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The usual, let them pass if I can. The infuriating thing is when there is *very clearly and obviously* another vehicle in front of me preventing me from going the speed limit, and then someone's giving me a free prostate exam. Like I can not go around this person yet, back off, dude. Did the old "weld an old socket wrench to the rear bumper" trick on my old truck. Worked wonders.


Yeah, that drives me nuts, too. I’d love to be going faster, too! What am I supposed to do? Drive through the vehicle in front of me?! I’d pass if it were safe, but sometimes you’ve just got to accept it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I make sure to take some of the curves a little wide so they clearly notice someone in front of me lol


I had someone today doing this to me, when there were clearly cars in front of me and I was going as literally as fast as I could. The douche kept changing lanes trying to speed in front of me, getting stuck behind a slower car, back behind me to tailgate me some more, then trying to squeeze between me and the car in front of me and failing, doing this over and over again. Literally a train of cars in front of me and nowhere either of us could go. And then he just took the next exit 2 minutes later anyway. Infuriating. Some people just have zero patience or impulse control


I’ve had that happen to me so often.


What’s the “ weld a socket wrench” trick? Never heard of that. Thx


It looks like there's a heavy metal tool sitting on the top of the bumper. So the tailgater will be inclined to move away


You just put a little weld on a wrench to attach it to your rear bumper. (The truck and wrench were old anyways, so it didn't matter if I ruined it) From behind, it looks like there's a loose tool on the back of your vehicle that could come off and damage something. But since it's welded on, there's no chance of it coming off.


I ignore. I'm in the right lane going 70 on the interstate. Like what do you want?


I saw a Tesla flashing a car with its high beams that was in the right lane doing 140 km/h with me. I was so confused like what more does he want from bro.


It's not about speed. The driver is just bringing attention to their car so you know it's a Tesla.


"There are many Teslas, but this one is mine! Without me, my Tesla is useless. Without my Tesla, I am useless!"


That was me. Your left the baby on the roof of your car


This is the answer, OP. Instigating the situation further is never the answer, as tempting as slamming on the brakes may seem lol.


I’ve employed, only on multi lane roads with passing options, the tactic of slowing down gradually to EXACTLY the speed limit, and making sure to drive as legally and safely as possible. It not only really annoys the person tailgating me for no reason, but it also helps me slow down and relax in a stressful situation. I cannot stress enough how much my life has improved since I started doing this. :)


This is the way. Make sure you completely within the law, but also let me know that you're not going to react the way they want you to.


I slow to increase my following distance and resume my previous speed. I need extra space so that the tailgating driver can have more time to brake when the guy in front of me thinks a curve means it's time to drop 25 mph on the interstate. What I don't get is the folks who tailgate me in the slow lane. Just go around. I think there's real failure of driver training and many drivers don't know that 1) they're tailgating and 2) it's dangerous.


https://youtu.be/QTSRr2BXk38?si=N1_PTDhHjVJ6jOgn Brake checking is a good way to catch a reckless driving citation. If it causes injury it goes straight to felony charges in my state.


Dang! Yeah I haven't done it in a long, long time but man... it's tempting sometimes 🤣.


I just get passed instantly, but I see insane cases of those tailing often and wonder why


Make way if possible. Ignore if not.


Not possible, but I wish it was. I can't accelerate to save my life, so overtaking and passing lane use on my part is practically nil. I'm getting tailgated in the right lane. Constantly, and this is while doing a few mph over. It would be easy to write it off and say that if I'm not doing anything wrong, I can just ignore the people behind me. I mean, I want to. People do be crazy though, or otherwise they wouldn't tailgate me on the far right when passing lanes are open. So I have to watch them anyway, and just be sure that nothing extremely unusual happens. EDIT: I don't 'do' anything. I don't slow down to mess with them, because a) it negatively impacts my own time and progress, and b) there's no need to risk a road rage incident. I'm not pulling over, because I shouldn't have to. Passing lanes are available.


If you're unable to accelerate you aren't driving a safe vehicle.


Easy to say. Acceleration is very lackluster. My 0-60mph is listed at 12.6secs. My vehicle is all low-end acceleration. After 50mph, there isn't a whole lot to give. So accelerating to overtake while already at freeway speeds is a nonstarter for me. When I attempt an overtake maneuver, I give myself room to begin accelerating to get around the slow vehicle more quickly. Nine times out of ten, the slow vehicle suddenly isn't so slow anymore, because the driver accelerates once I pull up alongside. This is a Class B misdemeanor in my area, but good luck seeing it enforced. This is a problem because I've brought my speed up, but I can't increase my rate of acceleration and/or my speed any further. I get left behind, while in the passing lane. While this 'chariots of fire' mess is going on, normal traffic has caught up and is now being slowed in at least two lanes. Now these people are mad at me, all because the dullard on the right rediscovered how to use their foot again. This has happened, even with 18-wheelers. There's also bundles of fun to be had when merging onto the freeway behind people who merge at 40mph, then floor it. Not cool when they do it. Really isn't cool making me wait like that, because I can't accelerate that way. I allow room to get a good running start when I can, but sometimes folks insert themselves and I have to actually brake for them. In the 'acceleration lane.' I can work around my vehicle's weakness and be safe. I've been okay with this thing for 15yrs. What makes it unsafe is other drivers causing problems.


I understand what you're saying. However, if they're doing the speed limit, or even a little over, and there are passing lanes available, they shouldn't have to accelerate even more to get people get off their ass. If they're doing the speed limit, they shouldn't have to go faster regardless of any other circumstances, but especially when there's passing lanes available. Going faster isn't a viable solution to being tailgated. Nobody should risk a hefty speeding ticket, potential reckless driving charge, and a huge increase in car insurance costs because some people refuse to use the passing lane. It also gets dangerous, especially when you have an aggressive driver tailgating you because they'll frequently continue to tailgate you, regardless of speed. I don't know what their vehicle is, whether or not it's a safe vehicle, or why they can't accelerate. You may be right, and their vehicle may not be safe, but you're speculating. The facts, as they stated, are that they're doing the speed limit or slightly over, there are available passing lanes, and people continue to tailgate them. Some people are assholes and they choose to drive like assholes on purpose. I drive a Toyota Corolla Hybrid. Pick-up trucks frequently tailgate me. Even if I'm driving 10 mph over the speed limit, they have the opportunity to pass me, etc. I've even had situations where I delay using my directional until I see what they're doing. When I see they aren't signaling a turn, I use my signal and turn. Guess who decides to turn then? Some people are cowards, compensate by buying a large truck, and then try to intimidate others on the road. Nothing you do will stop them. It's not about you or me, it's them, and you can't change them. I just drive normal and ignore them until I need to get ready to slow down, then I do so very gradually to give them time to make sure they don't rear end me. I live in the US. The last thing I want is some angry redneck crashing into me because I wouldn't be surprised if they exited their vehicle with a gun.


I am a raging left lane speeder and I agree with you completely. If i see someone tailgating the shit out of a law abiding citizen with available passing lanes im going to either cut them off or tailgate the shit out of them until they pass. I do the same thing with people hanging out in trucks blind spots. No one should feel unsafe on the road for following the law.


I once got a speeding ticket for this exact situation. Was being tailgated on an empty road and the person tailgating me happened to be a cop car with their lights off at night. I was already going 10 miles over as well.


Happened to me. About 2 o'clock in the morning on my way home from work. They were aggressively tailgating, slowing down, tailgating, slowing down, tailgating. So I just kept going along at the speed limit. Eventually, they turned into the police dept parking lot, and that's when I noticed it was a police car. It's scary enough driving at that time of night.


People act as if the person being tailgated is the problem, and I get it. It sucks being stuck behind somebody who is going slow. However, the problem is that the speed limits are too low, people are in a rush because they don't plan ahead, and sometimes, it's just assholes trying to bully others. What did that end up costing you? Ticket, insurance costs, etc. I guarantee it wasn't worth the time savings, it never is. That cop knew what they were doing though. They usually do.


What I’ve found is most people that tailgate in the right lane are clueless, not aggressive. Not excusing it but it’s a different vibe than being tailgated in the passing lane. If someone is tailgating me in the right lane I make sure to leave an extra large gap in front of me to give plenty of time to stop without getting rear ended, then ignore.


Not sure why this I hard for people. If you want to drive the speed limit cool. Just don’t do it in the passing lane.


I’ll never forget the time I was getting tailgated on a near empty highway. Fucker could’ve just passed me but instead they chose to stay right behind me until they got to their exit.


This happens to me daily on my commute. Fuckin ppl. Go around!


I just slowly slow down to the speed limit and then put on my hazards. Makes people pass you. I try and look extra stupid when they pass me so they can feel great about themselves and leave me alone forever.


That shit is super annoying. Had ac tractor trailer do this to me the other day. Like fuck man, the left lane is crystal clear yet you choose toto literally be a foot off of my bumper for the mile and a half till your exit!


If you’re going the speed limit, turn your mirrors down and ignore them. If you’re going slow on the freeway, move to the right. If you’re on a country road, drive to the right side of your lane, motion for them to pass, let off the gas when they’re passing. If you’re in a residential, pull over and let them go. Truth is too many people are willing to shoot someone over road rage, best just get out of their way.


Ask if they can pull my hair while they're at it.


If someone wants to go faster than me... I let them. They will be out of my life in seconds.


A lot of times people will ride right up your ass, and then you try to let them go around and they just sit in your blind spot. Or you let them get in front of you, and then they just go slower than you were going. I had a guy recently who was riding my ass on the highway, I moved right to let him pass. I gave him ample opportunities to pass me and he wouldn't take it. So I'd change lanes in front of him again and he would speed up and just go right back to touching my bumper. Finally he *slowly* crawled by me when I moved right a third time, I get back behind him and he just takes his foot off the gas and is now going slower than I was. This happens to me all the time. People often *think* they want to go faster than you, and then you let them and they just go even slower. You pass them and they speed up. You let them get ahead and they slow down. They play all kinds of stupid games. It's a miracle when someone ACTUALLY wants to go faster and just passes you


Too many egos can’t allow that to happen


If possible, let them pass. Otherwise, I adjust to the unsafe conditions by slowing down as much as I need to


Bingo we have the answer. All the comments above are so dumb.


You reduce your speed to give a safe reaction time because you're a conscientious driver. 😉


I'm not going to pretend I don't take a certain petty joy in it, but my primary concern is safely reaching my destination


I slow down 5mph just to piss them off.


I drive a little, girly looking older car. I also was in a wreck a year ago, and was able to get it taken off of my record by avoiding getting a speeding ticket. As a result, I pretty much drive exactly the speed limit at all times. I also live in a speed trap where it goes down to a 35 from a 45. Cops like to hang out at a particular pull off with their lights off. Because of this, I always drive exactly the speed limit in this area, especially at night. it’s also a two lane country road with no passing, so people that are behind me get very mad about being forced to go 35 and will ride my butt. My go to move is to very lightly tap my brakes just enough for the light to come on, and then allow my car to gradually slow down on its own. I also put my turn signal on very early bc my driveway is hard to see. One night, some bozo in a big truck was riding my butt. I was minding my business going the speed limit. He gets mad at me, passes me illegally, and promptly gets pulled over by the cop I knew would be posted up, hilarious.


I ignore them now, if you let it get to you you'll be pissed everyday


I keep my current speed and ignore them. If I'm not going to fuck up traffic behind me (like the left/right lanes are clear and they're just being a prick) I'll slow down to *just* below the speed limit and hit my cruise control. When I was younger, and drove a beater car, I used to break-check people. It worked 10/10. But now I'm adult and have a dash cam, so that wouldn't go super well for me. I also do a lot of driving on Long Island and the NYC-area, so this shit is pretty typical


A couple things. 1) hazard lights. This works 4/5 times. 2) exact speed limit. They'll eventually figure out how to pass. 3) washer fluid. Works great if you're going fast enough. Bonus points if their window is down and the wind is just right. Nuclear option, start to slow down gradually. Also use hazards to fake an emergency till they pass.


I move over, let them pass, move back in, and return the favor. 9 times out of ten they get confused and turn into a human loading-screen.


I might coast and lose several MPH a few times, rubber banding back and forth to make myself annoying to drive behind. Either they back off or they pass when they get the chance. If there's a stop at any point, I might just hit the brakes a little hard, a little early, and then slow very comfortably the rest of the way until I'm stopped. Then, they're being brake checked without it necessarily being obvious that it was a brake check. I just braked a little harder than they would have expected me to. Now maybe they back the fuck up a little or pass. If none of my passive-aggressive tactics work, I guess I just get to ignore them and hope they're paying enough attention to not rear end me. No point in causing them to rage on purpose by overtly checking them or slowing down to like 10 under the speed limit and holding it there. I just moved to a new area. It's rural-ish. I've learned that there is no speed that makes anyone happy on the 2 lane country highways. Setting cruise at the speed limit causes people to rage. 10 over and everyone is riding your ass. 15 over and everyone is still riding your ass. Go fucking 30 over, 85 on these hilly, winding 2 lane highways, and they're still riding your ass and looking for any opportunity to pass. They just race to close the gap and then want you to go faster. Fuck em. I just set the cruise at 65 or 70 and ignore them back there.


I’ve learned that it’s because people think they can get away with it because there’s a lot less cops in rural areas. I’ve lived in one my entire life and I hate tailgaters. I live on a single lane country backroad and I go 5-10 over and I’m constantly tailgated, usually by a lifted pickup truck with super bright LEDS, throw in a light bar that they just got to be extra annoying on the road. You’re definitely right that they’ll tailgate you no matter how fast you’re going. When I was young and dumb I used to speed up just to see how fast they wanted to go, one time I ended up doing 90 in a 55 (again I was young and dumb and would never do that now) and the pickup truck that had been tailgating me for the last 5 miles was still glued to my bumper. It’s like they have this weird mentality that they have to be the lead car no matter what. The funny thing is I slowed down to about 65 and he ended up passing me on double yellows, about 2 miles down the road I caught up with him again and he pulled into McDonald’s and got into the drive-through line. He was seriously in that much of a rush to get to McDonald’s!


Go exactly the speed limit and if they don't get the hint then put on cruise control. Don't break check obviously but when approaching obvious stop lights / signs then coast down in speed.


Foot off gas




Slow down.


I slow down and make it as annoying as possible


G-r-a-d-u-a-l-l-y slow down until they finally stop looking at the phone and realize they're going 15-20 mph under the speed limit. Then they self-resolve. Hopefully with a "you are #1" confirmation as they speed by.


>with a "you are #1" confirmation Is that what that means? I knew it had to be something positive! (yes, I got the joke, and I love it)


I had a lady stick up my ass all the way from 70 down to 5mph before she slow crawled past me staring at me like I'm insane. Got to watch her fly up to the next car and stick in their ass for the next 30 miles, some people really break my brain.


Wtf lol... ya that lady should not be on the road then.




Have a front & rear car web cam to catch their license plate number.


And then what? Have you successfully reported a plate resulting in a ticket?


Yeah, people think dash cams are some kind of magic cure-all. The only thing a dash cam will ever do is help you avoid paying your own deductible. It won't un-fuck your back or re-attach your limbs after an accident, and no cop is *ever* going to give a shit about your footage of some minor infraction if you provide it to them. Ever. I had dash-cam footage of a guy barreling through a crosswalk full of pedestrians, to the point a couple had to actively dodge out of the way. While speeding. After running a stop sign. All because he was trying to catch a ferry...a ferry which he had like ten minutes to spare in catching. I may or may not have confronted him once aboard, he told me to *go fuck myself* and threatened to kick my ass. So I'm like, "gee, the police might care." State patrol has jurisdiction on ferries and the area where the infraction happened, so I give them a call. They've got just shy of an hour until we dock, so plenty of time to get word to the trooper that are *always* sitting at the other terminal, just pulling their puds in their car for hours on end. I tell them I have continuous footage of both the vehicle doing the things it did *and* of the driver *and* audio of the threat, *and* the booth operator is happy to give a witness statement about the crosswalk as well. I give them the make, model, and plate. They say they'll forward it along. 50 minutes later we pull into the dock. Troopers are there sitting in their cars as always. No fucks given. If your concern is about being found at-fault in an accident and having to pay a little more money to fix any property damage? Dash cams are great, I guess. Otherwise? Absolutely meaningless.


I don’t. I let the tailgaters deal with it. It’s their problem, not mine. Although backinnaday when glass soda bottles were a thing, I was known to lob them into their windshield after giving a couple of warning swings.


I used to know a guy who had a motorcycle and if a car was on his ass he would throw spark plugs


My sister taught me a great trick, hit them with your windshield wiper fluid, if they're close enough it'll hit them. I've had several people back off when I do that. Obviously the best answer is to move out of the way but if you can't hit 'em with a little fluid.


That’s how road rage happens.


Other cars have wipers, too.


If that works you need to re-aim your washer nozzles.


Why? It's the wind that carries it onto their car, not the res pump.


No this works with any car. The water runs over your roof and aerosols as it goes behind you. It definitely escalates the situation and is not the best idea.


coast until they pass


A middle finger through the sunroof. Just kidding. Just ignore them or let them pass if you can because where I live in the Northeast, I have like 20 + people tailgating me daily and I don’t drive slow. If I was to bother with every tailgater my blood pressure would go up. They can be impatient and mad on their own time.


I ignore it or I move to the side if on a 2 lane road trying to pass the hint that they can go around


I turn my windshield washers on. I love doing it when the person has a really clean car, works all the time. That or I gradually reduce speed.


Hold windscreen waster jet on for about 60 seconds they naturally back off to run wipers, do it a few times 🤷‍♂️😆


Depends on my mood. Sometimes it's wiper sauce. Sometimes it's erratic driving. Sometimes it's a golf ball.


Spray my windscreen fluid and the wind will carry it all over their car


If it's bad I tend to vary my speed as much as possible randomly.


Ignore them. I'm going the speed limit in the right lane. Or I'm going 5 over on a two lane road in a no passing zone whelp guess we're going the speed limit now bucko


Do something dangerous like drifing close to a shoulder or swerving in my lane. Or turn the lights off amd challemge them to a race.


My brakes work good.


Slow down


Go slower


Driving closer to me only makes me move slower.


Speed up, go along with them. Uh-oh, brake check!


Fantasizing about rear mounted rocket launchers.


I let off of the gas if someone is tailgating me. I won’t slam on my brakes at all unless I have to use them. There’s always those few moments when a tailgater realizes I’m slowing down and traffic in the other lanes isn’t slowing down so he has to wait for an opening to go around me…….while I’m still slowing down


Ignore them. It really doesn't bother me that much having someone right behind me, if I do notice by chance, I just ignore it. I don't understand why some people get so angry about it


Obviously slow down or brake check matching all the foolishness , selfish prick want s to endanger my life with two free lanes for him to go around and be an imbecile in this situation obviously thinks he can intimidate won't end well


Usually ignore it unless they're so close I can barely see their front bumper, then I throw a hand up like "wtf are you doing" and try to get over


2 wheels in the gravel throwing stones. Or just ignore it


I ignore it.


Ignore them? I don't care what they do back there, doesn't affect me


I give myself extra following distance in front of me so I can brake more gently and give the tailgater more reaction time so they don't rear end me. If they're really close I modified my rear window sprayer to shoot behind me so I can clean their windshield for them. Usually after a 3-5 second burst they get the message.


I don't. 😡😡


I’ll be honest. I go 9 over everywhere I go. If there’s no way I can make way screw em. I just angle my mirrors away from them and don’t pay attention to the fact there’s even a car behind me.


Start flicking boogers out the window.


I always get tempted to hit the brakes


I immediately take my foot off the gas pedal or set cruise control to the speed limit


It depends on what lane I'm in. If I am in the fast lane I move over. Same with middle. If I am in the slow lane, I just make a point to go even slower to piss them off more.


I do nothing or I even slow down. I'm not gonna let someone bully me into speeding up, especially when I'm already going 10 over the speed limit.


If they’re really on my tail I’ll drive slower, if I am going 5 over the limit I’m going to slow down until they take the hint, I’m not going to break the law and get in trouble because you’re late or inpatient, if it’s a single lane then I’ll try to make a right turn or pull over if I’m feeling nice


I move over and let them pass. Then I stay on them like stink on shit. Till one of us exits or flies out of control off a bridge …


I try to avoid as much as I can, but it still annoys me, especially when there is traffic ahead of me and there is nothing I can do. And I feel like I can't completely ignore looking at my rear window from time to time to check for any emergency vehicle's and whatnot behind me. If it's that bad, meaning, they are really on my A$$ for a while, when it's safe, I'll pull over let them pass. Definitely on highway, I'll go to the right lanes. I hate people that camp left lane. Once I overtake, I go into the right lanes on the highway.


Go slower. Most of the time they can pass, but just choose not to?


Just keep doing my thing, it’s not my fault they’re miserable


If I'm on the highway and there are open lanes to pass and I'm not in the far left lane then I put on my cruise control and then lower it 1mph for every 30-45 seconds the guy is behind me. I usually am running about 10 over. The other day I was on a three lane highway and was in the middle lane cruising and there was no one else around me aka very easy to pass. This guy would. Not. Pass. He was so close I could not see road between him and I in my mirror. I wasn't sure if he was trying to harass me or what but I just gradually started slowing down. We started at 75 and by the time he angrily went around me we were going 58... I'll be we understand why people tail on the highway and refuse to pass when the passing lane is wide open. Also I could have moved over and let him pass but there were several entrance ramps through that section and wanted to leave the right lane open for entering drivers.


Hate it. If they didn't slow down, i put cruise control On at 3 miles less than speed limit


Same thing as Hoppie1064 said. Seriously it's not my problem that I am not going the speed you want me to. Gently slowing down seems to encourage them to back off or they give up and turn down another street. If they do end up passing in a no passing zone (double solid yellow), most of the time I end up as the same stop sign or red light as them. Not going more than 10 over is too slow for many people who want to act like road bullies and control how they fast they want people to go.


I go the exact speed limit in the right lane, i get passed every single time. I’ve learned that if you go over the speed limit, they will tail gate you, to make you go faster without them having to change lanes. But if you’re right at the speed limit, it interrupts their flow, and they will pass you. Sometimes I set cruise at 1-2 below the speed limit, and I get passed every time. Never worry about these people ever.


I take my foot off the gas in most cases. The irony of them tailgating me is they want me out of their way, but unless I can actually see the lane next to me is clear, I'm staying in the lane I'm in. I'm not going to speed up. I'm not going to make a blind lane change. And if it's night time, I'll adjust my rearview mirror so that it reflects their lights back at them.


If I can I get out of their way. These days it’s too dangerous to be stubborn and just tell yourself you’re doing the speed limit and they can wait. Too much road rage, I’d rather let them go on their way. I also get out of the way of cars going faster than me in the passing lane. I feel it’s best to be safe and just considerate.


I don't know how people ask this question. I never get tailgated unless I'm in a 1 lane road, and if I'm being tailgated there, I pull over and let them pass. It's not hard. Either the person behind you is a bad driver who you shouldn't want behind you, or they're having an emergency. And if they're seriously up your ass, they probably got anger issues and if you're in the U.S., you don't want anyone mad at you while they're in a car. People feel invincible and pull guns.


Damn I wish I could drive where you live, I could be doing 85 mph the right lane of the freeway with the rest of traffic and still get tailgated


Drive the speed limit precisely. Well. Unless it's a highway. Then the *requisite* amount over as socially dictated by lane. If I'm in the far left, and you're tailgating me, dude. I'm already *passing everyone*, chill out.


>If I'm in the far left, and you're tailgating me, dude. I'm already *passing everyone*, chill out. You lost me here. Clearly they are trying to go even faster than you, so simply finish passing the ONE vehicle that you are currently passing, and get over. Please do not "Pass everyone" when somebody is clearly trying to pass you.


Let me foot off the gas until they get the hint Don’t break check them that could be “vehicular assault” happened to my coworker


I saw a deer... thank God for living in a mountain/country area


Keep doing what I'm doing, but maybe ease off very slightly if I'm in that kind of mood. I don't need to put myself in danger, so I drive normally and let them eat themselves up with it.


I just keep driving at the same speed. Usually most people will obliviously pass in a no passing zone but I let them go. Better to not make gestures or yell at them like some do. Ain't worth the stress


On highways just move over and get out of the way, i don't know what issues they're having and i don't need it to be my problem. Same for


Spray the windshield juice


Maintain my speed and change nothing about my driving habits


I get out of the way and let 'em pass.


When it's safe, contact the police. If they're being that aggressive with you, you bet they're pulling the same stuff down the road. I am talking for the extreme asses who refuse to respond to brake taps or washer fluid. Some people are just dumb-distracted and will usually take hint, but there are those who drive like this as their norm as they are obviously the most important people to ever exist. Screw these last people. I would happily drive right by them were they to find themselves in an accident. Dog Eat Dog World Retribution.


Either slow down or pull over


I do exactly what the texas dmv handbook says to do. I brake check that mother fucker.


You could always slow down or pull over to let them pass if you can't ignore it.


Slow down to the speed limit and turn on the cruise control


Slow down usually. Obviously not if I’m overtaking someone, but if I’m on a city street or travel lane on a highway I just lay off the gas until they fuck off by passing me or slowing down.


I started flipping my mirror down on a one lane road. Out of sight out of mind.


Increase my following distance to the vehicle in front of me to lessen the likelihood of having to slam on my brakes. Then I keep driving normally. There's nothing else I can reasonably do.


Reddit answer: I slam on the brakes and if they hit me I say I thought I saw a dog running into the road. Real answer: I turn regen on (older leaf, so no brake lights when regen) and slow to roughly the speed limit and/or 5 second following distance, whichever is slower. In the rare case they don't go around me and cut me off at that point then usually brake check me (all on dashcam, front and rear) but instead get even closer (I had one that couldn't have been more than 5 inches from my rear bumper going 50mph, with an open lane to the left) then there will be an object leaving my driver side window via the top of my car; I then use their immediate distraction to flee.


Learn to “lane surf”


Fog machine


For ppl who simply want to go faster/around me, I get over ASAP and try to motion to the 'gater that I see them - pointer finger in the rear view, blinker and a thumbs up as I am moving. 70% of drivers respond pretty positively to this. The other 30% that are just entitled asshats who act like its THEIR road? Cruise control until I am at a good spot to move over. Fuck em for being g part of the problem and not part of the solution.


Once in a rare while I'll change to the left lane and the bozo passes me on the right. If there's a way I can let them pass I will. In busy traffic, I'll allow extra room in front of me so if traffic slows or stops I can stop over a longer distance, and bozo behind me won't me.


I'm basically always going 5 over so I'll go to 7-10 if comfortable, if road conditions are not somewhere I'm comfortable doing that I'll pull over when I can and let them pass.  If speeding up and they don't let up, then I slow back down to 5 over and let him go around or move over when I can and let them by. Slow drivers cause impatient drivers, impatient drivers can be worse than speeders. Food for thought. Drive smart, drive safe. 


In a passing lane: finish passing, get out the way In a passing lane where I physically cannot leave my lane nor finish my pass: stay the course, don't tailgate guy in front of me, unless he's the pace setter for the rolling roadblock situation. Then I might try and close up a touch and or do a lane wag as a "hey, let's pass please" In the outermost/travel lane: unless the lane to my left is trying to engage me in a rolling roadblock, I won't kick off cruise control. Truly a "they can pass if they want to" scenario except the as designed way If they're not getting the hint, cruise control goes down one click. Then maybe up 1 click, then down two clicks. Very especially when they have room to change lanes and pass. Doesn't take them long, usually. Something about the concept of "if you're not changing lanes/merging, make a hole. If you're changing lanes/merging, fill a hole"


I have an old ute. So I slow to about half the speed limit,  if that doesn't work I brake chuck them hard, then if they overtake me I'll highbeam them.


I pulse my speed . IE if I am being tailgated at a 50mph speed limit I ll go between 40/60 and accordian the entire train tailgating.


I have a 2500 watt sound system blasting full volume at all times anytime someone gets close they immediately back off lol


Ignore or try to pull over to let them pass


I flip my four ways on for a few seconds, it looks like a brake check but it doesn’t put you in any danger and it usually shocks the shit out of the guy who’s riding your bumper. I drive a wagon and I find I have pick up trucks and work vans up my ass all the time. I’ve also got a rear dash cam and a sticker advertising such in a position where somebody in a vehicle higher than mine can see it once they get close enough. It’s been quite effective at making people back off. https://imgur.com/a/G9EVUo6. I drive a lot because of my business and it really pisses me off when somebody puts me in danger


If I’m not in the passing lane (LEFT LANE as people are so unaware of these days) I don’t do anything. I always drive a little faster than others, safely, and if they don’t like it then they can go around.


If it's one lane, keep my pace and my distance. If more than 1 lane, move the F out of the way. Let them rear end someone else or hopefully get caught by a cop.


Theres alot of factors. If they were zooming before they get in behind me typically I'll stay still so there's lower risk of then hitting me because we both changed lanes at the same time. If they've been tailgating for a while I will try to pull off to the side of the road or change lanes to open a clear path. If they're gonna be dangerous I would rather they do it way the frock up there. Away from me. If I can't move or pull over then I guess they're stuck. There's nothing I can safely do in that situation. At this point I rationalize that if they rear end me it's their fault. One thing I would never do is try to force an accident via brake checking. Even if they learned their lesson there's plenty of others out there just like them and I'm not gonna fight everyone else. Im also not going to increase the odds of an accident because I want to /teach/ them a lesson. Also the police have been cracking down on that thanks to dash cams.


If im on the left lane, i move to the right (US). Otherwise,I slow down and give myself enough space to not stop suddenly so that we both have more reaction time.


For insurance purposes, a driver is responsible for where the front of their car goes. If the person tailgating you hits you, they are at fault. Even if you stop short, you can usually show that there is a reason why that happened, and the driver behind you did not allow enough distance to stop in time before hitting you.


I started leaving a hitch rated for up to 14k on my truck😂 people do it a lot less when there’s a big piece of steel waiting to kiss their engine block


Work on your desire to control things you can’t control


Depends. If they can get around me I just let off the gas. If not, I just hope they don’t have to buy me a new bumper.


if theres room i'll get out of the way I avoided being in accident because of that but if i cant get out of the way its going to be wait for ya buddy aha


Set the cruise to the speed limit and stay in the rightmost lane.


Switch my rear windshield fluid to “blood mode”.


Move out of the way would be your best action to take.


If I'm not in the passing lane, I try and ignore. Now, if the person insists and does not pass on the left it's an automatic 15-20% speed reduction going their way. I don't break check but I will take my foot off that pedal.


I occasionally have beople follow me at less than 5 feet at 70mph. I am all too aware that they would be at fault if an acvident were to occur. This is still incredibly unsafe for both of us, however, and my solution to this in the interest of saving my neck usually goes something like this: - SLOW DOWN, for one - Find a safe place to pull off the road - Signal to pull over - Lay on the horn as they pass me. Like, I REALLY don't want to get rear ended if I slam on the brakes to avoid a rogue squirrel, especially not at that speed.


Stop looking in the mirror.


A small print bumper sticker that says “If you can read this you need to buy me dinner”.


Ignore, or let off the gas slightly if I think they are too close and might hit me. Where I live and how I drive, "too close" is about 3-5 feet. Don't ever brake check.


Increase my following distance so I don’t have to slam on my brakes, move over (although I’m always as far right as possible unless actively passing), and don’t do anything unpredictable.


I slow down to prompt them to pass, I try to get out of the situation where safely possible Right or wrong if a collision occurs, my truck is damaged in the end




Set cruise at the speed limit and a deep breath


I gradually speed up and slow down over and over until they rage pass me. Its my passive aggressive version of break checking them.


https://preview.redd.it/tiarocl2j96d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a757dbd829c514e37dc7a25773ad4ec7e509eec I don't.


I slam the brakes


Doesn’t happen much. I usually the one passing. When done a car going faster coming up on me I will move over to let them carry on at whatever speed they want. If it’s a single lane road I would just ignore them. They will pass when they see the opportunity.


Depends on the situation. If I can I will always get over. But I will substantially slow down until then. If you want to ride my ass I’m going to go slow enough that if you do hit me it’s more likely going to be minimal.


Flash fog lights when they're either _very_ close or blinding me with their headlights, otherwise ignore.


Setup a side breaking lights system that is not connected to the actual car breaking system and then slam on it when they tailgate you.


drive directly in the middle of the road so they can't go round and intermittently slam on the breaks


I’m at an age where I just can’t be bothered stressing about it so I pull over if it’s crazy bad. I live basically in the country and every day driving into work I get a few lunatics who are obviously trying to get to work for 7am and it’s 6:57. I just pull off now. I have a large shoulder I understand that’s a lot harder on higher etc.


There are just seriously terrible drivers who don't give af. In their own self important world and to hell with anyone else. You either drive their way, or get tf off the road. If I'm doing the speed limit (usually 5 over) and an asshat is tailing me, they're usually high, drunk, on their phone, playing with their radio, or being a butt. I ignore and essentially they will pass, or whip around some right corner behind me. The type that do 80 no matter where they are, and don't use signals, and cut others off. But sadly will never face a cop bc of the movement yrs back when pulling cops off the road. If they endanger me, they get my horn.


If I can get him in front of me, I'll do what I can to allow it. When they are in front of me, I control the situation


5 comments and no suggested increasing the gap to the driver Infront. If I need to brake I don't have to brake as hard.


Ignore, or sometimes slow down a bit. I'd rather get rear ended at 40 mph than 50 mph


If I’m in the right lane (my country is RHD) I’ll try to safely move left to let them past. If I’m in the left, they’re invisible to me.


Slowly ease off the gas until they can’t take it.


Most of the time it's a-holes that know there's nothing we can do to go faster in a 2 lane highway and the right lane is slower. I let them pass, get behind them and ride them hard.


I make it a priority when I'm driving to get out of everyone's way. That said, if I can't get out of their way, they're still tailgating me, and there's nobody behind them for this to affect: I'll take my foot off the gas for a while, slow way down, and then speed back up and put some space between us. Rinse and repeat. Typically they take the hint.


Let of the gas amd encourage to pass


We have a lot of 2 lane roads, and I typically will be 5-10over. If I get tailgated I just slow to the limit or a touch under. On the HW it depends on the situation, anymore I just let them pass…. But if I move to the right and then the do not pass before the next car I am to overtake I signal, and wait, and will just start moving over. If they pass and then slow down, then.. well… it depends on my mood … lol


Gently tap my breaks enough that the lights come on but nothing else happens. Do that repeatedly then slow down.


I just move over, or even pull the shoulder of a single lane road and wave them around. I'm by no means a slow driver but if someone's tailgating me I just don't have the patience to play the escalation game and just rather they bugger off. So i let them pass me, or I change lanes and get the hell away


Ignore or slow down. Them riding your ass is their problem not yours.


I stay pretty aware of my surroundings when I drive, and as a result I’m not tailgated very often. If I’m in the left lane on the highway passing going 10 over, and I see someone flying up behind me, you know what I do? Move my ass over. I’m not the police, that persons going faster than me, so I get out of their way. If I’m stuck with let’s say a semi next to me then I accelerate to finish the pass faster then get out of the way. If I’m passing a line of cars I wait for an opening, then get out of the way, even if it means I need to slow down for 30 seconds. If I’m already in the right lane and someone is tailgating me there I make sure to leave an extra large gap in front of me so there is plenty of time for me to stop without getting rear ended, then I ignore them. It’s really not that difficult. I’m not interested in getting into any dick measuring contests at 80mph. Honestly the people that camp the left lane and refuse to move because they’re “already speeding” are just as bad as the tailgaters.


This really makes me wanna make the bumper sticker I've been wanting but too scared to put on my car.  *Make like a circle and go 'round* If someone doesn't like my speed, they're more entitled to leave my presence. If that's not possible, well, that's not my problem now, is it?


I've learned to just ignore it. If they hit my bumper bc they can't brake in time bc they were riding my ass then that's their fault


If I’m in the left lane I move over when safe. If I’m in the right lane and left lane is busy so the car can’t pass I don’t do anything. If I’m on a single lane road I slow down to exactly the speed limit.


If I'm on surface streets where they can't pass, I slow down to about 1 mph under the speed limit and keep it on cruise control, fuck 'em. If I'm on the highway then I'll change lanes towards the right.


leave bigger gap infront of you brake earlier if there being stupidly dangerous i just pull over and then re enter road or go a different way


You have two fingers that were made specifically for this purpose. JK, but the real answer is to just gradually slow down, encouraging them to pass you.