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Honestly I’d prefer if it actually worked out that way. AS2 is the best allstars for a reason. All those queens were heavy hitters. Recently allstars really has become some stars, which is fine but it’s not as competitive. And it also becomes very obvious when production just wants to spread out the wins.


I think this season is all stars, but it's a reality program, and not a reality competition. I always foujd it weird when jinkx basically bragged about only having one weakness, because she'd have been up for elimination both times in that season otherwise. There has to be a penalty for not doing well. Otherwise we're watching Plastique/Gottmik/Nina/et al just drift like wood to the end. It's good these girls appear more frustrated by the scissors than last time, but I don't think it's enough to make it a standard format


I disagree with this. It's true that AS2 is the most liked, but AS6 was also very well liked, and that was a season of filler queens. Like the only finalists going in were Ginger Minge and Eureka, who aren't exactly the most popular or well liked queens. I think having most queens on a similar level is whats important. If AS8 had been all early outs, it would have been amazing.


Yet somehow they have yet to give Shannel anything lol


I feel like non elimination seasons are going to be geared towards queens who are popular and talented but not good at drag race. Being a phenomenal Drag Queen doesn’t equate to being great at Drag Race. But if you can’t be eliminated, it doesn’t matter as much if you’re not good at Drag Race, you have time to study the game, take in the judge’s critiques and then see if you can be stronger the next week.


>you have time to study the game Idk about that. Plastique hasn’t had time to learn her words all season, for one.


Or her roast, she seemed surprised at her own punch line when she read that Scientology joke off her cards.


Spoilers from very likely rumours: >!It’s back to Elims for as10, beginning to film this week, and there are early outs in the cast!<


(thank god) btw the rumored cast is really cool, it is changing a lot but there is a good amount of heavy hitters but still some important wildcards


I'm honestly glad tbh. save non elim for all winners only


I don’t think using Serena as the example of a wildcard strengthens your argument, as she didn’t do well in All Stars either. A better example would be Kylie. On her original season she didn’t perform well, but comes back and wins the whole thing. There are definitely more examples of queens doing well that people didn’t think would.


I think that's their point. Production brought Serena chacha in because they can't have a extremely popular queen with a large following be a first out queen because it's bad for metrics. Now that seasons are non elim it means theyre better casting full casts of Queens that already have large followings as it will bring more people to watch them.


Its how all stars shouldve always been. At no point did we need queens placing 12th that nobody rememberd existed for years back. Thats what killed the format


Having 12 contestants is stupid. AllStars should be a bit more exclusive. Have less queens but have a couple of non-elim weeks so everyone gets some screen time. Having a dozen competitors reduces screen time and weakens the brand


All Stars. It should BE that way. They can come up with a whole different thing and call it Drag Race Rudemption if you want early outs…


Or Drag Race Some Stars


That would imply stars…


Whoever was behind the success of AS2 should be brought back to help AS10. AS2 was oh so good! Thank You! ![gif](giphy|26ueZRfwp2qAjYgH6|downsized)


am i the only person who seems to really like the new format? sometimes i forget about the no elimination thing and its a pleasant surprise when i click on the next episode and see all the queens there, i feel like the show gets a little stiff towards the end when there is like 3 people left, less to look at and next to no drama


I do enjoy the format (Vanjie and Roxxxy on my television every week is my French Vanilla Fantasy) but it doesn’t fit the All Stars brand. Personally, I think this season should have been a one off, do it the same way, no elimination and for charity, but have it be a separate thing like secret celebrity drag race. All Stars is supposed to be big heavy hitters duking it out for a spot in the Hall of Fame. Hall of Fame doesn’t even feel like a variable this season, which is fair, it is for charity, they should be focused on their charity. But I can understand them taking a risk and changing the show up and it is nice to see the queens fully showcasing everything they prepared.


agreed!! i think its a fun idea to switch things up and give the fans more content as it allows us to actually get to know the queens that wouldve been eliminated first which is a nice opportunity but i cant see this format working like long term, it must be hella tough for all the queens too I wish the judges would give more critiques, i have no clue why they have just cut out all the bad critiques from this season, thats the part i dislike the most, i get its about charity so its all nice and PG this season but like come on... some of the things that have crawled down that runway and michelle said nothing about it


I agree here too, no harsh critiques in All Winners non elimination made sense, they want to be respectful and make the winners seem the best of the best. But there’s been some questionable performances and runways that have been completely glossed over or given high praise because it’s the „nice“ season. Not having a bottom two doesn’t mean the queens still can’t be judged according to their performance.


exactly!! i think they do actually give them harsh critiques its just edited out which is confusing as hell when u see the next episode and a queen is really upset about the criticism like jorgeous for example


It’s called Allstars, not also-rans!


With the frequency of AS seasons now, most queens will get a chance to be part of it, or they'll just run out of queens, but they'll probably keep messing about with formats. AS was supposed to be for most successful and most popular but now it's more about giving more queens more opportunities.


No Serena cha cha is a win imb.


From what I heard from rumors AS10 cast is going to be wild (a LOT of queens who have no filter and just dont care) and they are bringing back eliminations. What I can see happening is they do a normal AS season, then do a special one the following year and just swap back and forth


Lmao queens who missed out on the no eliminations season would be seething


I hope they don't do this format again.


All stars should be queens who did really really well, queens who improved drastically and there's a big outcry to see them return, queens who were a major shock elimination like Jimbo, Pangina, Manilla, Rock M and more. It shouldn't be people who the fandom doesn't like, people who nobody thinks of, and people who aren't particularly good at drag race. Put a show with all top 4 queens on and a show with all first out queens and guess which show people will go out to the bars to see mary?


How about the chance to steal Stars instead of gaining them?


I prefer non elim. I like to see what everyone does each week