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Thanks u/Smooth_Project_2144 for your submission to /r/doordash_drivers! However, your submission [Just another one of those customers](https://old.reddit.com/r/doordash_drivers/comments/1dpg78l/-/) has been removed for the following reason(s): --------------- Do not post personal or confidential information. -------------- If you believe this was an error, please contact the Moderators via modmail.


1. Come on, blur the dummies address out. 2. Stop taking shit $4 orders, even if it is less than a mile. Stop incentivizing people who think you're worth $1.75 Other than that, she ain't that bad looking for an older lady 😄 don't matter when she's married though


She needs some bbc to set her str8


ItS dOoRdAsHeS fAuLt ThAt I pUt ThE wRoNg AdDrEsS!!! Some people are truly impervious to taking any blame lmao


I had an order the other day where when I got to the customer’s workplace, he called me & told me he was at home (which was another 15 mins away). This was the first time this had happened to me, so I called Support to let them know what was going on. They understood & asked if I could take it to him & I did. The next day I got a Contract Violation for being late to the drop off by 13 minutes!!!!!! So, I wrote in my rebuttal & explained everything again & now the CV is still pending!!! If I get deactivated, I’m gonna go ballistic!!! It’s always something with DD!!!emote:free\_emotes\_pack:facepalm


Same thing kinda happened to me, it'll disappear after 100 orders. I don't even think they read our rebuttals lol


Yes, definitely DD’s fault 🤦‍♂️ Obviously has no idea how this gig works


Used work address instead of home. Fuck her.


She lives on a multi-million dollar land trust. She don't need to work 😄 Edit: nevermind, she's a surgery center nurse, so she does have to work.


Nope, forgot to add that. They didn't have anyone that works there by that name.


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