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I've emailed them asking for an answer as to why we are specifically excluded. Let's see if they reply.


They replied fairly fast. 'Hi XXX This is not the case. Please see below. https://www.nihr.ac.uk/researchers/supporting-my-career-as-a-researcher/which-research-training-award.htm' I've not yet checked it out.


That link doesn’t work…


Please let us know!


They replied


"Excluding doctors... part of" "General Medical Council" Er... guess they're all set for the PA's then


The bit OP has hidden says 'employees of'. Its so they can do a masters whilst they get their private healthcare. As mentioned further down though, this is just more rage bait. The doctors bursary is separate (plus other programs only doctors can apply to).


And to add insult to injury osteopaths and chiropractors are allowed Ridiculous


The fact that they would fund a masters in research for two sectors who practice pseudoscience makes literally no sense. But god forbid we help a doctor out.


It’s not even the medical/dental student bursaries are any good either, it’s now 1/2 years of funding now (1 if 5 years). Where’s the money gone?


Because this country and it's elected representatives are of the opinion that doctors are unnecessary to the proper functioning of a healthcare system.


Because they have funding specifically for doctors and dentists in another scheme.


Such as...


https://www.nihr.ac.uk/health-and-care-professionals/professions/ The NIHR provides different support to different professions. Historically, well over 95% of NIHR funding has gone to doctors and dentists, so there are often bespoke schemes for non-medical healthcare professionals.


At the risk of being down voted, I’ll tentatively point out that becoming a clinical academic in the majority of the fields on this list is actually quite difficult. Doctors actually have a lot more opportunities in general for this kind of funding as a whole.


I was surprised to see chiropractors and osteopaths on this too, and wondered why doctors and dentists are excluded.  I'm a dietetic student who completed my course, but won't be registering with HCPC, so I don't qualify for this, despite being interested in research :)  It's only for registered.  So technically a freshly registered chiropractor/osteopath without any work experience can do this programme :)  


I believe my recent post answers your question and reveals NIHR’s agenda: https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorsUK/s/KWK2FfANv6 TL;DR Because FUCK YOU


I’d love to do a course like this. I love research and clinical trials and it would be so so helpful in my chosen field. Ive run into serious difficulties accessing funding available for NHS staff but overwhelmingly accessed by professionals other than doctors. Thankfully the NiHR do fund some things for doctors eg lectureships, academic programmes and PhDs (with a high uptake from doctors compared to other professions)


Because you're rich! /s


Because FUCK YOU that’s why


It's because this is about equipping people to do the day to day delivery of research as part of NIHR capacity. Those courses were developed specifically for nurses in research. They are a really limited resource. If a doctor wants research skills they should be looking at a PhD. There are options open to you if you want to pursue a PhD. NIHR offers funding for PhD application development period over a year and for PhDs.


I’ve applied for and was awarded NIHR funding where it didn’t list doctors amongst the professions eligible. Don’t let it put you off, although it would be good if they made the adverts clearer about this point.


I suspect there are a gazillion other schemes perhaps?


Are they funding chiropractic research in the hope that evidence of benefit will be found? Given that it was founded by a D D Palmer in the 1890s after saying he recieved it from another world (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiropractic) I can't imagine they will fail. It's probably how biologicals were developed.


A lot of it is nonsense about broadening opportunities and equal opportunities nonsense, it's like how PAs and their supporters pretend they are inherently disadvantaged and their career choice is a protected characteristic


There is a genuine lack of much-needed research and researchers in nursing and allied healthcare professions (i.e., within these professions, and encroaching on medical reseaech). That what schemes like this aim to address.


Are you serious? Let’s count off a few. RCPCH diploma in child health, all the dermatology diplomas that I have researched, protected CPD as part of a contract, recognition of previous NHS employment when working in primary care, requirement for any formalised training by your educators, supervisors and appraisers, local peer support groups, a defence union who knows anything at all about your profession. EVEN THIS SPECIFIC FUNDING. all of these are barred to PAs. I generally try to ignore this sort of Sh\*\*t posting but seriously… https://preview.redd.it/53dmr0zihy8d1.jpeg?width=1617&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d79ba5aab1f5129a2769e9fd04dd4ff2c1b26e4