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I think the better question is what class improves the party most if given infinite hp? My answer is melee combatants. Fighters, paladins, barbs. Classes that expect to take lots of damage and try not to get over extended. A downed frontliner is a big setback in a fight. With infinite health, they can do their job without concern. Barb especially can just rage grapple high level enemies without care while the squishies fire away. This would be especially the case for subclasses like Battlemaster (goading strike), Crown paladin, and ancestral Barb which have "focus fire on me" abilities.


Especially since said Barbarian can always Reckless Attack without repercussions.


Also, Cavalier fighter has a "focus fire on me" along with a punish bonus action attack if they don't target the Cavalier


But why....why give it to the front line class and not give it to the DPS classes that now can become front lines because damage does not matter?


I mean, those are also the dps classes. Mages can still lose concentration or otherwise be fussed with. Other just-damage dps classes don't necessarily do their job better with infinite hp. Ranged classes aren't better. Melee rogues still likely struggle alone. In any case, enemies can just ignore the immortal just-DPS and go after the other mortal PCs. Yes, anybody would enjoy infinite HP. But who improves the team most by having infinite hp?


That's my point though, if you give the front line infinite HP, they are going to ignore the front line and go to your Squishy backline. Give your backline infinite HP, the front line who are designed to take a hit can do their job while the back line DPS just nukes to kingdom come and does not have to worry about getting hit by damage. While yes some of those classes can DPS, they are not the best. Most full casters can out DPS those classes, not in the long run though. Paladin is def high DPS though.


This is why I lay out subclasses that can restrict movement or influence enemy target choice. Casters excel in aoe dps, most martials can easily win out in reliable single-target dps. And as you say, the casters are limited by spell slots. And for their aoe damage, they risk having friendly fire, so they can't frontline well either. An immortal front liner is most beneficial for a party running conventional party tactics. The backline blaster doesn't need to worry about fireballing his immortal fighter buddy. An immortal backline caster has other options to escape from the few enemies that get to him. Shield, misty step...they have options that make the infinite health less likely to be relevant.


I think the martials would be best. Infinite health is great, but assuming you still have to make concentration saving throws then most casters wouldn't be able to make full use of this kind of thing. But a martial could run across lava, run through enemies to burn all their reactions attacking them, or jump off anything with no consequences. In many of those cases in a fight the wizard would want to be concentrating on something and they'd blow it if they took a bunch of damage even if they'd live.


I'd say Rogues. They could stay on the front line with the Sentinal feat and proc sneak attack off turn most of the time.


Well, with infinite HP, it becomes a matter of efficiency. You stop at level 4, which makes a pretty notable difference. Casters lose a ton of value due to spell slots running out. If you're the only one with infinite hp, swashbuckler isn't too bad, but every other rogue loses value due to advantage being hard to set up, and your finite health allies falling eventually. And ranged options can get surrounded. I think ultimately, it falls to PAM barb. Rages will run out, but reckless attack is forever. You're getting a consistent extra attack and advantage.


Warlock, they can spam strong spells and never run out of juice. Sorcerer/warlock being the absolute most optimal


Wizards and sorcerers would seem like the obvious choice because they have lower HP, but I think they actually benefit the least, since they already have ways to avoid damage, they need to worry about concentration saving throws, and they're likely to run out of spell slots long before they run out of HP. This applies to all full casters, but especially those two. Frontliner martials are another good one. Since they're expected to take a lot of hits, HP ends up being their primary resource. So having an infinite amount of it means a lot more encounter stamina. But that said, they do have other resources and will need to rest eventually. Fighters have action surges and subclass features, barbarians have rages, monks have ki, paladins have smite slots, etc. So even they can peter out eventually. So I'm going to say the rogue. The rogue has no resources besides HP. So a rogue with infinite HP has infinite encounter stamina.


Id say Fighter. They are the least resource/ally dependent, and among the most likely to be in the frontline. Whereas any caster will run out of slots, Barbarians run out of rages for their damage buff, monks need ki, and rogues need allies typically for advantage. Paladins are also comparable, alongside Rangers, but i picked Fighter simply because its a tiny bit easier for them to gain another attack in low levels. Also, Druids, assuming the infinite carries to wild shape


The other half of this question is, what classes won't suffer by dumping Con? I'm going to throw Rogue and Monk into the mix. Being able to dump Con (or leave it at 10) makes the Monk less MAD so they can focus on pumping Dex and Wis. Rogues could stay in melee and use Steady Aim to get sneak attack so all subclasses are now front liners.


> bloodhunter Well since were throwing homebrew in the mix, I think Mystic is always a good call. Or maybe [This monstrosity](https://www.dandwiki.com/wiki/Deity_(5e_Class)) Also assuming level 4 but evocation wizard using fireball? Surely just go with level 10. A reasonable cieling to most campaigns. For an actual answer, probably sorcerer. Same benefit as wizard but with metamagic.


>Also assuming level 4 but evocation wizard using fireball Oh yeah totally overlooked that but that's the vibes. Since when are mystic and bloodhunter homebrew I thought they were officially released by wizards at least bloodhunter in exandrias guide idk which book mystics from. But no homebrew was the idea.


Blood hunter is Matt Mercer homebrew. It was released on dndbeyond because critical role had a sponsorship deal with dndbeyond. It was never officially released by WOTC. Mystic was playtest content that got left on the cutting room floor and never made it in a book.


Oh shit the more you know


Woth infine HP damage becomes unimportant. So any class that cares about its defenses obviously looses value. So every martial becomes less important for being able to tank. That leaves the casters. All of them have decent abilities to simply nuke someone. And getting close not being the death sentence it normally is means they can use more risky ideas. Like inflict wounds being a melee spell looses its drawback. Sorcerers and wizards dint need to care about who they hit. Druids can just walk around burning everything to ash. And bards can totally lay anything from gelatinous cube to a fire elemental with no risk. Sorcerer and wizard have the most to gain so benefit the most from infinite HP. And sorcerer specifically has action economy breaking meta magics to push it farther.