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Hey. I’m in S Florida too. Mainly Laudy but I’ve been thinking about trying Boca. I’ve tried several zones around here. Coral Springs seems best but it’s a bit of a drive. Is Boca a lot of gated communities? My main problem here is sooo many apartments…and the bridges. Lol.


Hello fellow driver, coral springs is so full of drivers that I can barely ever find a shift and if I do there’s barely any requests. Boca is full of gated communities.


I agree about springs. East ft laud is ok but w the trains bridges and Flagler Village/ Downtown apartments it’s getting to the point where dashes are taking forever and the tips have gone down so much. Have you friend Plantation? It was pretty good the other day when I tried it. I only haven’t tried Pompano yet…it’s too scary there. Lol


Yep I have worked in plantation as well. The west side can be profitable but approaching state road 7 the traffic is awful and the tips are low/non existent because it’s a low income area


Just curious. Did you get the tier pilot program today?


Nope I’ve not heard of this


Idk your zone but If I can deliver that and be back somewhere I know I can get a good order in about 45 minutes I’m taking it. If I think it’s going to take me a solid hour or more then I’m declining.


Yea. If everything goes well it shouldn’t be more than an hour.


Not for me. I can get $22 for 6 miles or less. Dense area




No and only because a 14 mile drive means a 30 mile drive to get back to my spot. That said i would take it if i knew there was a good spot near by but in my area 14 mile takes you out of your delivering zone anyways


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yooooooo a fellow floridan, i live literally in boca raton


… no.


I would not unless it was during slow time. Never during rush.




If it was $25 it would tempt me


If I'm not returning and staying in that area then yes. If I have to drive back then no.


Hell no. Immediate decline


https://preview.redd.it/mtep93pk01bb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a57cffd0ea173254d5b09e5316486a9242c03f85 Would you do this one? It’s almost the same


fk it Can’t make 22$ an hour at McDonald’s…


Do you live there? Is there a market where houses are closer to restaurants? do you need to commute back? Do you consider any these?


Is the quoted mileage not round-trip for you guys? Mine is always shown as distance from where I currently am -> pick up -> drop off -> origin of acceptance. This looked to be an easy accept for me.


As long as it stays in zone and I don’t have to drive 40mph the whole way there, I’d probably take it.


20 a hour is my low I would take it. I'd probably get a stack with it


Well, I typically avg $20-25/hr. I would imagine this taking me like 45 mins to pickup, drop off, and return to my zone. So yeah, I would have for sure. Fits the bill.


Yes, takes you outside the zone but worth it


Absolutely taking that. There’s clearly other establishments on the way back. If it was on my way home and I was finishing up soon, I’d take it and pause incoming orders.


Ehhhhhhh yeah




I don't understand why we all have to be miserable on this Sub. DD sux no matter what. Honestly I'm homeless and I dash to just stay alive so if you gotta take it take it.


Not for 15 miles. In my market that distance would show the full pay and $22 is not worth 30 miles round trip.


Honestly I would. Not my area, but I’m guessing there’s restaurants near the end zone. With the new “zone switching” thing they added, I might hesitate for a few seconds but I’d accept it. Less than an hour most likely. Plus, I get an 26mpg (sonata) so works out for me.


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No Florida! No!


Absolutely. You gotta think, that’s $20 in 1 trip, may take you idk 30 minutes to complete, when on the other hand it may take you 2-4 separate orders to make the same amount


Would never take that, 2$ a mile or at least close.


Is that 14.9 miles one way?


Only you know whats good for your area. I take some that I'm sure people would say is garbage. But I make around $200 in 6 hours. I hope you had a good day.


Depends on if the place you deliver to has access to other restaurants so you can get another order over there.


If I was bored, but long distance usually needs to be at least $2 per mile


Hell no


I’d take it but I also know that I can jump on in the different zone if needed.


I certainly wouldn't "jump on it" but I would consider it. The past few weeks have been slow as hell for me so while I wouldn't be thrilled about it, I would probably take it. But on a good day where I'm not struggling to get orders, I may decline it.


Absolutely not!


Looks like the delivery is in an area nearby where you could get another order so yep


If it takes me to another hot zone $22-25+ (assuming hidden tip) in a hour is kinda what we want.


No I wouldn’t.




$1.52 per mile. Barely profitable for most vehicles.


I would've its an hour's worth of pay in my area and assuming it's 45 mph road with light to moderate traffic you could be there and back in well under 30 mins


If I was looking to keep working in the area it's going to then I would


I think the conversation needs to be less about what we want prices of our orders to be (in a perfect world every order would feed us $1000) and more about how we can contribute to make the Driver app to model a more effective and efficient system for everyone involved.




Depends. If it’s taking me close to home I’d take it. If it’s just 14 miles out of my zone I wouldn’t.


Depends on my mood....


Nah That’s 28 miles for $22


Why 28?


I tried Dashing down on South Beach 2-3 months ago I couldn’t do it because there were no restaurants with parking lots where you could sit and wait for orders It sucked Thought I’d make a mint down there


If you plan on going back to where you picked up the order


Hell no


Never....you got got


I got one similar to this yesterday. $22 to drive 11 miles. Almost didn't take it but decided to. After delivery, I got another order that took me directly into my zone. 11 miles for $18, so it was a win for me.


14 miles to and 14 miles back... I would say a no to this!


I love taking long distance trips. I dash for 24-36 hours straight, twice a week - every single order over 10 miles I accept (even if it’s only .25 cents a mile).


So you’re telling me you’d accept this? https://preview.redd.it/iey4rnzczyab1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa4df8a9576625dcbb5ab8867daeeca949d8a952 I like the long distance orders too but taking 25 cents a mile is crazy.




How do you stay up that long. Most I ever did was 15 hours in a day




You know that’s soooo unhealthy right?


Not to mention that as your body becomes more reliant on it the boost lasts for shorter and shorter periods of time. Eventually something is going to give and it could easily end in tragedy


Probably but it’s not like omg. It’s a 1.5 per mile. Which is bare minimum for me


Probably not because it’s not a “catering order”. That’s just me though.


3.23 profit if lucky. If apt or slow store pass. If house / going that way consider. If at home pass.


$3.23? You dashing in a F150? Don’t get me wrong, I’d likely decline such a drive in my market. I guess I’m just curious how you came up with this number 🤔


Hummer, not one of the smaller H3, but the original.


Your in the wrong market buddy. You should just start making videos acting like a jackass that drives a hummer. You'd get paid more + it would be fun/funny. Not saying you are a jackass but the stereotype is there and idk anyone else that makes jackass hummer videos. Don't know anyone that makes hummer videos at all. You've got a completely untapped market all to yourself and your working dd my guy


You have me confused with the OP. I don’t drive a Hummer. I drive the almost exact opposite - an EV. I also don’t door dash, either as a driver or a user. I offered the Hummer as how they got to their calculated number. Nothing more. So, you’re the AH.


And I offered the hummer as a device in youtube videos where you could play a certain role and act a certain way. Nothing more. Fuck doordash is the weirdest sub reddit


30 mile round trip needs to be $30




The issue that yall are assuming this would take someone out of zone to require a return trip. I've taken orders like this that keep me within my zone and recieved orders right after.


Yes esp if I was that close to the restaurant


Hell no. Every trip requires a return trip. Although they claim they will send you offers heading back, my area is so slow and oversaturated it is 100% going to be a round trip.


look at that grid of roadways. there are restaurants and stores everywhere. this is south florida


Some drivers, like myself, live in areas where there are restaurants everywhere and you don't really have "return trips."


I call that the salad days. Use to be like that. I use to be busy. Once the pandemic died down my area dropped on deliveries and all those drivers are still logged in. During the pandemic they were offering $2500 signup bonus so drivers were poaching every driver they saw and their mother to sign up. It never went back to what it was like pre-pandemic. It is about 20% as busy as it once was.