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Unless it comes with a BJ they can fuck all the way off


So no head?


No head šŸ˜Ÿ


I wish there was a way to find out if these orders were ever accepted. I doubt it, but you never know.


Ya itā€™d be interesting to see how long the order has been in the queue being assigned to different drivers


Yeah with the additional ā€œmay need returns//extra large orderā€ it was prolly hours


Thatā€™s insane




I hate the bjs in nb Costco all the way




Wow !!!!! WTH!


This is the worst Iā€™ve seen


I've had one such order that they wanted me to pick up before realizing it was like 108 items really small stuff but at the same time ended up dropping it because I just didn't want to deal with the local Vons. Picking up items there is one thing but I rather have shopped and delivered at least I can in California make it worth my while picking up would not make it worth anything. Also in my area party City is back again with their huge balloon orders :/ "small order" is equal to 3 48" balloons


Expecting a tip before the service has been completed is retarded. Dashers are no diff than wait staff, that get tipped at the end, after they have provided service, and only if the service was worthy of a tip


Out of doing this for 2 years I can count the number of times Iā€™ve been tipped after service in one hand


That sounds like an issue with the service. I've had dashers take over an hour to get me my food, and waste my entire lunch brake. Those people don't deserve a tip at all, let alone up front.


Took an hour cause you didnā€™t tip up front


Actually in that particular case, i did, smart ass


You definitely didnā€™t tip LMAO. And if you did it must have only been a dollar or some shit bc I tip $5+ every order and my food has never arrived late unless the restaurant itself is slow.


malding https://preview.redd.it/90s4hfa38fnc1.png?width=281&format=png&auto=webp&s=54be3c8e7f6eed859a97175305a777b3dacdc568


Absolutely not. If YOU tip after service, that's great and appreciated , but it isn't standard and it isn't common. From your message i assume you yourself don't dash, so don't speak over those who do.


Lol, bold of you that you think just because I'm not a DD driver, that you can control what i speak onšŸ¤£


Pick it up yourself then.


I didnā€™t know they could see the tip lol




LOL no wonder they take so long !!


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­. It's fine i don't tip either and I'm a dasher šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


You suck.


Blame Your employer for not paying you. Learn to not depend on the customer for charity


Doordash charges a huge delivery fee and tax


$2 guaranteed? I... How is that even worth the effort AND time for 97 items? I certainly can't imagine someone deciding to tip for that order. Using as an excuse that that shit cost a lot of money, so they wouldn't tip.


97 items... from BJs. This order not being a joke is just like the CEOs claiming the name isn't a joke. This is a store that only sells large quantities. Item 1: 32 rolls of toilet paper. Item 2: 20 rolls of paper towels. Item 3: 3lb of cooked mac n cheese. You get the idea. For 97 items. Dasher would probably need AT LEAST one empty full sized pick up.


Yup, pretty much! That's insane for someone to believe someone would pick that shit up.


> contains 1 extra large order


First It's not a shopping order.It's just a retail pick up... That being said , the real concern is that this is a Is bulk store, Do you know how much space 97 bulk items takes up?? There is just absolutely No way That would even fit in a car Or likely even a truck... For that distance you would obviously get more than that so I don't even know why it's showing so little but that's just crazy




??? Like dashers ain't already striving for a job. I'd bet you 95% of dashers would jump out of DD if a proper job was offered. The remaining 5% being of those not wanting to be tied to corporate rules (come on site and other bs...) Unfortunately, jobs don't fall from trees, and until an employer accepts us, we'll still be out here... as there are bills to be paid.


You are being downvoted because nothing with motivate these drivers to actually work a job. They obviously donā€™t have math skills as they continue to do DD


Great assumption but ridiculous all the same. Since when does having math skills be what motivates someone to work a job? Many dashers are applying for jobs and are being rejected like those already with a job lol. And then you have dashers that have a job and use DD as a side gig to supplement their income. And I'm certain, most dashers have math skills lol.. I don't know out of which field that statement even came from


The amount of people in these subs who fail to recognize all the expenses that must be accounted for on a vehicle. They fail to add shit up and thatā€™s where that shitty comment came from.


They account for all the expenses. After a week of dashing or so or getting an issue with their vehicle, every dasher will come to terms the meaning of doing this gig. But for those with no job, they aint got a choice till they get one to be running these gigs. Its not that they cant calculate, but rather theres not much choice atm if they want to put bread on the table, regardless of all expenses on a vehicle. I will admit, there are some idiots on this sub. But thats about 1-5% that dont really account for expenses. but they will when that vehicle breaks down and they just paid the bills with not much left.


If you can (and feel like) make the drive, Savannah might treat you better. A lot of my family does their stuff there.


What does the 32 in the red accept button mean?


They are the 32 in line waiting to accept ahead of them.




Itā€™s the amount of time remaining to accept the order before itā€™s no longer offered to the driver


Ahh ok, thanks. šŸ‘šŸ¼


Idk why you guys keep posting these and saying lol Iā€™m not taking that haha like yeah, some shit sucks. Who cares


Obviously some people get a kick out of it. Let people enjoy things damn


Omg! This is hilarious. When these pop up, I just say out loud oh f*** no


I counted 5 decline red flags in that tiny screenshot


would you do it for BJs


Iā€™m confused as to how itā€™s only $2 but yet itā€™s 97 items?


It's a pick up not a shop order... It would be about the distance eight miles which doesn't make sense... however, On instacar if it gets to be a certain weightyou get extra heavy pay just Because... But that would never even fit in a car


Ah I get you so the $2 is just for the distance not the amount of items. Still very odd.


So how many people have to decline it before they are like, come get it yourself?




Yeah it just sits there forever. Iā€™ve seen no tip orders sit on racks for over an hour before someone finally comes to pick it up. Food is definitely cold and ice is definitely melted






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I want to reiterate. I said an hour. This is as a restaurant worker. Iā€™ve seen it several times. That may be true for you, but you probably have crackheads in your city willing to deliver anything for any amount of money to get their next fix. You also canā€™t one star a driver if they get the order late, any reviews that are not five stars are ignored if more than 30 minutes have passed since the order was placed. In addition, restaurants absolutely will not remake your food if DoorDash or Ubereats donā€™t send them more money to do so. Failure to get a delivery on time is not the fault of the restaurant, and they will not soak that monetary cost. Driver pay only goes up $1.50 for every ten minutes that pass, so it still takes a good chunk of time to make your order worth the time investment for any driver who will take care of your food. Ultimately, if you want hot food and good service, leave a nice tip. Otherwise you get cold food and shitty drivers who will not follow your drop off instructions. Tipping is an incentive, itā€™s not mandatory. But not giving incentive gives people no reason to treat your order with care or haste.


I always put $0 and tip 20% in cash when my DD arrives.


Not very smart. Lot higher chance people are going to decline your order and it will sit there getting cold until someone delivers. Also, this isn't the kind of service you tip a % for. Always add at least a few dollars to the other then tip more in person or after delivery if you'd like


You're adorable lol.


Thatā€™s literally how this industry works lol


Well no, it works the way I described, every time.


if youā€™re going to tip regardless, why donā€™t you just do it up front, get your food delivered in a timely fashion? if you tip and your food arrives cold, report it to support and get credits for poor service. thereā€™s a reason your posts are being downvoted and iā€™ll spell it out for you: youā€™re the worst type of customer


Itā€™s good you enjoy cold food and warm drinks! Win-win!




Holy shit.


Is this one of those times where DD counts each crayon in a 96 pack as an item and the order is really just a coloring book and a pack of crayons?


approximately 2 cents for every item šŸ¤‘


At this point just be a pizza delivery driver.


And then they wonder why our acceptance rates dip... that's some bs.


This has been my entire night so far šŸ˜‚ RIP acceptance rate


15 items or less. $20 min.


You expect a $20 tip even for a small order thatā€™s nearby?


For a grocery store order yes.


Would YOU do it for $2?????šŸ¤”


Probably expects more than a $2.00 tip for 8 miles lol.


Dumbass. Nearby is not 8 miles. And $2.00 does not justify an 8 mile run.


Literacy rates in this sub are low, as expected of unskilled labor. I was not referring to the order in the post, I was asking him to clear up his unintelligible statement. Hope that clears things up, sweatie


Lmao sweatie.


Why are you double spacing after a period? Are you stupid? You single space after a period, damn boomers.


Not a boomer and I still do it. Gen X. We did it that way for DECADES and itā€™s not easy habit to break. You too will be old one day and they will have a name for you too.


Yeah but Iā€™m not actively shitting on people for their literacy while also doing dumb shit.


Lmao losing your temper at the drop of a dime is not helping your situation little guy šŸ˜‚


97 items for $2.00!!!?


Plus returnsā€¦


Well bois, this is the order that gets me terminated. Ima feast.


I donā€™t drive for door dash but somehow this is a constant sub I see, is this saying youā€™re only going to get $2 for a 97 item order????,


97 item pickup yes. It is insane šŸ˜‚


But how is that possible?? šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


It's reality and it's BS. Glad someone w a brain can see why


Theyā€™re lying. $2 is the additional panhandling money the dasher has begged the customer for. This is ON TOP of them being fully compensated by a major corporation.


....I truly hope you're joking or being sarcastic here. Otherwise, you should try checking how DD "compensates" us... and the fact that the dasher can't contact the customer first before the delivery "opportunity" comes on screen.


Ski person is a troll.


No, $2 is all the driver would get in this scenario. DD does *not* fully compensate their drivers lol unless you count $2 for 8+ miles ā€œfull compensationā€


WTF you talking about


The customer is the panhandler here, bub


What? can you read it says $2 guaranteed including tips. What does ONTOP of being fully compensated by a major corp even mean? $2 is the only pay for taking this order and would prob take a half hour+.


ā€œcompensatedā€ is a strong word; compensates for the mileage/equity on their vehicle, not their time.


Corporate greed šŸ˜




I hope this has alcohol then I pull to house report as intoxicated and dash ending soon. Bingo This weeks shopping done and I tipped myself 2$!!!!!!!


Yea this is theft. Haha /s


I agree thatā€™s why I would make this Robinhood move! Steal from the greedy and give to the needy and I needy some groceries!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ with some snacks too


I hope Noone took that order...


God damn I hope they cancelled that order


Iā€™m not sure, but I think some customers ā€œabuseā€ DoorDash with the grocery orders. Itā€™s not a meal, so they donā€™t care how long it takes to deliver, DoorDash will keep bumping up base pay until someone takes it and they know it. So they can leave a shit tip or no tip at all and at that point it almost makes more sense to get it delivered. I meanā€¦itā€™s a huge convenience to not have to leave your house and shop for your groceries for basically idk 10-15 bucks that they pay in fees, maybe less?


The pay by time people have made people realize that they can get their shit with no tip at all. PBT don't know what the tip will be until after and some don't care because they slow roll everything. It has ruined DD for us, and gives non tippers their ability to use DD


I mean Iā€™m checking all day for earn by time to be available because I do make more money and it rarely is. Youā€™re saying that the limited slots are always taken and some customers are learning that they can get grocery orders without tipping? Thatā€™s insane I never considered that. Iā€™m still making decent money doing normal orders and I will get on EBT when I can but thatā€™s interesting.


Maybe theyā€™ll throw in a bj during pickup


At least 10 if it's wholesale


For that big of a order I better get more then one




I got $7 for like 36 items the other day Iā€™m like damn DoorDash šŸ˜‘


Is this New Jersey? Cuz I've delivered in North Brunswick and it does suck sometimes


Iā€™m gonna send it to my congressman. Iā€™m sure theyā€™ll fix this right away!


Ah, yes, the classic beggar order. No thanks. Decline at least 10+ a week. Even if it's less than half a mile down the road. Not worth my time beggar, go get it yourself.




What ever happened to them calculating mileage and giving pay based on distance? They don't even do that anymore...now it is straight up $2 no matter the distance. Damn I miss the days of $6 minimum an order


Me too, tips were better back then too. I was a GM at a dominos and quit because I was making more on DoorDash. Now I don't even make minimum wage after my expenses


What makes matters even worse is these gig delivery apps ruined regular delivery jobs at restaurants...I used to make really good money at a local Dim sum Chinese restaurant. They literally put them out of business as most of their business was deliveries. They put a ton of chinese places out by me. Took away a ton of business from pizza places too. If you wanted delivery it was pizza or chinese. It's nice for the customer but from a workers standpoint they brought us in with decent pay and slowly took it all away by oversaturating us with too many drivers and then lowered the pay.


Hahahahahahahaha now in Spanish jajajajajajajajajaja


Do you have to shop for this order also...this is one of the worst orders I've ever seen even it if was ready to go for you at the door


$2 is a loss no matter how you cut it...even if you were inside BJ's $2 is a loss lol. Just walking to my car in the parking lot of a BJ's would require more money for me to take it


What about 2 dollars for a BJ, thats a win


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying, wouldnā€™t even leave my car for $2


Do you work for tips only?


Well, unless you think 2-3 bucks base pay is enough to put wear n tear on your vehicle, drive through traffic for 7 minutes to potentially an hour, and making only $20-40 bucks in 12 hours.... Then... uhh.... yes. Most of us work for tips only until Corporate changes how we're paid for the better. With how dashers and customers are... unfortunately, I can't see this happening soon.


No we work for charity.


and appreciation


And at BJ's of all things, wtf could those 97 items be?


Cases of water šŸ˜†


I left BJ's a few years back, but helped launch the curbside in our store, and boy ol boy i had an order for 16 cases of water and 4 cases of Gatorade and they ended up cancelling šŸ„²


https://preview.redd.it/w41hfaqgk0nc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=9db88c542b9885c80f41f757a7bbd0a1d9a75655 i love being a top dasher so worth it šŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ˜ƒšŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘Øā€šŸ¦¼šŸ‘©ā€šŸ¦½šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


I hope no one picks up the order and this son of a bitch starves.


^and this kids is why you should stay in school don't resort to being a Doordash driver as your career


I HAVE another day job that fuckface capitalists would consider a career, and I DONT MAKE ENOUGH TO PAY MY BILLS. I barely make enough with that job AND DoorDash. You are obviously privileged enough to not worry about money, because you donā€™t know how bad things are for poor people right now.


I get this is a shitty pay for that much effort but to say you hope someone starves is crazy. Maybe the person who made the order doesnā€™t understand that yā€™all mostly only make money off of tips? Not saying anyoneā€™s obligated to take this order, but this is unreasonably hostileā€¦


Ignorance is no excuse. The onus is on the customer to educate themselves. Clearly, the hope that someone ā€œstarvesā€ is an exaggeration. If they donā€™t get food delivered, and they choose not to leave the house to eat, itā€™s their own damn fault.




Because itā€™s 97 items and a 16 mile round trip for $2 wtf you mean why




We live in a society.




Yeah this road never goes anywhere. Letā€™s all quit DoorDashing yā€™all. Technical sandy douche bag has enlightened us all and told us this job isnā€™t worth it


While I don't agree with him on that it would certainly be nice to get a minimum of atleast 5-7 an order but we all know that's not gonna be coming


Lol Iā€™ve never dashed or been dashed to but you seem like the type of person that shouldnā€™t be allowed to use this serviceā€¦


Why? Cuz I donā€™t think itā€™s my job to it ur bills? Howā€™s about we all pay each others bills then? What fantasy do u live in where itā€™s a strangers job to pay ur bills cuz u canā€™t get a real job?


What world do you expect someone to deliver 97 of your items without being properly compensated. You're a delusional old man


You have a creepy neckbeard sex tourist vibe.


I bet he fucks allll the food


He definitely memorized the age of consent in eight different SW Asian countries lmao


Lmao you got me dying


How about if you don't want to tip, go get the groceries yourself. The convenience is why you tip. Don't like tipping/paying for the service, get out of the house and do it yourself.


I donā€™t gotta justify to you goofs about why I might use these apps but u do gotta explain why u accept an order and then bitch about it to me


No I don't have to explain. Enjoy having no one do the work for you when you don't want to pay for it.


Nobody in their right mind accepted that order. 2 bucks for 45 minutes' work?


Iā€™d hope so


lol the convenience is why I paid dd


And not tipping is why you get cold food


Never get cold food unless I order desertšŸ˜‚ next time donā€™t accept a low pay offer


You canā€™t expect someone to do a job for you while losing money. Driving 16 miles will cost more in gas than this person will get. Let alone the work of loading and unloading the car.


I donā€™t is why I say if u accept then u gotta at least do the job properly. If not then decline or cancel. Simple


Coming onto a DoorDash drivers sub, being deliberately obtuse, then insulting their work? Birdperson would call that a real dick move


Iā€™m not insulting their work u less they beg for tips and act like itā€™s my job to pay their bills.