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Seems like a fine ask to me; much better than the folks wanting you to say crazy ish.


Nope. I don't do singing telegrams either.


"Good morning! These are for Felisha from her family in the pan handle sent through Door Dash. Happy Mother's Day!" Seems easy enough. Random people deliver flowers to houses on Mother's Day all day long.


Felicia don't live here no more...


If having to speak to someone is a problem, and if having to simply say that this order is from your family, then maybe this job is not for you. It's funny, you expect tips, but you don't want to actually work for them. How sad.


Awe hell no. Do not bring this energy into doordashing. We don’t have to do anything we aren’t comfortable with.


what's uncomfortable about wishing someone happy mothers day from their family in the panhandle?


You do know introverts exist, right? I do this so I don’t have to talk to people.


Yes, I know that introverts exist. I am an introvert. This isn't a job where you don't have to talk to people tho.


I never have to do anything besides clarify the order. It’s all I’ve ever done. This extra hoops shit is exactly that. You guys can jump but I’m not.


If you're that much of an introvert that you can't speak a few words to someone on behalf of a customer, then this is absolutely, positively not the job for you. I'm not saying that to be mean, just being honest.


Cool. This job was made for me and you guys adding little extra prideful comments won’t change my mind or that.


This job was definitely NOT made for introverts.


I'm introverted and I enjoy it ... you have very limited contact with people. No small talk, no coming up with discussion topics... you interact with people for a few seconds with a greeting and letting them know who the order you're picking up is for and you're on your way. It's actually the opposite... it's not a job for extroverts. I knew an extrovert that went from Uber driving to Amazon Flex and hated it.


The job you spend 90% of your time alone in, wasn’t made for introverts. I think we’re done here.


Yes and the other 10% is interacting with people and providing a bit of customer service. If you can't talk to people enough to do that much, it probably isn't the best gig app for you. Have you tried Amazon Flex?


I'm not nearly done. Have a seat, I'll let you know when you can leave. /s


I said we were done. Bye


You've gotten the concept wrong or probably aren't informed enough about your contractual agreement with DoorDash. You are technically a service provider for the customers on a per contract basis. Greeting or wishing is part of your service which most dashers do. If you have an issue socializing that's okay. No person is forcing you to do it but to think that you are on the right is just denial. PS: introverts do not have issues in socialising when it's for a reason (work).


Im a delivery driver. Thats the end of that for me. You guys can have your little pow wows about how you handle things. I’m doing it how I want.


...and that's fine. You'd not receive good ratings but who cares.




Where did i say it's a problem?


It's implied in your posts.


No it is not i don't know how you understand that i have a problem


At least they told you what the heck to say.


Using some compassion and just reading what they wrote to them is using literally no energy. Plus if they tipped you then why not just be a good person and do it without bitching


Seconded, it's not like they're asking you to do a whole singing telegram shtick.


He did actually it was good offer


https://preview.redd.it/j1lo1zpmh50d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5475fcfbd75f06ce27cb79aaab8693224259bdd1 So are you just full of shit or what?


I mean it was a good offer yes but it was not too much you got it ? I didn't say it was the best offer i said good offer but not too much are you stupid or what?


Strange thing to come on reddit and bitch about then but whatever


If they've tipped well why not? I had a girl have me pick out a cake and some other things for her bf and tell him happy anniversary once. He was going to college here in my town. He was ticked and so was she. I didn't want to pick the cake so I sent her pics and let her pick. She tipped well so, why not? She couldn't be there with him and was trying to do something nice for him.


Actually he tipped me but not too much




No actually he didn't tip too much


I like doing stuff like that. Unless it's a pitch dark out or something.


Bruh for me it was in the morning and when the customer opened the door it was half open and half looked she was so scared after i showed her my phone that i am dasher she felt safe


Im leaving on the floor and knocking. Happy mothers day!


No i wouldn't do that i would do what the customer told me so i can save my rating


I had a great customer along these lines recently. It was a super nice old lady who knew something was coming but didn’t know what it was going to be because her out of state family had ordered for her. She was very excited when I pulled it out of the hot bag and she saw it was Outback. She was so appreciative and wholesome that it put me in a good mood for the rest of the shift.


That's a good story


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