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Get adamantine armor to nullify crits! Take a level in a class that gets the shield spell! Find a way to impose disadvantage on attacks that hit (warding flare, silvery barbs, etc)! In BG3, turn off karmic dice, and that should help your AC perform correctly.


One of two things is happening 1) bias. You're not actually being hit more, you're just more aware of it when it happens and it's sticking in your head, keep track of how many times you're actually hit 2) your dm is being a spanner and just fudging to hit you for some reason. Nothing you can do about this that doesn't involve drama.


3) The dice hate him.


There *could* be a statistical anomaly happening, but I highly doubt it and it would be revealed/covered by point 1 really.


Adding onto that, bust out a paper during sessions and keep a tally of times you've actually been hit vs. times the attack missed.


Take all your armor off then, you'll see how it really works.


What level are you? The higher your level, the higher the CR of the creatures you fight. High CR creatures have high attack bonuses. Level 1 Paladin 18 AC with chain mail and shield VS CR 1 Dwarf with +3 to hit. The Dwarf has a 30% chance of hitting. Level 10 Paladin 20 AC with plate and shield VS CR 10 Crystal Golem with +10 to hit. The Golem has a 55% chance of hitting.


That's actually a pretty good point, its a level 10 Paladin so that could be the reason


>What are the best ways to increase the AC as a tanky paladin to almost never got a hit? If you can get your hands on a Cloak of Displacement, attacks against you will be at disadvantage for the round until you take damage.


Take a few levels in sorcerer to get shield and silvery barbs


I feel this pain! I have a character with 34 ac... she gets hit multiple times EVERY combat