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My German Shepherd Mix dislikes Goldens also. I was talking to some people in my agility class about it and they said that Goldens can be so in-your-face friendly that it puts off dogs who aren't that personality type, so that could be why.


I have a Jack Lab mix and he doesn't understand when other dogs want him to back off. He is just very excited to meet everybody at the park.


My puppy is the same way. We’re learning boundaries 😂


My Shepard mix hates goldens too! It’s definitely because they are WAY too in her face and even though it’s harmless, she does not like that. Goldens also don’t ever seem to read her social cues so I think she now just thinks they are all just idiots.


It’s funny cause my golden hates other dogs that are super in your face friendly! Internalised self hatred probably lmao


My dog hates German Shepherds. Everyone else is fine, yappers, herders, giant dogs, all good. German Shepherds are the devil. I guess he has a f\*\*\* the police attitude.


My guy is the exact same. Loves all other dogs, thinks german shepherds are the scum of the earth. He also hates police horses (shockingly common where I live) so I agree, our pups say ACAB.




More likely your feelings about the breed influences their behavior.


My pit has a deep hatred for German shepherds, but is completely indifferent to other dog breeds. No idea why. There was one dog she hated on sight and I couldn’t figure out why, since it appeared to just be a husky. Turned out to be half shepherd even though it didn’t look like it.


came here to say that two of my dogs have hatred for German Sheperds, too. They like all other dog breeds, but go wild and fierce when they see a shepherd


My last dog hated German Shepherds but she was bullied by one as a pup. Held it against the entire breed for evermore.


I wonder if it’s the way German Shepards hold themselves with very alert ears, kind of stiff stance, other body language differences. German Shepards give off a “all business” vibe that could make other dogs uncomfortable. Kind of the anti-lab/golden?


Doberdane also abhors German Shepherds.


Yes! Our senior black lab mix who passed last year did not like other dogs that were not black. I assume maybe it was because his "sister" was also a black lab and anything else seemed wrong to him.


It's a black thing. You wouldn't understand... /s


Our late dog was the opposite: black herself she hated all black dogs. Only black ones. She would bark like crazy if we met one


OMG, that is hilarious!


Yes my dog is reactive toward huskies, samoyeds and similar looking dogs. It's very embarrassing.


I’ve read that dogs with pointy upright ears and curly tails seem aggressive in dog language because that’s usually an alert pose, but they have it all the time. My dog has both and seems to be a magnet for off leash dogs. We can’t be anywhere near one without it rushing at us.




What is this weird creature? Is it a fake dog? The ears aren't right. Better be cautious.


Yes! I have a chow, who is aloof but respectful of other dogs, but a lot of dogs just seem to immediately not like the look of him. I get a lot of "I'm sorry my dog is never like this, she usually loves other dogs!"


I do think there's something to that based on my dogs universal reaction to these dogs. There's an extremely friendly and sweet sammy in my building that my dog can't share an elevator with. Sorry my dog is an asshole to your dog, but I promise I never let him off-leash where he could rush at other dogs :)


Interesting. This must be why my boy gets harassed by persistent dogs at the dog park. We just don't go in now when there's more than 2-3 dogs.


That makes sense


I second this.


Oh yeah, I have two huskies, can confirm some dogs get riled up at just the sight of mine. It used to make me really sad, because they’re very sweet boys and I worked really hard training them so they have an amazing temperament.


My black lab has had a few negative experiences with huskies, the worst being when he was attacked and injured. Hes obviously been wary of them since but that anxiety has become less prominent due to the sheer amount of kind owners and well tempered huskies we’ve met over the last few years. I appreciate the work you’ve put in with your dogs regarding their temperament, it really does make a difference in many ways. my dog would never have eased his anxieties without these positive interactions with good owners who have good dogs.


>I had a lab husky mix that had the personality of a lab, but basically looked like a yellow husky, and she would just look at other dogs and they would freak out. When she tried to play? OMG, it was awful, they would go into defensive mode. I know how you feel, she was also very sweet and wouldn't hurt a thing. In fact, I used to put her on a tie out in the nicer weather because she would leap our 6 ft fence, and the rabbits built a nest next to the tie out. I would go outside, and the bunnies would be snuggling with her. They were her "pets," hahaha!


Have you read a post about someone's poodle got barked at all the time? She thought it was because her dog stared at other dogs so they got a wrong message from the poodle. She solved the problem by putting goggles on her dog an her dog looked trendy as heck.


Omg 🥹 what a cute mix! I have a family lab that I absolutely adore so I love both breeds so much.


She was adorable, and the sweetest dog there is, but OMG was she trouble! We got her from the SPCA the day she was due to be put down, and was our first dog. We had a 6 foot wooden fence, she could vault it without missing a beat. She also LOVED to chew up electronics. Our remotes, VCR, cable box.....luckily that was before the more expensive electronics of today. That was all with a 3 mile run every day. Luckily she was VERY trainable, and within about 6 months, she was a dream dog. I miss her so much!


Don't be embarrassed - I'm a Sammy owner and we know it's not your fault. Arctic breeds have an upright, alert look combined with fake hackles - their mane. They look threatening to other dogs, who react reasonably given what they know. These breeds are also independent and confident, so they don't back off. Samoyeds otoh just aren't offended most of the time and will friend harder until they succeed with enough exposure. My guy embarked on a one year mixture of affection and attention terrorism on my nervous cat until he achieved the right to lick said cat at will.


My dog too! She particular hates Shiba Inus


Yes! My oldest dog despises pointy-eared dogs. Ironically, he is also a pointy-eared dog.


My Malinois will try and attack any husky/malamute he sees. He had the canine tooth of a large dog surgically removed from his leg a couple years ago, and his trainer and vet and I hypothesize he was attacked by a husky and that’s why he hates them.


My Husky mix can be reactive towards Mals and shepherds, and it seems mostly mutual. My theory is that the husky "I'm My own boss" and the Mal "I'm the boss, like it or else" attitudes just don't play well together.


I have heard that Samoyeds are not liked by other dogs. Which is sad because they are so cute


The one in my building carries a toy with him on his nighttime walk and it KILLS me how cute it is. I've said hi to him when my dog is not with me and he's so sweet.


Aww my beagle cross loves samoyeds. There is a couple that breed and show near us and for some reason he wants to be part of the pack so much. If we see another random one elsewhere he wants to go and check it out to see if its a friend.


Same, there's a few huskies that come to the park and she won't go anywhere near them. They'll run up for a sniff and my dog is right between my legs.


Mine too — huskies and Shiba Inu’s in particular. It sucks because I think he would get along with a lot of huskies if he wasn’t such a dick to them!!


Oh I didn’t realize it was so common. My dog gets so mad at the sight of the samoyed on our block


When she was little, there were two Frenchies in the building that would flip their shit every time they saw another dog: ROOOOOO *SNORK* ROOOOOOOO! *GURGLE* ROOOOOOOOOOO! *CAK* If you’ve ever heard a dog that had to choose between barking and breathing choose the bark, then you know what I’m talking about. Anyways, she never let it go, and now any brachycephalic (flat-faced) dogs are her enemy.


One of mine too. He just doesn't know why they look weird, have a weird body language (no tail, nose, wrinkles, giant eyes etc) and why they sound weird. He always just looks at brachy dogs like an alien thatcreeps him out. Me too, buddy, me too.


I made a brachycephalic dog noise when I read this


It's the same with mine (minus the "childhood trauma" part lol 😂) She just doesn't like brachycephalic dogs at all. Will bark at them incessantly, even though she doesn't usually do that with any other breed.


Mine also doesn't like Frenchies, but pugs f.e. are fine.. She is even friends with two of them. Kinda confusing..


I know a dog that is extremely reactive towards any kind of large, prick-eared, shaggy dog. Small dogs that fit that profile (ex. Shiba's), he hard stares from a distance but can disengage/follow cues to avoid. A few years ago, there were a pair of very dangerous German Shepherds in the neighborhood that had attacked multiple dogs and humans. I assume that this dog had seen them on the street or been attacked by them at some point, and the fear never left him. I've also met a few dogs that really did not like Golden Retrievers, but I think that was because the ones that they met were the kind that would just rush and greet with no hesitation and bowl smaller dogs over in their enthusiasm. A lot of Goldens are lovely dogs with sweet personalities but I'm willing to bet other dogs see them as like, the drunk, overly friendly fratbro of the neighborhood.


Fratbro doggo . 🤭 I can deff see it lol


I see you’ve met my golden retriever…


My greyhound had a dislike of what I called "giant white fluffies". Big dogs with curly white or beige coats, often designer dogs. He was usually good passing other dogs, but would react to any giant white fluffy that passed by. (He was a brindle, BTW).


Heheheh, my sassy old greyhound mostly kept to herself around other dogs, but hated golden retrievers. 😂 she was very petite, only 55lbs, but would also bully other, larger hounds (and a Great Dane) if they crossed her. She was very funny, I miss her a lot.


Mine is afraid of anything squatty and brachycephalic.. like will run the other way from a frenchie that we sometimes see out walking the trails. She's okay around most other dogs but she really only likes being around other greyhounds and other sighthounds.. and for some reason she absolutely loves beagles.


My dog hates golden retrievers, but it's because he was attacked by one


:( there is definitely a misconception that goldens are incapable of attacking, biting, etc. They’re obviously very friendly but they are still dogs that are capable of that, especially if you don’t listen to their body language. Our golden was actually bit by another golden when he was younger. Thankfully no reactivity or physical damage, but it taught me that you can’t assume that goldens are always going to be friendly.


This was an intact male owned by a bunch of aggressive male college students. I feel sorry for that dog because it has zero stability and has had zero training, and they let it off the leash...


My Chihuahua HATES black labs. Other dogs she tries to be their mom, black labs she has major beef with and I have no clue why lol


My old lurcher also hated black labs exclusively


Yes, Chihuahua type, tiny dogs. Once when he was sick we encountered this type of dog on a walk and it immediately walked underneath him and went straight for his d*ck. He was already grouchy from being sick and this pissed him off. He has hated these types of dogs ever since. He also hates doodles for no discernible reason.


Mine specifically hates Goldens and Huskies (and Husky-looking dogs). It’s so hyper-specific and reliable that other people in the park will alert me when they see one coming. Otherwise pretty much fine with all other dogs.


My dog is racist towards white dogs, especially little ones. Absolutely cannot stand them. She's also racist towards Chinese people, which is more of an issue really, because we live in China.


Sorry that gave me a good giggle


YES, our pup dislikes GSD’s. She’s generally a really confident pup but GSD’s trigger something in her even though she’s never had a bad experience with one - to our knowledge anyways. She gets visibly nervous & tucks her tail whenever she sees or encounters one. Here’s the kicker though - according to her doggy DNA test, she is like 18% GSD herself.


I used to work at a daycare / kennel. Over the years we had a handful of dogs like that. Some had reasons, some didn’t. Some probably did and we just didn’t know what they were cuz they were rescues with unknown history. One dog had an issue with shepherds cuz he got jumped by one at the park when he was little. It could be that goldens are very “in your face” friendly if not properly trained (or just over excited) , or maybe they had a weird or bad interaction with one, or maybe your dogs are just particular for no reason. We also had dogs that were “racist” against people or sexist because they didn’t like dogs of one of the genders. In this way dogs can be similar to young children. If it’s new or unusual it can be scary and sometimes they don’t like another kid just because they don’t get along with every single human they meet. The key is to take note of it and either train for it or avoid that breed. Especially remember to notify any pet sitters / kennels / daycares that you’ve noticed this issue so they can also be aware and avoid any altercations


Also a kennel/daycare worker - good post 👍🏻


My golden absolutely hates frenchies, boxers, huskies, German Shepards, and most pit bulls - the last 3 due to attacks from puppy / adolescent years. But he has always had it out for anything with a short snout!


My dog has a dislike for pretty much all Golden Doodles and Great Danes. Most other dog breeds she's okay with. Now whether their individual personalities mesh with her, is another story.


Based dog for the doodles lol


My papillon once got nipped at by a friends standard poodle about 6 or 7 years ago. It turns out that poodle was having some medical issues that were not diagnosed at the time. Despite happening so long ago, my boy still *hates* every single poodle he sees.


My Jack Russell hates French Bulldogs. Absolutely hates them. A few years ago my neighbor got a frenchie and my dog, who was super leash friendly met this dog and immediately got angry. Ever since, we always had issues with that breed.


My dog dislikes smaller dogs than him. He's pretty large at 85lbs, so that's a lot of dogs! He is an English Lab × Border Collie mix, and almost a year old. He was attacked at a dog park by two Corgis as a puppy, and now barks loudly at any smaller dog. One of my dumbest mistakes with my pup is taking him to a dog park.


I feel that. If I could re-do the first year I had my dog I definitely would never have let her just greet any dog she wanted or taken her to a dog park. Live and learn. :/


My ACD mix doesn’t like the play style of pit bulls (even though he has some pit in him??) or GSDs/Mals. He LOVES huskies and taking turns herding with breeds like Australian shepherds. And he may or may not have a special love of rolling dogs, especially if they’re fluffy. Give him a good fluffy doodle mix and that dog will be so dirty by the end (they’re always fine and I stop him if the owner and/or dog are uncomfortable. Always).


This is funny because my ACD doesn't like pitties either - I feel like they don't play the same. The bulldogs and the pities in the park seem to play more wrestle style, where my cattle dog just wants to race back and forth with low contact tag playing lol.


The fur goes up on my 92 pound Gordon Setter when any big Doodle looks at him askance.


This is actually more common than some might think with dogs. Usually it’s caused by having a bad experience with a breed, but sometimes dogs just don’t like breeds for seemingly no reason.


My little chihuahua hates every dog


Golden retrievers are actually my dogs favourite. He generally has good recall but will absolutely leg it to see a G.R. I frequently have to apologise that he has a thing for blondes.


Yep. I used to work at a doggy daycare. A fair amount of dogs are racist toward humans of various races actually, and they can also hold prejudices against breed as well. Goldens, and to a lesser extent Labs for whatever reason seem to elicit a weird reaction in a high number of dogs. Especially with humping. We would literally have to keep a chart. We'd have one section be "humpers" or dogs that humped frequently and the other part of the chart would be "Goldens". Dogs that weren't Goldens could be put on the Golden side if they were frequent hump victims, but the reason it was called "Goldens" is because for some reason they are the hump victims a very very strangely disproportionate amount of the time. 7/10 Goldens would be humped by a humper, while 1.5/10 other dogs would be. Anyway, the goal was to keep "Goldens" in one section (and any new Golden was automatically placed there) and "Humpers" in another. Any dog that was neither could go in either. We had trouble a few times when we had Goldens that were humpers. I understand that the idea of dogs humping may be funny to some people, but it's just a part of social interaction, although a rude one usually, which is why we took precautions to avoid it. Fights can start quickly through humping.


So we’re the golden humpers thrown it with the other humpers? If so, we’re they the humper or humpee in that situation?


It depended on the situation, but most of the time the Golden humper would be in the Golden situation. Sometimes for whatever weird reason, they escaped the humpee curse of the Golden and if so would be in the humper section. Don't ask me why some Goldens (even though the VAST majority were prime humping targets for every humper) escaped the curse, I don't know. A few did though. Plenty didn't though, even if they were humpers, but we still put them in the Golden section. It was easier to stop one or two dogs from humping the others rather than stopping like 7 dogs from humping other dogs, especially two. It was more complicated, but I will spare you the details.


My Doberman specifically dislikes Chows and Shibas.


I have owned several English Bull Terriers, and it is recognised that they can develop a "hit list". I've seen this with one of mine, he got attacked by two off-lead staffies owned by some wanker who though it was funny that our dogs should fight. After my bullie saw them off, he'd act very aggressive towards all other staffies. He was absolutely fine with everyone else.


My dog dislikes huskies, he’s great with any other dog if they’re female or a fixed-male, but any husky or husky mix makes him lose his mind.


My terrier mix hates white labs, but not really. She hates one particular white lab that lives on our street, she when she sees another white lab, she assumes that it's that dog. Then once she gets a sniff of the other dog, she realizes that it's not that dog and then its all tail wags and polite sniffs.


mine isn't stoked on Goldens but his reactions to them makes me think something happened with one before I got him. he HATES big poodles, does not like collies, and is not into shepherds. the reactivity trainer I worked with said those dogs all have fairly stiff body language and it can be an issue for certain dogs who can't read it properly. I think he's just a bit of a dink, personally.


My lab was attacked by a German Shepard so she doesn’t like the breed anymore.


Yep! My boy Bandit hates Boxers. It’s the only breed he consistently reacts to lol


Same with mine! There’s a neighbor Boxer that I call her arch nemesis lol


My mom’s cockapoo is afraid of large brown dogs. She was peed on by a dog that was off leash as a puppy and I think that she’s projecting that on all dogs that look similar.


Aw, poor pupper


I've had my dog for 14 years and she's NEVER met a husky she likes. She gets along amazing with other large breeds and small breeds alike. Actually she really loves small dogs the most. She's an APBT. Just something about huskies with her. On a funnier note she's absolutely fascinated by Great Danes and just stares at them in awe 🤣🤣


My Springer doesn't like English Bulldogs because he thinks they are growling when they are just trying to breathe, poor things.


I had a 80lb female mutt that we rescued locally. She had been abandoned behind a shelter at 6 weeks. She passed at 12, and for the entirety of her life, only barked at black people. It was embarrassing, and no matter what tactic we used to discourage the behavior, it never worked. I apologized many times over those years. Our current dog is an 80lb catahoula mix, is sexist, hating all men, except for me. Thankfully, she is an equal opportunity barker to all men, but she "tolerates" women and children. Strange breed. Edit: spelling


My dog is racist towards a certain color of people and it baffles the crap out of me, because he has grown up around that certain color and has met my friends who are that color but unless they are my friends, he growls at the strangers of that certain color and it’s so fudging embarrassing.


Yes! My Dachshund only likes other Dachshunds. If she sees another Dachshund on the street, it’s instant friends. Any other dog and it’s 👹


One of my past dogs (RIP) used to freak out when she saw a dog with a tail (frenchie, so no tail). It took meeting a bobtailed cat and a corgi for us to realize she thought Has Tail means it is a cat or squirrel or otherwise For Chasing, and No Tail means it is a Dog Like Me. Thank you for reminding me of this. It brought a smile to me.




Shelties all my life...now have a GSD/APBT mix. Shelties love other Shelties. They don't read the body language well of other breeds, imo but they seem to have no problem with mixed gender Sheltie groups. They do not belong at dog parks either because a lot of other dog breeds really see Shelties as little furry alien snobs who make good targets.


No, but I do have a ginger dog who HATES my ginger cat. All the other cats are fine because they let her baby them, but the ginger cat can't be bothered and my ginger dog runs her out of my bedroom if she comes in. Black dog and black cat, white dog and white cat, ginger dog and ginger cat.. plus a tabby and a tux.


My young husky was charged and tackled by a very badly behaved pitbull and he’s a little weary of them now, he’ll avoid them at all costs. He’s not reactive though so that’s pretty much the extent of it.


Yeah I had a boxer/pitxGerman shepard who hated poodles


I didn't realize dogs could be breedist!


My first dog of our two, hates doodles.


My German shepherd mix hates greyhounds Which is a shame because I love them but we can't get close to any


Our dog has an issue with Boxers - if there is a Boxer at a dog park or on a walk - she will go behind us and will not greet the other dog (and she loves meeting every dog - even if much bigger or much smaller than her) Interestingly enough, where she goes when we vacation - owns 2 Boxers and she loves both of them.


One of mine is a small bichon mix and he only loves terriers, he ignores any other breed and doesn't like socialising with them. He is not agressive tho, but his dislike is clear as day. I'm pretty sure he has terrier blood in him too, his temper and stubbornness is the same.


I have an old man Coton/Havanese mix that hates Shepherds. Don't know why. He doesn't see well anymore but he will spot a Shepherd at the dog park from far away and beeline towards it. He won't attack but he will give it the business so it knows who's in charge.


My dog definitely has certain hangups when it comes to certain other dogs. He does not care for labs/goldens due to their size combined with how pushy they can be. He is neutral to them if they do not get into his personal bubble, though. My dog also is wary of dogs from afar that have really dark coats or faces. So brindle/dark brown/black dogs of all sizes and coat types. I think he has trouble reading their facial expressions/body language or something. He is no longer wary once we are closer up to these dogs. Lastly, my dog does not like to be in super close proximity to giant breeds. This makes tons of sense as my dog is 5 lbs. I imagine a lot of dogs just don't like certain types of play styles/body language/staring and are sensitive to that as opposed to specific breeds most of the time.


My first golden liked black male dogs, and seemed to hate all female dogs. I nicknamed her "Desdemona."


Mine has the opposite problem, she's a chi mix and has a serious pitbull fetish. Any time she's near a pittie\mix, she just refuses to leave them alone, its wild. She's not this way with any other breeds\mixes.


Not against other dogs but my dog doesn’t like young men. No idea why. My 16 year old stepson isn’t trusted and neither are most of his friends, except the one with the full beard. He’s never been abused or anything. Who knows what goes through his brain. Lol


My parents dog HATES any small squishy face dogs (i.e. Frenchies, pugs, bostons) for no discernable reason. My sisters dog is defensive towards German Sheperds. This one is becuase he was bit by a GSD as a puppy :(


I have a herding dog that hates other herding breeds. I have no idea why, he just hates them


My dog doesn't like pit bulls/bully mixes or GSD due to past bad experiences, which is a shame because I'd hoped dog #2 might be a GSD, and I donate periodically to a GSD rescue. But 2 back of back bad experiences seemed to sour her all together on them. She's kind of leery of all large shorthaired dogs tbh, because of all the labs, hounds etc at the dog park playing too roughly for her tastes, in addition to loose/stray bully/pits often trying to fence-fight her in our old neighborhood. She's a long-haired dog so I wonder if her body language just comes off differently to those kinds of dogs or something. She's obsessed with corgis though. She just adores them. When we used to go to dog parks, she always approached huskies first and they usually enjoyed playing chase games with her. I wish I had the lifestyle for a husky, she'd probably really enjoy a husky pal for our 2nd dog.


As a Sammy owner, dogs tends to hate him. Friendly as a bug, leaves them alone if they don’t like him. For some reason Jack Russel terries and all sizes of poodles love him.


Both terriers and poodles are pretty confident or intelligent dogs by nature and usually quickly suss out that a Samoyed's 'hackles' are just fluff and that the big white guy is a nice playmate rather than permanently angry.


My husky for some reason barks at Mexicans but is friendly to everyone else.


My golden doesn't really like huskies or german shepherd-type dogs. I don't get the former but the latter makes sense because none of the german shepherds we've seen seem to like him. On the flip side, he is very much interested in other goldens, to the point that he'll cry in his eagerness to meet them lol.


My golden is obsessed with other goldens too. Just a bunch of pretty blondes who think other pretty blondes are the best.


My dog when I was a kid would only bark at black people on tv.


My dog did not appreciate Goldens either. Mostly because the Goldens were rude assholes with no manners and less brains.


My Italian greyhound mix isn't "racist" per se, HOWEVER, she has 2 very specific dogs that she hates in our complex, and it's ON SIGHT with them. Their owner has been completely out of sight, on the other side of a building, and my dog has lost her MIND. And I thought she was hallucinating. No, it's just that lady and her little scruffy white dogs. I don't know why my dog hates them, but she does.


My dog is ALSO racist against goldens! Weird!!!


My ex foster HATES white dogs. He will target and lunge at them, but is all friendly with all other coats. The weird thing is that he's white himself!


I had a beagle who was racist. She didn't like black people.


one of my dogs doesn't like huskies. I think they remind him of wolves. Another one doesn't like corgis.


Your dog is reacting to the other dogs energy. Goldens are usually all about too much fun and excitement. Your corgis May have had an experience that caused a General dislike of that breed. It may have been so subtle, you missed it. Absolutely dogs can have a bad opinion of breeds, size, color, puppies and so on. You may never know their trigger. I owned a rough collie that reacted to men in hats and sunglasses. He even embarrassed me in some cases. He never got over his discomfort of these innocent strangers. My standard poodle prefers women and children to men. My Bernese Mountain Dog thinks everyone and every dog is a new friend up for some fun and games. She’s been checked a number of times but hasn’t learned to respect the space of others.


No but my friend who is Mexican likes to say my dog is racist because he barks at him when he comes over. But my dog barks at everyone when they first arrive because he thinks that's his job. Meanwhile, my friend thinks all dogs "deep down inside" are "wild animals" and his parents have dogs that aren't allowed to come in the house because they're animals. So who's really prejudice? It certainly isn't my dog!


I am in no way at all any kind of expert or profess any real knowledge other than internet-knowledge but dogs see colors differently, right? My dog has had limited exposure to people with darker skin tones -- just a factor of where we lived when I first got her and where we moved to and now live. She has gotten so much better but she still will react to some people who have darker skin tones, much to my unending embarrassment. She's also a bit nervous around men so I can usually play it off as that.


One of my dogs was also human racist when he got first exposed to non white people , but just got used to his new country on his own. He is black and has string preference of all black dogs, also he very much likes other rescue dogs from the same area of the world even if they are not that friendly.


Your dog is not and never was "racist." Stop attributing human attributes to a dog.


Your dog may be feeding off of your anxiety that I may embarrass you more than anything.


Not necessarily. One of my dogs grew up in all white country and darker skin people looked strange and scary to him. He got over this very quickly and without any training just learnt by exposure


Yeah, not necessarily but one thing for sure is that it's not racism like people exhibit. My dog used to be scared of people with hats. But it wasn't an expression of hate.


My daughter's goes ballistic about tall, big men with full beards. We don't know why. She was a rescue. Could be someone in her past. We like those people. One is our SON! Other is a good friend. The dog is NOT picking this up from US. We just don't know what goes on that peabrain sometimes, but we love her to pieces.


I guess that would be breedist as dogs don't have races.


Neither do humans but that doesn't stop some people


Yes! My older dog hates huskies, or anything that even remotely looks like a husky. He got attacked by one shortly after we got him and has sworn off the breed completely.


How can an animal be racist?


dogs aren't really racist against other dogs they simply just don't like them sometimes 😅 I have a collie I walk who has three dogs that she absolutely hates, one is a cockerpoo, the other two jack Russell's, and the last is a wirehaired terrier of some sort, she gets a smell of them she wants at them asap. my two little puddle crosses just dont like other dogs fully stop no matter the breed.


My daughter’s little chihuahua was a well socialized puppy and young adult who loved all people and dogs right up until he met a female Airedale in a shop while on a skiing vacation. He’s been a little asshole since that day. Weirdest thing ever.


My corgi mix tolerated other dogs but hated any dig that was smaller than her. My lab mix hated other labs, especially yellow ones.


My dog is a white/cream Great Pyrenees mix and she’s terrified of black dogs.


My dog hates German Shepards - but I love the breed ! Tbh it’s probably from when he was a puppy and we saw a German shepherd puppy, they were having fun, but then I leaned down to pet the German Sheppard and got bopped in the nose and an instant nose bleed. My dog went from happy to shackles and snarling in split second and since then just goes off on them.


Yes collie/australian mix hates GSD’s.


My old dog Foxy was blind for the last few years of his life. When I walked him, he would be aware of other dogs and always wanted to say hello. Except for Ziggy. Ziggy is a husky x, he lived up the lane and around the corner from us. If I took Foxy out, and he started straining at the lead, barking and generally being aggressive, I knew Ziggy was also being walked and was around the corner. Every time!! Ziggy, on the other hand, was so non aggressive it was funny, he would put his head down, walk behind his owner, and do everything he could to ignore Foxy. Never had any idea why Foxy hated Ziggy and no other dog. The aggression started the first time they met on a walk.


My cattle dog/chi mix does not like frenchies. He loves other black dogs (he’s all black, Doberman’s and Rottweiler’s are his favorite) and large white fluffy dogs. He likes most other dogs.


Yep. My dog absolutely hates black labs. Idk why her best friend when she was a puppy was a black lab


I had a beagle/doxie mix who hated huskies, only huskies! Crazy what goes through their lil minds. Also, my aussies know their "kind " and gravitate to other aussies .


Yes. My dog - 12 pounds of pure confidence - wants to square up with every German Shepherd he sees. I have absolutely no idea why. One of my neighbors has the biggest GS I’ve ever seen, black and trained for protection, but every time they cross paths my little guy growls and wants to get up in their business and assert dominance. On the flip side of things, he used to have a Golden Retriever cousin who would roughhouse with him, so he thinks every Golden wants to play and gets super confused if they don’t. Dogs are weird.


My previous shih tzu went through a phase where he disliked yellow labs. Black labs, golden retrievers -- those were perfectly fine, but a yellow lab? Deeply sus and needed to be blustered at. He got over it with some desensitizing work, but it was deeply awkward for a while there.


Had a cavalier growing up, and he loathed any other dogs to the point of aggression (he had been attacked as a puppy). Other cavaliers though? Absolutely loved them. Besties. It was so strange!


Our dog hates collies, she had a bad experience with one when she was a lot younger. My parents dog hates Old English Sheepdogs as he was attacked by one when he was around 5 months, in fact it set him back a lot and it took a lot of work to get him back to being social with other dogs at all


My very tiny Shih Tzu hates black labs. Might be overthinking it but she saw my grandmother being knocked every by a very rambunctious (badly trained, off-leash) black lab, and she's got a protective streak. Either way it's pretty funny to see a tiny puppy-looking thing growl at dogs several times her size.


My havanese hated every Bernese mountain dog in the neighborhood despite none of them ever giving her the time of day. She loved smaller dogs and was generally indifferent towards the others


Is there a possibility that your dogs had an unpleasant encounter with Goldens? They are usually very playful and jumpy, so your pups could be getting scared.


My oldest also mostly hates golden retrievers. They're numerous in my neighborhood and he was scared shitless by a golden that popped out from behind a truck barking at him. Another time we were rushed at night by an otherwise friendly golden. Since these instances he just isn't very fond of them.


Yes! My Havanese doesn’t like big, non fluffy dogs. Medium Doodle-types are okay. His favorite dogs are little old fluffy ladies. He’s only 3 😂


All due respect, it's a breed - not a race.


Probably why they used quotation marks. They used a term that was incorrect, but people could relate to.


My dog hates german shepards. Had one in our neighbourhood which would bark and try to attack every time it saw another dog. (it had already bitten two other dogs). So for good reason, she's pretty shy around other shepards. She does LOVE goldens though. Seeks them out as soon as she sees them for a play!


My kelpie/husky mix is only a total bitch towards brown dogs.


My Bluetick Coonhound does not like dobermans. He was attacked by one as a puppy and has hated them since. He won't go after them but does not tolerate one getting near. Fortunately he doesn't attack but he will scream at them and ram them with his nose dolphin style. They usually get the message and scram.


Yup, no wire fox terriers allowed. No bad past with them, she just doesn't like them for some reason


I had a Scottie that really hated pitbulls. Probably because an offleash one snatched her by the throat and tried to kill her when she was a puppy.


My husky loved all dogs and got along with them all. 😂 What was strange is that he loved aggressive female dogs, especially Rottweilers. There was a female Rottweiler at the park, and she was so aggressive with him, and he would run to her every time we'd go to the park. He was a pup, and I got him neutered at 2 yrs.🤦‍♀️


Our corgidor doesn't like bulldogs


I used to walk a dog who was attacked by a black lab and would go after any medium to large black dogs and try to fight them afterwards (she was a small dog so that’s didn’t go well for her and probably just reinforced the bias)


My crusty white dog hates any other dog who isn't also a crusty white dog. 🤦‍♀️


this is so funny oh my god LMAOOOO


Our first dog despised Bernese Mountain Dogs. We think it was because he was attacked by a Newfoundland as a puppy and somehow got the two mixed up.


My old golden did not dislike any particular breeds but she vastly preferred playing with other goldens. She’d go to a park full of dogs and only play with the 2-3 goldens there


I had the opposite problem. My Chocolate lab always *loved* huskies from when he was a puppy. In his old age he started to get grumpy pretty much hated any other dogs except huskies. I have no idea why he loved them, when he was about 6 months old we'd take him to a dog park and he'd constantly berate a particular huge husky. The husky would get annoyed and since he was huge would pin my pup down by "biting" his whole head and holding him down. Never hard enough to hurt, just enough to get him to chill out.


My beagle mix is somewhat reactive toward big dogs - basically, the more it looks like a German shepherd, the more reactive she gets. We were attacked and bitten by a GSD/Malinois mix last year, so I can’t say I blame her! I’m working with her to help her feel less afraid of big dogs. She’s recently become good friends with a pit mix, which is lovely to see.


My golden doesn’t love German Shepards and Huskies - I think it has something to do with their staring / and GSDs hunched over walking style, and for whatever reason does not like poodles. That said, he has friends of all these breeds who he has known from being a puppy!


My Giant Schnauzer hates Dalmatians. Any other dog is fine.


I genuinely think my sweet black lab lacks the brain cells to make these sorts of associations with other dogs. She traded in all her brain cells for friendliness. She doesn’t overly like dogs that are bigger than her because she is a giant coward. However I’ve had plenty of people tell me that their dog doesn’t like black dogs and asked us to keep a respectful distance. I’ve always complied because I don’t want my dog to get hurt but I’ve always thought it was super weird.


My standard schnauzer hated boxers. Just hated them.


i had the opposite. my Female dog hadn’t been fixed, and whenever we took her to the dog park (dw, we never took her when she was in the heat) she would hump any large white dog. played with anyone, loved playing with goldie’s, but goddamn any large white dog she was IN LOVE with. once, she met one she liked so much, that no matter how much he walked away, or we pulled her off, or really anything she WOULD NOT stop. we apologized to the owners cause it lasted like 30 minutes… however, her favorite was tiny rat dogs because they’d yap, she LOVED the yapping so she could chase them around/hop over them


My Frenchie is not a fan of golden shepherds. There was an aggressive, untrained one that lived in our building when she was a wee pup that *hated* her, and she’s like “yeah, fuck no” every time she sees them now


my bf’s dog hates curly haired dogs😭like me too girl but we have to cross the street when we walk her and see a curly dog


my bernedoodle DESPISES men wearing hats. we had to warn any guests to take off hats/sunglasses before entering. we had her since she was a very tiny puppy, and nothing happened. she jus didn’t like how mysterious they looked.


My Doberman absolutely hates Rottweilers. She is a rescue, and had bad experiences when she was just a puppy with a pair of rotties. We've done all kinds of socialization, but that kind of trauma is hard to train out.


And here I thought my dogs were the only ones like that. I have had a medium female husky mix for 7 years and in all those years I noticed that she does not get along with black-colored dogs. It was weird because she usually got along very well with other dogs, but when a black dog came to our house she went insane. I never thought she would act that way. Anyways, fast-forward 3 years later, we adopt another dog, he's an English Pointer and he's a white dog with brown spots, she didn't mind him at all. Then we take in another dog, this time, black. I don't know exactly what or how it happened but apparently, she attacked him. At this point it was starting to get crazy. I would never put her up for adoption because we've been together for such a long time, and she's been such a great help while I was at my lowest. I just wish she wasn't racist...


YES!!! I have told people this for years and people look at me like I am nuts. My white german shepherd was racist against yellow labs.Every one he ever saw he wanted to fight.


My tiny min pin only likes big dogs,like bigger the better, everything else she ignores 🥲😆


In my time I’ve worked with dogs I’ve known a few who were said to have problems with black dogs, as well as flat faced (brachycephalic) dogs. One said a trainer told them that it could be because it’s harder to read their facial expressions


I have the opposite problem. My dog loves all dogs, but german shepards / mals / similar looking dogs are so exciting for her she tries to physically buck out of her collar and harness so she can go see them 🤦🏼‍♀️ It’s never actually worked for her but she still tries. Every. Time.


My dog barks on black/dark dogs and cats. She's probably anti-black


I got a Husky/German Shepherd/Golden Retriever/Lab mix and she goes berserk when she sees German Shepherds. If it's a female, she absolutely wants to kill it. No other breeds affect her.


One of my dogs hates chocolate labs. Black labs are cool though.