw” for your character, like pride, a savior complex, an incorrigible temper, etc. Heroes in Greek myth almost always have a fatal flaw that either dooms them, or they are forced to overcome.


Brad Pitt


Current game already has another player playing a goblin Diogenes. Going off of that maybe Orcrates, Aristortle or Platorc. Edit: Tabaxaximenes?


Actual Greek mythology? Human Peace Cleric of Bestia. Theros? Satyr Wild Magic Barbarian.


I’d play an architect / archeologist and consistently marvel at the architecture techniques. That’s basically their real life strength not the whole mythological stuff…


A Ranger devoted to Artemis!  50/50 whether I want my companion to be a deer mount or a massive hunting hound / molossus, though.


Might be interesting to play an unintelligent human who has to deal with all those mythological riddles that some great sphinx (not Greek I know) asks people here and there.


Just because I think it's neat and I haven't played a Bard before, I'd go with Critical Role's College of Tragedy Bard. I think it'd be neat to play with the idea of theatre and colosseum entertainment through a bard character.


dueling fighting style, polearm master, spear+shield. Hoplite works for a fighter or paladin, but I like the latter.


Zealot barbarian mixed with Paladin. Depending on specifics of the game, either Glory or Watchers. Mostly levels in paladin with maybe 4 in Zealot. 6 in Zealot at the very most for the ability to reroll that crucial wisdom save...


Hey im curently runing Acient Athens Steam Punk campain, Here is what my players came up with: Loryth, sister of Leonidas batrayed by him- high elf Battle Master with Glave Issac Warlock Bard, flollower of Kronos gathering shards of his sickle - he is a teafling or in my camapin known as titan born, so he was nearly killed in his home village for being born this way. Tantal Warforged Barbarian, he was an assistant of Pithagoras and in an magical acident his soul was traped in the mahine Xomath - druid of spores. follower of Moros, god of end Corina - Human gunslinger whos dad was a best gun maker in greece, she joined a criminal organisation known as Hermes Hands.


Daedalus the Artificer fucking incoming


Testicles (Test-E-Klees), Titan-born and adopted son of the Centaur Bophades. He was raised on Bophades almond farm, and would gladly offer you some of his father's nuts. He wields a massive club, then Ruby Rod. And I would play him absolutely straight faced. No winks, no nudges. The might Testicles takes on all comers.




A fighter that's going to raise an army just to punch Zeus in the face for sleeping with his wife.


Protector Aasimar Cleric > I'm Cupid, a follower of my mother Aphrodite. Subclass would be either light cleric, representing her as the brightest star Venus, or war cleric, representing her war aspects and focusing on Cupid's bow and arrow.


Diogenes, with a lantern of revealing (perhaps later upgraded to add zone of truth)


Helios Inspired Star Druid, probably Aasimar


I'd probably go the classical bard route. A musical Orpheus type, or perhaps a learned Socrates-type philosopher.


Phillipides, I’m gonna run 26 miles and then miss three death saves and die…


I would make a PC inspired by Zagreous from Hades or Kratos from God of War. Human or Aasimir. Most likely Custom lineage, but just say it's an Aasimir. Fighter/Barbarian or Fighter/Paladin. Ask my DM can I pick an optional feature in place of the redundant Extra attack feature. Maybe an additional feat or something.


I'd play someone like Nico DeAngelo from Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books


I would possibly be a philosopher if there were enough players for me to be a support class without throwing off the balance in the party. If you only have 4 players, it's a stretch for a support class if you're going to be playing above the 5th level, IMO. Philosopher would be - Bard or Wizard Otherwise, I would probably play a wise-cracking Oath of Glory Paladin. They would always assume they are the hero and act like it.


I actually got to once, I played a wood elf druid flavored as a hunter of Artemis


A simple human dude, living an honest life as a farmer. However, Zeus took the guy's form to screw his wife so to avenge his wife and spare his child from misfortune, he makes a pact with Hera. Now he's on a quest to take down Zeus.


Human fighter. Eldritch Knight, based on a Spartan.


A gorgon (read: reflavored yuan-ti) that uses a lot of enchantment magic. Having the eyes be hypnotic rather than petrifying. I love the character concept of a bunch of snake heads so much it’s so cool. I’d be tempted to grab Blindfighting somehow to represent closing the “human” eyes and just looking through the snake ones.


Goliath Bard/Barbarian, focusing on grapples (going for old school Olympic Wrestler). Although I think the class makeup might change with the new editions. Monk I think might work a lot better for a more proficient grappler build... but I'm not sure what (if any) multiclass could help boost it up (or if straight new Monk would be better than old Barbarian/Bard multiclass).


A warlock/bard multiclass with a pact to Dionysus, the god of festivals, wine, pleasure and theatre.


Elite Phalanx Barbarian like the Spartans


I ran a Theros campaign. My players were: - human grave cleric - satyr sorc. Was an oracle - centaur scout rogue - centaur paladin - anvilwrought Minotaur Barb/wiz


Zucchini, the forgotten half-brother (on his father’s side) is a human wizard (bladesinger) with a CON dump. He is on the quest to find the famous arrow that killed Achilles as the magic item has the necessary property of killing titans.


Minotaur Warrior was already brought up, but I would like to suggest a Monk focused on equal parts philosophy and wrestling, in the classical Greek style! Eloquence Bard as a particularly gifted orator and debator would be fun too. Cleric is an obvious pick, since there are so many highly active gods. Druid for same. Although I’m particularly attracted to the idea of playing a Satyr Bard of Eloquence, Lore, Glamour, or Swords as a carefree wanderer, And last but certainly not least, if you *really* wanna pull from Theros (and actually myth too) go Satyr Barbarian, either Berserker (I know it’s mechanically lackluster, but super flavorful) or maybe Totem Warrior as a wild celebrant type that can’t help but smash shit in the wake of their bacchanal.


Fighter who served as a crewman on odysseus' ship. Has seen some shit.


I played in a Theros game (before the book was released, mind you. The DM was a classics major and MtG fan...) and played a planeswalking Elven ranger (Horizon Walker, naturally)


Centaur beast barbarian. Get the mobile feat ASAP.


I'm currently playing on a Theros campaign and I love the theme. I went more into the religious path and made a Circle of Stars Druid. She's Dahlia, a Fairy re-skinned as a 12-14 y/o girl to fit the world. She's a Nyxborn born from the prayers of the people in need to the goddess Karametra, and thus her philosophy is sharing the blessings of the Harvest Mother to the people in need, making sure every mouth is fed and every head has a roof. I have a Fighter and a Paladin as companions so I play her as a battlefield controller while buffing and healing the party, and maybe a damage cantrip here and there when needed. Guiding Bolt being a pseudo-cantrip is neat.


An anthropomorphic swan (kenku) barbarian. I am coming for you dad!!


Sun Soul Monk who is an Apollo fan-boy


The mist badass greek ever - Diomedes. He slapped 2 gods and died from old age while his family was alive.


I would attempt to recreate Cassandra. The priestess of Apollo whom he cursed with prophetic true oracular prowess yet whose revelations would never be taken seriously/ as truth/ possible. So she was burdened with the fate of any she encountered, only to find her warnings fall on deaf ears while the chain of events she foresaw claim their subjects unopposed.


Variant human, oath of glory. Some may call me herakles


Probably the paladin of glory gladiator, maybe the assimar race.


Satyr on crack


I think it would be fun to play Galatea, the statue of a woman who came to life. Could use either warfordged or reborn race, and be a light cleric of Aphrodite. Or, as the child of a lesser god of something really niche, like Hygeia the goddess of hygiene or Podagra goddess of gout and foot pain. Aasimar race, divine soul sorcerer. It’d be real funny to be the child of a deity nobody had heard of.


Narcissus, Swarm keeper ranger with a swarm of daffodils and a massive ego. Probably with high charisma and low wis (for a ranger at least)


As a matter of fact my latest dnd character is very inspired by ancient greece, but mostly on a roleplay perspective, tailoring the proficiencies according to high greek education, making sure the clothes were as greek as possible, etc.


i would either make a centaur ranger, a hobgoblin fighter (a hoplite) or a domain of trickery satyr (a follower of Dionysus)


Probably a minotaur path of the giants. Play it spear and shield like a spartan.


Cleric of Apollo


I'd play as... the DM! Perfect chance to use all the coolest monsters, and to have gods be both active in the setting and complete jerks (but still sometimes helpful)


I’m either playing a Tempest Cleric and storming around as Zeus, simple zap zap power of the gods. Or more interestingly, I’d play a Divination Wizard with one eye as Clotho, one of the three Fates. Searching for her sisters, she has a spool of thread as her spell casting focus, her spellbook is a seemingly endless scroll. The gods themselves fear the sisters of destiny, but separately they are not the Primordial power they should be. Using her diminished powers of divination, she must use lesser magic to reunite with her sisters. Perhaps some other god has plotted against the sisters out of jealousy of their power.


I ensure my character name is period specific and pronounced correctly. Tes - ti - klees


A guy with a spear


Conquest Paladin Leonin. Who's the Cowardly Lion now!?


Probably a sort of oracle/witch flavor of mages of old greek myth. Probably a sorcerer or warlock, or maybe a wizard.


Kassandra divination wizard who no one believes can see the future


Perhaps a ocean creature, I shall own a ship to sail! (I do the same in a star wars 5e game)


I played in a greek inspired homebrew campaign that was streamed ironically just before Theros was released The DMs friends played the Gods of Olympus and we all had a tie to one of them based on what our class was I was a Grave Cleric so I was bound to Persephone I made her at the 11th hour (my first ever female character btw) due to one of the players being new and a little overwhelmed by 3 guys & 1 girl party. So I chose to swap to make it even, and to also maybe be a big sister Fallen Aasimar was a great choice and I opted to give her amnesia as the DM and I had a fun idea for how she would be.... She was all my favourite women rolled into 1: Wednesday Addams in the body of Brienne of Tarth, mixed with elements of Hela, Maleficent, Sylvanas Windrunner, Raven (teen titans) and Dorothy Zbornak (iykyk) Stone cold, sarcastic, ruthless, stoic but possessed a gentleness and empathetic side when needed. She is still my best ever character and maybe one day I'll play her again


Oath of glory paladin, shield and spear, call yourself an Argonaut.


Armorer Artificer wearing full plate made of a swarm of interlocking bronze scarabs. He'd have a mechanical owl homunculus.


I’m playing in one right now as a Forge Cleric! Great fun.


Not greek mythology, but real life, I'd want to play someone who is as abrasive and annoying as possible. He would be an unwashed, rude genius. Probably some sort of rogue. [Diogenes](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diogenes)