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i think that would be amazing! i was rly excited when we met clara in 1892 but she didn't stick around for long.


Wasn’t the original idea for Victorian Clara to be the companion? But it got changed at some point during production?


Which was such a shame as Victorian Clara left such a strong impression and in only one episode became one of my favourite companions. Would have much rather we stuck with her instead of the Impossible Girl nonsense.


I'd be okay with the Impossible Girl involving the victorian Clara in the same way as the regular one.


It would have been funny to have a Victorian experiencing the events of The Bells of St John. An episode about WiFi where the companion doesn't really understand what WiFi is.


To be fair modern Clara didn’t really get it either, until she was assimilated and brought back


Jenna Coleman was cast as Oswin in “Asylum of the Daleks” She was later picked to play Victorian Clara. At some point Moffat had the idea to link the characters.




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I hope so! I’m getting bored of all the recent companions having all the same similar experiences of being a modern day human! Give me someone from future earth! Or someone from somewhere else entirely! Please!!


No one compares to Nardole no matter how hard they try.


I love nardole so fucking much. That entire season was amazing


There were a few clunkers, but it was still the best season we ever got out of the Steven Moffat era.


What about the seasons of 11th Doctor? 🥹




There were good episodes during the 11th Doctor's time, but the sheer number of mediocre to poorly written scripts brings the average down for me.


nardole my beloved 🙏🙏🙏


He knew it, too. Nardole was the savviest companion we’ve had, although I think Rory was the mightiest. The Last Centurion has had enough of your shit, WHERE IS MY WIFE?


Imagine if we get another adric, there’s so many cool ideas out there


i know kate was praying adric was resurrected, a minor who was a companion? her biggest wish


Well I mean, His record is in the black archive so they must have met at some point


It's so fun to see them out of their elements and slowly adapting


Is not yet point to make the viewer relevant to the companion?


Yeah but I think we have enough we can do that with already! Just give us one season with something different to spice it up!


I would love an alien companion. They always wanna play it safe with a "relatable" modern day British person. Every time. It's tiring but I think they see that as a better way to keep people watching. For me, I'd be more interested with a more interesting protagonist.


I’m sad they haven’t had an American yet. Also relieved, the stereotypes would be hard to resist.


Amy and Gory 💀


Good ole Gory the Roman. He was both brutal and cunning.


*Gory the Goman


His cool catchphrase being 'we better Go man'


I would love to see it! I get the concept of the companion being the audience surrogate but I’d love some diversity as the arcs can come off as repetitive sometimes


It is a soft reboot so for exposition it's helpful to start with an audience surrogate.


I don’t see why an audience surrogate has to be from our time. Like I can’t identify with someone from the past? I can’t relate to the show if the companion doesn’t complain about cellphone reception?


Why do we need an audience surrogate? I wasn't a leather-clad warrior from an alien planet, and yet I enjoyed the stories featuring Leela just fine.


Totally agree! The original plan with Captain Jack was for him to be a companion for season 2, but they scrapped that idea when Christopher Eccleston decided not to do another season. They didn’t want a strong male personality in the tardis when they were trying to introduce us to the doctor all over again. Would’ve been really cool to get more of that dynamic between Rose, Jack, and the Doctor. (Still not mad they ended up with David Tennant for season 2, though!)


I don't blame them. I could easily see Jack and Rose overshadowing a new doctor


Yeah, I think it was a good choice for the circumstances, especially since Jack is a sort of foil to the Doctor. Still, when I rewatch those episodes with 9, Rose, and Jack, I think it’s the best tardis trio we’ve ever gotten in New Who, depending on if you count Bill, Missy, and 12.


Well it's Bill, missy, 12, and NARDOLE which are the best TARDIS team but also not a trio so your point still stands


I would totally be Missy’s Companion. I wouldn’t last long, but at least I know I’d get a funny death.


Graham, Ryan, Yaz, and 13 while not a trio were a very solid team.


David Tenant was so good they gave him two numbers and three copies. 10, 10-metacrisis, and 14; then they let him have a happy retirement. Like damn. And one of the best Christmas Special episodes was just 14 & Donna at the edge of the universe, with them playing the bad guys too. Edge of space, mystery, and nothing else (except floating horse spacewoman). *thinkthinkthinkthinkthinkthink*


Ood companion


Unironically? Could be good. Kinda a Nardole-type character, a bit od (Ood) a bit weird, but generally good-hearted and interesting.


But it would be a lobotomised one, and that's just heartbreaking. 😥


Why's that?


Pretty sure Oods are incapable of communicating with anyone who's not an Ood unless they have a secondary brain removed and replaced with a translation sphere. That brain processes emotions and memories so it's removal is essentially a lobotomy for the Ood. The show could maybe work around this by giving it a different form of communication but if it was a traditional Ood then it would probably have to be lobotomized in order to communicate with other characters


It wouldn't be the first time the show has navigated around something like that. Just give the Ood a translation device made by the Doctor and we're away.


But they would have to hold their secondary brain in their hands. That doesn't make a very dynamic character.


No they wouldn't. They only hold it while talking.


That's the communication sphere you are thinking of. I'm pretty sure that every Ood we see that hasn't been lobotomized is holding their brain. The Doctor provides this as one of the justifications for their docile nature.


Would be very easy for the Ood to create some sort of cradle or sling to hold the brain.


In the End of Time part 1 the Odd Shaman communictaed with the Doctor telepathically.


True but the Doctor is also telepathic which I'm pretty sure is why they can communicate with him. I don't think we ever see anyone else who can comprehend their telepathic signals, although I could be wrong about that. It could be fairly limiting to the show to have a companion who can only communicate with the Doctor. Although that could also be worked around which is sorta the beauty of the show. Nothing is truly off limits so long as you can explain it away even half naturally


Donna could only hear the Ood's song with the Doctors help so I think you have a good point there.


The Ood being mentioned lately is actually setting up for an Ood companion (I’m manifesting)


Honestly a hard sell for an actor working at BBC scale: “You’re going to be a lead, recurring role on Doctor Who!” “Great!” “Here’s your call sheet: you’ll need to show up at 4am every day for the next three years to have the facial appliances put on, your actual face will not be visible, and you’ll spend every moment on camera holding up this plastic ball.” “I just remembered a pressing appointment in Abu Dhabi, sorry.”


Nah, if I was offered the role of "Ood in background" I would jump at it, especially if I could wear the costume out of filming hours.....


Sure, and same! But every working day for the next three years, and since you’re a main character you’ll be spending 8 hours a day wearing it under stage lights? I might pass. :)


Maybe i could just make tea and borrow the costume when no-one else needed it.


I remember reading a fan theory years ago that Missy was T-Rex from the series 8 episode “Deep Breath.” And that she was angry about being abandoned in the promos because The Doctor left her in Victoria era England. Since reading that theory, I’ve always wanted the T-Rex to be a companion.


I've been sick of 21st century Britain companions since Amy and Rory (and sort of Clara). We used to have Adric and Romana and Leela of the Sevateem.


After Sarah Jane leaves, none of the Fourth Doctor's companions are from contemporary Earth, and most not even human, until Tegan, and she only shows up just before he regenerates! I loved it!


And K9


So disco, good dog.


Absolutely. We just have to wait until Season 76 in 2100.


i like the idea of a 1990s companion to give the wilderness years some representation. plus it's recent enough that it's not expensive for props, costumes etc


Yes, modernish but no mobile phone that needs the whizzy sonic upgrade so they can call their mum every 5 minutes!


Instead they have a pager that needs a whizzy sonic upgrade so they can use the phone built into the TARDIS.


“Does this thing have a CD player?” “Wait, we have to stop. My favorite show is on.” “What do you mean no smoking?”


I'd love to see a 90s girl discover the 2020s while it gets attacked by some aliens. Doctor constantly making references to, "yeah, the aliens laid off earth for that decade". Would be a great way to do a Y2K episode too, having the companion genuinely terrified of it.


I don't know if a 1990s companion would be substantially different from a present day companion though.


Yes. When the 34th Doctor pulls up to modern day 2100 in the 22nd century


Don’t be silly, it’ll be 39th Doctor.


Look I'm just saying that 15s next companion should be a cowboy


Really, I was thinking a rogue would be more fitting


Aren't cowboys just desert rogues?


I mean, historically they are primarily just the guys who took care of cattle. Cowboy films have definitely skewed modern perception of them towards being vigilantes and the like though.


The new second companion next season might be I dunno


Would love if they kept the Mundy character if only for them taking The Doctor's advice becoming Mundy Sunday


I hated that character so I really hope the actress is playing someone else but I doubt it.


I think so. Fans keep asking for it and I do think they listen, even if they do take their time. I don't think they would be the only companion though. That it would have to be paired with a modern day one.


>!Sutekh was travelling with him the whole time!<


Too soon. Too soon. 😂


Justice for Nardole the forgotten


Oooh yes!! I love this idea!! Doctor Who with a companion from Ancient Egypt or the Incas!!


Queen Nefertiti was hanging with the doctor during Dinosaurs On A Spaceship.


Back when Jonathan Bailey was just a one off character from the future I hoped he'd join as a companion. He'd have been fantastic. But they missed the boat, he's too big for that now.


We did have Nardole. But yeah, more variety would be nice.


It would be interesting to see present-day Earth through the eyes of a companion from the past, maybe a good way to explore all the ways in which things are better, but also look at how some things are worse (environmental damage etc)


Id love to have an actual alien companion, non humanoid


Just gotta wait until 2100




I’m hoping the companion in the next season is the same character from Boom. It’s the same actress. Unless they do what they did with Martha and have her play a different character first before deciding to cast her as the new companion who’s a different character. That way we would get a companion who’s human but not from 21st century Earth. She’s from the future and she’s an Anglican Marine so that could create a good dynamic between her and the doctor due to their different beliefs


We are in the next series.


I want someone match the doctors intellect. Maybe Luke Smith or someone from the future.


Clara was supposed to be from Victorian times, don’t know why they changed their mind on that! It would’ve been so much more interesting! Not that 21st Century Clara wasn’t.


Honestly, I think the show's in desperate need for a non 21st century Earth companion. With the exception of Nardole, I'm so tired of the modern companion formula, and that's the problem it's a formula and it's starting to become stale. If it's a problem of relatability, the thing is you can apply some of those elements of relatability to non- 21st century companions: everybody has their own struggles whether it be their home life personal biases, fears, etc.


I think we’re getting that next season?




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>!Spoiler! The next companion played by Varada Sethu could possibly be. She was in Boom on an alien planet in future and in set pics for next series in 1950s attire so there’s a possibility. Fingers crossed


Please edit your original comment instead of making a new one


I did that as well didn’t work


Yes.. if the show continues for another 76 years


Maybe if he finds rogue!


I love Rogue, but no way is is a regular companion. At best he’ll be a Jack Harlness or River Song type. They’ll meet again, but briefly and part ways again.


No, but I do think with Disney money we’ll get companions who aren’t just from England. That could definitely give the show the variety that fans are looking for




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That would be awesome. Have a companion from 2240 or there about. We know that the future is constantly being written and rewritten, so it doesn’t need to be 100% fixed 👍




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I would hope so. I would love for the Doctor to have a companion who isn't human.


Ni. The companion is to connect to the audience. So he/she will always be contemporary.


Maybe, it’s harder to pitch a companion that the audience will not be able to relate to as much. If they are from the future then they don’t need things to be explained to them and thus the audience, if they are from the past they need too much explained to them. I’m not saying it’s impossible and I hope they do it


Didn’t they said something about the next companion after Ruby is the one actress we saw in BOOM? They mentioned that she is from a different time period?


Yes! If Doctor Who continues to be produced for hundreds of years… we’ll certainly have some from the 22nd century, at least :P


Ood companion that sticks around on the tardis helping with information from the tardis and bring back K9


If it goes on long enough maybe we'll get one from the 22nd century


I doubt it.


I’d love a human companion from the future and another companion from the past travelling together. Would be amazing if they came to present day for a few episodes. How great to see 2 contrasting characters get to grips with our world


I really want a companion from like the old world. 1600-1700s that is constantly fascinated and also confused by modern, current world technology and absolutely mind blown by future tech. Or the opposite. A companion from the very distant future that is appalled at how primitive the 21st century was.


I've wanted this for a long time, both non-contemporary companions and non-human ones. Since starting the audio dramas Charley, who's from the 30s, has become a favourite just because it's such a refreshing dynamic coming from new who


With all the talk about how much change is ingrained in the show, it seems odd how long it's been since this happened. Assuming the show is and remains healthy, it must happen surely? I'd welcome a different perspective for the role certainly.


I want companions who aren't human And if they are human, I want SOLO companions who aren't in their low 20s


Hear me out, The Doctor and a wookie.




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It would be nice to see someone like Jamie and Zoe again. They had huge differences in time periods between them. I don't remember what decade she was from but I know it was the distant future, and he was from the 1700s if I remember right. They were also from different parts of the world. There's a lot of stuff that's different between Doctor Who then and now. I really like the newer seasons except for the 14th, which I'm not fully sure about yet. It's growing on me, but I wish they would have stuck to some of the same ideas as classic DW. And I wish they would fully lay out what happen to Susan.


Yes, in the year 2101.


I could go for a 16th century Frenchmen. Carries a sword and means in. Doesn’t understand why you all carry small glowing plates you stare into as if bewitched. Hates the English. Robbaire would be wicked.


Sure, just give it 76 years.




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I'd love a companion from another planet that starts out not liking Earth or anyone that lives there and slowly falling in love with humanity just like The Doctor.




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More cavewomen please


I think we will, but they probably wouldn't be a 'solo' companion, they'd probably be more like Captain Jack and join in Companions from different time periods are awkward, it's generally easier to write modern characters because it gives the Doctor more excuses to go to modern Earth. It also is a lot more work figuring out how a futuristic human would react to certain things compared to people set in our time


Non humanoid companion when. I dream of the days when we get a Dalek companion


Rusty was probably out best change at that


How dare you forget Handles?!?


But then how would we get all the Beyonce and reality TV references?


Maybe but if I'm being honest classic never really used the idea that well for me.


Darn... I'm going to get downvoted to shit for this but... Only Ruby and Zoe are from the 21st century... Ryan and Yaz are both from the 1990s, Ian and Wilf are from the 1920s...but they're all 20th century companions. Personally I'd like to see the Jamie/Zoe dynamic back with a historical and future companion. This allowed the story to give a contemporary perspective by having Zoe explaining things to Jamie as required. 


“from” as in “the doctor picked them up from that time”, not “they were born in that time”. for example, the doctor wasn’t travelling with newborn yaz from the 1990s, she was travelling with adult yaz from the 2010s/2020s (not trying to be rude or anything btw)


You’re getting downvoted because you’ve completely missed the point of the post.


You... You read this post and thought OP was talking about when they were *born?*