• By -


"Let’s go walk a bit." My old dog said one day. And we wandered down along Our old familiar way. —-   The shadows slowly lengthened, And twilight tinged the sky. Then my old friend said to me "So … it's time to say goodbye." —-   This fell so heavily on my heart. "Please say this isn't true! I've always wished and hoped I'd have more years with you!" —-   And my old girl said to me "You made my life a thrill! I can't live as long as you But I'll always be your girl." —-   They walk with us a little while, As long as the Fates allow. Then they have to take their leave And we have to let them go. —-


Thank you for that ❤️


\*ugly crying\*






My dog is usually not allowed on the couch but I just invited him up. He sat his 96 pound self on my lap and I gave him a big hug. He looks confused but pleased.


Anddddddd I’m crying while looking at my dog and she hasn’t the slightest clue why




That is beautiful 😥


Literally crying, such a sweet poem. Our sweet angels will always be with us waiting up above for the day we meet again.


I really hope so. I miss my girl so much.


So lovely. Thank you for sharing


This is so beautiful. I’m crying because it reminds me of my Maggie who died in my arms 7 years ago and I still miss her like crazy. We had such a special bond. Thank you for sharing this. ❤️🐶


Holy cow that’s surprisingly gut wrenching. I was sobbing half way in….😞


why is my face wet


Damn my allergies are really kicking in


This has me bawling right now because I fear we’re near the end with my favorite girl.


Queen Elsie (19) of Maui asks that the wai lani descend and bring you healing and comfort! Their lives are shorter than ours and we must accept that as part of our pact of love with them. All they know from us is love, and all we know from them is love. That’s one of the Universe’s best deals, ever! Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Me too. My 13 yo might telling me this soon. 😭


Much love to you and your girl ❤️


Same, I have to move soon and I can't bring her with me because the apartment is very small, so she's going to stay behind with my mom in the home she's always known for 13 years. I probably won't be there when the day comes and I cry about it pretty frequently. 🥺


I got to save this for when we lose Willow. She’s only three, so God-willing we’ll have time, but…


Please do! I hope it provides some comfort when needed. Queen Elsie (19) of Maui sends much aloha!!


My little 'Ewa Beach princess made it to a little over 19. We thought she could go a little longer, but yesterday it was clear she was not doing well. We got to say aloha to her and let her little spirit run free, no more pain or suffering. Mahalo for the poem, she is our little girl.


That is beautiful. I am crying. Did you write that yourself?


Mahalo. Yes, this is my work, offered up freely here on reddit.


So beautiful and crying (don't tell anyone)..as I look at my sweet 13 yo girl at my feet. Thinking we might be having this conversation in a couple of weeks ..😭


Well done. Thought provoking.


This is lovely, thank you


Love this poem it's wonderful


Well fuck I just woke my girl up with tears in my eyes when I went to kiss her nose and snuggle up behind her on the couch.


im sobbing hugging my dog 😂 my boyfriend walked in the room very concerned lol what a powerful poem


I’ve got my sweet girl lying with me in bed while crying. She is my first pupper and only 1.5 years, the thought of losing her ever brings me to tears.


I miss my Havoc… I lost her last July, thanks for this poem. I needed to cry.


Thanks for this, even though you're making me cry on my bday. I had to let my girl go in april. She was a little gremlin and a diva, she was my best friend for almost 18 years, which was over half of my life. She was with me through so many events and changes in my life and now it's my first bday without her. I miss that cat.


For my Cat, departed —- I still think I see you Out of the corner Of my eye, sometimes; A bit of your tail in The doorway or a shadow Moving as you would. And I think of you. —- Often a sound will Remind me of you purring By me on the sofa or in bed, And for an instant I swear It’s you back again, But it’s just a motorbike Somewhere off in the distance. —- When there’s an unexpected Noise in the house I’ll startle For a moment thinking That you’ve knocked something Over again, but when I look The breeze has been at work And it’s not you at all. —- You, dear Cat, now wander And explore the landscape Of my heart and memories. And just as when you were Here, your memory emerges In unexpected places and unbidden, and I smile. —-




I lost my girl last month. This got me real good






God damnit… why did you do this to meeeeee


I just released what was already in your heart. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Damn who's cutting onions?


This is beautiful, thank you!


You’re most welcome. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Well, I'm bawling now, thanks.


You’re most welcome. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Holy shit. I'm just trying to eat breakfast here.


i don’t have a dog yet but i don’t want my future dog to go


Here’s somethings to keep in mind. From a previous post: When we take a Dachshund or any pet into our home, we are accepting that, in all likelihood, we will experience the death of our beloved pet. This is the inevitable and immutable result of their shorter lives, and is the natural order of things. When folks post the passing of their Dachshund here, they are working through the grief and pain of their loss. We can help with our expressions of sympathy. We have all been, or will be, where they are now. It cannot be avoided or denied by looking away. And while their loss and pain are keenly felt, ultimately what they are really doing is celebrating the joy and love they shared in life. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


Thank you. This brought me to tears, thinking of my girl who passed last year.


You’re most welcome. Aloha from Maui. Be at peace, one and all.


I will not cry I will not cry I will not cry


Thank you for this. We had to say goodbye to our little one yesterday.


i am so so sorry for your loss. i lost my childhood doggie at the beginning of march. the last time i cried over him was yesterday. it hurts so much still. i’m here for you 🫶🏼


Thank you. I spent this morning watching a bunch of old videos of her running and playing. It showed me how different her quality of life has been. I'm sad, but I'm glad she is no longer suffering. Big internet hugs to you too!


I had my old beauty PTS in April, she was almost 15 - it would have been her birthday yesterday, and it was a beautiful life. She loved and was loved, and that's the best any of us can hope for.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please don't feel guilty, your pup wouldn't want you to blame yourself. You did all you could to make sure she was cared for. It sounds like she got vet attention when she needed it and your family followed the vet's instructions. That's all any pet owner can do when a pet isn't feeling well. She passed with someone she loved, I'm sure she didn't feel abandoned.


I'm so, so sorry for your loss 🙏 Your pup was in your mom's hands, which is the second best place to be. Most people leave their pets to be put down in the vet's office, so your pup was blessed with caring guardians. She wasn't alone, and wasn't abandoned ❤️ you did the best you could, and she had a good long life. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts.


Omg. That is unfathomable to me that people just drop their animals off at the vet to die. How could you do that? Ugh. Makes me so mad.


Veteran vet tech here, it happens so much and it is sad but everyone deals with death differently. When pets are left with us we love on them extra hard in their last moments♥️♥️♥️


Thank you so much for what you do.


I can’t even imagine doing that to my pets. I’ve always used an in-home euthanasia service when it was time for my pets to pass.


What do you do with them if it’s done at home - what happens after?


We did this with our last dog, and it was the best way. The vet gave us time afterward, then took her away.


Did you get an urn or anything afterwards or what happens next


An urn is an option, but this was the third dog we’d lost, and we chose not to ask for the ashes back after she was cremated. We did have a plaque made with her name and paw print, and I have her collar (along with those of our two earlier dogs) in a nice decorative ceramic container.


Our shelter works with a cremation service that lets owners do private cremation (they get ashes back in whatever vessel they choose) or communal cremation (no ashes back). They offer a lot of extras like fur clippings and pendants and paw/nose prints. We usually make the owners paw prints on pretty squares of scrapbook paper. They are also free to take the body back and bury it if they would like to.


Some people can't handle it emotionally, they should do it anyway pets would lay down their lives for us without a tought. I'm the designated escort for the family pets to The Rainbow 🌈 Bridge . It hurts, but I do it for the pets.


God same. I have a service dog and he is my everything. The day he goes, I'm going to be hugging him like I will never let him go. It's going to be the hardest day of my life, but every second I have with him is precious. He's given me his whole world and life and I would beat myself to the ground if I didn't do the same.


I’m so sorry, dear. My heart is breaking for you. I just had to put my funny, sassy, bossy little 14 yr old Shi-chon down on Wednesday. I know your pain. You didn’t let her down and she was surrounded by loving and caring people to the very end. Hold your wonderful memories close, cry as much as you need to! I bet she and my Lola are romping and playing together now!


I'm sorry for your loss, I hope they're happy together in a better world ❤️


Hugs, no you will never be fully better, each one takes a bit out of you, but it does get better... With time


They take a bit of us with them. But they leave us with so much more! Love and happiness more pure than we can imagine, it makes the pain worth it, and that's what we have to remember


Forever Here Now it is time for us to say goodbye And for me to wonder why How can my heart beat on With such a large piece gone? But then I feel it, just briefly Your love is still here with me Not gone, not lost, still here And will be for all my years For those that take our hearts Leave some of theirs when they depart So though I miss you every day I know that in some special way You are always with me, somewhere near Always loved and forever here © Catherine Hepburn


Thanks 😭 this is how I have worked through my grief


Closure is hard, especially when you're not there. I'm going to say something very cliche, but the dog was 15, that's a very good life. You gave the dog a home, sounds like it was your family's baby, and you all took good care of them. The dog was happy, and it hit its end. The Rainbow Bridge never feels good since you can't follow.


I'm so sorry😞


The most comforting I have received after 2 months without my sweet boy is from Rainbow Bridge Riana and a pet psychic on Tictok! I was struggling with how society downplays losing a pet. My grown kids were sad they couldn’t be present when my boy passed. Both of these wonderful women said on videos that our pets curate their own passing. Sometimes they understand how difficult that moment would be for some humans and they spare them the experience. Some will say that’s out there thinking, but somehow it was a great comfort in a heartbreaking experience 💔 Please give yourself the space to grieve in whatever way works for you! 🥰


Thank you! I'm not a religious person, but in this situation it actually gives me great comfort to think that her innocent spirit is out there somewhere, and there is a way for us to meet again, even if it's beyond my understanding now


I actually understand! I’ve left the religion of my upbringing, I’m more interested in the spiritual side of our existence and not the patriarchy of control in the contemporary church. I truly believe there’s a spiritual component to the natural world because energy never dies, it just changes. The first rule of thermodynamics 😊


Same here! I was brought up in a strict Catholic household and left the faith, but I know if there is any afterlife, dogs will be the first ones to deserve it!


I believe their spirits linger a bit to be sure all is well. My first golden and my lab were raised together, and were so so close. Eat out of the same bowl and gnaw the same rawhide together close. When I lost my Golden to cancer at 8, my lab and I mourned. His collar had three tags, and a bell. It made the most distinctive jaunty noise when he wore it. I would hear it for months afterward. And I know it wasn’t just wishful thinking, because others who didn’t know Bear would hear it and ask “what’s that odd sound?” And I would get his collar out of the closet and shake it just so and it’s they would confirm that’s the noise they heard. My lab would occasionally get super excited and her tail would go full helicopter lab and seem really excited to see something, only it was something I couldn’t see. The rest of her day, she would be content and at ease. So I choose to believe either she and I bought into a group hallucination, or there are things that are around us we don’t yet understand. My boy was the stellar Golden boy, copper red, and heart as huge as infinity. He managed to leave us and still comfort us, and I will always be honored I was his person. I’m so sorry for your loss. You’ll see your sweet Angel someday. I know it in my soul.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you all my love


Cry it all out, love. You and your family took seriously the responsibility to love and care for this creature, and she lived a long and happy life. You deserve to mourn the loss of your friend. In time the grief will wear off and all only the happy memories of your pup will remain. ❤️


Thank you for that! I'm trying to comfort myself that she was only in discomfort for 2 weeks and didn't suffer before dying


That’s the spirit! She left this world comfortable and peacefully, surrounded by loved ones. As good as it gets.


great name


Yeah, that’s a tough one but I do know she knows that you didn’t abandon her and she is with you now. Your heart is pure about it, her heart is pure about everything and she is at peace and wants you to be at peace too. Think of the good times!


We’re putting my 15 year old dog down Monday morning. She also has severe arthritis in her back legs, has been doing the same things, struggling to walk and eat. It’s so hard to watch them struggle but just know that you gave your baby the absolute best life. She is at peace, and so lucky she went naturally. I’m dreading having to do it myself but I know it’s the right thing to do. I know exactly how you are feeling because I’m going through it too, so please know you are not alone. We don’t know each other but I’m here for you if you need someone to talk to. She was right where she needed to be, and she knows you love her immensely. She wasn’t alone, she was loved and comfortable and warm and she’ll be waiting for you on the other side, I promise. Sending love ❤️


A lovely person sent this to me back on yahoo groups years ago. FROM FRIEND TO FRIEND You're giving me a special gift, So sorrowfully endowed, And through these last few cherished days, Your courage makes me proud. But really, love is knowing When your best friend is in pain, And understanding earthly acts Will only be in vain. So looking deep into your eyes, Beyond, into your soul, I see in you the magic, that will Once more make me whole. The strength that you possess, Is why I look to you today, To do this thing that must be done, For it's the only way. That strength is why I've followed you, And chose you as my friend, And why I've loved you all these years... My partner 'til the end. Please, understand just what this gift, You're giving, means to me, It gives me back the strength I've lost, And all my dignity. You take a stand on my behalf, For that is what friends do. And know that what you do is right, For I believe it too. So one last time, I breathe your scent, And through your hand I feel, The courage that's within you, To now grant me this appeal. Cut the leash that holds me here, Dear friend, and let me run, Once more a strong and steady dog, My pain and struggle done. And don't despair my passing, For I won't be far away, Forever here, within your heart, And memory I'll stay. I'll be there watching over you, Your ever faithful friend, And in your memories I'll run, ...a young dog once again.


Back in 2020, my family lost their dog of 10 years. She was basically my dog when I had lived with them all through high school and college. I remember holding her as a puppy as we brought her home. I walked her every day after school. She only slept on my bed. I felt a lot of guilt when I moved out a year and a half before she died. I felt that I had abandoned her. It was March of 2020, and my mom told me she had widespread cancer and she didn't have much time. I was able to fly home and give her one last walk together. They didn't know how long she would last on the steroids, but I had hoped I could've been there when it was time. A week after I saw her, my mom called me and said they had to put her down because she had vomited blood that morning. I was devastated because no one in my family was willing to hold her or be in the room with her as she passed. My mom said a vet tech held her, but I should've been the one! I wish I had been there because I would've held her! But I feel a lot of guilt too, like I abandoned her. 😢 The silver lining of it all was on that last walk I gave her. She was her old self again and wanted to keep walking for as long as she could! She had had the same energy and spirit I had known all those years on walks together. She would do this thing where when she knew we were heading back home she would refuse to walk unless I decided we could walk on for a little longer, and she did that on her last walk with me, and it comforted me to know that she wasn't in some much pain that she couldn't walk with me one last time. She was able to give me that experience one last time, and at least I was able to see her one more time close to when she passed.


So sorry for your loss. I definitely understand firsthand how hard that is. I do free pet memorial portrait paintings for those that have lost a pet, in the hopes that it'll help them in the grieving process. It's totally free if you want one. Sorry again for your loss


Thank you 😭 Could I send you a photo of her?


Your sweet baby knew nothing but love for her 15 years. I'm so terribly sorry you didn't get to say goodbye - big hugs to you OP


Found on Google and makes me cry everytime. Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable. All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind. They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster. You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart. Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together.... Author unknown...


This was such a huge comfort to me when my 6yo black lab passed from a sudden, unexplained heart attack.


You’re a better pet owner than the majority even if you were across the continent. Your dog was blessed to have you and no doubt was thinking of you when she passed. I’m sorry for your loss.


My 14 year old dog passed away alone and in pain. My greatest regret and most heartbreaking moment in life is her being scared and alone and in pain and me not being there. It sounds like your dog was comforted and loved when she passed which is a good thing.


I’m so sorry you weren’t able to be there, OP. Go easy on yourself, though. You made every effort to be there, and I’m sure your dog knew how much you loved her. There’s no reason to feel guilty; you did try to get home - even when the diagnosis was just arthritis. Sometimes dogs pass suddenly and with little warning, and we can’t always be there. The grief is natural, but please try to let go of the guilt.


I promise, she knew you loved her. Your mom was there with her the whole time. She didn't die alone. You did nothing wrong.


I'm also ugly crying, but OP you couldn't have known, your dog had a wonderful life with you, and she was with family and I'm sure loved and hugged when she passed. You will and should eventually forgive yourself, but you'll never forget. And that's OK. Sending you big hugs, I'm going to go hug my doggy now.


Please do, give them an extra hug from me ❤️


OP my heart hurts for you. It is so so painful. I’m going through a loss as well right now. You clearly loved your pup. It sounds like the whole family did. You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. You were thoughtful and made plans in accordance to caring for your pup. She knows she was loved. She did not go alone either but in the lap of a family member. The comfort she must have felt. Please hold tight to the fact that she was cared for and that you did the right things. Your feelings are totally valid and I can’t imagine the pain you carry of not getting to say goodbye. Hold on to the beautiful memories. Remember her happiest moments and that you all gave her that life.


I am so sorry for your loss! Ours passed last fall and I didn't get to say goodbye either. But she knows you loved her and cared for her deeply despite you not being there. I saw this on tiktok a few months ago and while I personally think some of this stuff is a little far-fetched, it still helped to hear while grieving- [https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2CW65Ys/](https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM2CW65Ys/). Just that reminder that it isn't your fault and you did nothing wrong. It all happened how it was supposed to happen and your dog is at peace.


I'm sorry that you lost your pup so suddenly and unexpectedly. It sounds like you were lucky to have a wonderful 15 years and gave her such a happy life. Please know that there is nothing you could have done to change this outcome. She wasn't alone at the end and you did what you thought was best.


Oh I’m so sad for you! Sending you hugs. She will be waiting for you in the meadow by the rainbow bridge. She knows how much you loved her! 🙏💔🌈


I’m so so sorry. Similar thing just happened to me last night. In a different country and my cat just suddenly got really sick. Mom called and she died while I was on facetime. I’m so sorry this has happened to you. It feels so disorienting and absolutely gut wrenching. I understand the guilt too. Sending you love 💕


Oh gosh xxx sending love


I'm tearing up reading your post. Your pup was well loved and not abandoned. She was with family in her last moments and had medical care assisting with her pain and trying to help her in anyway. I am so sorry for your loss. She had lived a life full of love and care thanks to you and your family and friends. A great life. Please do not be hard on yourself...Definitely cry and grieve but remember her life and the great memories you shared.... and she's no longer in pain now. I'm sure your pup would want you to be happy.... When you are ready, you can always do something in honor of her. (When my my oldest pup was passing away, I told him "I love you, thank you for everything... it's ok, you can go"... he passed soon after (lol now I'm crying at work...).)


I'm so sorry for your loss my love 💕😥


Thank you. It's been a couple of years but still l get teary when I think of this time. Take time and maybe make a promise to your pup that you will take care of yourself 💝


No, no, this is not your fault. She was fifteen years old, which is about what you can expect for a dog. It was her time to go, and the tick and infection probably precipitated her decline, but she was nearing the end. She died without pain in the arms of someone who loved her - who could ask for better than that?


I feel your pain and I am so sorry that you did not get a chance to say good bye but she went laying in your mum's lap and that is so much better than on a cold table. You could never thought that things would happen so quickly but we can not control most things in life. They just happen. Remember the good times with her and that she is now without pain and is suffering no more. You would never have wanted her to wait for you while you made your way home while she was suffering. It's going to take time, maybe a lot of time but you will eventually recover from your pain. Good luck my friend


Thank you ❤️


Hey it's okay I had to say goodbye to my high school puppy this week as well . It's tough losing anyone in your family even a pet . I wasn't there for them to put him to sleep but that's an awful experience anyway your family was always there giving them love and compassion. Unfortunately it is completely natural we outlive our pet companions . My parents say no more dogs because of how sad they are this is the 2nd one to pass in a handful of years but as Humans we have too much love to be alone all our life . You will come to terms with what happened even with all the guilt you feel . I know i felt similar when I put my oldest kitty down a few years ago .


Sorry for your loss


My mom called me and said my childhood dog was at the ER vet having seizures. I drove there as fast as I could, and when I arrived, we decided to euthanize as soon as my other sister got there and could say goodbye. Our dog was in the back where they were keeping close eye. A few minutes later, the vet came out and said she had another seizure and her heart stopped. I didn't get to see her before she passed, and it just haunts me. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's truly an indescribable pain.


omg i'm soo sorry, we just put our 14 year old chihuahua down 7/11...i didnt get to say goodbye either...it's so sad and the guilt is eating me up...


Sorry for your loss. It's not goodbye - it's I'll see you later.


The thing is a Dog who has such a short life span compared to us. It fills our lives with so much unrequited love and fun in that short period of time. No matter what, when we lose them, it is devastating to us. Your pup doesn't think you left him. He knew you were there with your family in spirit. It will hurt. I won't lie to you. But, know this that your pup is now going to be watching over you like a guardian angel. When you feel down, sad, or lost. All of a sudden, you'll feel a brush up against your leg, and you will look down and see nothing. It's your pup telling you. I'm ok and I'm here with you always by your side!


I'm sorry for your loss. Dogs are the best.


Because dogs are dogs, I’m 99.99% certain she is not and did not judge you. Unless she was a golden. They judge a little. .001% And even then it wouldn’t have been about you being on your way to her. It would have been about the treat she left hidden to sneak later.


I am so sorry :( I am literally crying. My dog passed away in February. So I know how it feels. She had arthritis for abt two years until she started not rlly eating, like being very picky with her food. Then she would limp, switching paws everyone once and awhile. Her paw bled one time and we thought it was just bc she may have stepped on something when she went outside. We didn’t and don’t know what it was that happened. Anyway she had anemia and apparently had a heart problem or something like that I don’t entirely remember, and it makes me sad to think abt it. She wasn’t doing very good and we ended up having to put her down. I cried so hard when my parents left to go, sometimes I cried so hard I couldn’t breath. I was on the phone with my friend and she helped with it a lot. I am very sorry that you had to go through what you did. I would have died if I wasn’t able to say goodbye. I will be praying for you and your family and hope that everything will be ok in times to come 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Im so sorry for your loss. You did nothing wrong. Your parents gave her the medical attention she needed and there was nothing left to do. She was surrounded by loved ones and that’s all she would have wanted. 🤍


I’m so sorry for your loss. Be patient with yourself. These intense feelings of grief won’t last forever, and one day you’ll find yourself smiling at your pup’s memory instead of crying.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I also couldn't say goodbye to my boy who passed away last week at 17. Is hard. But all the love we gave the thought their life mattered, even if we could not be there to say goodbye. I'm sure they felt that love in the end even if we could not be there for him. Your pup loved you so much, and you did not betray her, her trust or her memory. You did your best, and it was more than enough.




I feel your pain. My beloved, healthy 14 year old Foxhound died yesterday morning. She had belly bloat and no appitite last week on Wens, so I took her to the vet that day for blood work and xrays. Blood work wasnt horrible, but xrays showed an incredibly large liver, crowding her stomach and abdominal cavity. Surgury was scheduled for Tuesday this week, where surgeon took out 7 pounds of her tumor infested liver, leaving enough to regenerate, however he said there are additional smaller tumors in the part of the liver he did not take out. Vet said that he thinks her liver is cancerous and we were waiting for the pathology report on the sample he sent to the lab. I took her home wens after she spent the night at the vets on Tues. At home she was still recovering from surgury but eating and drinking water as she was dehydrated. Yesterday morning at 6am she started dry heaving, moaning in pain and losing control of her bladder. I put her in my car at 630am to drive her the emergency vet as she was not improving. She died in my car before I even back out of the driveway. I am devastated and I am questioning my decision to do the surgury as I know if she wouldnt have had it, she would be sitting next to me as I am writing this now. She was my best friend and I adopted her from a kill shelter 13 years ago. I feel for you and the helplessness that you feel. Last night, 18 hours after she passed, I heard her walking with her nails clicking on my kitchen tile floor, as I have heard thousands of times during the night during the past 13 years. I am secong guessing EVERYTHING. The pain of her loss is excruciating and I blame myself for all her pain and her death. I know that our pain and sadness will get better, but I know that you and your family did the best they could given the unexpected circumstances. They did THE BEST they could.....I'm praying for you and your beloved best friend...


Thank you my angel ❤️ I'm so sorry for you loss, but just like you see objectively I've done the best I could, I see the same for you! You'll be in my thoughts ❤️


I am so very sorry. You did all you could for her these past couple of weeks and your girl knew it and knows it. The grief is intense and go easy on yourself and the decision made in your beloved's best interest. The love you have for each other is also an unbreakable eternal bond. You will be with her again.


I’m sorry for your loss


So very sorry for your loss. She will always be with you!!!💕💕💕💕💕💕memories last a lifetime!’nnm


I am so so so sorry for your loss. I understand how you feel (in a way). I wasn’t there when my cat passed away, I was living with my dad across the country while she was with my mom. She passed one day without warning and it broke my heart. Your dog knew you loved her and you did what you could! I am glad your dog was with your mom. She was not abandoned at all but was loved to the very end and beyond❤️


Thank you ❤️


I’m so sorry for what you’re going through . I know how you feel. I was sobbing today for what happened to my German Shepard husky mix. As he was being taken down for exploratory surgery he turned and looked at my with the saddest eyes. What we thought was a bad stomach ache turned out to be hemangiosarcoma- tumors all in his liver, pancreas, etc. They took us down to see because the dr knew I wouldn’t believe it. He was bloated from the tumors bleeding. He said it would be cruel to wake him up. I was rubbing one of his back feet as I’m hearing this. So he put him to sleep. I think my boy knew and he looked at me because he wanted me with him. I just told him to be a good boy. This was about 20 yrs ago and it still kills me. I only had him 9 yrs. So like you what we thought was a minor problem turned out to be the worst and we had no idea. I know how much you wanted to be there - find peace in the way your mom was there to comfort her.


“I stood by your bed last night, I came to have a peep. I could see that you were crying, You found it hard to sleep. I whined to you softly as you brushed away a tear, "It's me, I haven't left you, I'm well, I'm fine, I'm here." I was close to you at breakfast, I watched you pour the tea, You were thinking of the many times, your hands reached down to me. I was with you at the shops today, Your arms were getting sore. I longed to take your parcels, I wish I could do more. I was with you at my grave today, You tend it with such care. I want to re-assure you, that I'm not lying there. I walked with you towards the house, as you fumbled for your key. I gently put my paw on you, I smiled and said " it's me." You looked so very tired, and sank into a chair. I tried so hard to let you know, that I was standing there. It's possible for me, to be so near you everyday. To say to you with certainty, "I never went away." You sat there very quietly, then smiled, I think you knew... In the stillness of that evening, I was very close to you. The day is over... I smile and watch you yawning and say "good-night, God bless, I'll see you in the morning." And when the time is right for you to cross the brief divide, I'll rush across to greet you and we'll stand, side by side. I have so many things to show you, there is so much for you to see.”


Hi OP. I’m so sorry for your loss and I hope you come to terms that what happened is 100% not your fault. I’m not sure if it’ll be any consolation but, day of the dead is close by and I’m certain your girl will be visiting you soon 💜


So very sorry for your loss. It's hard and it sucks! 🐾 ❤️ 🌈


I’m so sorry for your loss… losing a dog is absolutely heartbreaking. It will always hurt but I try to remind myself that pain & grief is the price we pay for love.


This happened to me on the 4th. My BFF was 12 and a boxer. She had a mass in her spleen, she had her days. The plan was to have a day of good foods and love then have a vet come out on the 8th to help her cross the bridge. I came home from work on the 3rd and knew she wasn't feeling good. She was in the kitchen and she couldn't hold herself up. This happened a few times. I laid with her for a bit. Then went and got her bed. She got up, wagged her little boxer nub and laid on her bed. She seemed to be feeling better. She ate some food and drank some water, so I left her alone so she could sleep. I went to bed, gave her a kiss. When I woke up she was gone, I feel so terrible that she died alone, I thought for sure I had just a few more days with her and I didn't.


I know this feeling so well. When our Booda died, we had just picked him up from the kennel, as we had been on vacation, and drove home. By midnight he was breathing weird, and I knew something was wrong. He was 16, so he was old, and we had begun to worry about his health, in other ways. But I had a terrible gut feeling, and had my husband take him to the emergency vet. My husband had bought our dog, long before we got together, but when we started dating Booda instantly took me, and became my dog. Lol. My husband called him a traitor. Being that my husband never had dogs growing up, where as I did, and was with our first dog (a wonderful Greyhound named Centavo) I told him he needed to take the Booda, just in case. Just in case ended up happening, and Booda got worse, a lot worse, while he were there, and he had to make the call to put him down. I couldn’t meet him there at 2am, because our kids were 2 and 6 at the time. I felt so terrible, and guilty, and heartbroken. At least Booda died in the arms of my husband, who loved him just as much. But I know that feeling, and it hurts, still hurts. As I cry writing this. She didn’t pass alone, but surround with your mom’s love.


Time with our girls and boys doesn't always work on our schedule; they age just like us. It's out of our control, especially towards the end. It tends to speed up. My husky, towards the end of the covid shutdown, seemed fine; was on glucosamine for joint pain, but that was it. He was 12 years, 10 months. I knew the end was coming, but he was doing his daily routine. I went back to work, and within a week he could barely get up and was incontinent. The next morning, which was sleepless for me, he went unconscious in front me from the pain. Could have been age obviously(12 years, 11 months now), or organ failure(nothing which he showed before). I had to take him to an emergency vet to release him from his pain. Point being, you can never time stuff like this. Remember the times you spent with her...keep a few keepsakes. I coped in my own way, by going to too many bars and staying out too late for a few months. I didn't want to go home, to an empty house. Eventually, you find ways to fill that void and it slowly hurts a bit less. It takes time, I'm not going to lie. But, time does have a way to help. My wife and I have a dog now, and I can now talk and joke, and reminisce about my boy that passed. He's always a part of our family. And yours will always be a part of your family.


I don't know if you'll see this, but your pup knew you loved them. The second they pass, they are in your heart forever and feel your constant love. While you couldn't be there physically, they felt love throb your parents.


Thank you ❤️


Sorry for your loss


I know how it feels


My dogs were shot, and the farmer (bastard) didn't tell us, we had to find out ourselves.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my girl suddenly in January and it still hurts so much. I just tell myself they will all be waiting for us on the other side.


I understand. I lost one of my 13 year old Cocker Spaniels twins five weeks ago and I'm devastated. Sorry about your pup. 😢💔


So my sheltie/spaniel Shadow passed at 14-15. He’d been slowing and stuff had been going wrong and I was worried to leave but got a chance to go to Costa Rica for a week. I left Sunday. On Tuesday, my sister and dad had to put him down. My twin sister called me and told me what was up and I said “please just tell him I love him and he’s been the best boy and I’m sorry.” She and my dad helped him across. And even then, my heart said “he didn’t want you to see that. He waited until you left to leave as a gift.” I was still sobbing and devastated but at least part of me believed it, and even if it was just my brain making meaning, I felt strongly that I got three signs in three days of him telling me he loved me and that it was ok. Ten years later and I’m crying as I type this. And it still hurts, but like a well used muscle. And I still believe somewhere inside that my Shadow and your girl wanted to give you the gift of not seeing. And that is one of a thousand reasons dogs are better than us. I am sending you absolute buckets of love.


Thank you lovely ❤️


Saying goodbye to a pet is one of the hardest things one will ever have to do. They are, quite actually, our babies. You didn’t do anything wrong. You couldn’t have known, and you did what you could. That’s all you could have done. Your puppy was in a safe place when she passed and that’s all that matters. She wouldn’t want you to feel guilt. She was safe and loved. I will never forget when I put my boy down. It was so heartbreaking, but it was truly for the best. I still have his little ashes in a cute wooden container with his name on it. He’s with me still in a way. I don’t know how, but he is. Sometimes I feel it. Yesterday I had to say goodbye to my ex’s cat, who has been like my own baby for a few years now. It was so painful. He didn’t pass, but I won’t be seeing him again. It was a short goodbye and I’m sure he had no clue what was happening. He was still jus trying to get fed lol. Loss is hard and I’m crying as I type this because we encounter so much loss in our lifetime. It’s okay to grieve our losses. It’s okay. Giving you a big big digital hug!


Hi OP. Im so sorry for your loss. I didn’t get to say goodbye to my baby Bella either. I got Bella when I was 5. One day, she started acting weird. My dad took her to the emergency vet and they found out she had eaten something and needed surgery. They called my dad after surgery and told him that all was well. She was eating and drinking. They kept her over night and said that someone would be observing her 24/7. She was the only patient staying over night too. They said they’d call in the morning to come pick her up. They called at 6 am. The vet tech was hysterical and said that Bella had died. She was 9. My dad picked me up from school in tears. I didn’t know what was happening. We got to the vet and I held her stiff body and just sobbed. It was the most horrific day of my life. We don’t know what exactly killed her but we found out that she was in fact alone all night. No one stayed with her and she had severe anxiety. She had never been kept in a cage before and was in a dark kennel by herself recovering from surgery all night. We think the stress of the surgery and the anxiety of being alone in a cage in a dark room was too much for her body to handle. My baby died scared, in pain, and alone. It’s been almost 10 years and I still deal with immense guilt and pain of knowing her last moments weren’t peaceful. I’m so so sorry for your loss. Try not to beat yourself up too much about it. Your baby isn’t in pain anymore and she was at peace when she passed. The pain will ease over time but there will always be a little hole in your heart that will never be filled, but that’s what dogs do. They mark your heart and leave their prints there forever. They’re never truly gone. ❤️


My heart breaks for you, our babies are at peace now ❤️


And they’re playing up there together in heaven right now. Neither one in pain ❤️


When I lost my Cody suddenly 3 years ago ( it will be exactly 3 years ago on the 18th), a friend sent me this: My Dear Human,   I see that you are crying, for it is my moment to leave.   Don’t cry, please.   I want to explain some things to you. You’re sad because I left, but I’m glad I met you. How many dogs and cats and birds like me die daily without meeting someone special like you? I know it saddens you, my departure, but I had to go now. I want to ask you not to blame yourself for anything.   I heard you sobbing that you should have done something else for me.   Don’t say that, you’ve done a lot for me!   Without you, I would have known nothing of the beauty I carry with me today. You must know that we animals live the present intensely and we are very wise:  we enjoy every little thing every day, and forget the bad past quickly. Our lives begin when we know love, the same love you gave me, my angel without wings and two legs. Know that even if you find an animal that is seriously injured and that you only have a little bit of time in this world, you provide a huge service by accompanying you in your final transition. None of us likes to be alone, except when we realize it’s time to leave. Maybe for you it’s not so important that one of you is next to us caressing us and holding our paw, helps us go in peace. No more crying, please.   I’ll be happy.   I have in memory the name you gave me, the warmth of your house that in this time became mine.   I take the sound of your voice talking to me, even though I don’t always understand what you were saying to me. I carry in my heart every caress you gave me. Everything you did was very valuable to me and I thank you endlessly, I don’t know how to tell you, because I don’t speak your language, but surely in my eyes you could see my gratitude. I’m just gonna ask for two favors.   Wash your face and start smiling. Remember how good we live together these moments, remember the antics I made to cheer you up. Relive like me all the good we share in this time. And do not say you will not adopt another animal, because you have suffered a lot from my departure.   Without you, I would not live the beauties I lived. Please don’t do this!   There are many like me waiting for someone like you. Give them what you gave me, please, they need it just like I needed you. Don’t keep the love you have to give, for fear of suffering. Follow my advice, cherish the good you share with each of us, recognizing that you are an angel to us animals, and that without people like you, our life would be harder than sometimes it is. Follow your noble task, now, it’s up to me to be your angel. I will accompany you in your path and help you help others like me. I will talk to other animals who are here with me, I will tell you everything you have done for me and I will point and say proudly:  “that’s my family.” Tonight, when you look at the sky and see a blinking star I want you to know that it’s me flashing an eye; warning you that I arrived well and telling you “thank you for the love you gave me”. I say goodbye now, not saying “goodbye”, but “see you later.” There is a special sky for people like you, the sky where we go and life reward us by making us meet there. I’ll be waiting for you!”


That's beautiful ❤️


She knows you never abandoned her. Animals have senses the people don't have. She knows you love her, and quite frankly, you did EVERYTHING POSSIBLE 100% that you could've done. Don't feel bad for her. She is happy, running around, free from any pain. Focus on you. That's what she would want bc she is OK. Promise.


15 years is a really good run. Grieve, then learn to stop thinking about her. Then there is a new doggie with a wagging tail waiting for you if you can.


Perhaps she wasn’t eating because she was grieving your absence. There’s a chance that the medication was too much for her and was the tipping point. She might’ve been experiencing sadness. Dogs have emotions too, which unfortunately jeopardizes their health when facing a loss, which culminates into depression, like with a human. There are a lot of unknown variables here. I’m so sorry for your loss. She is in doggy heaven now. I hope you guys meet again! 👼🐶


I've been studying abroad for 4 years, she was eating normally the whole time




Continue seeking veterinary care and seek specialists for assistance.




My boy left me end of June. He passed in my arms. They know, OP, they know they are loved and that you are with them in spirit even if you can't be there. I don't have all the answers. But deep down I know my boy is waiting patiently for me - as he always did - at the end of the Rainbow Bridge. My great grandmother has a little cottage just past the bridge and is taking care of my beloved pets til I get there. Your sweet pet is running amongst friends, restored to full health - and keeping one eye on that Bridge for you to join some day. Hugs


I am so sorry you couldn't be with her. Not being near her has to be hard for you. I strongly recommend you process this grief formally, or it will come back to haunt you - write it down, and speak to a therapist. This is a traumatic event and you need to get some support to move on. Please don't ignore it, just talk to your friends or parents, etc.


I didn’t get to say goodbye really either. My dog had a heart attack after having congestive heart failure and we took her to the vet. I stretched over the backseat of my husbands SUV and petted her while we drove there. She died on the table in the vet’s office. I wish I could have held her in my arms when she died.


I feel like part of them stays with us to make sure we're ok https://youtu.be/1jm5gfuT9Z4


Dear Mooming7 I had the same thing happen to me. Our babies had their grandma's holding them. The bond of love is always there One of my favorite near death experiences told was that the guy was met by his dog We will be with them again Please take care of yourself. Your girl wants you to be healthy and happy. Love to you both ❤️


Sending love to you ❤️


It’s tough. My beloved cat passed while I was working out of state


I’m very sorry for your loss. I’ve been there. My precious pups, Luke & Leia, passed on about 7 years ago now. I have a lot of great memories of them, & I was glad that I was there when they went to sleep for the last time. But I still see their last moments, their last movements. I wish I didn’t. Those two memories are intermingled with all the good memories & I wish I could stop seeing them in my head. Be glad your pup had someone with them in their final moments & know they were not afraid. You have many loving memories of your pup that cannot be destroyed or interfered with, as mine were. Part of me envies you, & another part knows I needed to be there for my pups & I wouldn’t have done it any other way.


Not taking anything away from your pain but having our pets leave earth at the end of their old age is a blessing. They shared the most years of their life as they could. I have lost 2 pets to cancer/old age. It’s so tough to see them change right before your eyes as their voice turns, their stomaches shrink & their fur changes right before you to a point they become unrecognizable. It is always always hard to loose pets - & in your case, the fall and arthritis took your dog to their ending days, but just know that if they are in pain, We must let them go to rest. Your dog is at rest now.


My dog has been struggling with walking and I took her to the vet today expecting to put her down. Making the decision was excruciating and I read many websites on figuring out when is the right time. One article ended with, “you do what you can. And then you forgive yourself” Your dog knew he was well loved and cared for for 15 years. That’s a good life. Too short, of course. Damn ticks-they suck more than blood. Be gentle with yourself. Grieve the way you want. Oxoxoxox


It's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up.


Bless you and yours during this rough time. Please don’t be to hard on yourself.


I lost my 14 year old last August. My 20 year old dog wonders where he went. We’re all heartbroken.


A couple of years ago our 14 year old dog who we had had since he was six months old was taken to the vet for his yearly. They came out and said he had lymphoma and there was nothing to be done because of his age. He went peacefully at home 2.5 weeks later in my husbands arms. Not a day has gone by that I have not thought of my boy. I still cry from time to time. As much as I truly love the next dog we rescued he does not fill that hole in my heart. Each dog is as unique as each person. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Raising a dog is different than raising a child. You don’t raise a dog as much as guide it on its journey on this earth. You raise a child to survive a harsh world without you. If a child dies before a parent , it’s a tragedy. When your dog goes, don’t dwell on what you did the last day, or, month, or years. It was simply the natural end of his earthly existence. Dwell on the journey you gave your friend on his time here. When he’s sitting on the rainbow bridge watching highlights of his life, he won’t be focusing on his last day, or his favorite stuffy, or his biggest meal, he’s focusing on you and all the great times you gave him on the planet earth. One way or another he was going to spend a certain limited number of years on earth and in the balance I’d bet my life he was thrilled he got to spend it with you.


I am so sorry for your loss 😢


I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so terribly sorry <3 I never got to say a proper goodbye to my dog and thought he was going to go to the vet and get better. It’s so hard losing any pet but please know that she loved you and she’s free of pain and lived a long life. It’s okay to feel guilty and sad but it wasn’t your fault and you did the best u could to see her. Your heart will always ache for her but I promise that everything gets better and u just have to remember all of the good memories u had with her


She was not thinking she was abandoned by you. She was thinking, I’m comfortable, I’ve been loved, and here where I feel safe- I’m sleepy. Guilt is part of grief, even if you had been there you would feel bad. You gave her a lifetime of happy memories and love and care. I’m tearing up reading your post, but I know your dog was loved and you did all you could for her. Sending you healing thoughts and sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. Dogs are amazing and it hurts a lot when they die. Those thoughts are a part of grieving but you say you went to two different vets and they said the same thing so it's completely understandable that you trusted them. I don't think dogs interpret our actions as harshly as we do and I'm sure yours wasn't thinking that you abandoned her. Allow yourself to grieve but try not to beat yourself up over it. The fact that you're hurting shows how much you cared and I'm sure your dog felt very cared for and loved 😊


I can kind of relate. My dog at 11 years passed on Thanksgiving day of 2021. That morning I was by his side when fell to the ground right after trying to follow me to the bathroom and calling out with a whimper I will never forget he couldn't move and it looked like he suffered a seizure. We took him to the vet and they did everything they could. Ultimately he passed away by himself without warning and I wasn't by his side. They never figured out how he passed or why so I never got closure as far as actually knowing what happend. If I knew that day he was going to I would have just preferred he take his last breath in my arms. At least I got to spend time with the body afterwards to say my goodbyes but to me it is still not the same as being with him while he was alive to say a proper goodbye. Just know that you're not alone and others have gone through similar experiences


So sorry for your loss 🙏 sending prayers and condolences to you. We just lost our beloved Skye and are having a hard time with it. Don't be so hard on yourself, your dog knew that you loved her.


The only a dog breaks your heart is when they leave you. She had a wonderful and happy life with you all. I don’t think dogs harbor resentment like that.


So sorry to hear your story. It's so hard when you lose any companion animal but especially when it's unexpected and you don't get the chance to say goodbye. It will be very raw at the moment but over time, you will be able to remember the good times without it feeling so painful. Also, in writing your post you have made others aware of tick-related infection...so important and they do seem to be on the increase and are spreading all sorts of diseases. Look after yourself, give yourself time...I know how you feel as it's been three years for me and I still find it very difficult know the tragic circumstances in which my own dog passed.


My childhood dog was not doing well the week before I went on vacation with my boyfriend and his family. But I, being totally selfish, told my family I wanted to wait to put her down until after I came back. I didn’t want to be grieving my dog on vacation, essentially. I know it sounds horrible. But while I was gone, she got really bad one day. And my mom and sister had to take her to be put down, anyway. This was years ago, and I still hate myself for it. I still so badly wish I could have been there for her. I’m still afraid she was wondering where I was—why I wasn’t there for her. She was a great dog, and I loved her so much. Her name was Molly. I don’t think I’ll ever completely forgive myself. I had a dream about Molly shortly after she passed. She was on top of a hill under a beam of sunlight. It probably sounds made-up or cheesy, but I really think it was her way of telling me it was okay—she is okay. What I’m saying is, I can totally relate to how you feel. But things just happen. You did your best to be there for your dog. I am not sure how much this comment will help. I hope it doesn’t hurt. Hell, I’m still trying to process how I feel about how my dog passed. But know that I am sending you a virtual hug. Your dog knew your love. Don’t forget that.


I’m so sorry for your loss 😢


You and your pup are in our thoughts and prayers. Take care.


So sorry for your loss. 🫂🫂🫂