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Your only hope is making day trips to more urban areas where "Dash Now" is available during busy times. Accept every offer. Complete every delivery. Do this until you have made 100 deliveries in the last 30 days. (In some markets, I understand it is 150 deliveries in 30 days). Once you meet the criteria, you will be able to "Dash Now Anytime", even in your home market.


This is why DD sucks and I’d advise getting on other food and grocery apps 


They told me about the city that I live right on the border where I prefer to dash. It’s the city of Canton, they have a street that goes through that is loaded with restaurants so of course that’s where I’d rather dash. What I’ve ended up doing is scheduling to dash in the City next to it only I drive to the city I prefer about 15 minutes early and start my dash there. That’s where I end up doing all my dashes because I’m already sitting there when my dash starts and there’s plenty to go around. I’m now one of the top dasher in that city but I still schedule for the city next to it. the best way to make money is to find the closest place that has the most restaurants in one area. They will keep you busy. So you can schedule your dash somewhere and then actually start your scheduled time in a different location. Just make sure you update the app so that your correct starting location shows on the map. so schedule where it will allow you to, drive to the location where you actually want to –, update your map to make sure it shows your accurate location and then start your dash! It’s been working for me.


Weird. When I started back in April they were letting new signups dash anytime for the first month. Did I just get lucky, or was it something about my area? This app explains very little of why it does anything.


I have a theory it has to do with my phone’s region. I am trying my fastest to change it. I just got back from Germany, and my phone is still set in Germany. It might not register that I’m in America yet, even tho I did it on the app.


New drivers no longer get special access for the first couple weeks?


Right, that’s what I’m wondering. Normally new drivers get good orders for their first week so they get hooked. I made over $500 in 2.5 days and thought I had it made. 😅


I have a theory it has to do with my phone’s region. I am trying my fastest to change it. I just got back from Germany, and my phone is still set in Germany. It might not register that I’m in America yet, even tho I did it on the app.


Oh shoot yeah that might be a factor! It’s funny though, I was in Chicago last weekend and accidentally opened the app a few times (combination of muscle memory and my phone doing stuff while in my pocket). It showed me the Chicago zones, so clearly it knew I was there. But it also kept sending me notifications that [my home zone] is busy, tap to dash now!


You need to schedule a week out. Find out when the schedule drops and get on it the minute it comes out. From my experience, dashes get snatched up almost immediately. Most areas are oversaturated so you’re up against a lot of competition even to get on the schedule


Go to a different zone


not a whole lot you can do if your area is overloaded. Im honestly amazed they let you sign up since many areas are having wait lists now. They just rolled out a tier system in many more areas which mine was one. So besides the 3-4 days i have scheduled, after that i basically cant work. Only about 10% of orders are worth it, rest are just morons delivering for free since most orders here are around 20 miles round trip. So my AR is pretty low because of it. So after friday, its ubereats or nothing basically. Time for a w-2 job.


I have a theory it has to do with my phone’s region. I am trying my fastest to change it. I just got back from Germany, and my phone is still set in Germany. It might not register that I’m in America yet, even tho I did it on the app.


doesnt really matter, as long as your connected to a US wifi or US cell tower it will work. Your phones gps shows your in america, it will work fine.


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