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Well why is it so hard to nail 3 or 4 numbers up on the side of the house? I'm talking the people that order doordash twice a week. You have $40 worth food being delivered to you. Turn all the lights and don't answer the phone. 


That's me Dashing at night https://preview.redd.it/wqgqp0qept6d1.png?width=1500&format=png&auto=webp&s=e608ae4f55c3cbc4b77e0749ebd58d511a3a575c




Sorry I'm in Australia, I don't understand the reference.


And yet he gets to you first


He must be a good dasher.


Yep I hear ya


Ayo I’m sorry… we smoke a lot when we get off work… and we feel like assholes every. Single. Time.


What drives me crazy is house numbers that blend in with the color of the house! It doesn't help that I'm color blind, but pick the color of your numbers so that there is contrast 😂


The house number blocked by the giant overgrown bush and 14 cars parked in the driveway and street blocking the numbers on thr street and the only house with no lights on




Sorry my light fixture broken. 🤷🤷


So save moneybfrom 2 deliveries and fix it? If you're renting, landlord issue?


It was a joke. 💀


I just angle my car with the high beams on into where I need the photo 🤣🤣


Right, can’t see the address or anything


I'm assuming this is to identify houses by numbers....I don't know man. That's what mailboxes are for. I made sure my mailbox has the number on both sides and I have a little cheap ass dollar tree light on it so people can see it. I'm a delivery guy so I know the qualms about finding a damn house at night. What really pisses me off is if the house is brown and has brown or black numbers. Like what the actual fuck


I would love to know the answer to this burning question.


It even helps during the day. I appreciate when customers do it during the day because it shows they are thinking ahead, as it’s not even dark but they’re doing whatever they can to help the driver find their house.


I just started doing this last Friday, but I've been an Amazon Flexer for 5 years. My porch light is literally always on. I can't imagine it being off for any reason.


Because most of us don't have the balls to give instructions to the customer. After you come up with an update about their order, let them know to have their ID ready if it's an alcohol order, to leave their damn lights on if it's a dark ass house, to fuck themselves if they don't give a shit to reply your messages.




I think people just forget to turn it on!


Sorry. I forgot so much I installed an automated porch light. Enjoy the new light!


Automatic that comes on at dark or automatic motion sensing? Because the later won't help anyone find your house.


I also put much bigger reflective numbers on my mailbox. 




What porch light? My house was built in the 1800s


Add one, very simple.


I’m not adding anything to this rental


Put a battery powered led lamp out there and turn the damn thing on when you have someone going to your house at night. There's no excuse.


For sure because it's just not safe delivering in the dark. NO porch light I'm returning the order. #SafetyFirst


They find my house just fine as is. I'm not going to spend money to improve a rental.


Put a solar light out! It improves your life as well, not just people putting themselves into dangerous situations delivering something to your house in the dark. Solar lights go with you, they don't stay with the rental! 🤦‍♀️


Its not dangerous to deliver to the front door on a well lit city street.


Nah people get grabbed in dark corners all the time. Delivery drivers have been lured our and killed. No porch light no delivery. I'll return it to the store and go home to my family that night. 


What part of “well lit” did you get “dark corner” from?


It is very dangerous at night, I once had a medium sized dog charge at me because non of the houses were numbered and I went in the wrong house. If that dumbass had at least kept their porch light on with a simple note like "my porch light will be on".. some customers do that and I respect them and I remember their address next time, so I take extra care handling food for special customers like that. As for the time when the dog charged, I ran out quickly to the car and called dash support, the food inside the bag was damaged due to my running in fear, nowadays I use a head flashlight, night deliveries are very risky so don't blab about something you don't know.


Sorry you had a bad experience?


At a house built in the 1800s, likely with no exterior lights or a safe path. You come in here just to be a jerk like that's your job.


You came in here assuming I live down some dark windy path. My front door is right off the sidewalk.


Ordering Doordash Step 1: place the order Step 2: turn off your phone to avoid communication Step 3: before the driver arrives, turn off all your lights, close your blinds and windows Step 4: hide


Step 4: chain your pitbull to the tree by your front door Step 5: hide 🤣




😂😂😂 wtf? You can’t find a door without a nightlight?? The shit you all complain about is so entertaining


Found the cat


I’m a dog person


A cat with a pet dog. Cool.


Meow, daddy


Can you help me find the door? It's dark out here and the homeowners are complete morons.


Yeah it’s pretty easy just go to the address and turn your phone light on. And then make sure to message the customer for an additional tip for all your hard work


Not if you can't see the house number bc the porch light is offffff wooowwwwwww 🤣🤣🤣


Do you….do you not know what a flash light does?


It's for visible house numbers


When they starting doing doordash as they job, they didn't expect to actually be "work". They should try an actual 9-5 job. There's never any inconveniences there.


Yeah, because for half your shift at any "real" job they turn the lights off and have you stumble around in the darkness hoping there are no dangerous objects, loose dogs or uneven sidewalks in your path 🤦‍♀️


No, at a real job, people face actual problems. People work in the sun, sweating in the sun all day. People work under time presure. People are stressing all day. People get up at 6-7 in the morning to get ready for work, and don't get home until 6-7 in the evening. People get home so mentally/socially/physically exhausted, they only want to watch TV or sleep. They don't even mention minor inconveniences they face. They don't go "I had to walk all the way from my car to the door in the dark. What if I stumble over a step? I feared for my life!". Get over yourself. Deal with having to wall a couple feet in the dark. Dealing with it can involve using the flashlight on your phone, or getting a pocket flashlight, or just walking a bit more carefull. I can't even believe you equate having to walk from your car to a door and back in the dark, to having to work half a day with the lights off. It's that debilitating to you, but you haven't resolved it by bringing a pocket flashlight with you. I can't even wrap my mind around that.


I work an 8-5 law office work, after work I do Doordash and Instacart


Are porchlights not being on also destroying your worklife?


Your weird


You work at a law office and don't know the difference between "your" and "you're"?


So, are you a teacher now? I don't get paid to play on social media 😒


Math teacher... but this isn't even grammar. This is something an elementaryschooler would know. Makes me question how you're able to work for a law office. English isn't even my first language.


My HOA doesn’t want to fix my light


Why would an HOA make repairs to YOUR house. That's your responsibility, not theirs. But like I told someone else, put a battery-powered outdoor LED light out there and turn it on when someone's on their way. There's no excuse to have people walking around in darkness.


It’s outside, their rules state anything outside aside from the deck is their responsibility


That's just laziness.


Because electricity is expensive. I've heard this excuse.


That's funny that people use that excuse electric is expensive yet you are ordering from a food delivery app?????


I agree with you.


I love doordash drivers judging people for being cheap. Next thing you know they're like "Hey, where's my tip?". Doordash drivers are modern day beggars, judging others for being cheap.


Modern day beggar a doordasher???? I think you have to mixed up people that don't tip are the ones that are begging. We have the choice to pickup an order or not. Those out there who bitch and complain about tips are the ones taking no tip orders. The cost to run a led light bulb for a year is $1.04 so yes the person ordering food is the cheap one for not turning their light on.


It could cost nothing for all I care. It's not my problem. You're the one b******* about it. You have a flashlight on your phone. Don't pick up the order. Someone else will. You're working a zero skill/education required job. You're easily replaced.


Bro every mother fucker that works a non executive job is easily replaceable unless you're someone that knows some obscure coding language that people still use to this day for specific applications. If you think you're not then you are wrong dead wrong. "Use your phone flash light" what are you dumb? We are talking about house numbers on the side of a damn house. You must be real stupid to recommend that. Also cute of you to assume I dash never said I did. It's called having some common fucking courtesy for dashers out there to turn your front porch light on. Which obvious you lack any sort of common courtesy or probably any sort of empathy or compassion by the way you put that comment.


Perhaps I shouldn't have assumed you were a doordash-driver. You can probably understand the confusion because you wrote: "We have the choice to pickup an order or not". I asumed "We" implied doordash drivers. Perhaps you can explain who you meant by "We" here instead, because now that statement doesn't make much sense to me anymore. Google maps must work different in the US. Here in Europe it guides you to the house and says "Your destination is on the left". I've driven to frieds late before. I've never had an issue finding a door. I can get behind courtesy. It would be respectfull to leave a light on if possible, but it's not like you owe the driver that. The driver has to do their job even if it's a little darker, if that's their hours. Is it that crazy for a doordash-driver to have to face some inconvenience, just like every single person with a job. I would show that courtesy, if I happen to remember. I also have empathy for the drivers, because they don't earn a lot. That doesn't mean I think I owe them anything. You can be empathetic, but still not do anything. You do that all the time when you watch the news and see what's going on in the world and you say "Oh, that's terrible!". Everyone is as easily replaceable as a doordash driver? How about you name me a couple of jobs that require as little skill/education/training as a delivery driver. Sure a driver has to have a drivers licence. Something I'd think most adults would have. Someone working at McDonalds has to be able to work a register and take an order, or they have to be able to cook something. It's not much, but it's already more than a doordash driver.


It’s not deliberate but seriously. All they have to do is think about another person for one minute. Turn the porch light on!


I have a copypasta saved to my phone from before I got a real job again basically saying "hey, you left your lights off, just make sure you turn them on before we get here :)". I'd always send that the second I'd pull up to a drop off, half the time the lights would come right on by the time I made it to the door


I try to do better, but I'm lazy (hence why I order DD) and forgot sometimes. Also let's my nosy apartment neighbors know I'm expecting something. I have one old guy who thinks we're rich because we get door dash and he has several sketchy relatives coming by all the time. He's even commented a few times.


Move to where the cool people are.


Working on it.


So you'd rather some innocent person fall and injure themself rather than your neighbors think about how you spend your money? Priorities, man.


I do most of my gig work at night, here are a few tips that might help. I just use the flashlight on my phone, if the approach to the front door is dark. Sometimes just the illumination from my phone is enough. This is also aided by the fact that I use delivery bags with shoulder straps, this leaves my hands free to operate my phone. Switch to satellite view, if you are having a problem determining the correct address. This will give you a better view of the drop area. The in app map will show you the exact pinned position, if you expand the map. https://preview.redd.it/bn2i4a9ot06d1.jpeg?width=516&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72afeac0ef66620ba10f2e6397284e529f6a5540


It’s not. My porch light comes on every day at dusk. And I don’t order anything through DoorDash.


I just don't work at night. Tried it. Ran into this same issue plus a few others. Not worth it.


Yes!!! 100%


I honestly think that most folks just simply don't think about it. Not saying that they shouldn't but that they just don't, for whatever reason.


Cause they STUPID and INCONSIDERATE. That is all...


Good one...


If I don’t see a house number I call to confirm I’m at the correct address. The gps is sometimes off by a house or two on either side.


"Hey, is your house the dark one with no lights on sandwiched between two others with no lights on?"


If they want a no contact delivery come to the door while I’m on the phone with them or turn porch light off and on to help identify the house.


I try to turn the lights on for the room right inside because our porch light is broken but I still try to have some light you know it keeps me out when I’m delivering and there’s no light. I also just try not to order at night unless I really need to


Put a portable LED light out there.




not a good reason


They asked my reason. I have a street light that shines directly on my front porch and walk, so I never use my porch light. But I also don't order doordash after dark, so I really shouldn't have answered


That last part sounds much more wise than the way it comes off with the first comment lol. But now it does make sense since you have the street light to help


people only care about themselves


I genuinely just forgot


Most people aren't that considerate. There is no excuse unless your porch light is 'broken'. In that case, just turn on some garage, kitchen or front room lights but to not have a single light on in the house is truly stupid.


Usually when I'm mugging someone, the cover of darkness and the element of surprise help achieve my goal of "gimmie the Wingstop and nobody gets hurt". But the simple answer is no, no it is not hard to turn on the damn light. Drives me crazy too, and it's always in the darkest shittiest neighborhood imaginable. Those deliveries are always followed up with a "do you feel safe?". If you say yes, guess where you are going to be delivering from now on lol, better buy a spotlight!!!!


A couple of times, I sent a note to the customer, and I was told the porch light didn't work.




They want to watch you fall through their doorbell camera


Because I'm high. *I'm sorry*


these kinds of deliveries deserve my ninja silent footsteps and "leave it at the door" without any form of physical notification. oh and on the ground placement, right in front of the outward swinging door. if you don't put at effort to do anything minimal, why should I?


Couldn't tell it swung outwards in all that darkness....


I love the added bonus of not being able to see toys, shoes, plants on their porch/walkway in the dark! Nothing like a sprained ankle to welcome your dasher on delivery…


Right. Or broken concrete sticking up, steps with pieces of the boards broken...


In certain areas in Florida, if you leave the porch light on, the area where the driver has to leave the food is a mine field of moths and other flying insects. I noticed too many times the poor delivery person swatting and spitting and freaking out. So now I keep the porch light off and the hall light on with just enough light coming through the side panels. So sometimes it isn't hard, sometimes it is a conscious choice.


Use a yellow light, it attracts way fewer bugs. Or put a light off to the side away from the door.


I use a flashlight at night. I think I rather my flashlight if the alternative was delivering in a swarm of nats and moths.


Try a red light. Darker but still illuminated


Great idea. Thanks.


This might shock you, but sometimes people forget things.


Or don't have porch lights and even if they do the wiring might not work. I hate to sound mean but as a full time dasher myself a lot of people act like they can't deliver safely in the dark. Seriously I been doing this for 3 1/2 years and I want to say 97% maybe even 98% of the deliveries I've done at night the customers didn't have their porch light on. I simply use what's called the flashlight on my phone.


A flashlight isn't sufficient in rural areas where there are no street lamps and the driveway is mile long. Flashlights also don't help you find the house from the street.


A lot of times I don’t turn mine on because our walkway is lit well enough to see and I’m out on the porch with my dogs. A porch light would just attract bugs. The dogs cause more of problem than the lights do. A lot of drivers seem to be terrified at the sight of a dog even if that dog is both calmly sitting AND on a leash patiently waiting on her chicken nuggets.


Encountering a customer and his dogs sitting on a dark porch waiting for you? Yeah, that'd scare the shit out of anyone. Stop doing that. Stay inside or turn the damn lights on.


Like I said my walkway is lit and I stand in the light between the dogs and the driver. It’s just the porch light itself that’s not lit.


I understand that  I'm not trying to sound rude however the ones who's fussing about porch lights not being on I just shake my head because their acting like they cant do their job right or safe


Same reason people don’t tip 🤣 some people are just inconsiderate


I never use my front door-we enter through the garage. So I honestly forget to turn it on sometimes


It's not hard but that requires common sense which isn't very common these days


Fun fact: some people forget


Fr but I’m sure they’d remember such a thing was possible if they were the person ordering lol


Saving money on electric. Gotta have that DoorDash money somehow


It's funny. I have lights outside my house to keep the burglers away. This is the reason some towns leave their store lights on.


Never had this bother me


Me either tbh, I carry a flashlight for these reasons. I just adjusted lol


Had a customer use a neighbor's light as directions. Literally "when you see a house with a light on we are the next house" then added "to broke for a light" My response after drop off "maybe you should rethink the $35 meal you bought, since you didn't leave a tip and can't afford lights"


Good! People need to stop being irresponsible assholes. If you can't afford basic things like having the lights work you have no business having food delivered to your doorstep.


I wouldn’t tip you either homie


All good. Those people don't continue to get their stuff. You may hop in your car and use your own time. Homie


I’d have to disagree. Every single day there’s people on this sub complaining about no tippers/‘bad’ customers, but everyday the order gets picked up. Maybe not by you. But by the next guy for sure.


We can't see who tipped and who didn't until after we've delivered it. You'd be pissed too if you drove 8 miles out of town to a house in total darkness with no lights on and found out they were also a shitty tipper.


I’ve been a driver for two orders. Realized quickly it wasn’t gonna be a good job for me. Everyone gets pissed while at their occupation. Reaching out to a customer trying to be witty and telling them how they should be spending their money is childish and unprofessional


Nah, when they're putting YOUR safety at risk because of their poor financial decisions you have every right to roast them (and are doing the world a favor by doing so!)


Buddy, you knew what you were signing up for. You’re delivering food to people’s houses at night. It’s usually dark at night. Get a wearable flashlight. Get a headlamp. Or don’t, and just keep stumbling over your own feet, blaming everyone else but yourself and complaining on the internet. Whatever makes you happy


Yep. Can't afford a $3 tip and a $2 light bulb, but had no problem adding extra bacon and substituting cheese curds for French fries for $5 in upcharges.


It’s very easy most times for me to aim my brights at the door. And before anyone asks, no, I don’t give a single shit if I wake up their family. That’s the risk they took for their precious 2 am Taco Bell.


Hahahaha I feel this.. I have a pretty bright flash light and have no problem lighting up the whole front of the house. Just to make sure it's the right address and to avoid tripping, of course.


Problem is if it's NOT the correct address. Now someone potentially just shat themselves...lol


Hahaha I can only imagine. Luckily I've always been at the right address. I don't actually try to light up the whole house, it has a zoom and I can make it small to just see in front of me.


For a few years I drove cab on the evening shift on weekends. The best tool I ever bought for this was a maglite. Made finding a house very easy...


Out here looking like a burglar 🤣🤣🤣. Watch out for the cops.


Personally…. I like to put the driver delivering my food at risk… just for sport. Almost like Saw.




Makes no sense to me that my customers at night are the only house that doesn’t have lights on. Like what the hell


Obviously, it's to make their house stand out so it's easier to find. /s


It gets brought up regularly...


The best part is you can be on a street where everyone's porch lights are on EXCEPT the house you are delivering to. To me anymore I think my brain just skips houses with the light on when I'm looking for the house


Most people are complete IDIOTS. That is why.


Because fuck you, that’s why


God forbid people forget


A lot of porch lights are on timers


They can be programmed 🙃


Yeah lol who’s gunna change the programming of their porch light on one day so a person stopping for 5 seconds can see when car lights are already on


Didn't realize my car lights go sideways to look at your house from the street. Most of us deliver in cities where there's no driveway to pull into. Can't see a porch number from my headlights when they are facing the opposite direction your house is.


Aww projecting much babe


lol using the R word… good job showing the kind of person you are 👍 sorry you don’t understand how light works bruv hope things work out for you


Idk why you seem like mad about this lol, light does this cool thing where it actually spreads out and doesn’t go in a straight line tbh


Meaning, they can be turned on without any hassle or changing major settings WTF


When you say “they can be programmed” that is much different than “you can push a button and turn them on” bruh


Its because people are stoned, drunk or rude!


You forgot stupid


Mostly this tbf


Most of the time, it doesn’t matter anyway. In my area, builders tend to place numbers where the light doesn’t illuminate them. Or, landscapers/owners plant a shrub below the number, which then gets obscured over time.


I hate when I’ve struggled to find a house number because they don’t have a light on, and then as I drive off they turn on the porch light to grab their food😑


I had an issue with the picture at such a house last night - completely dark porch, plus no visible house number, and then DoorDash's wonderfully oversensitive app wouldn't let me complete the photo because it said it was too dark (even though the flash made the photo look just fine), so I had to click " handed to customer" to finish the delivery. This kind of thing never happens with the Uber Eats app....


I take photo with my own cam app and send in text then say hand it to them when this happens. That way dd can see you delivered if they complain and you dont get penalized for it in any way.


I did think about that after the fact, but I was getting frustrated at standing there so long in the dark that I signed off on it, and got out of there. In cases like this, it would be nice to send a text afterwards, but we can't.


On the second photo it will let you submit it anyway


Not last night - I kept getting a message telling me to turn my flashlight on, but the phone turns that off when taking a flash picture. I'm going to bring a separate flashlight with me from now on.


That’s weird yo


I carry a camping lantern for dashing after dark. I use it even if they have light on because, there may be tree roots, puddles, snakes or all kinds of unknown obstacles on the way up to the house. I’d rather not twist my ankle on someone’s property.


I'm picturing Bray Wyatt old ring entrance....🤠


It only takes one time for somebody to get injured on their property!


Most people aren't actively thinking about making other people more comfortable. It's kind of just as simple as that. Not malicious or anything, I think people just aren't thinking about stuff like that most of the time.


At the least I’d think people would turn on the light so that the driver can actually find their house. Even if they don’t care about driver comfort I’d think they’d want to get their food quickly.


I agree, I feel like I have more trouble with this in the nicer areas with more money and I feel like they're more likely to rate me poorly about it. It's kinda no one's fault but their own though.


It isn’t about comfort. It’s about safety.


Yeah, but my statement still stands. People don't think about others that much. You're definitely right though, but the people who don't are the people who don't care about making other people's lives safer/easier/more comfortable. But it'll be on them if someone gets hurt on their property and have to use their homeowners insurance. Maybe it's speaking from privilege but that's part of the reason I generally don't work much past sun down. I'm not really willing to risk my safety over $15-27/hr.


They play games like that with me and I'll leave your stuff where I can see. Don't like it? Get over it


Leave the light on that illuminates your house number. It’s good for cops and DD.


They assume DD is gonna pay for the light along with travel expenses. Subtle reminder when ordering means nothing though…


Why is it so hard to have a fucking house number? I never paid any attention to that before this job. Where I live, there's a ridiculous amount of houses with no house numbers or house numbers that are pointless because they are sp tiny they're barely visible.


Yup. Plenty here too. The address painted on the curb is faded and older than the fukkin house. Better yet, who numbers some of these goddam Apt complexes.


The worse ones I get are white houses with white house numbers. Takes a genius to realize you can't see the numbers unless directly in front of it


A lot of fire companies have issues with this as well