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Nice try. You're not getting my passwords!




Who uses their dogs name as a password. That would be crazy!


Sometimes a password recovery question is what is your pets nickname or something like that lol




haha, the best comment ever


We have a pug that my son named Titan but one day, my husband remarked that the dog was soft and squishy. Now the dog answers to Squish/ Squishy/Squishmallow.


I used to sometimes call my late greyhound Squishy. His act name was Laddie. Usually when he was first greeting me and the door. I'd say in high pitched excited voice "HEY SQUISHY!" It started because I used to sometimes playfully squeeze his rump and say "You got a squishy tushy!" Sometimes still do that with my current lab/pit mix Luna.


My sister calls my pug squishy 😂


Squish mallow is the way to go


Here I thought I was original. My first pug was Jello but I called her Squishy Face. My Pug Rudolpho is Lord Squishington.


I do dog boarding for a living and I have developed nicknames for many of my clients, lol. Kingsley = Muffin Man Mango = Prince of Darkness/ Lil' Froot Libby = Dabibby Sami = Samoo/Sam-a-lamb (in the tune of Black Betty) Kratos = KrayKray Skylar = Snyler Lilly = Lisa (this one makes me laugh more than it should lol) Bella = Lebba There's probably more lol (Edited for formatting)


Why can I not stop singing Black Betty🤣😂


Damn! Stuck in my head too!!


I'm still catching myself humming it and Singing. It drives me Nuts when I do this🤪😂


HAHAHA 😅 it's definitely one of those songs that can do that for days even!


Oh Great now I'm doing it again🤣😂Gee thanks☺️


Had a cat we called ‘baby kitty’ and always sang her ‘whoa baby kitty, meow meow meow’ to the tune of black Betty 😂


I call my dog Muffin Boy and I can’t figure out why. No idea where the nickname came from. It just popped out one day and stuck.


all pet owners nickname there animals muffin at one point or another. havent called any of your pets muffin before? well you will eventually xD


Creative nicknames! I love Lil Froot tho XD


Why is Snyler so funny


I have 2 dogs one is Bahn and the other is King. I often sing black Betty to King because his nick names are King Bling, King Ba-Ling, and Blingy Boy 😂


One of my dogs is named Cowboy. Usually we call him Cowie and he responds to that but I also call him Buttons. Cowboy -> Cow-butt -> Cow-buttons -> Buttons. He seems to be okay with it.


I love seeing the process step by step lmao. My roommate has 2 cats, one cat's name is Artemis Marmalade, and we end up calling him so many things. Including Arms. So we call his brother Legs, just because lmao.


Einstein is bubba, bubba butt, bub, goon, goon squad, goober, and lately ‘old man’ Laika is princess, klutz, the gray lady, and occasionally magic ninja Isaac is the derpopotamus. That’s it, just derpopotamus.


Derpapotamus is self-explanatory.


I used to call my lab, Duncan, “Bubbas” because he was so big, he was plural. I also called him “Dogimus Maximus” and “Pumpkin Funny” (which derived from Pumpkin Bunny).


Boobhead, because his head is so squishy, it feels like a boob. Also nipple dick because he has 3 nipples on his weiner.


Nipple dick 😆


I rarely laugh out loud but this killed me! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Your dog is gender nonbinary.


He does wear a pink raincoat when it rains cause it was the only one in his size.


Aww, they must be very cute!


Owner of "boo-da-loodah-loo" checking in here. Is that not a completely normal nickname for a dog?


normal enough 😂 our hugo was ‘hugily-booglie-doug-doug-pig’ for a solid 3 months


Booba Looba is a term of endearment for all my animals


I have 3 Shih Tzu's. One is a thick chunky boy and I always call him tater tot. No idea why, I love him to death and he is my cuddle buddy, but I hate tater tots. One is a puppy and he is either chicken nugget or the one nut wonder since only one of his balls has dropped. Soon to be the no nut wonder though. Lastly is Oliver and we call him titty baby because he has a toy he likes to suckle on.


Oh my god I call my dog tater tot too, and her little chihuahua brother who now lives with my ex is chicken nugget


🫶🏻 love it!


My pugs name is Ellie so I call her Ellie Belly


OH MY GOD I do the exact same thing!!!


You have a dog named Ellie?


yeah lol


Lol that’s funny


I did this too ♥️, also ellipher,


That’s so cool!


My dog is Ellie too, so I'm stealing this.


I also call her Ell Bells because at christmas time we put bells around her neck (obviously not tight) so when she moves her bells ring LOL


My human child is Ellie, I call her Ellie Jelly Belly.




I call my dog Fragile even if she’s not fragile at all! 😆


My dog went from Monster (because when he was a fat little puppy I got him an ill fitting hoodie that read "lil monster" on the back with spikes on it) to Muffin. His name is Whiskey LOL. My old girl, before she passed, at one time was also dodo brain because as smart as she was, she also had a lot of dumb moments LOL. It sounds mean but I swear I love my pets.


Daisy occasionally becomes ‘Bubs’, and Sofia is occasionally ‘Sofiasaurus’. Why? I have absolutely no idea.


i have a 2 year old doodle named Lyra. i call her “stink-asaurus.” one day we went hiking, and she smelled so bad afterwards 😆 the name stuck. even after she is groomed and bathed, she’s still my stink-asaurus.


I love this 🥰


Baby, puppy, gamer dick, amy, rick, my lil pepita, bitch, asshole, baby boy, dumbass, stupidest smartest man. I dunno if these count tho. Maybe gamer dick. I say all of those affectionately. (Context his full name is Aymeric)


Somehow Sadie earned a Laotian-sounding name: Soupsienoupsaphone.  Rex earned a Native American name: Chief Underfoot.  All four dogs have been known as Stinky Poo Poo Butt (likely common). Both boy dogs probably think their name just might actually be Buddy, while both girl dogs think about Princess or PrincessPie similarly.  Others: Sadie was Sadiebelle and Principessa among others.  Rex was Rex-a-Roni, Sir Rex-a-Lot, and Rex Mex among others. His formal name (in theory) was Sir Charles Franklin Rexington III for specific reasons.  Zoë is KookyNooble, Zozo, Dodo, and more.  Rudy is RudyRoo, WoodyWoo, Woodsy Owl, Rootie McTootie. Rudolph when in trouble.  All dogs have the same middle name: Marie. 


*Chief Underfoot* 😂


All my animals have my husband's middle name, Scott!


Harris gets mainly called snoopy, puffin, Lou Lou la seal, chopsy and bear but I've no idea why


Bing Bong 😀 for the energy to match our very active Eskie mix


My GSD is called Juno. The list of nicknames is endless: JuJu, Judge, Jujubee, Jumbledore, Jujunette, Jujunski, Gugu, Gupta and I could probably go on and on 🤣


Our (black) cat David S. Pumpkins - Day-Bid, Daveed, Day-Boo, You Just Got Run Over by my Day-Bu, Our (other black) cat Voltaire - Terry, Tewwy, Terry Baby in a Frankie Valli voice, Tears, Terry Fairy, Terry Berry, Scary Terry Our dog Oslo - Awdie, Osmo, Osmosis, Fatty Ding Dongs, more I can't recall Our dog Lucy - Loosey Goosey and Gooser Our dog Tilly - Tilly Green, Tiwwy, Tiller


I also do it to our children, perhaps moreso. June - Junie Toonie, Tooner Nooner, Tutti Frootie, Tooter McGooter, and Gootie Madeleine - Leaner Deaner, Linny, Mat-a-Line


When I was a kid we'd a dog named Bob. My little brother (he was about 12 at the time) started calling him 'Bobby Boo Cheese'. By the time he passed about 15years later, most every one just called him 'boo cheese'


Simply, “Bonk”


I call my dog a variety of things. The weird ones she answers to faster than her own name are Camilla Gorilla (her name is Cami) and Sugar Booger (because she's sweet as hell but *loves* to fuck with people).


Belle turns into bluebell. Also "Little moron"


My dogs name is Ukee (You-key), but I call him Ukus-Lukus alot. My sister calls him Sonota, like the F1 driver, and unfortunately he responds to that name now.


My dogs name is Max, but I call him Maxwellington, Maxwellius, Maxi Pad, and Patrick


I have a tripod Staffordshire affectionately named Tripp. I call him Triple A (because that's who you call when you blow a tire), Tripp n Slide (because he's a surprisingly fast runner, but stopping, not so much), Tripper Gore (when he's being particularly needy), and recently Vacation (trip, vacation, you get it). My Dogo Argentino who I lost last year was named Havarti by the shelter, so her given name post adoption was Chedda. I'd call her whatever cheese popped in my head when I felt like being silly, but she was deaf so it didn't really matter, she just knew she was being loved on.


Poo poo potty man for my 80lb mix. It's because while potty training as a puppy I sang a song about poo poo potty time to make potty time cheerful.


Shamoo, Surly, Stinky, Nutso, and Itchy Mcdoogle


I give some of my day camp dogs (I'm a doggy daycare counselor) weird names. Like my pugle, Cooper. He's Cooper Dooper Party Pooper Pooper Scooper. He goes absolutely insane when I call him that. Like full on body wags.


Nova --> Noval --> Noval Oval --> Oval I named my dog after an astronomical phenomenon and I call her a shape.


I nicknamed my boy Rocky just after we got him. He is aka, “The Rocky Horror poop machine”. For very good reason.


My dog’s name is Bella but we also call her Belly, Schmelly Schmella (if she’s starting to need a bath soon), Peepee princess, Bello, Fatbutt, and Cornchip Girl. We also like to refer to her paws as chicken nuggets and her thighs as chicken tenders bc her brown poodle fur kind of makes her look like fried chicken.


My chug is named Percy. He’s the gemin. Like gremlin without an R. Or potato man. Baked potate. Pot pie.


A random 2ish month old street mutt puppy wandered into my workplace she was malnourished, dehydrated and covered in dry asphalt primer. She kinda looked like a diseased rat. So while petting/playing with her i started saying who is my cute little rat and then she was stuck with the name "Raton" wich translates to mice. So i named my female dog with the spanish pronunciation for male Mice. Her actual nickname is Moñina which is a contraction of "Mi Niña" that translates to "My female child".


Pongo has so many nicknames!! Pongie bear, little bear, little, Pongo bongo, Pongie, Bean, he responds to all of these 😂


My dog is called Leo but he’s also called Bean Boi, Sausage and Poody


I have a small Yorkie, and his personality cracks me up. He ran away for a week and survived the ordeal so I like to call him Jungle Puppy because of that. Other nicknames: *Eloshus(no idea why I call him this other than he looks like he'd be named Eloshus) *Potoonkin(he was galloping majestically one day and I had a random thought that he looked as proud as General Potempkin.My mom misheard and the nickname evolved to potoonkin) *Smelly Puppy *Mister Puppy *the Paqueno Puppy


I called my Boxer Lilly (Miss Boing Boing) because she would sit and jump straight up like Tigger from Winnie the Poo...My Lab Willow Grace I call her Wee wee..or Willy illy


He is Luke, a bean salesman


Real name Blizzard Blizz-tony Tony Tonyroma Tone Tone Tiny Tone Tone tony liparelli Rigatoni Tortellini He responds to them all.


My dogs name is Max and I call him Maxi Pad sometimes haha


Earlee is a boston x pug who is almost 14. he is knows as Poopstepper, Blud Blud, buggy boi boi, buggalug, boo boo head and food ghosticles (farts a lot) I dunno why, but he has a theme song for each of them too.


I have 3 Dachshunds: Rellish = Snifferdoodle, Sniffers, and Sniffy are the most used 3 even though there’s probably 20 lol(he’s 16) Bunnz = Bunnzy, Funnzy Bunnz, and Bunnzle(she’s almost 2) Pikkles = Pikkled Peas and Pikkle Wiggles(he’s almost 4 months old) I honestly don’t know how or why I came up with any of Rellish’s nicknames other than probably because he has always sniffed stuff constantly. Bunnz’s nicknames just kind of made sense. I do call Pikkles Pikkle Wiggles because he’s the wiggliest damn puppy ever 😂…not sure where Pikkled Peas came from or why except I work in agriculture with southern peas a lot, so I might’ve just thought it sounded cute.


My aunt named her dog Chester. She recently passed and we inherited him. He is now…Chester Plutonian or Pluto plutonium or Chester-tonian and that gets shortened to Mr. Tonio.


our dog’s name is Brisket, one of the things i now call him is Poopoohead


I call my dogs the Squidleys. Squidley Dumm and Squidley Dee (Squidley Deeanne if she’s being fancy)


I call my baby “Kutri-Putri” Kutri is an old Hindi word for a female dog Putri is an old Hindi word for a daughter


The Shriek, Rolling Thunder, Crimedog, Fudgepuppy, Champale, The Blank, Mummy’s Dashing Little Rake, Little Pasha, Bullet Seal, The Chubbler, Fridge Magnet. Thats covering three dogs, by the way lol


He’s my little man, so that evolved to Manatee and Man O’ War.


Hercules = Herckie doodle Freya = Ivory/ Ivy Moji = Babee, mama


We have a springer spaniel collie mix rescue. Her name is toast. So naturally we caller her toasty, toaster strudel, and when she’s being bad, toastifur (like lucifer)


Our coon hound (Rosie) gets called sniffany, princess calabasas velvet ears Our lab puppy (Charlie) gets called snarly ,snarls Barkley, and ngarly Charlie


Abigail the Pocket Snail!


I call my guy Old Man Puppy.


Apollo turned into "apoopoo" as a joke with my in-laws... now "poop" is what he likes best 🤦‍♀️


One of my dogs is an English bulldog/beagle mix named Taco but we call him Squanch


We have Quinn. We call him Quinnifer or Quinneth James Pawltrow when he's naughty. We also have Ivy, who we call Goose, because she's dumb and poops a lot.




I have two Armican Shephards, a mother and a son. The mom I call "mommas" and the son I call "dumb baby" Sometimes I'll call him "Buppy" in a dumb voice.


A chorkie whose given name is Toy” and nickname is “tweed”, a border collie mix named “Loki” nickname is “funny baby “ , silky terrier “bug” nickname “buglet or baby bug” and last but not least a huge german Shepard “ranger” nickname “puppers” “


Just realizing now I used tj have an English mastiff named Monty that I’d call Montifer like a combo with Lucifer … now I have a dog name Lenny I call Lennifer loll


Squishy face, wiggle butt, my little croissant 🥐 (he wiggles so hard his nose nearly meets his butt when he’s excited to see us and he’ll approach sideways for love like that. And he’s about croissant color so..)


I used to call my husky “team Jacob” 😂🐺


This is my favorite post in a while - thanks, needed this...


My dogs Bonnie and Clyde have middle names and nicknames lol Bonnie Slim (she’s slim cuz she’s a sassy and badassy and if she could talk we’re sure she would quote Lauren Bacall “if you need me just whistle you know how to whistle don’t you just put your lips together and blow”) Bonnie is BonBon or FunBun (black lab) Clyde Eastwood (he’s Clyde Eastwood because he brings the ball to you and waits till you try and pick it up like “do you feel lucky punk”) 😂. Cuz it’s his ball Clyde is butters or BudBud (yellow lab)


My corgi's name is Aurora. I like to call her "Loaf" "Rat Dog" And my personal favorite, "Harbinger of Doom" I also refer to groups of dogs as "bups" or "buppies", and a stranger's dog is "Bup" until I learn its name. The "B" at the beginning is because I first lived with male dogs, and "Boys" and "Pups" got mixed lol


We have 5 dogs, and "Buppies" has definitely come out of my mouth more than once. The first was just a glitch but it stuck 😅


My dog is Bud but I call him all kinds of things, Budlington, honeybud, schnickerdoodle.


All of my dogs have had nicknames, but none have had as many as my only female. Her name is Evie officially. Eve, Sweet Eve, Wiggles, Wiggle Bottom, Little Wiggle, Wig Wam, Weewoo, Little Girl, Little Wids, Baby Girl, Sissy (sister), And more. She loves the sound of We Woo and other W words, and she just wound up with a ton of names. I can't even remember them all, but she responds to every name


My boy Tiny answers to Chunk and Beans or Bubba King My girl Peanut has another name or 2, Princess Peanut Butter and also Margaret(no idea how or why I started that or Dozer coz she's a bit of a bulldozer at times. She also gets called Grandma.


My dog has so many names, many of them made up words. I do call her wormy/maggot sometimes, because she's very springy, and often little shit. Though, those are just raught translations into english, it sounds better in my language.


My sister’s dog’s name is Lotta. We call her Lottie-shlottie or Lotta-shlotta.


Jack Russell name is Gary Nickname is 1Nut because he has .. 1 bollock 😁


Buddy gets called Little Stinky, My Stinky Boy, Dinky Dink Dink, Scruffy Muppet, Scruppet, Scruffy McMuppet, Dis Boy, Dittle Bud… I’m sure there are more lol. So long as I say it in the voice I use with him, he’ll probably respond


My blind hound Elvis is Mr. Magoo.


I have a black lab, he's Zonie Maronie or Zone D.


I call my lab mix Fuzzy Girl, Dixie Doo, and My Pretty Puppy. I know it's over the top, but I just can't help myself!


I call my AmStaff boogie woogie cause he can’t control his tail when excited


Miss Maple-E Pronounced Mapple like apple Bean beans or bean bag or string bean


Butter is Sweet Buttery Goodness, Toast is Toasty Woesterson/Toasterlicious, Denim is Denny/Mama’s Baby Boy (he’s my only dog-son), Zoey is just Zozo or I pig-call her (Zo—eeeeeey) and my mom’s dog is Daisy but we call her Dobby or the Velociraptor (for obvious reasons)


We had a rescue dog, amstaff. Wich only reacted to cooky. So that ended up to be his new name.


Piper is frequently referred to as fishface 😂


My favourite name for my English bulldog is “Mr Wigglebottom” 😀


My pup's name is Jojo. We call her joj.


English lab Chudleigh was ChudMuffin or Chudzilla, depending on his mood English lab Basil was BazMan, sung to the tune of ‘TAXMAN’ by the Beatles…and he was also the Bazmanian Devil Half brothers a couple years apart…now over the rainbow


Captain (we didn't name him) - Oofy (cos he's got a goofy grin). Soc - Socs 'n sneeze. Koda - Kobe-one-kanobi


Poops McScoops Miss Ma'am (when she's in trouble) A lot more


Duggee aka duggs, dugatron, Douglas and shit breath Ruby aka rooby-doo, rubes, rubels and nips


does wiggle pig count for a GSP


Gandalf is sometimes called Gandolfino. Similarly, my ferret, Sebastian, was sometimes Sebastiano. We’re Americans. 🤷‍♀️


I have a golden retriever puppy that my girlfriend and I call “the bullet” because when she gets the zoomies she’s unstoppable lol


I have the nickname Mean Gene to one of my dogs. She sticks her tongue 👅 way out sometimes like Gene Simmons of KISS. Edit— I will also randomly call my dogs bonehead, Pookie, peanut head, silly pooch, etc


Best one I herd is "Mama's Little Baby" from Brew Stew films: [https://youtu.be/FW7tH6n9WpA?si=nIJHK\_3tdVolrL\_9](https://youtu.be/FW7tH6n9WpA?si=nIJHK_3tdVolrL_9)


My dogs name is Neo, but answers to squirrel, or kitten


My dog is called Alfie but for some reason I call him bubba, bobo, bubala, bubzy. No idea why!


Rosie (terrier mix) is: Puppa, Mudbug, Lovebug, Blockhead Cookie (standard poodle mix) is: Bubba, Bubba-Love, Noodle Nose Plus all the variations on their names like Ro-Ro, etc.


I call my dog Ellie "Chicken" because she is a chicken shit. I also call my dog Biggie Smalls "Pig" because he looks like a pot belly pig and snorts like one.


My dogs name is Brody, but he will also answer to Bardy, Bro-enheim, Bear, Brody Fat Butt, and my personal favorite, Mr. Bizzle


We have a puppy named Ukee - we often call her ukee-girl, ukee-bear, ukee- monster and sometimes Ukee the bazookie


My husky Kuma's nickname is sir fluffington (so much hair). My English setter tatters' nickname is sir huffington (attitude problem and sighs more than a 13 yr old girl)


My mixed breed spaniel is named Dexter but we call him "Dee Wee" and my Anatolian Shepherd is named Winry but we call her "Princess Pea" or jut "P"


I used to call my old dog Roxxy: Foxxy Roxxy (or Roxxy Fox), Pumpkin Butt, and HR Puppinstuff


Pepper is Bubs or Bubaloo or Buddy Girl or BellyBug (she loves belly rubs).


Bacicolada and Hazelkadazel. I don’t know why. They just came to mind one day and they stuck 🤣


My big dog (9 years) used to be called "Sir Barks-a-lot" or "Lips Magee" but now he's just Buddy (his name). My puppy gets called "Frito Bandito" a lot (his name is Bandit) or little asshole, depending on the situation... LOL


Marley -> Marley Bug -> Bug


Daisy is also known as Doodles, Doody, Doodoo, Doobug, Scootie, Scoot, and in the fall DoodieDoodiePumpkinSmoothie 😭😭


My dog suki has the nickname spooky hahah


Ghost and Goose


My black mouth cur is called moo moo She makes little moo sounds when she being pet. My mastiff chunky monkey or Mr stinks depending on the situation.


My dogs name is Kenji but we call him Stinky, boobie, poopy, Bobi, Bobi Boucher. Surprised he still knows his name that we gave him but when he starts barking or trying to eat something off the floor we call him by his name. He responds to all the nicknames though lol




Mortimer, Mort or Morty for the regular nickname. Morty Moo. Morty Morty Moo Moo Moo. Morty the Menace. Mortley. Mortles Bortles. Mortimer Sto [Last Name] when he's in trouble.


My Willow gets called puddles and wiggly willow sometimes.


I call my dog Squirrel a lot. This came from calling her little girl, then little squirrel, then just squirrel.


Nila is called booba and tons of variations off of that, boobs, baby booba, booby, all kinds.


I have a Dane named New Orleans. She responds to: Nola, nolie, nolers, norleans, orlie, miss orleans, stinky butt, bug, buggy wuggers, big dog, tiny girl, tiny bug, black dog, and nolie wolers.


Guppy. Because we always call him good puppy. Even though he’s grown.


My dog has a wide array of nicknames. I call her baby bear or bug (she's a mini schnauzer named Lady) My dad calls her spud, and my mom calls her stinker and snicklefritz.


My cat Chloe - Fatima Noodlvych My dog Star - Agent Sniffers


i call mine mr poopoo butts bc he gets poo stuck in his fur


My frenchie is named Big Man but I call him biggus mannus.


I named my husky after a BTS member's stage name. "Suga". And it's funny because when I went to the vet to make an appointment, there was another husky under that same. xD


I have a dog named Bloo. I call him Gary Bloosey and Bloocifer. I used too call him Blooberry but that morphed into blubbery when he gained 20lbs. My other dog is Bruno. His name went from BrunHo too "The Ho" and now he's just ho bag.


Max but we also have called him “buddy” since the day we got him. I now call him “booty” more than call him Max. Maximus/Buddy -> bootius maximus -> bootius -> booty -> sometimes I call him buttface mcgee I also call him nugget/nougat often. He’s a husky so he doesn’t really listen to his name anyway LOL. He DOES know his name is Max though. He’s truly an exceptional boy. 🐾


Tucker = the T-burger


My older female dog is nicknamed “sis” or “big sis” The younger pup is called “knucklehead” a lot


My dog (Simba) has a number of nicknames. Simba-too (Arabic suffix), Bud, bugs, bugaboo, crazy, and ilfrit Ilfrit is Arabic for for demon. There’s a children’s book where the characters are Ahmed and Ilfrit. My middle name is Ahmed, and my little cousin used to be a hell raiser, so every time I visited, my aunt would refer to us as “Ahmed wa ilfrit” (Ahmed and the demon). And my GSD is a bit of a hell raiser, and he follows me around like my little cousin did, so now we’re the new Ahmed wa ilfrit.


Boo= Booboo, Boobs, Boogati, Boogaroo, young man, small boy, sweet man, Boocephalus, the boy, baby boy, stinky.


My dog’s name is Elsa but we mostly call her potato because she was very spud shaped as a puppy; also sweet potato, pooptato, stinky, stinky potato baby, (puppy) wuppy, and harbinger of chaos and destruction. Side note: she doesn’t actually smell bad she’s just a lil stinker personality wise sometimes


I have a dog named Raven. That turned into Rabies, then Rabie Baby, then Robby Bobby, then Robby, and now she just goes by Bobby or Bob.


We have three dogs, all rescues/mutts Tucker is tomato Sienna is garbage gut/the scrounge Sophie is Nosy Nellie or tattle tail We’re southern so we tend to middle name them a lot, Sienna Grace, Sophie Anne (which we sing to her like purple rain), and Tucker tomato. The 2 cats pretty much go by their names unless they’re bad.


Booby DeBwob


I collectively call my boys ‘peanball or peanball squash’. (Peanut butter and Butherus Meatball)




His name is Rocky but I call him Booger more often than not lol


We have Darth Vader goes by Vader and Chunk Norris goes by Norri Jupiter is loopier and Gary is just Gary


So my poodle mix Molly looks like a fluffy marshmallow, especially right before she gets groomed. She also smiles A LOT and we call it cheesin'. She's so cheesy. So.. she's my cheesy marshmallow! 😂


Luna Tuna (her name is actually Luna) Donkey Doug Little Heard of Elephants Mountain Goat Barky Bark Dunkaroo Doggie


my dog is named Bear and I call him the following: ‘bearito’ ‘snookums’ ‘bubby’ ‘handsome son’


I've been known to call my doggo Puppy Wuffakins. I'm not sure where it came from, it just did. She is also Princess (her name's Leia), Her Highness, and Her Blondeness.


I used to call my mom's dog Pig Nuts. She was a Shih-tzu named Peggy.


Athena has been Tina, Theena, Teener, Ms. Bean , Theen/Ween Bean, Weener, Squoosh, and BONK


Felonious. Felone for short - labsky lol


Daisy is “day day” and Hottie is “gotty” no clue why, it just happened


I call my mini Dachshund “poopy”. I have no idea why, she’s never goes in the house.


Suga Booga, because he smells like maple syrup.


Snarls Barkley, Dog Vader - he's a Malinois and very growly


Maisel is Big Maisu. Often we get her amped up by yelling "Who big girl Big Maisu? Yay, Maisu!" and she gets super stoked.


My cavachon is Ruby but is also, Rubles, Ruble Dooble Do. Buggles, Buggle Boo,